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Der Begriff Beschäftigungsfähigkeit bzw. 'Employability' bezeichnet die Fähigkeit einer Person, eine Beschäftigung zu finden und in Beschäftigung zu bleiben. In der arbeitsmarkt- und bildungspolitischen Diskussion wird Beschäftigungsfähigkeit mittlerweile als zentrale Zielgröße arbeitsmarktpolitischer Strategien, betrieblicher Personalpolitik und individueller Qualifikationsprofile betrachtet.

Diese Infoplattform zeichnet die Debatte um Herstellung und Erhalt von Beschäftigungsfähigkeit anhand ausgewählter Literatur- und Forschungsprojektnachweise nach. Sie zeigt auf, welche persönlichen Kompetenzen und institutionellen Bedingungen Beschäftigungsfähigkeit konstituieren, wie sie gemessen werden kann, welche Zielgruppen dabei im Fokus stehen und welche Konzepte, Instrumente und Maßnahmen zu ihrer Förderung eingesetzt werden.

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    Learning Goal Orientation and the Development of Perceived Employability of Young Workers (2024)

    Grosemans, Ilke; Houben, Ellen; Kyndt, Eva; De Cuyper, Nele;


    Grosemans, Ilke, Ellen Houben, Eva Kyndt & Nele De Cuyper (2024): Learning Goal Orientation and the Development of Perceived Employability of Young Workers. In: Journal of Personnel Psychology, Jg. 23, H. 2, S. 59-70. DOI:10.1027/1866-5888/a000328


    "The current study probes the relation between learning and employability. First, we investigated the relationship between younger workers' work-domain learning goal orientation and perceived employability and its development over time. This portrays an agentic view: Effort is expected to open up new opportunities. Second, we explored whether agency is equally strong for everyone by investigating whether having a higher education degree associated with this relationship. Latent growth analyses (N = 792) demonstrated that work-domain learning goal orientation of younger workers only affected the initial value of perceived employability and only for workers without higher education degree. Furthermore, perceived employability of respondents without (vs. with) higher education degree started lower, but they seem to catch up over a 1-year period." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Hogrefe Verlag) ((en))

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    Perceived employability of skilled migrants: a systematic review and future research agenda (2023)

    Farashah, Ali ; Guo, Grace Chun; Al Ariss, Akram; Blomquist, Tomas;


    Farashah, Ali, Tomas Blomquist, Akram Al Ariss & Grace Chun Guo (2023): Perceived employability of skilled migrants: a systematic review and future research agenda. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 34, H. 3, S. 478-528. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2022.2099226


    "This review examines the perceived employability of skilled migrants (SMs) through an analysis of 88 management and organisational research articles published over 2009-2019 period. We find the extant literature characterised by context-specific studies featuring considerable variety in terms of levels of analysis, theory, and content. Using the notion of perceived employability, key themes in the literature are identified and presented in an integrative framework. The framework encompasses individual, organisational, occupational, and institutional components of the perceived employability of SMs, different forms of work transition and associated mediators (broadening strategies) and moderators (transition conditions). Proposing adoption of process thinking for future research, suggestions regarding the interaction of individual and contextual components of perceived employability and the mediation and moderation mechanisms in the process of work transition are outlined." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The impact of COVID-19 on young people's employability: the potential of sport-based interventions as non-formal education (2023)

    Morgan, Haydn ; Bush, Anthony; Bowles, Harry ;


    Morgan, Haydn, Harry Bowles & Anthony Bush (2023): The impact of COVID-19 on young people's employability: the potential of sport-based interventions as non-formal education. In: Journal of education and work, Jg. 36, H. 7-8, S. 608-622. DOI:10.1080/13639080.2023.2292137


    "The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affected young people in relation to their mental health, educational provision, and social development, impacting their employment prospects and future prosperity. In response, the United Kingdom government implemented a range of formal policy solutions to address issues around youth employability. However, studies are yet to examine how non-formal or alternative educational approaches, such as sport and physical activity interventions, can be used intentionally to enhance employability and tackle the youth employment challenges brought about by the pandemic. This article draws upon interviews with 20 organizations working within the sport and youth employability sector to provide insight into employment issues that have been created or exacerbated by COVID-19 and outlines how sport-based interventions might help to address these challenges. Findings demonstrate that the intentional use of sport and physical activity offers an attractive means to (re-)engage young people with employability programs and support their preparedness for work, especially those furthest from an employment destination. The article also highlights how sport-based interventions can generate broader social impact, to address young people’s social and emotional difficulties, rebuild their confidence, and re-connect them with formal systems of education and training that many had become dislocated from during the pandemic." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Jockeying for position: university students' employability constructions (2023)

    Niska, Miira ;


    Niska, Miira (2023): Jockeying for position: university students' employability constructions. In: Journal of education and work, Jg. 36, H. 4, S. 284-298. DOI:10.1080/13639080.2023.2197643


    "As governments and international organisations have pressured universities to demonstrate the value and effectiveness of tertiary education, universities have started to highlight graduate employability as a key driver and measure of university outcomes. This paper contributes to the underutilised processual employability studies by applying the framework of critical discursive psychology to analyse university students' employability construction. Following this framework, employability is something students do rather than something they have. The empirical study was based on interviews of Finnish students of social science. Analysis of the interviews demonstrated notable variation in the ways in which university students talk about their employability. While some students constructed their employability by positioning themselves as traditional bureaucrats, others constructed their employability by positioning themselves as entrepreneurial agents. Nevertheless, the central point is that some students related ambiguously to both positions and tried to manage the ideological dilemma between stability and security of the bureaucrat position, and variability and risk of the entrepreneurial position. The study calls for better understanding of ways in which students and graduates deal with the dilemmatic nature and requirements of the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    “There's always someone else to blame”: a comparison of the political discourse surrounding “vocational maturity” in Germany and “employability” in the UK (2023)

    Pilz, Matthias ; Zenner-Höffkes, Lea;


    Pilz, Matthias & Lea Zenner-Höffkes (2023): “There's always someone else to blame”: a comparison of the political discourse surrounding “vocational maturity” in Germany and “employability” in the UK. In: Journal of vocational education and training online erschienen am 27.06.2023, S. 1-29. DOI:10.1080/13636820.2023.2229796


    "There is considerable international interest in transitions from school to work. This article approaches the issue as part of the debate around ‘vocational maturity’ (Ausbildungsreife) in Germany and ‘employability’ in the United Kingdom. Vocational education and training systems in these two countries differ significantly, so the article takes a historical approach to analysing and comparing the discourse used, focusing primarily on which training policy actors make which arguments about Ausbildungsreife or employability under which social, economic and training conditions. Specifically, it uses trade union, employer association and government documents from the period 1977 to 2018, evaluating them using the heuristic tools of interpretative models to create an understanding of Ausbildungsreife and employability, phenomenological structure and narrative structure. The findings demonstrate differences over time in the way individual actors structure their arguments and major divergences between the discourse in the two countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Kompetenzfeststellungsverfahren in der Arbeitsvermittlung: Eine qualitative Evaluation des Kompetenztests 'MYSKILLS' (2023)

    Promberger, Markus; Boost, Marie ; Hartosch, Katja; Kawalec, Sandra;


    Promberger, Markus, Marie Boost, Katja Hartosch & Sandra Kawalec (2023): Kompetenzfeststellungsverfahren in der Arbeitsvermittlung: Eine qualitative Evaluation des Kompetenztests 'MYSKILLS'. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 17/2023), Nürnberg, 42 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FB.2317


    "In Deutschland ist die Bedeutung berufsfachlicher Arbeitsmärkte, die durch formale Zertifikate strukturiert werden, ausgesprochen hoch. Dies zeigt sich etwa bei den qualifikationsspezifischen Arbeitslosenquoten. Formal geringqualifizierte Personen sind mit Abstand am häufigsten von Arbeitslosigkeit betroffen (Röttger et al. 2020). Personen mit Migrationserfahrung und ohne offizielle Zertifizierung ihrer beruflichen Kompetenzen sind dabei strukturell besonders benachteiligt und überdurchschnittlich häufig von Arbeitslosigkeit betroffen (Grundig/Pohl 2006). Ein fehlender formaler Nachweis beruflicher Kompetenzen bedeutet jedoch nicht zwingend, dass solche nicht vorhanden sind. Denn diese könnten durchaus in sogenannten non-formalen oder informellen Settings erworben worden sein. Diese Settings sind vielfältig und können neben Arbeitsplätzen auch Freizeitaktivitäten, ehrenamtliche Tätigkeiten oder nicht erwerbsmäßige Care-Arbeit umfassen. An dieser Stelle setzen sogenannte Kompetenzfeststellungsverfahren an: Sie sollen vorhandene Kompetenzen jenseits formaler Qualifizierungswege erfassen und zu deren verbesserter Anerkennung beitragen. Politisch wird die Etablierung entsprechender Verfahren auch durch die Europäische Union (EU) vorangetrieben. Sie sollen unter anderem die individuelle Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und die Durchlässigkeit von institutionalisierten Zugangsbarrieren zu beruflichen Feldern erhöhen. Angesichts zunehmender Migrationsbewegungen, des demografischen Wandels, des in einigen Segmenten erkennbaren Fachkräftemangels und des wirtschaftlichen Strukturwandels wird diesen Verfahren eine wachsende Relevanz zugeschrieben." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    The impact of physical fitness, social life, and cognitive functions on work ability in middle-aged and older adults (2023)

    Rieker, Jennifer A. ; Reales, José Manuel ; Getzmann, Stephan ; Wascher, Edmund; Ballesteros, Soledad ; Hengstler, Jan G.; Gajewski, Patrick D. ; Golka, Klaus ;


    Rieker, Jennifer A., Patrick D. Gajewski, José Manuel Reales, Soledad Ballesteros, Klaus Golka, Jan G. Hengstler, Edmund Wascher & Stephan Getzmann (2023): The impact of physical fitness, social life, and cognitive functions on work ability in middle-aged and older adults. In: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Jg. 96, H. 4, S. 507-520. DOI:10.1007/s00420-022-01943-8


    "Demographic changes encompass societies to maintain the work ability (WA) of aging workforces. The present study explored the relationship between modifiable lifestyle factors, cognitive functions, and their influence on WA, using a multi-group structural equation approach." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Measuring Employment Readiness for Hard-to-Place Individuals (2023)

    Tranberg Bodilsen, Simon; Rosholm, Michael ; Nielsen, Søren Albeck;


    Tranberg Bodilsen, Simon, Søren Albeck Nielsen & Michael Rosholm (2023): Measuring Employment Readiness for Hard-to-Place Individuals. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16626), Bonn, 37 S.


    "In an era characterized by population aging and economic challenges in welfare states across the world, sustaining these welfare systems requires a large workforce. Many individuals outside the labor market aspire to work but encounter a labyrinth of obstacles. While Public Employment Services employ Active Labor Market Policies, their effectiveness for this group remains uncertain. This study introduces the Employment Readiness Indicator Questionnaire (ERIQ), transcending traditional employment categories by assessing individuals' progress toward employment and measuring employment readiness for those labeled "hard-to-place". Integrating socially vulnerable clients into the labor market remains an unsolved challenge. ERIQ demonstrates impressive predictive abilities and points towards actionable recommendations by identifying malleable traits, such as social skills, coping strategies, goal orientation, and self-efficacy, that significantly impact employment readiness. ERIQ emerges as a valuable resource for policymakers and practitioners, advancing the goal of promoting labor market participation for socially vulnerable individuals." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Microcredentials for labour market education and training: Microcredentials and evolving qualifications systems (2023)


    European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (2023): Microcredentials for labour market education and training. Microcredentials and evolving qualifications systems. (CEDEFOP working paper series / European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training), Thessaloniki, 156 S. DOI:10.2801/566352


    "This study examines the emerging relationship between microcredentials and qualification systems. Information gathered through an online survey among European VET providers, national authorities, employee and employer organisations was complemented by in-depth country case studies and interviews with Cedefop’s ReferNet network. Questions of whether and how microcredentials should be related to established qualification systems are at an early stage of consideration in most countries; the focus is on better defining and standardising their role within national qualifications systems. Existing trends towards modularisation and the recognition of prior learning provide potential avenues for realising the benefits of microcredentials in terms of flexibility and responsiveness, while also ensuring their quality for learners and employers. There is still significant debate over how to deal with microcredentials, and how to avoid potential negative effects, such as encouraging a shift away from holistic education towards short-duration learning based around reduced skill sets. Microcredentials are a complex phenomenon, particularly with regard to their relationship to qualifications. In recent years, there has been an acceleration in the availability and use of microcredentials in the labour market, raising questions about their relationship to VET and to qualification systems. The proliferation of microcredentials of different types across various sectors, occupations, education sectors and levels and countries, along with variations between countries in the nature of qualification systems – which are undergoing change – make this a complex landscape to research and analyse. To date there has been a lack of data at EU level informing decision-making in this area. This report aims to be a first step towards filling some key gaps in the knowledge around these topics, addressing three main research questions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability (2023)


    OECD (2023): Micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability. (OECD Education Policy Perspectives 66), Paris, 44 S. DOI:10.1787/9c4b7b68-en


    "The Council of the European Union (EU) adopted a proposal for a Council Recommendation on a European Approach to Micro-credentials for Lifelong Learning and Employability in June 2022 (Council of the European Union, 2022[1]). It recommends a list of measures that EU Member States could consider implementing to support the development of a micro-credential ecosystem and deliver on their potential to support lifelong learning and employability. EU Member States are invited to implement the Council Recommendation and inform the Commission of planned national measures by December 2023. Governments in other regions, particularly Asia-Pacific and North America, are taking similar steps to develop a policy infrastructure for micro-credentials. The OECD launched a Micro-credential Implementation Project in August 2022 to assist countries in their efforts to develop national measures. With financial support from the EU, it aims to i) strengthen the evidence base on the current and near-term potential of micro-credentials and related challenges and ii) outline practical approaches and steps that countries can take to deliver on that potential and address challenges. This paper is the first of two planned project publications, aiming to strengthen the evidence base on the potential of micro-credentials. Taking into account the evidence already developed by different bodies with respect to micro-credential innovation (including OECD's recent papers "Micro-credential Innovations in Higher Education (OECD, 2021[2])" and "Quality and Value of Micro-credentials in Higher Education (OECD, 2021[3])"), it principally focuses on the areas where evidence is still limited, namely whether micro-credentials can contribute to: a) enhancing employability, labour market participation and outcomes among completers; b) widening pathways from upper secondary, including vocational education and training (VET), to higher education and improving completion of higher education; and c) promoting social inclusion among disadvantaged learners and workers. This paper will be followed by a second paper that outlines practical approaches and steps that countries can take to deliver on the potential of micro-credentials. The second paper is envisioned to be published towards the end of 2023 and will include a set of implementation and monitoring indicators that countries can use to facilitate national discussions and case studies from the four EU Member States that participate in the project, namely Finland, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Spain." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A Personality-Based Measure of Employability (2022)

    Boudreaux, Michael J. ; Ferrell, Brandon T.; Sherman, Ryne A.; Hundley, Nathan A.;


    Boudreaux, Michael J., Brandon T. Ferrell, Nathan A. Hundley & Ryne A. Sherman (2022): A Personality-Based Measure of Employability. In: Journal of Personnel Psychology, Jg. 21, H. 1, S. 11-22. DOI:10.1027/1866-5888/a000283


    "Hogan et al. (2013) proposed a personality-based model of employability that describes individual differences in (1) being rewarding to deal with, (2) being able to learn the job, and (3) being willing to work hard. In this study, we evaluated the model by selecting subscales from the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI; Hogan & Hogan, 2007) that best predicted supervisor ratings of competencies related to these three constructs. The psychometric properties of those scales were examined in independent samples. Results indicated that the scales converged with similar scales from other instruments, covaried in meaningful ways with observer descriptions, and predicted supervisor ratings of job performance. The measure – which is 64% shorter than the full HPI – includes personality characteristics applicable to most jobs across multiple job families that can be used to identify successful candidates." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Hogrefe Verlag) ((en))

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    System and Life-Course Perspectives on Capability to Work and Capability Through Work (2022)

    Dellve, Lotta; Jonsson, Robin; Bengtsson, Mattias; Flisbäck, Marita;


    Dellve, Lotta, Robin Jonsson, Marita Flisbäck & Mattias Bengtsson (2022): System and Life-Course Perspectives on Capability to Work and Capability Through Work. In: H. F. Erhag, U. L. Nilsson, T. R. Sterner & I. Skoog (Hrsg.) (2022): ¬A¬ Multidisciplinary Approach to Capability in Age and Ageing, S. 207-219. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-78063-0_15


    "The capability approach is relevant to gaining a conceptual understanding of individuals’ abilities and motivation to work and to explore the potential consequences that various working conditions have for people when they reach old age. Here, the capability concept is complemented with system theory to understand the multi-component key resources for capability to work among older workers, and also the conversion factors – capability through work – at individual, micro, meso, macro and chrono-levels. The theoretical approach is exemplified by studies from the interdisciplinary field of work sciences. The chapter describes central working-life conditions, conversion factors for crafting capability to work and examples of patterns of interactions between capability to work and capability through work. To support practical applications, we suggest important conversion factors and patterns of interaction between capability to work and capability through working-life resources. In sum, having a reasonable degree of control and influence (freedom of choice) at work and opportunities to make individual deals and adjustments that match one’s values, abilities, competence and experience are important for individual preference of a long working life. This requires an organisation that focuses on the value of work and promotes a general learning climate through broad participation." (Author's abstract, © Springer) ((en))

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    Employability and training: public attitudes, the labour market and vocational training policies (2022)

    Mizrahi, Shlomo; Natan Krup, Dana;


    Mizrahi, Shlomo & Dana Natan Krup (2022): Employability and training: public attitudes, the labour market and vocational training policies. In: Journal of vocational education and training online erschienen am 23.05.2022, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1080/13636820.2022.2078401


    "One of the main challenges in modern labour markets is to improve the mobility and employability of workers among workplaces, jobs and roles. This paper explores the factors that might influence people’s beliefs about and attitudes towards the mechanisms for improving employability through training. We develop a research model and test it in Israel using surveys that were distributed at two points in time – before and during an acute crisis in the labour market – the Covid-19 pandemic. Perceptions about personal mobility and employability and prior educational experience play a major role in explaining citizens’ attitudes towards training. Beliefs about the effectiveness of government training providers as well as employment security are relatively marginal in explaining the demand for training. Policy implications follow." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employability of job applicants in skilful jobs: commonality in employer and employee perspectives (2022)

    Murrar, Abdullah ; Balmakhtar, Marouane ; Batra, Madan ; Paz, Veronica ; Asfour, Bara ;


    Murrar, Abdullah, Madan Batra, Veronica Paz, Bara Asfour & Marouane Balmakhtar (2022): Employability of job applicants in skilful jobs: commonality in employer and employee perspectives. In: International Journal of Manpower, Jg. 43, H. 6, S. 1285-1300. DOI:10.1108/IJM-10-2020-0454


    "Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explore the employer and employee perspectives about the employability skills of skilful jobs. The research is conducted in a developing country (Palestine) which has a high percentage of university graduates, high unemployment rate and intense job competition. This paper defines skilful jobs as those that require employees who have attended a college or university and have completed a two-year diploma or a four-year degree. Design/methodology/approach: This research integrates the components of discussion with local experts in the skilled labour market, primary data from employers (N = 415) and primary data from employees (N = 880). Binary logistic regression is used to measure the relationship between the dependent variable (likelihood of hire or not hire) and independent variables (job applicants' hard and soft skills). Findings: The results from both employer and employee data revealed that the previous work experience, computer skills, professional certifications and high grade point average have significant impact on hiring and recruitment in the skilful jobs. In addition to these, the employers seek applicants who have communication skills. However, the employees consider personal relationship with employers to be a highly significant factor in accepting job offers. Practical implications To increase their likelihood of obtaining a skilful job, and then sustaining it, the job seekers should hone their soft skills and acquire professional certifications. The universities should adapt their curriculum to match these skills and move their focus from disciplinary knowledge to competencies. The public policy makers should design awareness and capacity building programmes that will facilitate the recent graduates' integration into the labour market. The empirical model in this study shows that previous work experience is the most important recruitment factor for employers – accordingly, creating internships and apprenticeship opportunities would be its clear policy implication. Originality/value: The study contributes to the literature by providing a parsimonious employability model of skilful jobs, which fits as much as possible the perspectives of the employers and employees about the employability skills in a developing country." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    Learning to keep the faith? Further education and perceived employability among young unemployed (2022)

    Mühlböck, Monika ; Kittel, Bernhard ; Steiber, Nadia ;


    Mühlböck, Monika, Nadia Steiber & Bernhard Kittel (2022): Learning to keep the faith? Further education and perceived employability among young unemployed. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, Jg. 43, H. 2, S. 705-725. DOI:10.1177/0143831X20944211


    "To keep up job search motivation and maintain re-employment chances, it is important that unemployed individuals do not stop believing in their ability to (re)gain satisfying employment. This article examines whether further education during unemployment has a positive effect on perceived employability (i.e. the subjective assessment of one?s chances to obtain the desired job), based on a panel survey of unemployed young adults in Austria. The article finds that educational activities - either on own initiative or as part of an active labor market program - indeed help to sustain or even increase perceived employability. However, only for long-term programs do the effects persist beyond the duration of the activity. This study thus identifies substantial psychological side effects of active labor market policies involving further education, which could be used to increase actual employability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Dementia, Work and Employability: Using the Capability Approach to Understand the Employability Potential for People Living with Dementia (2022)

    Ritchie, Louise ; Cook, Mandy; Tolson, Debbie; Danson, Michael; Stavert, Jill; Egdell, Valerie ;


    Ritchie, Louise, Valerie Egdell, Michael Danson, Mandy Cook, Jill Stavert & Debbie Tolson (2022): Dementia, Work and Employability: Using the Capability Approach to Understand the Employability Potential for People Living with Dementia. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 36, H. 4, S. 591-609. DOI:10.1177/0950017020961929


    "The importance of remaining in, or re-entering, the labour market is emphasised by governments internationally. While this may bring benefits, progressive disabilities such as dementia affect an individual’s employability. Although employers have legal obligations to support employees with disabilities, research suggests that employers are not providing this support to employees living with dementia and are undermining their capabilities. Drawing on interview data from 38 key informants collected over two studies, we explore the potential for supporting and promoting the employability of people living with dementia. A model of sustainable employability based on the Capability Approach is used as a lens to explore this issue. The findings demonstrate the implications of progressive disabilities for employability when the worker and their family are faced with dealing with a disability in a period of uncertainty with a lack of public and workplace understanding." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Teilhabechancengesetz: Wie das IAB die Perspektive der Geförderten ergründet: (Interview mit Sebastian Hülle und Claudia Wenzig) (2022)

    Schludi, Martin; Wenzig, Claudia; Hülle, Sebastian ;


    Schludi, Martin, Claudia Wenzig & Sebastian Hülle; Claudia Wenzig & Sebastian Hülle (sonst. bet. Pers.) (2022): Teilhabechancengesetz: Wie das IAB die Perspektive der Geförderten ergründet. (Interview mit Sebastian Hülle und Claudia Wenzig). In: IAB-Forum H. 29.06.2022 Nürnberg, 2022-06-27. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20220629.01


    "Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und soziale Teilhabe von Langzeitarbeitslosen durch die Etablierung eines sozialen Arbeitsmarktes zu stärken – das ist Ziel des 2019 in Kraft getretenen Teilhabechancengesetzes. Im Zentrum stehen eine intensive Beratung und individuelle Betreuung der Geförderten sowie umfangreiche Lohnkostenzuschüsse für deren Arbeitgeber. Durch die Längsschnittbefragung „Lebensqualität und Teilhabe“ versucht das IAB herauszufinden, ob diese Hilfen die Situation der Geförderten auch tatsächlich verbessern. Welche Schwierigkeiten und Herausforderungen mit der Durchführung der Befragung verbunden sind, erläutern Sebastian Hülle und Claudia Wenzig im Interview für das IAB-Forum." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Berufliche Übergänge und Employability von First-in-Family Hochschulabsolvent*innen: Ein systematischer Literature Review zu Reproduktionsmechanismen sozialer Ungleichheit (2022)

    Zach, Lisa;


    Zach, Lisa (2022): Berufliche Übergänge und Employability von First-in-Family Hochschulabsolvent*innen. Ein systematischer Literature Review zu Reproduktionsmechanismen sozialer Ungleichheit. (BestMasters), Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, 111 S.


    "In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat die Debatte um einen gerechteren Zugang zu höherer Bildung zunehmend Beachtung erfahren. Es wird angenommen, dass eine stärkere universitäre Bildungsbeteiligung von Studierenden, deren Eltern keinen Hochschulabschluss besitzen (First-in-Family Studierende), sich positiv auf deren beruflichen Werdegang nach Studienabschluss auswirkt. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht auf Basis eines systematischen Literature Reviews, wie sich der berufliche Übergang von First-in-Family Hochschulabsolvent*innen gestaltet, und welche ungleichheitsbedingenden Mechanismen aufgrund der sozialen Herkunft dabei wirkmächtig werden können. Zudem wird auf die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit von Hochschulabsolvent*innen sowie deren Bedeutung beim Übergang in den Arbeitsmarkt eingegangen. Auf der Grundlage von 60 deutschsprachigen und 114 englischsprachigen Publikationen, überwiegend aus dem Vereinigten Königreich, Australien, den USA und Deutschland, werden ein umfassender Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung gegeben sowie Maßnahmen hinsichtlich der Reduktion sozialer Ungleichheit und der Förderung von Employability vorgestellt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer)

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    Employable as We Age? A Systematic Review of Relationships Between Age Conceptualizations and Employability (2021)

    De Lange, Annet H.; Dikkers, Josje; Van der Heijden, Beatrice; van Vuuren, Tinka; De Lange, Christiane; Furunes, Trude;


    De Lange, Annet H., Beatrice Van der Heijden, Tinka van Vuuren, Trude Furunes, Christiane De Lange & Josje Dikkers (2021): Employable as We Age? A Systematic Review of Relationships Between Age Conceptualizations and Employability. In: Frontiers in psychology, Jg. 11. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.605684


    "This systematic review aimed to provide an overview of earlier research on the relationships between age conceptualizations (i.e., calendar age, organizational age, lifespan age, psychosocial age, and functional age) and indicators of employability. We have conducted a systematic literature search using PsycINFO, Academic Search Premier, Business Source Complete, CINAHL, ERIC, MEDLINE, and Science Direct. Two raters evaluated the articles and subsequently distinguished k = 41 studies that met the inclusion criteria for this systematic review. Our review revealed that many researchers adopted different operationalizations to measure employability (15 studies were based on an input- or competence-based measure of employability, 23 studies included an output- or labor market-based measure of employability, and three studies included a combination of both measures). Moreover, most studies included calendar age (40 studies, 97.6%) as indicator of aging at work, and were based on a cross-sectional design (34 studies, 82.9%; 17.1% a longitudinal design). Based on the Standardized Index of Convergence (SIC) method, different types of evidence were found for the relationships between age and the employability measures. For relationships between psychosocial age and lifespan age, on the one hand, and employability measures, on the other hand, too few studies were found to draw conclusions. Yet, for relationships between calendar age and labor market-based measures strong consistent negative relationships were found across the studies, and moderately strong positive relationships were found for functional age and labor market- based measures. For organizational age and both competence-based as well as labor market-based measures moderately strong negative relationships were found. We discuss the implications of these results and propose a research agenda for future studies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Unequal worker exposure to establishment deaths (2021)

    Macartney, Hugh; Nielsen, Eric; Rodriguez, Viviana;


    Macartney, Hugh, Eric Nielsen & Viviana Rodriguez (2021): Unequal worker exposure to establishment deaths. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 73. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2021.102073


    "It is well understood that adverse economic shocks affect workers nonuniformly. We explore a new channel through which unequal employment outcomes may emerge during a downturn: displacement through the extensive margin of establishment deaths. Intuitively, workers who are concentrated in less resilient establishments prior to an economic decline will be disproportionately affected by its onset. Using rich administrative employment and establishment data for the United States, we show that Black workers bore the brunt of the Great Recession in terms of within-industry employment changes arising from establishment deaths. This finding has important implications for the evolution of worker disparities during future downturns." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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