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Seit Inkrafttreten des Mindestlohngesetzes am 1. Januar 2015 gilt ein allgemeingültiger flächendeckender Mindestlohn in Deutschland. Lohnuntergrenzen gibt es in beinahe allen europäischen Staaten und den USA. Die Mindestlohn-Gesetze haben das Ziel, Lohn-Dumping, also die nicht verhältnismäßige Bezahlung von Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern, zu verhindern.
Diese Infoplattform dokumentiert die Diskussion rund um die Einführung des flächendeckenden Mindestlohns in Deutschland und die Ergebnisse empirischer Forschung der letzten Jahre zu flächendeckenden und branchenspezifischen Mindestlöhnen.

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    Minimum wages, wage dispersion and financial constraints in firms (2024)

    Arabzadeh, Hamzeh; Gehrke, Britta; Balleer, Almut; Taskin, Ahmet Ali ;


    Arabzadeh, Hamzeh, Almut Balleer, Britta Gehrke & Ahmet Ali Taskin (2024): Minimum wages, wage dispersion and financial constraints in firms. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 163, 2024-01-14. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2024.104678


    "This paper studies how minimum wages affect the wage distribution if firms face financial constraints. Using German employer-employee data and firm balance sheets, we document that the within-firm wage dispersion decreases more with higher minimum wages when firms are financially constrained. We introduce financial frictions into a search and matching labor market model with stochastic job matching, imperfect information, and endogenous effort. In line with the empirical literature, the model predicts that a higher minimum wage reduces hirings and separations. Firms become more selective such that their employment and wage dispersion fall. If effort increases strongly, firms may increase employment at the expense of higher wage dispersion. Financially constrained firms are more selective and reward effort less. As a result, within-firm wage dispersion and employment in these firms fall more with the minimum wage." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Gehrke, Britta; Taskin, Ahmet Ali ;
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    Federal minimum wage expansion to homecare workers: Employment and income effects (2024)

    Dao, Ngoc;


    Dao, Ngoc (2024): Federal minimum wage expansion to homecare workers: Employment and income effects. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 87. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2024.102511


    "The rapid growth of the home care industry coincides with increases in the proportion of the population over 65 years of age and more likely to need assistance with basic daily activities due to illness or disability. Yet, the growth in home care use has been accompanied by concerns about the quality of the care provided. Higher wages and better legal protection might improve the quality of home health care services. This study examines the 2013 Home Care Rule promulgated by the Department of Labor, which added home care workers to the groups covered under the federal minimum wage with minimum hourly and overtime rates. The results show large effects (7–9 %) on part-time employment increase, small effects on work hour reduction (by 2–4 %), and nonnegative effect on overall employment level following the expansion. Despite the decline in hours worked, there is no negative impact on earnings among homecare workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Monopsony Power, Offshoring, and a European Minimum Wage (2024)

    Egger, Hartmut ; Wrona, Jens; Kreickemeier, Udo;


    Egger, Hartmut, Udo Kreickemeier & Jens Wrona (2024): Monopsony Power, Offshoring, and a European Minimum Wage. (CESifo working paper 10920), München, 24 S.


    "This paper sets up a two-country model of offshoring with monopolistically competitive product and monopsonistically competitive labor markets. In our model, an incentive for offshoring exists even between symmetric countries, because shifting part of the production abroad reduces local labor demand and allows firms to more strongly execute their monopsonistic labor market power. However, offshoring between symmetric countries has negative welfare effects and therefore calls for policy intervention. In this context, we put forward the role of a common minimum wage and show that the introduction of a moderate minimum wage increases offshoring and reduces welfare. In contrast, a sizable minimum wage reduces offshoring and increases welfare. Beyond that, we also show that a sufficiently high common minimum wage cannot only eliminate offshoring but also inefficiencies in the resource allocation due to monopsonistic labor market distortions in closed economies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    First to $15: Alberta's Minimum Wage Policy on Employment by Wages, Ages, and Places (2024)

    Fossati, Sebastian; Marchand, Joseph ;


    Fossati, Sebastian & Joseph Marchand (2024): First to $15: Alberta's Minimum Wage Policy on Employment by Wages, Ages, and Places. In: ILR review, Jg. 77, H. 1, S. 119-142. DOI:10.1177/00197939231213064


    "Most minimum wage studies are identified on small, plentiful, mostly expected wage changes, spread out over time. A recent set of changes have instead been large, rapid, and unexpected, following the “Fight for $15” movement. Alberta is the first North American province, state, or territory to have this $15 minimum wage, with an unexpectedly large increase (47%) occurring over a short time horizon (3 years). The employment effects of this policy are estimated using a synthetic control approach on Labour Force Survey data. Similar to the existing literature, workers moved up the wage distribution, increment by increment, but with a higher distributional reach. Employment losses occurred at similar elasticities, but with large level changes, mostly among younger workers. Newer to the literature, regional employment losses were found in four of the five non-urban economic regions, but not in Alberta’s two main cities, showing the significance and nuance of regional heterogeneity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mindestlohnerhöhung auf 12 Euro: Nur wenige Betriebe reagierten eigenen Angaben zufolge mit Entlassungen (2024)

    Gürtzgen, Nicole; Vetter, Franka;


    Gürtzgen, Nicole & Franka Vetter (2024): Mindestlohnerhöhung auf 12 Euro: Nur wenige Betriebe reagierten eigenen Angaben zufolge mit Entlassungen. In: IAB-Forum H. 04.04.2024, 2024-04-02. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20240404.01


    "Die bislang deutlichste Erhöhung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf 12 Euro pro Stunde im Oktober 2022 betraf knapp 20 Prozent der Betriebe in Deutschland. Nach Daten der IAB-Stellenerhebung zeigten sich dabei große Unterschiede zwischen den Wirtschaftszweigen, wobei im Gastgewerbe anteilig am meisten, im Baugewerbe am wenigsten Betriebe betroffen waren. Als Reaktion auf die Anhebung des Mindestlohns erhöhten die Betriebe nach eigenen Angaben am häufigsten die Preise von Produkten und Dienstleistungen. Sie stellten außerdem häufiger Investitionen und Neueinstellungen zurück." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gürtzgen, Nicole;
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    Turbulente Zeiten für Betriebe: Ukrainekrieg und 12-Euro-Mindestlohn (2024)

    Hohendanner, Christian; Dütsch, Matthias ; Ohlert, Clemens ;


    Hohendanner, Christian, Clemens Ohlert & Matthias Dütsch (2024): Turbulente Zeiten für Betriebe: Ukrainekrieg und 12-Euro-Mindestlohn. In: Wirtschaftsdienst, Jg. 104, H. 4, S. 258-263., 2024-02-16. DOI:10.2478/wd-2024-0070


    "Das Jahr 2022 war durch außergewöhnliche gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Belastungen geprägt. Der Angriffskrieg Russlands auf die Ukraine führte zu starken energiepolitischen und wirtschaftlichen Verwerfungen, hoher Inflation und der Herausforderung, Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine aufzunehmen. Zugleich wurde im Jahr 2022 der gesetzliche Mindestlohn zweimal deutlich angehoben. Er stieg im Juli von 9,82 Euro auf 10,45 Euro und im Oktober auf 12 Euro pro Stunde. Im Hinblick auf die deutliche Anhebung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns in diesem schwierigen wirtschaftlichen Umfeld stellen sich daher die Fragen, wie viele und welche Betriebe im Jahr 2022 von den Anhebungen des Mindestlohns erfasst wurden, wie stark diese Betriebe zugleich von den Auswirkungen des Ukrainekriegs betroffen waren und vor welchen Herausforderungen sie aktuell stehen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Hohendanner, Christian;
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    The effects of minimum wages on employment and Prices - Evidence from the hairdressing sector (2024)

    Kunaschk, Max;


    Kunaschk, Max (2024): The effects of minimum wages on employment and Prices - Evidence from the hairdressing sector. In: Labour Economics online erschienen am 06.04.2024. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2024.102540


    "This paper provides comprehensive evidence on the labor and product market effects of a high-impact minimum wage introduction in the highly competitive hairdressing sector. Using detailed administrative data, I find negligible overall employment effects, even though the minimum wage substantially increased hourly wages. However, sub-group analyses reveal considerable heterogeneity in the estimated employment effects and suggest shifts away from marginal towards regular employment. Analyses of the price effects suggest that the reform increased output prices considerably, implying that consumers largely paid for the minimum wage." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Elsevier) ((en))

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    Kunaschk, Max;
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    Income assistance programs and population health – The dual impact of minimum wages and the earned income tax credit (2024)

    Lenhart, Otto ; Chakraborty, Kalyan;


    Lenhart, Otto & Kalyan Chakraborty (2024): Income assistance programs and population health – The dual impact of minimum wages and the earned income tax credit. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 234. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2023.111508


    "In this study, we provide new evidence on the interaction of state-level minimum wages and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) laws on several measures of population health. Using data from the National Vital Statistics Reports between 1999 and 2018, we estimate difference-in-differences models to evaluate the dual impact of minimum wages and the EITC on various causes of mortality, such as suicides, motor accidents and assaults. While several researchers have examined the health effects of both these policies separately, few studies have examined the potential interaction effects of these policies. Specifically, while previous work has provided evidence that both minimum wages and the EITC can reduce suicide rates, our study contributes to the literature by showing that the policies have a positive dual impact on population health. We find that a $1 increase in minimum wages reduces death rates due to suicides and assaults by 3.8 percent and 15.2 percent in states with EITC laws, respectively. In contrast, we show that minimum wages do not impact these outcomes in states without state-level EITC laws." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    WSI-Mindestlohnbericht 2024: Reale Zugewinne durch die Umsetzung der Europäischen Mindestlohnrichtlinie (2024)

    Lübker, Malte; Schulten, Thorsten;


    Lübker, Malte & Thorsten Schulten (2024): WSI-Mindestlohnbericht 2024: Reale Zugewinne durch die Umsetzung der Europäischen Mindestlohnrichtlinie. (WSI-Report 93), Düsseldorf, 21 S.


    "In den meisten EU-Staaten kam es zum 1. Januar 2024 zu deutlichen Erhöhungen der Mindestlöhne. Diese reichten trotz anhaltend hoher Inflationsraten in der Mehrzahl der Mitgliedsländer aus, um die Kaufkraft des Mindestlohns zu erhalten oder sogar auszubauen. Begünstigt wurde die Mindestlohndynamik auch durch die im Herbst 2022 verabschiedete Europäische Mindestlohnrichtlinie. Viele Mitgliedsländer streben im Zuge der Umsetzung der EU-Richtlinie an, die dort verankerten Referenzwerte von 60 % des Medianlohns bzw. 50 % des Durchschnittslohns zu erreichen. Anders verlief die Entwicklung in Deutschland: Hier plädierte die Mindestlohnkommission gegen die Stimmen der Gewerkschaften nur für eine geringe Anhebung des Mindestlohns, die hinter die Preisentwicklung zurückfällt." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Internal migration after a uniform minimum wage introduction (2024)

    Moog, Alexander;


    Moog, Alexander (2024): Internal migration after a uniform minimum wage introduction. (arXiv papers 2404.19590), 47 S. DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2404.19590


    "Internal migration is an essential aspect to study labor mobility. I exploit the German statutory minimum wage introduction in 2015 to estimate its push and pull effects on internal migration using a 2% sample of administrative data. In a conditional fixed effects Poisson difference-in-differences framework with a continuous treatment, I find that the minimum wage introduction leads to an increase in the out-migration of low-skilled workers with migrant background by 25% with an increasing tendency over time from districts where a high share of workers are subject to the minimum wage (high-bite districts). In contrast the migration decision of native-born low-skilled workers is not affected by the policy. However, both native-born low-skilled workers and those with a migrant background do relocate across establishments, leaving high-bite districts as their workplace. In addition, I find an increase for unemployed individuals with a migrant background in out-migrating from high-bite districts. These results emphasize the importance of considering the effects on geographical labor mobility when implementing and analyzing policies that affect the determinants of internal migration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Politics of the European Minimum Wage: Overcoming Ideological, Territorial and Institutional Conflicts in the EU Multi-level Arena (2024)

    Natili, Marcello ; Ronchi, Stefano ;


    Natili, Marcello & Stefano Ronchi (2024): The Politics of the European Minimum Wage: Overcoming Ideological, Territorial and Institutional Conflicts in the EU Multi-level Arena. In: Journal of Common Market Studies, Jg. 62, H. 3, S. 725-743. DOI:10.1111/jcms.13526


    "Until recently, the idea of a European minimum wage (EMW) policy had never taken concrete shape, due to the heterogeneity of national wage-setting and collective bargaining institutions, uncertain EU competence on the matter, and widespread scepticism amongst political actors. In 2022, however, the EU adopted a directive on adequate minimum wages. How did this make it to the EU agenda, despite the many political, territorial and institutional tensions? What coalitions supported and opposed it? Based on a reconstruction of the policy process substantiated by an analysis of news media data and 14 interviews, this article investigates the multi-level politics of the EMW. It shows that, despite enduring 'euro-social scepticism' in northern Europe, the emergence of pro-minimum wage coalitions in key member states and the increase of party-competition dynamics at the EU level were crucial in overcoming the lines of conflict that had long hindered EU initiatives on minimum wage co-ordination." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    The effects of minimum wages on (almost) everything? A review of recent evidence on health and related behaviors (2024)

    Neumark, David ;


    Neumark, David (2024): The effects of minimum wages on (almost) everything? A review of recent evidence on health and related behaviors. In: Labour, Jg. 38, H. 1, S. 1-65. DOI:10.1111/labr.12263


    "I review and assess the evidence on minimum wage effects on health outcomes and health‐related behaviors. The evidence on physical health points in conflicting directions, leaning toward adverse effects. Research on effects on diet and obesity sometimes points to beneficial effects, whereas other evidence indicates that higher minimum wages increase smoking and drinking and reduce exercise (and possibly hygiene). In contrast, there is evidence that higher minimum wages reduce suicides, partly consistent with the evidence of positive or mixed effects on other measures of mental health/depression. Overall, policy conclusions that minimum wages improve health are unwarranted or at least premature." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Minimum Wage Effects on Gender Gaps in Working Hours and Earnings in Germany (2024)

    Ohlert, Clemens ;


    Ohlert, Clemens (2024): Minimum Wage Effects on Gender Gaps in Working Hours and Earnings in Germany. (ECINEQ working paper series / Society for the Study of Economic Inequality 2024-663), Verona, 26 S.


    "This paper investigates whether the introduction of a statutory minimum wage in Germany has led to a reduction in gender gaps in hourly wages, working hours and monthly earnings. Using the 2014 Structure of Earnings Survey and the 2015 Earnings Survey, a difference-in-differences approach was applied at the establishment level. The results show a reduction of the gender pay gap in establishments of up to 3.6 percentage points due to the introduction of the minimum wage. While the effects on hourly wages of women and men in low-wage jobs were the same on average, women are more often affected by the minimum wage and therefore benefit more often from it. The gender time gap in establishments decreased by about 2.4 percentage points on average and by about 3.9 percentage points among low wage workers. The minimum wage led to a reduction in the average gender gap in gross monthly earnings in establishments of up to 6.1 percentage points and by up to 4.6 percentage points among low-wage employees." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimum Wage Effects on Human Capital Accumulation: Evidence from Canadian Data (2023)

    Alessandrini, Diana; Milla, Joniada;


    Alessandrini, Diana & Joniada Milla (2023): Minimum Wage Effects on Human Capital Accumulation: Evidence from Canadian Data. In: Journal of Human Capital online erschienen am 04.10.2023. DOI:10.1086/728084


    "We investigate the impact of the minimum wage on individuals’ post-secondary schooling decisions. Using Canadian longitudinal data, we explore 136 minimum wage amendments and find three novel results. First, the minimum wage affects both thequantity and type of human capital acquired by students. A 10% increase in the minimum wage increases community-college enrollment by 6.2% but reduces University enrollment by 6.5%. Second, high minimum wages widen the university participation gap between individuals with different levels of parental education. Finally, Minimum wage hikes encourage workers who recently separated from their job to return to post-secondary education as mature students" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimum Wage and Skills - Evidence from Job Vacancy Data (2023)

    Andrieu, Elodie; Kuczera, Malgorzata;


    Andrieu, Elodie & Malgorzata Kuczera (2023): Minimum Wage and Skills - Evidence from Job Vacancy Data. (TPI working papers / The Productivity Institute 034), Manchester, 62 S.


    "Low-wage occupations tend to be populated by workers with low levels of education. An increase in the minimum wage, while designed to protect workers in the lower part of the wage distribution, might result in unintended consequences for those same workers. In this paper, we study firms’ reaction to higher minimum wages, exploiting a change to the minimum-wage policy in the UK in 2016. We document how an increase in the minimum wage affects the labour hiring for different education and technical skill levels of workers. The results show that an increase in the minimum wage compressed both the demand for low educated workers and the demand for workers with low levels of technical skills (tech workers) for graduates in low and middle skilled occupations. Using a difference-in-differences framework, we find that a large and unexpected change to the minimum wage led to a 11 percentage point decrease in the proportion of non-graduate vacancies and a 15 percentage point decline in the share of low-tech ads. There is evidence for labour-labour substitution at the low-end of the skill distribution and labour-technology substitution for more educated workers as a way to compensate for labour costs increases." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimum Wages, Wage Dispersion and Financial Constraints in Firms (2023)

    Arabzadeh, Hamzeh; Balleer, Almut; Gehrke, Britta; Taskin, Ahmet Ali ;


    Arabzadeh, Hamzeh, Almut Balleer, Britta Gehrke & Ahmet Ali Taskin (2023): Minimum Wages, Wage Dispersion and Financial Constraints in Firms. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16455), Bonn, 56 S.


    "This paper studies how minimum wages affect the wage distribution if firms face financial constraints. Using German employer-employee data and firm balance sheets, we document that the within-firm wage dispersion decreases more with higher minimum wages when firms are financially constrained. We introduce financial frictions into a search and matching labor market model with stochastic job matching, imperfect information, and endogenous effort. In line with the empirical literature, the model predicts that a higher minimum wage reduces hirings and separations. Firms become more selective such that their employment and wage dispersion fall. If effort increases strongly, firms may increase employment at the expense of higher wage dispersion. Financially constrained firms are more selective and reward effort less. As a result, within-firm wage dispersion and employment in these firms fall more with the minimum wage." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gehrke, Britta; Taskin, Ahmet Ali ;
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    Can a federal minimum wage alleviate poverty and income inequality? Ex-post and simulation evidence from Germany (2023)

    Backhaus, Teresa ; Müller, Kai-Uwe;


    Backhaus, Teresa & Kai-Uwe Müller (2023): Can a federal minimum wage alleviate poverty and income inequality? Ex-post and simulation evidence from Germany. In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 33, H. 2, S. 216-232. DOI:10.1177/09589287221144233


    "Minimum wages are increasingly discussed as an instrument against (in-work) poverty and income inequality in Europe. Just recently the German government opted for a substantial ad-hoc increase of the minimum-wage level to €12 per hour mentioning poverty prevention as an explicit goal. We use the introduction of the federal minimum wage in Germany in 2015 to study its redistributive impact on disposable household incomes. Based on the German Socio-Economic Panel we analyse changes in poverty and income inequality investigating different mechanisms of the transmission from individual gross wage-rates to disposable household incomes. We find that the minimum wage is an inadequate tool for income redistribution because it does not target poor households. Individuals affected by the minimum wage are not primarily in households at the bottom of the income distribution but are spread across it. Consequently, welfare dependence decreases only marginally. The withdrawal of transfers or employment effects cannot explain the limited effect on poverty. Complementary simulations show that neither full compliance nor a markedly higher level of €12 per hour can render the minimum wage more effective in reducing poverty." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Aktuelle Entwicklungen bei der Verteilung der Arbeitseinkommen und Kompetenzen (Podium) (2023)

    Bellmann, Lutz ; Dustmann, Christian; Biewen, Martin ; Fanfani, Bernardo ; Oberfichtner, Michael ; Fitzenberger, Bernd ; Caldwell, Sydnee; Ostermann, Kerstin ; Spitz-Oener, Alexandra; Müller, Steffen;


    Bellmann, Lutz, Christian Dustmann, Martin Biewen, Bernardo Fanfani, Michael Oberfichtner, Bernd Fitzenberger, Sydnee Caldwell, Kerstin Ostermann, Alexandra Spitz-Oener & Steffen Müller; Christian Dustmann, Martin Biewen, Bernardo Fanfani, Michael Oberfichtner, Bernd Fitzenberger, Sydnee Caldwell, Kerstin Ostermann, Alexandra Spitz-Oener & Steffen Müller (sonst. bet. Pers.) (2023): Aktuelle Entwicklungen bei der Verteilung der Arbeitseinkommen und Kompetenzen (Podium). In: IAB-Forum H. 30.10.2023 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20231030.01


    "Zu einem besseren Verständnis der Lohnfindung und Lohnverteilung sowie der beruflichen Qualifikationen beizutragen – das war das Ziel der internationalen Konferenz „Recent Developments in Wage Determination, Distribution, and Job Skills“ am IAB." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Branchenmindestlöhne: Ein unterschätztes Instrument (2023)

    Bispinck, Reinhard;


    Bispinck, Reinhard (2023): Branchenmindestlöhne: Ein unterschätztes Instrument. (Elemente qualitativer Tarifpolitik 93), Düsseldorf, 11 S.


    "Im vergangenen Jahr stand der allgemeine gesetzliche Mindestlohn und seine Anhebung auf 12 Euro ab Oktober 2022 im Zentrum der Politik zur Begrenzung des Niedriglohnsektors. Zu Recht, denn die unmittelbare materielle Wirkung und die mittelbaren Auswirkungen etwa auf die Tarifpolitik können gar nicht hoch genug eingeschätzt werden. Dabei trat ein Instrument in den Hintergrund, das seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre in wechselndem Umfang für die Sicherung angemessener Entgelte in verschiedenen Wirtschaftszweigen eingesetzt wird – die tariflichen Branchenmindestlöhne. Sie definieren eine Lohnuntergrenze, die von allen Betrieben einer Branche eingehalten werden muss, unabhängig davon, ob sie tarifgebunden sind oder nicht. In Ergänzung zum gesetzlichen Mindestlohn haben die Branchenmindestlöhne eine wichtige Funktion zur Begrenzung von Niedriglöhnen und sie könnten und sollten in Zukunft eine stärkere Rolle spielen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Wage inequality in Germany after the minimum wage introduction (2023)

    Bossler, Mario ; Schank, Thorsten ;


    Bossler, Mario & Thorsten Schank (2023): Wage inequality in Germany after the minimum wage introduction. In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 41, H. 3, S. 813-857., 2022-03-17. DOI:10.1086/720391


    "Monthly wage inequality in Germany continued to increase in the early 2000s, which is mainly explained by a rising part-time employment share. After 2010, inequality returned to the level of 2000. About half of the recent decrease is due to the introduction of the national minimum wage in 2015. While employment effects of the minimum wage are negligible, we find strong wage increases among the existing workforce. The minimum wage lowered wage inequality within eastern and western Germany, but also led to a convergence of the east-west wage differential. The increased labor incomes were not offset by decreasing social benefits." (Author's abstract, © University of Chicago Press) ((en))

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    Bossler, Mario ;
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    Labor Demand on a Tight Leash (2023)

    Bossler, Mario ; Popp, Martin ;


    Bossler, Mario & Martin Popp (2023): Labor Demand on a Tight Leash. (LASER discussion papers 143), Erlangen, 77 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.DP.2302


    "In diesem Aufsatz stellen wir ein Arbeitsnachfrage-Modell auf, das Einstellungskosten berücksichtigt, die aufgrund eines angespannten Arbeitsmarktes bei der Besetzung offener Stellen anfallen. Darauf aufbauend schätzen wir den Effekt der Arbeitsmarktanspannung auf die betriebliche Arbeitsnachfrage, indem wir neuartige Bartik-Instrumente sowie administrative Beschäftigungsdaten für Deutschland heranziehen. Im Einklang mit der Theorie deuten die IV-Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass ein zehnprozentiger Anstieg der Arbeitsmarktanspannung die betriebliche Beschäftigung um rund 0,5 Prozent reduziert. Außerdem zeigt sich, dass die betriebliche Lohnelastizität der Arbeitsnachfrage durch Einbeziehung von Suchexternalitäten auf der aggregierten Ebene von -0,7 auf -0,5 sinkt. In Bezug auf die Einführung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns im Jahr 2015 implizieren die Elastizitäten nur geringfügig negative Beschäftigungseffekte, was die Ergebnisse empirischer Ex-Post-Evaluationen widerspiegelt. Darüber hinaus führte die Verdoppelung der Arbeitsmarktanspannung in Deutschland zwischen 2012 und 2019 zu einer Verringerung des Beschäftigungswachstums um rund 1,1 Millionen Arbeitsplätze." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Bossler, Mario ; Popp, Martin ;
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    Labor Demand on a Tight Leash (2023)

    Bossler, Mario ; Popp, Martin ;


    Bossler, Mario & Martin Popp (2023): Labor Demand on a Tight Leash. (IAB-Discussion Paper 02/2023), Nürnberg, 90 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.DP.2302


    "In diesem Aufsatz stellen wir ein Arbeitsnachfrage-Modell auf, das Einstellungskosten berücksichtigt, die aufgrund eines angespannten Arbeitsmarktes bei der Besetzung offener Stellen anfallen. Darauf aufbauend schätzen wir den Effekt der Arbeitsmarktanspannung auf die betriebliche Arbeitsnachfrage, indem wir neuartige Bartik-Instrumente sowie administrative Beschäftigungsdaten für Deutschland heranziehen. Im Einklang mit der Theorie deuten die IV-Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass ein zehnprozentiger Anstieg der Arbeitsmarktanspannung die betriebliche Beschäftigung um rund 0,5 Prozent reduziert. Außerdem zeigt sich, dass die betriebliche Lohnelastizität der Arbeitsnachfrage durch Einbeziehung von Suchexternalitäten auf der aggregierten Ebene von -0,7 auf -0,5 sinkt. In Bezug auf die Einführung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns im Jahr 2015 implizieren die Elastizitäten nur geringfügig negative Beschäftigungseffekte, was die Ergebnisse empirischer Ex-Post-Evaluationen widerspiegelt. Darüber hinaus führte die Verdoppelung der Arbeitsmarktanspannung in Deutschland zwischen 2012 und 2019 zu einer Verringerung des Beschäftigungswachstums um rund 1,1 Millionen Arbeitsplätze." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Bossler, Mario ; Popp, Martin ;
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    Minimum Wages and Racial Discrimination in Hiring: Evidence from a Field Experiment (2023)

    Brandon, Alec; Holz, Justin E.; Simon, Andrew; Uchida, Haruka;


    Brandon, Alec, Justin E. Holz, Andrew Simon & Haruka Uchida (2023): Minimum Wages and Racial Discrimination in Hiring: Evidence from a Field Experiment. (Upjohn Institute working paper 389), Kalamazoo, Mich., 90 S. DOI:10.17848/wp23-389


    "When minimum wages increase, employers may respond to the regulatory burdens by substituting away from disadvantaged workers. We test this hypothesis using a correspondence study with 35,000 applications around ex-ante uncertain minimum wage increases in three U.S. states. Before the increases, applicants with distinctively Black names were 19 percent less likely to receive a callback than equivalent applicants with distinctively white names. Announcements of minimum wage hikes substantially reduce callbacks for all applicants but shrink the racial callback gap by 80 percent. Racial inequality decreases because firms disproportionately reduce callbacks to lower-quality white applicants who benefited from discrimination under lower minimum wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Minimum Wage, Turnover, and the Shape of the Wage Distribution (2023)

    Brochu, Pierre; Townsend, James; Lemieux, Thomas; Green, David A.;


    Brochu, Pierre, David A. Green, Thomas Lemieux & James Townsend (2023): The Minimum Wage, Turnover, and the Shape of the Wage Distribution. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16514), Bonn, 62 S.


    "This paper proposes an empirical approach to decompose the distributional effects of minimum wages into effects for workers moving out of employment, workers moving into employment, and workers continuing in employment. We estimate the effects of the minimum wage on the hazard rate for wages, which provides a convenient way of re-scaling the wage distribution to control for possible employment effects. We find that minimum wage increases do not result in an abnormal concentration of Job Leavers below the new minimum wage, which is inconsistent with employment effects predicted by a neoclassical model. We also find that, for Job Stayers, the spike and spillover effects of the minimum wage are simply shifted right to the new minimum wage. Our findings are consistent with a model where entry wages are set according to a job ladder, and where firms preserve their internal wage structure due to fairness or internal incentives issues." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The minimum wages, turnover, and the shape of the wage distribution (2023)

    Brochu, Pierre; Green, David A.; Lemieux, Thomas; Townsend, James;


    Brochu, Pierre, David A. Green, James Townsend & Thomas Lemieux (2023): The minimum wages, turnover, and the shape of the wage distribution. (IFS working paper / Institute for Fiscal Studies 2023,32), London, 62 S.


    "This paper proposes an empirical approach to decompose the distributional effects of minimum wages into effects for workers moving out of employment, workers moving into employment, and workers continuing in employment. We estimate the effects of the minimum wage on the hazard rate for wages, which provides a convenient way of re-scaling the wage distribution to control for possible employment effects. We find that minimum wage increases do not result in an abnormal concentration of Job Leavers below the new minimum wage, which is inconsistent with employment effects predicted by a neoclassical model. We also find that, for Job Stayers, the spike and spillover effects of the minimum wage are simply shifted right to the new minimum wage. Our findings are consistent with a model where entry wages are set according to a job ladder, and where firms preserve their internal wage structure due to fairness or internal incentives issues." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Sonderauswertung zur Situation der vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Betriebe im Jahr 2022 auf Basis des IAB-Betriebspanels. Abschlussbericht: Studie im Auftrag der Mindestlohnkommission (2023)

    Brunner, Laura; Gloger, Nina; Hohendanner, Christian;


    Brunner, Laura, Nina Gloger & Christian Hohendanner (2023): Sonderauswertung zur Situation der vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Betriebe im Jahr 2022 auf Basis des IAB-Betriebspanels. Abschlussbericht. Studie im Auftrag der Mindestlohnkommission. Nürnberg, 26 S.

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Hohendanner, Christian;
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    Minimum Wages and Poverty: New Evidence from Dynamic Difference-in-Differences Estimates (2023)

    Burkhauser, Richard V. ; McNichols, Drew; Sabia, Joseph J. ;


    Burkhauser, Richard V., Drew McNichols & Joseph J. Sabia (2023): Minimum Wages and Poverty: New Evidence from Dynamic Difference-in-Differences Estimates. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 31182), Cambridge, Mass, 97 S.


    "Advocates of minimum wage increases have long touted their potential to reduce poverty. This study assesses this claim. Using data spanning nearly four decades from the March Current Population Survey, and a dynamic difference-in-differences approach, we find that a 10 percent increase in the minimum wage is associated with a (statistically insignificant) 0.17 percent increase in the probability of longer-run poverty among all persons. With 95% confidence, we can rule out long-run poverty elasticities with respect to the minimum wage of less than -0.129, which includes central poverty elasticities reported by Dube (2019). Prior evidence suggesting large poverty-reducing effects of the minimum wage are (i) highly sensitive to researcher’s choice of macroeconomic controls, and (ii) driven by specifications that limit counterfactuals to geographically proximate states (“close controls”), which poorly match treatment states’ pre-treatment poverty trends. Moreover, an examination of the post-Great Recession era — which saw frequent, large increases in state minimum wages — failed to uncover poverty-reducing effects of the minimum wage across a wide set of specifications. Finally, we find that less than 10 percent of workers who would be affected by a newly proposed $15 federal minimum wage live in poor families." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mit der Erhöhung auf 12 Euro liegt die Entwicklung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns über der Tariflohn- und Preisentwicklung (2023)

    Börschlein, Erik-Benjamin; Popp, Martin ; Fitzenberger, Bernd ; Bossler, Mario ;


    Börschlein, Erik-Benjamin, Mario Bossler, Bernd Fitzenberger & Martin Popp (2023): Mit der Erhöhung auf 12 Euro liegt die Entwicklung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns über der Tariflohn- und Preisentwicklung. In: IAB-Forum H. 11.12.2023 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20231211.01


    "Zum 1. Oktober 2022 wurde der gesetzliche Mindestlohn außerplanmäßig von 10,45 Euro auf 12 Euro pro Stunde erhöht. Er liegt seither deutlich über der Entwicklung der Tariflöhne. Obwohl die hohe Inflation der vergangenen beiden Jahre die Kaufkraft des Mindestlohns geschmälert hat, liegt er preisbereinigt noch immer 11,6 Prozent über dem Niveau von 2015. Die durchschnittlichen Tariflöhne hingegen haben seitdem um 3,8 Prozent an realem Wert verloren." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The short- and medium-term distributional effects of the German minimum wage reform (2023)

    Caliendo, Marco ; Preuß, Malte; Schröder, Carsten ; Fedorets, Alexandra ; Wittbrodt, Linda;


    Caliendo, Marco, Alexandra Fedorets, Malte Preuß, Carsten Schröder & Linda Wittbrodt (2023): The short- and medium-term distributional effects of the German minimum wage reform. In: Empirical economics, Jg. 64, H. 3, S. 1149-1175. DOI:10.1007/s00181-022-02288-4


    "This study quantifies the distributional effects of the minimum wage introduced in Germany in 2015. Using detailed Socio-Economic Panel survey data, we assess changes in the hourly wages, working hours, and monthly wages of employees who were entitled to be paid the minimum wage. We employ a difference-in-differences analysis, exploiting regional variation in the “bite” of the minimum wage. At the bottom of the hourly wage distribution, we document wage growth of 9% in the short term and 21% in the medium term. At the same time, we find a reduction in working hours, such that the increase in hourly wages does not lead to a subortionate increase in monthly wages. We conclude that working hours adjustments play an important role in the distributional effects of minimum wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Long-Term Employment Effects of the Minimum Wage in Germany: New Data and Estimators (2023)

    Caliendo, Marco ; Pestel, Nico; Olthaus, Rebecca;


    Caliendo, Marco, Nico Pestel & Rebecca Olthaus (2023): Long-Term Employment Effects of the Minimum Wage in Germany: New Data and Estimators. (arXiv papers), 35 S.


    "We study the long-term effects of the 2015 German minimum wage introduction and its subsequent increases on regional employment. Using data from two waves of the Structure of Earnings Survey allows us to estimate models that account for changes in the minimum wage bite over time. While the introduction mainly affected the labor market in East Germany, the raises are also increasingly affecting low-wage regions in West Germany, such that around one third of regions have changed their (binary) treatment status over time. We apply different specifications and extensions of the classic difference-in-differences approach as well as a set of new estimators that enables for unbiased effect estimation with a staggered treatment adoption and heterogeneous treatment effects. Our results indicate a small negative effect on dependent employment of 0.5 percent, no significant effect on employment subject to social security contributions, and a significant negative effect of about 2.4 percent on marginal employment until the first quarter of 2022. The extended specifications suggest additional effects of the minimum wage increases, as well as stronger negative effects on total dependent and marginal employment for those regions that were strongly affected by the minimum wage in 2015 and 2019." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does Wage Theft Vary by Demographic Group? Evidence from Minimum Wage Increases (2023)

    Clemens, Jeffrey; Strain, Michael R.;


    Clemens, Jeffrey & Michael R. Strain (2023): Does Wage Theft Vary by Demographic Group? Evidence from Minimum Wage Increases. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16550), Bonn, 30 S.


    "Using Current Population Survey data, we assess whether and to what extent the burden of "wage theft" - wage payments below the statutory minimum wage - falls disproportionately on various demographic groups following minimum wage increases. For most racial and ethnic groups at most ages we find that underpayment rises similarly as a fraction of realized wage gains in the wake of minimum wage increases. We also present evidence that the burden of underpayment falls disproportionately on relatively young African American workers and that underpayment increases more for Hispanic workers among the full working-age population." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Politicizing the minimum wage: A multilingual text analysis of minimum wages in European electoral manifestos (2023)

    Cova, Joshua ;


    Cova, Joshua (2023): Politicizing the minimum wage: A multilingual text analysis of minimum wages in European electoral manifestos. In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 33, H. 4, S. 469-483. DOI:10.1177/09589287231199561


    "This article examines the determinants of the growing political salience of minimum wages in European party manifestos. By using multilingual quantitative text analysis, I show that the electoral salience of minimum wages has increased in the past decades. Although left-wing parties emphasize minimum wages more than right-wing parties, I find that the electoral salience of this policy follows a U-shaped relationship: right-wing populist parties dedicate greater attention to minimum wages than centre-right parties do. A sentiment analysis finds that compared to other policies designed to supplement the income of low-wage workers, such as strengthening collective bargaining institutions and in-work benefits/wage subsidies, there do not seem to be specific party-political characteristics, which determine the sentiment with which discussions on minimum wages are framed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gendered effects of minimum wage (2023)

    Di Nola, Alessandro; Wang, Haomin; Haywood, Luke;


    Di Nola, Alessandro, Luke Haywood & Haomin Wang (2023): Gendered effects of minimum wage. (Working Paper Series / Universität Konstanz, Cluster of Excellence 'The Politics of Inequality' 14), Konstanz, 52 S.


    "Women are more likely to work in jobs with low hours than men. Low-hour jobs are associated with lower hourly wages and are more likely impacted by minimum wages that set a floor on hourly wages. We document that the first German minimum wage significantly increased women's transition towards jobs with higher weekly hours. We construct and estimate an equilibrium search model with demographic and firm productivity heterogeneity. The model replicates observed gender gaps in employment, hours and wage and the positive relationship between hours and hourly wages. We implement the minimum wage in our model with a penalty to address non-compliance. Based on our model, the minimum wage primarily reduces the gender income gap through the gender wage gap. At its 2022 level, the German minimum wage reduces the gender employment and hours gap due to an upward reallocation effect, resulting in women's increased participation in higher-hour jobs with lower separation rates. The upward reallocation effect is the strongest for women with children and varies by marital state and spousal income. While the minimum wage only modestly discourages firms from posting jobs, it shifts job offers toward full-time positions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How are minimum wages set? (2023)

    Dickens, Richard ;


    Dickens, Richard (2023): How are minimum wages set? (IZA world of labor 211), Bonn, 11 S. DOI:10.15185/izawol.211.v2


    "The minimum wage has never been as high on the political agenda as it is today, with politicians in Germany, the UK, the US, and other OECD countries implementing substantial increases in the rate. One reason for the rising interest is the growing consensus among economists and policymakers that minimum wages, set at the right level, may help low paid workers without harming employment prospects. But how should countries set their minimum wage rate? The processes that countries use to set their minimum wage rate and structure differ greatly, as do the methods for adjusting it. The different approaches have merits and shortcomings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employment and Reallocation Effects of Higher Minimum Wages (2023)

    Drechsel-Grau, Moritz;


    Drechsel-Grau, Moritz (2023): Employment and Reallocation Effects of Higher Minimum Wages. (CESifo working paper 10412), München, 64 S.


    "This paper studies the employment and reallocation effects of minimum wages in Germany in a search-and-matching model with endogenous job search effort and vacancy posting, multiple employment levels, a progressive tax-transfer system, and worker and firm heterogeneity. I find that minimum wages up to 70% of the median wage significantly increase productivity, hours worked and output without reducing employment. In frictional labor markets, however, reallocation takes time whenever the minimum wage cuts deep into the wage distribution. I show that gradually implementing a high minimum wage is necessary to avoid elevated unemployment rates during the transition." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Verbesserung der Datengrundlage der Mindestlohnforschung mittels maschineller Lernverfahren (2023)

    Dumpert, Florian; Beck, Martin;


    Dumpert, Florian & Martin Beck (2023): Verbesserung der Datengrundlage der Mindestlohnforschung mittels maschineller Lernverfahren. In: Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv, Jg. 17, H. 1, S. 5-34. DOI:10.1007/s11943-023-00318-w


    "Mit der Einführung des allgemeinen gesetzlichen Mindestlohnes zum 1. Januar 2015 stieg der Bedarf an geeigneten Daten für die Evaluation der Mindestlohnwirkungen. Die Mindestlohnkommission empfahl daher in ihrem ersten Bericht an die Bundesregierung die Verknüpfung der Integrierten Erwerbsbiografien mit der Verdienststrukturerhebung. Die Paneldaten der Integrierten Erwerbsbiografien sollen durch die Verknüpfung mit ansonsten fehlenden Angaben zum Bruttostundenverdienst bzw. zur Mindestlohnbetroffenheit aus der Verdienststrukturerhebung angereichert werden, um so die Analysemöglichkeiten zu verbessern. Sowohl ein deterministisches als auch ein probabilistisches Record Linkage waren aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht umsetzbar. Daher hat das Statistische Bundesamt die Option einer Anreicherung der Integrierten Erwerbsbiografien mit Informationen zur Mindestlohnbetroffenheit aus der Verdienststrukturerhebung auch mittels maschineller Lernverfahren geprüft. Im Fokus standen die Methoden „Random Forest“ und „Boosting“, die keine Verknüpfung oder Weitergabe von Einzeldatensätzen erfordern und daher datenschutzrechtlich handhabbar sind. Über die konkrete Vorgehensweise, speziell die getesteten Modellierungsvarianten für die Teilpopulationen Vollzeit‑, Teilzeit- und geringfügig entlohnte Beschäftigte, wird in diesem Beitrag ausführlich berichtet." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)

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    What Does the German Minimum Wage Do? The Impact of the Introduction of the Statutory Minimum Wage on the Composition of Low- and Minimum-Wage Labour (2023)

    Dütsch, Matthias ; Grundmann, Luisa; Altun, Orkun; Himmelreicher, Ralf;


    Dütsch, Matthias, Orkun Altun, Luisa Grundmann & Ralf Himmelreicher (2023): What Does the German Minimum Wage Do? The Impact of the Introduction of the Statutory Minimum Wage on the Composition of Low- and Minimum-Wage Labour. In: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, Jg. 243, H. 3-4, S. 355-396. DOI:10.1515/jbnst-2022-0070


    "In this article, we examine structural changes in minimum wage and low wage labor following the introduction and first increase of the German minimum wage. Changes in the impact that workers face earning gross hourly wages below the minimum-wage or low-wage thresholds are identified by comparing individual, company and sectoral characteristics based on the Structure of Earnings Surveys (SESs) 2014 and 2018. The SES is a mandatory survey of companies that provides information on wages and working hours for approximately 1 million jobs and nearly 70,000 companies across all industries. Using these rich data, we present the first systematic analysis of how structural changes in individual-, company-, and industry-level determinants affect minimum- and low-wage workers. Using descriptive analysis, we first summarize the changing pattern in jobs, companies, and industries after the introduction of minimum wage. Second, we use random intercept-only models to estimate the explanatory power at the individual, company, and industry levels in 2014 and 2018. Third, we perform logistic and linear regression estimations to assess the changing trends in having a minimum- or low-wage job and the distance between a worker’s actual earnings and the minimum- and low-wage thresholds. We conclude that the minimum wage had an elevator effect on minimum wage labor. However, compositional effects regarding the minimum-wage and low-wage workforce were evident in terms of individual and company factors. There was a selective redistribution of minimum wage employees into slightly higher wage ranges. Furthermore, convergence seems to have occurred predominantly among sectors, as their explanatory power for lower wages declined." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © De Gruyter) ((en))

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    What does the German minimum wage do? The impact of the introduction of the statutory minimum wage on the composition of low- and minimum-wage labour (2023)

    Dütsch, Matthias ; Grundmann, Luisa; Himmelreicher, Ralf; Altun, Orkun;


    Dütsch, Matthias, Orkun Altun, Luisa Grundmann & Ralf Himmelreicher (2023): What does the German minimum wage do? The impact of the introduction of the statutory minimum wage on the composition of low- and minimum-wage labour. (baua: Preprint / Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin), Dortmund, 30 S. DOI:10.21934/baua:preprint20230201


    "In this article, we examine structural changes in minimum-wage and low-wage labour after the introduction and first increase of the German minimum wage. Changes in the risks workers face of earning gross hourly wages below the minimum-wage or low-wage thresholds are identified by comparing individual, company-level and sectoral characteristics based on the Structure of Earnings Surveys (SESs) 2014 and 2018. The SES is a mandatory survey of companies that provides information on wages and working hours for approximately 1 million jobs and nearly 70,000 companies from all industries. Using these rich data, we present the first systematic analysis of how structural changes in individual-, company-, and industry-level determinants affect minimum- and low-wage workers. Using a descriptive analysis, we first summarize the changing pattern in jobs, companies, and industries after the minimum wage introduction. Second, we use random intercept-only models to estimate the explanatory power of the individual, company, and industry levels in the years 2014 and 2018 respectively. Third, we perform logistic and linear regression estimations to assess the changing risks of having a minimum- or low-wage job and the distance between a worker’s actual earnings and the minimum and low-wage thresholds. We conclude that the minimum wage had an elevator effect regarding minimum-wage labour. However, compositional effects regarding the minimum-wage and low-wage workforce were evident in terms of individual and company factors. There was a selective redistribution of minimum-wage employees into slightly higher wage ranges. Furthermore, convergence seems to have occurred predominantly among sectors, as their explanatory power for lower wages declined." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimum Wage and Tolerance for High Incomes (2023)

    Fazio, Andrea ; Reggiani, Tommaso G.;


    Fazio, Andrea & Tommaso G. Reggiani (2023): Minimum Wage and Tolerance for High Incomes. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16107), Bonn, 27 S.


    "We suggest that stabilizing the baseline income can make low-wage workers more tolerant towards high income earners. We present evidence of this attitude in the UK by exploiting the introduction of the National Minimum Wage (NMW), which institutionally sets a baseline pay reducing the risk of income losses and providing a clear reference point for British workers at the lower end of the income distribution. Based on data from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), we show that workers who benefited from the NMW program became relatively more tolerant of high incomes and more likely to support and vote for the Conservative Party. As far as tolerance for high incomes is related to tolerance of inequality, our results may suggest that people advocate for equality also because they fear income losses below a given reference point." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimum wage and tolerance for high incomes (2023)

    Fazio, Andrea ; Reggiani, Tommaso ;


    Fazio, Andrea & Tommaso Reggiani (2023): Minimum wage and tolerance for high incomes. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 155. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2023.104445


    "We suggest that stabilizing the baseline income can make low-wage workers more tolerant towards high income earners. We present evidence of this attitude in the UK by exploiting the introduction of the National Minimum Wage (NMW), which institutionally sets a baseline pay reducing the risk of income losses and providing a clear reference point for British workers at the lower end of the income distribution. Based on data from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), we show that workers who benefited from the NMW program became relatively more tolerant of high incomes and more likely to support and vote for the Conservative Party. As far as tolerance for high incomes is related to tolerance of inequality, our results may suggest that people advocate for equality also because they fear income losses below a given reference point." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    The Impact of Minimum Wages on Income Inequality in the EU (2023)

    Filauro, Stefano; Grünberger, Klaus; Narazani, Edlira;


    Filauro, Stefano, Klaus Grünberger & Edlira Narazani (2023): The Impact of Minimum Wages on Income Inequality in the EU. (JRC working papers on taxation and structural reforms 2023,04), Seville, 33 S.


    "A number of studies documents that minimum wage policies have the potential to reduce income inequality. The recently adopted EU Commission's proposal for a Directive on adequate minimum wages was supported by a detailed analysis of the social impacts of hypothetical minimum wage levels in countries with a statutory minimum wage. This paper extends these country-level analyses by exploring the impact of minimum wage policies on EU-level income inequality. To our knowledge, this is the first study that uses a microsimulation model such as EUROMOD to assess the impact of EU-promoted policies on the distribution of income in the EU, beyond their national effects. Assuming no employment effects, static simulation results show that a hypothetical minimum wage corresponding to 60% of the national median wage would bring about a small but significant reduction in EU-level disposable income inequality (by 0.75% in 2019 as measured through the Gini index). This result stems primarily from a reduction in the within-country component of income inequality as the effect on inequality between countries is rather muted. The reduction in EU-level income inequality is the highest in disposable incomes, but some reduction is detectable also in market incomes. In turn, the withdrawal of social benefits because of higher minimum wages seems to neutralise part of this inequality reduction." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Effect of Minimum Wage Policies on the Wage and Occupational Structure of Establishments (2023)

    Forsythe, Eliza;


    Forsythe, Eliza (2023): The Effect of Minimum Wage Policies on the Wage and Occupational Structure of Establishments. In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 41, H. S1, S. S291-S324. DOI:10.1086/726820


    "Using establishment-level panel data from the Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics program, I estimate the effect of minimum wage increases implemented by 10 states in 2014 and 2015. I show that minimum wage increases lead to wage spillovers within establishments. I find little evidence that minimum wage increases induce establishments to reorganize their occupational mix. Finally, I find that minimum wage increases propagate up the management hierarchy, leading to increased wages for supervisors. Nonetheless, I find overall wage inequality decreases within establishments after minimum wage increases." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unvollkommener Wettbewerb auf dem Arbeitsmarkt: Ursachen, Ausmaß und Folgen (Podium) (2023)

    Friedrich, Martin; Jahn, Elke ; Oberfichtner, Michael ; Manning, Alan ; Card, David; Weiß, Johannes;


    Friedrich, Martin, Elke Jahn, Michael Oberfichtner, Johannes Weiß, Alan Manning & David Card; Alan Manning & David Card (sonst. bet. Pers.) (2023): Unvollkommener Wettbewerb auf dem Arbeitsmarkt: Ursachen, Ausmaß und Folgen (Podium). In: IAB-Forum H. 24.08.2023 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20230824.01


    "Bei vollkommenem Wettbewerb auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, so die klassische ökonomische Theorie, verliert ein Arbeitgeber, der seine Löhne auch nur minimal senkt, sämtliche Beschäftigten. In der Realität ist dies jedoch nur höchst selten der Fall. Denn auf Arbeitsmärkten herrscht in aller Regel nur unvollkommener Wettbewerb. Arbeitgeber verfügen demnach über eine gewisse Marktmacht und können diese nutzen, um niedrigere Löhne zu zahlen, als sie es bei vollkommenem Wettbewerb tun müssten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf das Tarifgeschehen: Studie im Auftrag der Mindestlohnkommission (2023)

    Fulda, Carolin; Schulten, Thorsten; Schröder, Christoph; Lübker, Malte; Vogel, Sandra; Lesch, Hagen; Bispinck, Reinhard;


    Fulda, Carolin, Hagen Lesch, Christoph Schröder, Sandra Vogel, Reinhard Bispinck, Malte Lübker & Thorsten Schulten (2023): Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf das Tarifgeschehen. Studie im Auftrag der Mindestlohnkommission. Berlin, 242 S.


    "Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, welche Auswirkungen der gesetzliche Mindestlohn auf das Tarifgeschehen ausgewählter Niedriglohnbranchen hatte. Die Analyse konzentriert sich auf den Zeitraum von Anfang des Jahres 2020 bis Ende des Jahres 2022, sodass insbesondere die Rolle des Mindestlohns unter den Bedingungen der Corona-Pandemie berücksichtigt wird. Einen besonderen Schwerpunkt stellt zudem die Anhebung des Mindestlohns auf 12 Euro je Stunde zum 1. Oktober 2022 dar. Untersucht wird, welche Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Tarifgeschehen sowie den Anpassungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns bestehen und welche Folgen sich durch die Mindestlohnerhöhung auf 12 Euro je Stunde für das Tarifgeschehen abzeichnen. Zu den untersuchten Branchen gehören die Landwirtschaft, die Fleischwirtschaft, das Bäckerhandwerk, der Einzelhandel, die Floristik, das Gastgewerbe, die Systemgastronomie, die Wach- und Sicherheitsdienste, das Gebäudereiniger- und das Friseurhandwerk. Außerdem wurde stellvertretend für die Kinobranche, in der es keinen Branchentarifvertrag gibt, ein Haustarifvertrag der Kinokette CinemaxX einbezogen. Da in den untersuchten Branchen teilweise regional verhandelt wird, wurde der Fokus auf die Tarifgebiete Nordrhein-Westfalen und Berlin-Brandenburg gerichtet. Damit wurden nicht nur ein West- und ein Osttarifgebiet ausgewählt, sondern auch Branchen, in denen zumeist regelmäßig Tarifverhandlungen stattfanden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Einflüsse des Mindestlohns auf das Tarifgeschehen: Ergebnisse ausgewählter Niedriglohnbranchen (2023)

    Fulda, Carolin; Schröder, Christoph; Lesch, Hagen; Vogel, Sandra;


    Fulda, Carolin, Hagen Lesch, Christoph Schröder & Sandra Vogel (2023): Einflüsse des Mindestlohns auf das Tarifgeschehen: Ergebnisse ausgewählter Niedriglohnbranchen. (IW-Analysen / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 154), Köln: Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) / German Economic Institute, 65 S.


    "Die vorliegende Analyse untersucht, welche Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Tarifgeschehen sowie den seit Juni 2020 von der Mindestlohnkommission beschlossenen Anpassungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns bestehen und welchen Einfluss der politische Eingriff in den Anpassungsmechanismus im Jahr 2022 hatte. Zu den untersuchten Branchen gehören die Landwirtschaft, die Fleischwirtschaft, das Bäckerhandwerk, der Einzelhandel, die Floristik, das Gastgewerbe, die Systemgastronomie, die privaten Wach- und Sicherheitsdienste, das Gebäudereiniger- und das Friseurhandwerk, jeweils mit Fokus auf die Tarifgebiete Nordrhein-Westfalen und Berlin-Brandenburg. Die Verbindung quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden zeigt, dass das Tarifgeschehen vor allem durch den Beschluss der Bundesregierung beeinflusst wurde, den Mindestlohn ab Oktober 2022 auf 12 Euro je Stunde zu erhöhen. Viele Tariflohngruppen drohten durch den politischen Beschluss verdrängt zu werden. In den meisten der untersuchten Branchen gelang es, die Tarifstrukturen anzupassen. Auslaufende Tarifverträge wurden zumeist regulär erneuert, teilweise wurden auch Tarifverhandlungen vorgezogen. Mit dem jüngsten Anpassungsbeschluss der Mindestlohnkommission vom Juni 2023 ist die Verlässlichkeit in die Mindestlohnentwicklung zurückgekehrt. Das erleichtert es den Tarifvertragsparteien, mit den Mindestlohnerhöhungen Schritt zu halten und die zum Teil gestauchten Tariflohnstrukturen schrittweise wieder auszudifferenzieren." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    To Redistribute or to Predistribute? The Minimum Wage versus Income Taxation When Workers Differ in Both Wages and Working Hours (2023)

    Gerritsen, Aart;


    Gerritsen, Aart (2023): To Redistribute or to Predistribute? The Minimum Wage versus Income Taxation When Workers Differ in Both Wages and Working Hours. (CESifo working paper 10734), München, 53 S.


    "I consider the case for the minimum wage alongside (optimal) income taxes when workers differ in both wages and working hours, such that a given level of income corresponds to multiple wage rates. The minimum wage is directly targeted at the lowest-wage workers, while income taxes are at most targeted at all low-income workers, regardless of their hourly wage rates. This renders the minimum wage unambiguously desirable in a discrete-type model of the labor market. Desirability of the minimum wage is a priori ambiguous in a continuous-type model of the labor market. Compared to the minimum wage, income taxes are less effective in compressing the wage distribution but more effective in redistributing income. Desirability of the minimum wage depends on this trade-off between the “predistributional advantage” of the minimum wage and the “redistributional advantage” of the income tax. I derive a desirability condition for the minimum wage and write it in terms of empirical sufficient statistics. A numerical application to the US suggests a strong case for a higher federal minimum wage – especially if social preferences for the lowest-wage workers are relatively strong and the wage elasticity of labor demand relatively small." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Minimum Wage, Self-Employment, and the Online Gig Economy (2023)

    Glasner, Benjamin;


    Glasner, Benjamin (2023): The Minimum Wage, Self-Employment, and the Online Gig Economy. In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 41, H. 1, S. 103-127. DOI:10.1086/719690


    "This paper estimates the effect of minimum wage increases on work that is not covered by minimum wage laws. I find minimum wage increases in the early 2000s resulted in small reductions in engagement in traditional self-employment. Following the development of the online gig economy in the 2010s, a 10% increase in the minimum wage increased the number of non-employer establishments classified as transportation and warehousing services by approximately 2.7%. The counties most likely to exhibit a positive relationship between the minimum wage and participation in uncovered work are those with low labor market concentration and active Uber marketplaces." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimum Wage Non-compliance: The Role of Co-determination (2023)

    Goerke, Laszlo ; Pannenberg, Markus;


    Goerke, Laszlo & Markus Pannenberg (2023): Minimum Wage Non-compliance: The Role of Co-determination. (IAAEU discussion paper series in economics / Institut für Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitsbeziehungen in der Europäischen Union 2023,04), Trier, 35 S.


    "We analyse in what way co-determination affects non-compliance with the German minimum wage, which was introduced in 2015. The Works Constitution Act (WCA), the law regulating co-determination at the plant level, provides works councils with indirect means to ensure compliance with the statutory minimum wage. Based on this legal situation, our theoretical model predicts that non-compliance is less likely in co-determined firms because works councils enhance the enforcement of the law. The economic correlates of co-determination, such as higher productivity and wages, affect non-compliance in opposite directions. The empirical analysis, using data from the German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP) for the years 2016 and 2019, demonstrates that non-compliance occurs less often for employees in co-determined establishments, while there is no impact on the difference between the minimum wage and the amount, which was actually paid. Therefore, co-determination helps to secure the payment of minimum wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Decent wage floors in Europe: Does the minimum wage directive get it right? (2023)

    Haapanala, Henri ; Marx, Ive ; Parolin, Zachary ;


    Haapanala, Henri, Ive Marx & Zachary Parolin (2023): Decent wage floors in Europe: Does the minimum wage directive get it right? In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 33, H. 4, S. 421-435. DOI:10.1177/09589287231176977


    "The Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages represents a watershed initiative adding substance to the EU’s social dimension. It contains two ambitious objectives: establishing the minimum level of statutory minimum wages at 60% of the gross median wage, and increasing collective bargaining coverage (CBC) to at least 80% of workers. In this article, we assess how statutory minimum wages and collective bargaining coverage are associated with the likelihood of low pay. Using a time series cross-section of EU-SILC for income years 2004–2019, we identify and assess the absolute and relative size of ‘effective wage floors’ for full-time employees in 30 countries. We specify multilevel, random effects within-between regression models to assess the individual and joint associations of SMW and collective bargaining coverage with wage floors. Our results indicate that SMWs and CBC both have distinct roles in establishing the effective wage floor. First, higher collective bargaining coverage is on average associated with a lower share of workers earning below 60% gross median wages. Second, higher SMWs are strongly associated with higher effective wage floors. Third, both collective bargaining coverage and union density are strongly associated with higher wage floors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    One Hundred Years of Dynamic Minimum Wage Regulation: Lessons from Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States (2023)

    Hamilton, Reg; Nichol, Matt;


    Hamilton, Reg & Matt Nichol (2023): One Hundred Years of Dynamic Minimum Wage Regulation: Lessons from Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States. In: International Labour Review, Jg. 162, H. 3, S. 407-429. DOI:10.1111/ilr.12380


    "Since the first minimum wage legislation was introduced in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States in the early 1900s, minimum wage regulation has attracted controversy. Opponents of minimum wage levels rely on market theory, while supporters acknowledge the role of markets in setting the price of labour but justify state intervention based on principles of equity and social good. This article examines how these two ideological positions influenced fixing what is both a crucial cost for business and underpinning of worker and family living standards, and whether effective wage fixing has resulted. Little comparative research exists on the origins, evolution and current systems of minimum wage regulation in the three countries and this article aims to address this gap in the literature." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    The effects of minimum wages over the business cycle: the Great Recession (2023)

    Hean, Oudom ; Deng, Nanxin ;


    Hean, Oudom & Nanxin Deng (2023): The effects of minimum wages over the business cycle: the Great Recession. In: International Journal of Manpower, Jg. 44, H. 1, S. 19-36. DOI:10.1108/IJM-07-2021-0402


    "Purpose: This paper examines disemployment effects of minimum wages during the period 2002–2010. Design/methodology/approach: The authors employ the discontinuity design. Findings: The authors find that minimum wages had a significant negative impact on teen employment before the Great Recession. During the Great Recession, the disemployment effects of minimum wages were insignificant. The finding is consistent with the evolution of firms' market power during the business cycle. Originality/value: The authors attempt to reconcile the debate about the effects of minimum wages on US employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    Europäische Mindestlohnrichtlinie schafft neue Spielräume für eine Weiterentwicklung des deutschen Mindestlohngesetzes: Gemeinsame Stellungnahme von IMK und WSI anlässlich der schriftlichen Anhörung der Mindestlohnkommission 2023 (2023)

    Herzog-Stein, Alexander ; Watt, Andrew; Lübker, Malte; Pusch, Toralf; Schulten, Thorsten;


    Herzog-Stein, Alexander, Malte Lübker, Toralf Pusch, Thorsten Schulten & Andrew Watt (2023): Europäische Mindestlohnrichtlinie schafft neue Spielräume für eine Weiterentwicklung des deutschen Mindestlohngesetzes. Gemeinsame Stellungnahme von IMK und WSI anlässlich der schriftlichen Anhörung der Mindestlohnkommission 2023. (WSI policy brief 75), Düsseldorf, 30 S.


    "Mit dieser gemeinsamen Stellungnahme wollen das Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Institut (WSI) und das Institut für Makroökonomie und Konjunkturforschung (IMK) der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung einen Beitrag zur Arbeit der Mindestlohnkommission erbringen. Seit mehreren Jahren begleiten die zwei Institute die wissenschaftliche und wirtschaftspolitische Diskussion zum Mindestlohn. Diese Stellungnahme folgt auf eine der zwei Institute, die vor zwei Jahren der Mindestlohnkommission vorgelegt wurde. Die Mindestlohnkommission muss ihre Empfehlung für die nächste Mindestlohnanpassung in einem komplexen und von erhöhter Unsicherheit geprägten Umfeld entwickeln. Zu nennen sind insbesondere die Anpassung des Mindestlohns auf 12 Euro im Oktober 2022, die neue EU-Mindestlohnrichtlinie und die im Zuge des russischen Angriffs auf die Ukraine rasant gestiegene Inflation. Ziel der Stellungnahme ist es, relevante Daten und Einschätzungen zusammenzutragen, die als Orientierung dienen können." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    The Asymmetric Effect of Wage Floors: A Natural Experiment with a Rising and Falling Minimum Wage (2023)

    Huet-Vaughn, Emiliano; Piqueras, Jon;


    Huet-Vaughn, Emiliano & Jon Piqueras (2023): The Asymmetric Effect of Wage Floors: A Natural Experiment with a Rising and Falling Minimum Wage. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16684), Bonn, 14 S.


    "Exploiting a unique natural experiment,we Show the asymmetric effects of a large increase and an equivalent subsequent decrease to a binding minimum wage. Wages in a leading low-wage industry increase as the Minimum wage rises, but do not fall when it is lowered. This boost for low-wage workers' earnings is apparently permanent five years after the policy is revoked, providing novel evidence of hysteresis in wage setting from temporary labor policy. In the first year post repeal this is consistent with downward nominal wage rigidity. But, the elevated earnings persist even in high inflation times, contrary to the prediction from existing work that real wage reductions under high inflation should erode the nominal wage gap relative to unaffected firms. Our findings thus challenge the conventional view that inflation "greases the wheels" of the labor market in the face of downward nominal wage rigidity, and, demonstrate the value of even transitory labor market policy in achieving permanent gains for workers (play it while you got it)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimum Wages, Productivity, and Reallocation (2023)

    Hälbig, Mirja; Müller, Steffen; Mertens, Matthias;


    Hälbig, Mirja, Matthias Mertens & Steffen Müller (2023): Minimum Wages, Productivity, and Reallocation. (IWH-Diskussionspapiere / Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle 2023,8), Halle, 69 S.


    "We study the productivity effect of the German national minimum wage by applying administrative firm data. At the firm level, we confirm positive effects on wages and negative employment effects and document higher productivity even net of output price increases. We find higher wages but no employment effects at the level of aggregate industry × region cells. The minimum wage increased aggregate productivity in manufacturing. We do not find that employment reallocation across firms contributed to these aggregate productivity gains, nor do we find improvements in allocative efficiency. Instead, the productivity gains from the minimum wage result from within-firm productivity improvements only." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Political economy of the minimum wage (2023)

    Jiménez, Bruno ;


    Jiménez, Bruno (2023): The Political economy of the minimum wage. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 85. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102463


    "I evaluate the effects of the 2016 minimum wage hike in Peru on the approval of government performance. My identification strategy exploits the regional heterogeneity in the share of workers directly affected by the increase to implement a series of difference-in-differences specifications. For every percentage point increase in the share of treated workers, the approval of the central government (i.e., the president) also increases by a percentage point. I find a partial spillover effect to other levels of government. These results are robust to a number of alternative specifications and falsification tests, and cannot be explained by the results of the 2016 presidential elections. My findings suggest that improvements in subjective living conditions and non-negative effects on observed labor market performance are the main mechanisms behind these causal effects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Minimum wages: Non-compliance and enforcement across EU Member State: Comparative report (2023)

    Juliana, Maria; Lucifora, Claudio ; Drufuca, Serena; Pesce, Flavia; Crippa, Alessandra; Fanfani, Bernardo ; Lodovici, Manuela Samek; Camargo, Charry; Cottini, Elena;


    Juliana, Maria, Charry Camargo, Alessandra Crippa, Serena Drufuca, Flavia Pesce, Manuela Samek Lodovici, Elena Cottini, Bernardo Fanfani & Claudio Lucifora (2023): Minimum wages: Non-compliance and enforcement across EU Member State. Comparative report. (Eurofound research report / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions), Dublin, 119 S. DOI:10.2806/474422


    "In the EU, non-compliance with statutory or negotiated minimum wages averages 6.93% or 1.3%, depending on the statistics used. The lowest national estimate is 0.01% in Belgium and the highest is 11.59% in Hungary. It mostly affects young workers, those on fixed-term or part-time contracts and those working for small companies. It is more common in services than in manufacturing, and is characterized by shorter working time. Member States monitor, enforce and promote compliance in similar ways, although with some differences. This report identifies hindering and enabling factors. Some countries focus on specific economic sectors, such as construction, domestic work, platform work, agriculture and meat processing. National authorities often enforce minimum wages indirectly by helping employers comply, raising workers’ awareness, and helping stakeholders increase cooperation and develop faster procedures. Combining these soft initiatives with tougher measures increases the effectiveness of inspectorates’ actions in enforcing compliance with minimum wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Vertrauen in die Mindestlohnanpassung wiederherstellen: Stellungnahme zur vierten Anhörung zu den Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns (2023)

    Lesch, Hagen; Schröder, Christoph;


    Lesch, Hagen & Christoph Schröder (2023): Vertrauen in die Mindestlohnanpassung wiederherstellen. Stellungnahme zur vierten Anhörung zu den Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns. (IW-Report / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 2023,22), Köln, 14 S.


    "Die Bundesregierung hat mit Ihrer Entscheidung, den gesetzlichen Mindestlohn zum 1. Oktober 2022 per Gesetz auf 12 Euro je Stunde zu erhöhen, in die Tarifautonomie eingegriffen und das Vertrauen in den Anpassungsmechanismus gestört." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    The employment effects of raising negotiated minimum wages for apprentices (2023)

    Linckh, Carolin; Neuber-Pohl, Caroline ; Pfeifer, Harald ;


    Linckh, Carolin, Caroline Neuber-Pohl & Harald Pfeifer (2023): The employment effects of raising negotiated minimum wages for apprentices. (Working paper / Swiss Leading House 202), Zürich, 45 S.


    "This study examines the employment effects of raising the minimum wages for underage apprentices in Germany. To estimate our effects, we exploit age-, sector-, and state-level variations of negotiated minimum wage increases within a triple difference framework. Using a full sample of apprenticeship contracts, we find negative employment effects, as the number of training contracts for underage apprentices decreases significantly due to the minimum wage adjustments. Furthermore, we find that the negative employment effect increases with the size of the minimum wage adjustments. The effects are mainly driven by a reduction in contracts for low-qualified training applicants and for sectors where firms mainly follow a substitution- rather than an investment-oriented training strategy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    WSI-Mindestlohnbericht 2023: Kaufkraftsicherung als zentrale Aufgabe in Zeiten hoher Inflation (2023)

    Lübker, Malte; Schulten, Thorsten;


    Lübker, Malte & Thorsten Schulten (2023): WSI-Mindestlohnbericht 2023. Kaufkraftsicherung als zentrale Aufgabe in Zeiten hoher Inflation. (WSI-Report 82), Düsseldorf, 19 S.


    "Die rasant gestiegenen Verbraucherpreise belasten Beschäftigte mit niedrigen Einkommen in besonderem Maße. Deswegen ist es derzeit eine vordringliche Aufgabe der Lohnpolitik, die Kaufkraft der Mindestlöhne zu sichern. Wie der diesjährige WSI-Mindestlohnbericht zeigt, ist dies trotz einer deutlichen Anhebung der nominalen Mindestlöhne zum 1. Januar 2023 nur in rund der Hälfte der EU-Länder gelungen. Vor diesem Hintergrund verfolgt die neue Europäische Mindestlohnrichtlinie das Ziel, allen Beschäftigten einen angemessenen Mindestlohn zu garantieren. Das Kriterium der Angemessenheit beinhaltet, dass die EU-Mitgliedsländer künftig bei der Anpassung der Mindestlöhne deren jeweilige Kaufkraft, also die zugrunde liegenden Lebenshaltungskosten, mitberücksichtigen müssen. Dies stellt auch in Deutschland die hierzulande zuständige Mindestlohnkommission vor neuen Handlungsbedarf." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    WSI-Mindestlohnbericht 2023: Kaufkraftsicherung als zentrale Aufgabe in Zeiten hoher Inflation (2023)

    Lübker, Malte; Schulten, Thorsten;


    Lübker, Malte & Thorsten Schulten (2023): WSI-Mindestlohnbericht 2023. Kaufkraftsicherung als zentrale Aufgabe in Zeiten hoher Inflation. In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 76, H. 2, S. 112-122. DOI:10.5771/0342-300X-2023-2-112


    "Der WSI-Mindestlohnbericht enthält neue Daten über Mindestlöhne aus insgesamt 38 Ländern in Europa und darüber hinaus. Die aktuelle Entwicklung der Mindestlöhne steht ganz im Zeichen der enorm hohen Inflationsraten. Während in der Hälfte der 22 EU-Staaten, die gesetzliche Mindestlöhne haben, die realen Mindestlöhne gesichert oder sogar erhöht werden konnten, reichten die Mindestlohnerhöhungen in den restlichen EU-Staaten nicht aus, um teilweise erhebliche Reallohnverluste zu vermeiden. Vor diesem Hintergrund sieht die im Oktober 2022 verabschiedete Europäische Mindestlohnrichtlinie die Kaufkraft als ein wesentliches Kriterium an, das bei der Festsetzung eines als angemessen geltenden Mindestlohns zu berücksichtigen ist. In einigen europäischen Ländern wie z. B. Belgien oder Frankreich ist die Reallohnsicherung der Mindestlöhne schon heute gesetzlich verankert und wird durch entsprechende Indexierungsklauseln gewährleistet. In Deutschland hat die Erhöhung des Mindestlohns auf 12 € den Beschäftigten zunächst einmal ein kräftiges Reallohnplus beschert. Für zukünftige Anpassungen steht jedoch auch hier die Reallohnsicherung auf der Tagesordnung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    In the shadow of hierarchy: minimum wage commissions in the UK and Germany (2023)

    Mabbett, Deborah ;


    Mabbett, Deborah (2023): In the shadow of hierarchy: minimum wage commissions in the UK and Germany. In: Socio-economic review, Jg. 21, H. 4, S. 2117-2135. DOI:10.1093/ser/mwad027


    "The adoption of statutory minimum wages (MWs) has been accompanied by institutional innovations in the relationship between governments, employers and unions. In the UK and Germany, MW commissions were created to recommend or determine the MW. Their memberships are dominated by trade unionists and employers. Structures that engage the social partners 'in the shadow of hierarchy' can be efficient as well as politically expedient. They will be stable if, first, the social partners can establish a consensual basis for decisions and, second, this consensus position is near enough to the government's position not to trigger intervention. The first condition has been met but not the second: both in the UK and Germany, governments have overridden employers and unions in order to introduce higher MWs. The article explores why this has happened and draws out the implications for MW fixing and the stability of shadow-of-hierarchy arrangements." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimum Wages and Contract Duration in Germany (2023)

    Margolis, David; Saldarriaga, Victor;


    Margolis, David & Victor Saldarriaga (2023): Minimum Wages and Contract Duration in Germany. (PSE working paper / Paris School of Economics 2023-32), Paris, 40 S.


    "We assess the effect of the introduction of a minimum wage policy of 8.50 EUR/hour in Germany in January 2015 on the probability of transitioning from fixed-term to open-ended contracts. Utilizing administrative data from social security records, we compare ex-ante affected (i.e., those earning below the minimum wage) workers against unaffected ones during the pre-implementation period, and find a significant decline in the probability that ex-ante affected workers employed under fixed-term contracts transition to open-ended contracts as the ending month of their fixed-term contract approaches January 2015, when the minimum wage policy was enforced. We interpret our empirical results through the lens of a job search model where firms use fixed-term contracts as a probation phase to learn about the matchspecific productivity with a given worker. In this model, firms sign open-ended contracts based on a productivity threshold rule. A sufficiently high minimum wage can push this threshold up, thus reducing the probability at which workers transition from fixed-term to open-ended contracts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Effects of the Minimum Wage on the Nonprofit Sector (2023)

    Meer, Jonathan; Tajali, Hedieh;


    Meer, Jonathan & Hedieh Tajali (2023): Effects of the Minimum Wage on the Nonprofit Sector. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 31281), Cambridge, Mass, 37 S.


    "The nonprofit sector's ability to absorb increases in labor costs differs from the private sector in a number of ways. We analyze how nonprofits are affected by changes in the minimum wage utilizing data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Internal Revenue Service, linked to state minimum wages. We examine changes in reported employment and volunteering, as well as other financial statements such as revenues and expenses. The results from both datasets show a negative impact on employment for states with large statutory minimum wage increases. We observe some evidence for a reduction in the number of nonprofit establishments, fundraising expenses, and revenues from contributions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    International Trade Responses to Labor Market Regulations (2023)

    Muñoz, Mathilde;


    Muñoz, Mathilde (2023): International Trade Responses to Labor Market Regulations. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 31876), Cambridge, Mass, 61 S.


    "This paper studies how differences in labor market regulations shape countries' comparative advantage in the cross-border provision of labor-intensive services, using administrative data in Europe for the last two decades. I exploit exogenous variation in labor taxes and minimum wages faced by exporting firms engaged in a large European trade program. Firms from different countries compete to supply the same physical service in the same location but their employees are subject to different payroll taxes and minimum wages. These rules varied across countries, sectors, and over time. Reduced-form country case-studies as well as model-implied gravity estimates show evidence of large trade responses to lower labor taxes and minimum wages, with an elasticity that is around one. The Bolkestein directive, by exempting foreign firms from all labor regulations in the destination country, would have doubled exports of physical services from Eastern European countries, rationalizing the wave of protests in high-wage countries that led to the withdrawal of the proposal." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimum Wage Spillover Effects and Social Welfare in a Model of Stochastic Job Matching (2023)

    Nanos, Panagiotis;


    Nanos, Panagiotis (2023): Minimum Wage Spillover Effects and Social Welfare in a Model of Stochastic Job Matching. (Sheffield economic research paper series / The University of Sheffield, Department of Economics 2023004), Sheffield, 30 S.


    "In this paper, I carry out a welfare analysis of the minimum wage in the framework of a Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides model with stochastic job matching. I explore the role of the minimum wage in a labour market with trading externalities and present the necessary and sufficient condition for a minimum wage hike to be efficiency-enhancing. In this context, I characterise minimum wage spillover effects and demonstrate that there is a direct link between the welfare effects and spillover effects of a minimum wage. This theoretical finding suggests that the welfare impact of minimum wage changes can be inferred from the empirical observation of spillover effects on the wage distribution." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Effects of Minimum Wages on (Almost) Everything? A Review of Recent Evidence on Health and Related Behaviors (2023)

    Neumark, David ;


    Neumark, David (2023): The Effects of Minimum Wages on (Almost) Everything? A Review of Recent Evidence on Health and Related Behaviors. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 31191), Cambridge, Mass, 57 S.


    "The effects of minimum wages on employment, wages, earnings, and incomes, have been studied and debated for decades. In recent years, however, researchers have turned to the effects on a multitude of other behaviors and outcomes – largely related to health. I review and assess the large and growing body of evidence on minimum wage effects on a wide variety of health outcomes and health-related behaviors. The evidence on overall physical health is mixed. The findings on diet and obesity either point to beneficial or null effects, but not negative effects, while other evidence indicates that higher minimum wages increase smoking and reduce exercise. The evidence for mental health is ambiguous, with somewhat more studies finding no impact than finding a positive impact (but none finding a negative impact). And the evidence for suicide points clearly to beneficial effects of higher minimum wages. Studies on family structure and children point in different directions, with evidence that mothers spend more time with children, no clear indication of changes in treatment of children, but declines in children's test scores. The evidence generally points to minimum wages increasing risky behavior (drinking and smoking). Evidence on the effects of minimum wages on crime is mixed. The best evidence on employer-provided health insurance is more adverse, although Medicaid expansions under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may have mitigated this influence, and there is not clear evidence of greater unmet medical needs. Other evidence suggests that higher minimum wages may affect health adversely via different channels." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf Geschlechterungleichheiten bei Arbeitszeiten und Verdiensten (2023)

    Ohlert, Clemens ;


    Ohlert, Clemens (2023): Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf Geschlechterungleichheiten bei Arbeitszeiten und Verdiensten. In: Soziale Welt, Jg. 74, H. 4, S. 562-588. DOI:10.5771/0038-6073-2023-4-562


    "Der Aufsatz geht der Frage nach, ob die Einführung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns zu einer Reduzierung von Geschlechterungleichheiten nicht nur bei Stundenlöhnen, sondern auch bei Arbeitszeiten und monatlichen Verdiensten beigetragen hat. Anhand der Verdienststrukturerhebung 2014 und der Verdiensterhebung 2015 wurden ein Panel-Datensatz generiert und Differenz-in-Differenzen-Analysen auf der Betriebsebene durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine bis zu 3,6 Prozentpunkte stärkere Reduzierung des durchschnittlichen Gender Pay Gap der Stundenlöhne in vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Betrieben als in nicht betroffenen Betrieben. Die Stundenlohneffekte des Mindestlohns auf Frauen und Männer im Niedriglohnbereich fielen jedoch gleich hoch aus. Zudem ergäbe sich keine Verringerung des Gender Pay Gap durch den Mindestlohn, wenn Frauen und Männer gleich auf Vollzeit-, Teilzeit- und geringfügige Beschäftigung verteilt wären. Der Gender Time Gap verringerte sich in vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Betrieben im Durchschnitt um rund 2,4 Prozentpunkte und für Beschäftigte im Niedriglohnbereich um rund 3,9 Prozentpunkte stärker als in nicht betroffenen Betrieben. Durch den Mindestlohn kam es zu einer deutlichen Verringerung des durchschnittlichen Gender Earnings Gap der monatlichen Bruttoverdienste. Dieser reduzierte sich in vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Betrieben bei Betrachtung aller Beschäftigten um bis zu 6,1 Prozentpunkte und bei Niedriglohnbeschäftigten um bis zu 4,6 Prozentpunkte stärker als in nicht betroffenen Betrieben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Heterogeneous Impact of the Minimum Wage: Implications for Changes in Between- and Within-group Inequality (2023)

    Oka, Tatsushi ; Yamada, Ken ;


    Oka, Tatsushi & Ken Yamada (2023): Heterogeneous Impact of the Minimum Wage: Implications for Changes in Between- and Within-group Inequality. In: The Journal of Human Resources, Jg. 58, H. 1, S. 335-362. DOI:10.3368/jhr.58.3.0719-10339R1


    "Most of the workers who earn at or below the minimum wage are either less educated, young, or female in the United States. We examine the extent to which the minimum wage influences the wage differential among workers with different observed characteristics and the wage differential among workers with the same observed characteristics. Our results suggest that changes in the real value of the minimum wage account in part for the patterns of changes in education, experience, and gender wage differentials and for most of the changes in within-group wage differentials for workers with lower levels of experience." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System) ((en))

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    The minimum wage and the wage distribution in Portugal (2023)

    Oliveira, Carlos ;


    Oliveira, Carlos (2023): The minimum wage and the wage distribution in Portugal. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 85. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102459


    "Raising the minimum wage can reshape the wage distribution. Using a semiparametric approach, counterfactual decomposition methods, and an extremely rich administrative dataset of all employees in Portugal, this paper presents significant visual and quantitative evidence of how changes in the minimum wage shaped the country’s wage distribution over the last thirty years. For most of this period, the importance of the minimum wage was decreasing. However, a sustained rise since 2006 coincided with a decline in wage inequality that was comparable to the United States’ total increase in inequality over the last five decades. This remarkable compression of the wage distribution can be fully accounted for by the rising minimum wage. While a minority of workers were directly covered by the minimum wage, spillover effects were observed up to the 54th percentile of the wage distribution, explaining more than half of its inequality-reducing effect. Portugal experienced modest wage growth between 2006 and 2019 but 38% of it can be associated to the increasing minimum wage." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Regulating low wages: cross-national policy variation and outcomes (2023)

    Pedersen, Siri Hansen; Picot, Georg ;


    Pedersen, Siri Hansen & Georg Picot (2023): Regulating low wages: cross-national policy variation and outcomes. In: Socio-economic review, Jg. 21, H. 4, S. 2093-2116. DOI:10.1093/ser/mwad019


    "This article provides a comparative analysis of three central policies to regulate low wages: statutory minimum wages, state support for collective bargaining and topping up low wages with public transfers (in-work benefits). We map the variation of these policies across 33 OECD countries and analyze the incidence of low-wage employment they are associated with. We find three approaches to regulating low wages. In the first, 'wage scale protection', states put most emphasis on supporting collective bargaining. In the second, 'bare minimum', there is not much else than the statutory minimum wage. In the third, 'state pay', the statutory minimum wage is supplemented by sizeable public financial support for low earners. When analyzing policy outcomes, 'wage scale protection' is associated with least low-wage employment. For 'bare minimum', much depends on the level of the statutory minimum wage. Although 'state pay' props up workers' disposable income, many workers receive low gross pay." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How elastic is labor demand? A meta-analysis for the German labor market (2023)

    Popp, Martin ;


    Popp, Martin (2023): How elastic is labor demand? A meta-analysis for the German labor market. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 57, 2023-02-15. DOI:10.1186/s12651-023-00337-8


    "The own-wage elasticity of labor demand measures the effect of higher wages on firms’ demand for labor and, thus, determines the impact of supply shocks, minimum wages, and collective wage agreements on the labor market. I carry out a comprehensive meta-analysis to shed light on the nature of this parameter, leveraging 705 elasticity estimates from 105 studies on the German labor market. The average elasticity is −0.43, but entails important heterogeneity: Labor demand turns out particularly elastic for low- and high-skilled workers, in the long run, and for internationally operating firms. While empirical designs that address endogeneity deliver more negative elasticities, the analysis does not support any systematic differences by region or by margin of adjustment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Popp, Martin ;
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    The Determinants of China's Minimum Wage Rates (2023)

    Schmillen, Achim; Stops, Michael ; Wang, Dewen;


    Schmillen, Achim, Michael Stops & Dewen Wang (2023): The Determinants of China's Minimum Wage Rates. In: China & World Economy, Jg. 31, H. 3, S. 59-91., 2023-02-12. DOI:10.1111/cwe.12489


    "We use a highly disaggregated panel of macro data and minimum wages at the county level to investigate the processes behind minimum wage adjustments in China. Relying on random effects models, spatial econometrics techniques, and multilevel analyses, we document that a comparatively small number of economic variables – including the local price level and GDP per capita – are important determinants of minimum wage rates. Interactions between adjacent counties and counties of the same administrative type, and centralized mechanisms, particularly at the provincial level, also play an important role in explaining the variance in minimum wage rates across counties. Finally, we show that China's provinces are the key players for setting minimum wage rates and that, when they do so, they are not uniform in the way they weigh different economic variables." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Wiley) ((en))

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    Stops, Michael ;
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    Minimum Wage Effects Within Census Based Statistical Areas: A Matched Pair Cross-Border Analysis (2023)

    Taylor, Garrett C.; West, James E. ;


    Taylor, Garrett C. & James E. West (2023): Minimum Wage Effects Within Census Based Statistical Areas: A Matched Pair Cross-Border Analysis. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 31196), Cambridge, Mass, 14 S.


    "Using monthly data from major U.S. metropolitan areas that span state borders, we estimate the elasticity of employment with respect to the minimum wage using a difference-in-differences design with continuous treatment in two-digit industries of 71 (Arts, Entertainment and Recreation) and 72 (Accommodation and Food Services). In specifications that control for differences in state sales, personal and corporate income tax rates, we find negative average causal response on the treated (ACRT) in six-digit industries where we expect large numbers of young, entry-level employees, but positive correlations in other industries. Our results illustrate important heterogeneities in minimum wage effects in urban versus rural areas." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimum wage effects within Census Based Statistical Areas: A matched pair cross-border analysis (2023)

    Taylor, Garrett C.; West, James E. ;


    Taylor, Garrett C. & James E. West (2023): Minimum wage effects within Census Based Statistical Areas: A matched pair cross-border analysis. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 229. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2023.111220


    "Using monthly data from major U.S. metropolitan areas that span state borders, we estimate the elasticity of employment with respect to the minimum wage using a difference-in-differences design with continuous treatment in two-digit industries of 71 (Arts, Entertainment and Recreation) and 72 (Accommodation and Food Services). In specifications that control for differences in state sales, personal and corporate income tax rates, we find a negative average causal response on the treated (ACRT) in six-digit industries where we expect large numbers of young, entry-level employees but positive correlations in other industries. Our results illustrate important heterogeneities in minimum wage effects in urban versus rural areas." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Mindestlohn: Paradigmenwechsel in der EU? (2023)

    Viotto, Regina;


    Viotto, Regina (2023): Mindestlohn: Paradigmenwechsel in der EU? In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, Jg. 68, H. 2, S. 37-40.


    "Der Gegenwind aus dem Arbeitgeberlager war massiv, doch im November 2022 trat die EU-Mindestlohnrichtlinie aller Lobbyarbeit zum Trotz in Kraft. Innerhalb der nächsten zwei Jahre muss sie nun in nationales Recht umgesetzt werden. Auch wenn damit weder ein einheitlicher europäischer Mindestlohn eingeführt werden muss, ist dieser Beschluss bemerkenswert. Denn erstmals in der Geschichte der Europäischen Union werden die Mitgliedstaaten verpflichtet, die herrschende Lohnungleichheit wirksam zu verringern." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku, © Blätter Verlagsgesellschaft mbH)

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    Neue europäische Richtlinie zu Mindestlöhnen und Tarifbindung (2023)

    Viotto, Regina;


    Viotto, Regina (2023): Neue europäische Richtlinie zu Mindestlöhnen und Tarifbindung. (Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Working paper Forschungsförderung 292), Düsseldorf, 44 S.


    "Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der im November 2022 in Kraft getretenen europäischen Mindestlohnrichtlinie, die einen Meilenstein in der europäischen Gesetzgebung darstellt. Es handelt sich um die erste EU-Rechtsvorschrift, die direkt die Erhöhung von gesetzlichen Mindestlöhnen und die Stärkung der nationalen Tarifvertragssysteme bezweckt. Insofern stellt sie nicht weniger als einen Paradigmenwechsel hin zu einem sozialen Europa dar. Ziele des Aufsatzes sind es, die wesentlichen Inhalte der Richtlinie darzustellen, juristisch zu prüfen, politisch zu bewerten und in einen Kontext zur bisherigen EU-Rechtsprechung und -politik zu setzen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Moonlighting and the Minimum Wage (2023)

    Vom Berge, Philipp ; Umkehrer, Matthias;


    Vom Berge, Philipp & Matthias Umkehrer (2023): Moonlighting and the Minimum Wage. (IAB-Discussion Paper 08/2023), Nürnberg, 42 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.DP.2308


    "In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir die Auswirkungen der Einführung eines flächendeckenden Mindestlohns in Deutschland auf Haupt- und Nebentätigkeiten und deren Wechselwirkung, indem wir umfangreiche administrative Daten und Variation in der Betroffenheit vom Mindestlohn über Tätigkeiten hinweg nutzen. Während wir bestätigen, dass der nationale Mindestlohn für beide Beschäftigungsarten die Verdienste auf individueller Ebene erhöht, aber die Beschäftigung nicht verringert hat, stellen wir fest, dass er unterschiedliche Auswirkungen auf die Anpassung der Arbeitszeit hatte: Bei Haupttätigkeiten erhöhte er die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass geringfügige in reguläre Beschäftigung umgewandelt wurde. Bei Nebentätigkeiten führte er eher zu Arbeitszeitverkürzungen, um Steuervorteile zu erhalten. Darüber hinaus liefern wir Evidenz, dass Personen mit einer Nebenbeschäftigung, die einen mindestlohnbedingten Rückgang der Stundenzahl ihrer Haupttätigkeit erlebten, stattdessen diese Arbeitsstunden zumindest teilweise auf ihre Nebentätigkeit übertragen haben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Vom Berge, Philipp ; Umkehrer, Matthias;
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    Alan Manning: "It is important to have institutions such as the minimum wage to adress the market power of employers" (Interview) (2023)

    Winters, Jutta; Manning, Alan ;


    Winters, Jutta; Alan Manning (interviewte Person) (2023): Alan Manning: "It is important to have institutions such as the minimum wage to adress the market power of employers" (Interview). In: IAB-Forum H. 05.06.2023 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20230605.02


    "Professor Alan Manning, one of the world’s most renowned labour market economists, explains in this video-statement the basic idea of imperfect competition in the labour market. He elaborates on the power of employers to keep wages lower than they would be in a competitive market and stresses the importance to address this imbalance with institutions such as the minimum wage." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Winters, Jutta;
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    Racial inequality in frictional labor markets: Evidence from minimum wages (2023)

    Wursten, Jesse ; Reich, Michael ;


    Wursten, Jesse & Michael Reich (2023): Racial inequality in frictional labor markets: Evidence from minimum wages. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 82. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102344


    "We provide the first causal analysis of how state and federal minimum wage policies in the U.S. have affected labor market frictions and racial wage gaps. Using stacked event studies, binned difference-in-differences estimators, within-person analyses and classic panel methods, we find that minimum wages increased wages of black workers between 16 and 64% more than among white workers and reduced the overall black-white wage gap by 10% (and by 56% among workers most affected by the policies). Racial differences in initial wages cannot explain this differential effect. Rather, minimum wages expand job opportunities for black workers more than for white workers. We present a model with labor market frictions in which minimum wages expand the job search radius of workers who do not own automobiles and who live farther from jobs. Our causal results using the ACS show that minimum wages increase commuting via automobile among black workers but not among white workers, supporting our model. Minimum wages also reduce racial gaps in separations and hires, further suggesting the policies especially enhance job opportunities for black workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Minimum income in the Western Balkans: From socialism to the European Pillar of Social Rights (2023)

    Žarković, Jelena ; Mustafa, Artan ; Arandarenko, Mihail ;


    Žarković, Jelena, Artan Mustafa & Mihail Arandarenko (2023): Minimum income in the Western Balkans: From socialism to the European Pillar of Social Rights. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 57, H. 1, S. 1-15. DOI:10.1111/spol.12855


    "In this article, we examine the evolution of minimum income programmes in the Western Balkans (comprising Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia). During socialism, Yugoslavia developed a rudimentary minimum income protection programme, while Albania did not have one. As countries moved towards a market economy, socialism's legacy remained relevant, but especially since 2000, governments have taken more direct responsibility for the minimum income schemes—typically under the influence of the World Bank. The attention was paid to strict targeting accuracy rather than to adequacy or sufficient coverage of the lowest deciles. In essence, neither socialist nor neoliberal policymakers ever recognised anything but the poverty relief function of the minimum income. Both ideologies were hostile, or at best indifferent, to increasing the adequacy and generosity of minimum income programmes, perceiving them as impediments and distractions that slowed socialist and neoliberal transformations. Despite some reform initiatives supported by the World Bank and, more recently, the European Union, the generosity and adequacy of minimum income programmes remain low, and coverage keeps declining. There have been very few efforts to develop inclusion function of the minimum income, while the activation aspect has achieved very little, sometimes degrading into punitive programmes of unpaid community work. In this dismal picture, the European Pillar of Social Rights action framework could serve as a guide for a long overdue third phase in the Western Balkans' minimum income policy evolution." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Mindestlohnbetrug und Kontrollen zur Einhaltung des Mindestlohns in Hessen: Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten und der Fraktion DIE LINKE (Drucksache 20/5306) (2023)


    Bundesministerium der Finanzen (2023): Mindestlohnbetrug und Kontrollen zur Einhaltung des Mindestlohns in Hessen. Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten und der Fraktion DIE LINKE (Drucksache 20/5306). (Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages. Drucksachen 20/5721 (20.02.2023)), 38 S.


    „Vor dem Hintergrund der am 1. Oktober 2022 eingeführten Erhöhung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns von 10,45 Euro auf 12 Euro je Zeitstunde richtet sich die Kleine Anfrage der Fraktion DIE LINKE auf die Kontrolle der Einhaltung des Mindestlohns. Insbesondere geht es um die Arbeit der zuständigen Finanzkontrolle Schwarzarbeit (FKS) in Hessen. Es erfolgt eine statistische Darstellung der Betriebe und Beschäftigten, differenziert nach Wirtschaftszweigen und für die Jahre 2019 bis 2022, für die die FKS zuständig ist. Weiterhin gibt die Bundesregierung Auskunft über die Anzahl der durchgeführten Arbeitgeberprüfungen, der dabei festgestellten Verstöße gegen das Mindestlohngesetz und eingeleitete Ordnungswidrigkeitsverfahren.“ (IAB)

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    Schwarzarbeit vor und nach der Anhebung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf 12 Euro: Studie im Auftrag der Mindestlohnkommission (2023)


    "Das Projekt untersuchte, ob es in Folge der Anhebung des Mindestlohns auf 12 Euro zu Veränderungen im Angebot von und in der Nachfrage nach Schwarzarbeit kam. Hierfür wurden in drei Wellen eine repräsentative Stichprobe von jeweils 1.000 Beschäftigten befragt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Labor Market and Wage Developments in Europe 2023 (2023)


    Europäische Kommission. Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration (2023): Labor Market and Wage Developments in Europe 2023. (Labour market and wage developments in Europe : annual review), Luxembourg, 138 S.


    "The Labor Market and Wage Developments in Europe report analyses the labor market from a macroeconomic perspective. This year’s edition discusses the situation and prospects for the EU labor market, which has continued to perform well notwithstanding the economic slowdown and an economic context characterised by persistent uncertainty. The report also reviews recent wage and labor cost developments in the EU and its Member States in the current high-inflation environment. While wage growth has been robust, it has not been sufficient to compensate for the high inflation. At the same time, statutory minimum wage policies have contributed to protecting the purchasing power of minimum-wage earners. Finally, the report examines the developments in working time across the EU, assessing how individual preferences have evolved following the COVID-19 pandemic and discussing the effects of working time policies on workers’ wellbeing and on the broader economic context." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Exploratory study - Publications Office of the EU: Final Report (2023)


    "This study explores the importance of financial incentives for the labor market integration of minimum income recipients compared to other factors, via three distinct strands of analysis: Benefit adequacy and work incentives: The study examines the potential trade-off in the design of minimum income schemes between ensuring adequate income support and providing sufficient incentive for recipients to look for employment. To do so, it calculates for each EU Member State the “participation tax rate” (PTR), which measures the net income lost by someone moving from receiving minimum income benefits into work relative to the income gained. It then assesses the actual importance of high PTRs on work incentives by analysing the empirical evidence available. Gradual phasing out of benefits: The study examines how minimum income schemes make use of tapering to ensure a financial incentive for recipients to take up (more) work. To do so, it takes inventory of the tapering arrangements currently applicable in Member States and examines how these are implemented. It also identifies recent reforms to tapering mechanisms, case studies on six recent reforms, and uses these to reflect on their impact. Active labor market policies for minimum income recipients: The study examines the use of active labour market policies and what types of policy may be most effective in enabling transition for minimum income benefit recipients. To do so, it performs a quantitative analysis of the data from the EU Labor Market Policy database and a qualitative analysis of evaluations of programs co-funded by the European Social Fund. In both cases long-term unemployed were used as a proxy for minimum income benefit recipients." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Vierter Bericht zu den Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns: Bericht der Mindestlohnkommission an die Bundesregierung nach § 9 Abs. 4 Mindestlohngesetz (2023)


    Mindestlohnkommission (2023): Vierter Bericht zu den Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns. Bericht der Mindestlohnkommission an die Bundesregierung nach § 9 Abs. 4 Mindestlohngesetz. (... Bericht zu den Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns / Mindestlohnkommission 4), Berlin, 233 S. DOI:10.21934/MLK20230117


    "Seit dem 1. Januar 2015 gilt in Deutschland ein allgemeiner gesetzlicher Mindestlohn. Über die Anpassung seiner Höhe beschließt die Mindestlohnkommission. Abweichend davon wurde der gesetzliche Mindestlohn durch den Deutschen Bundestag mit Wirkung zum 1. Oktober 2022 auf 12 Euro brutto pro Stunde angehoben. Die Mindestlohnkommission hat den gesetzlichen Auftrag, einen Bericht über die Auswirkungen des Mindestlohns auf den Schutz der Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer, die Wettbewerbsbedingungen und die Beschäftigung in Bezug auf bestimmte Branchen und Regionen sowie die Produktivität zu erstellen. Die Anhebung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns durch den Gesetzgeber hatte zur Folge, dass die von der Mindestlohnkommission beschlossene Höhe des Mindestlohns ab Oktober 2022 ausgesetzt wurde und der Anpassungsbeschluss der Mindestlohnkommission für das Jahr 2023 erst ein Jahr später für das Jahr 2024 erfolgt. 2 Der vorliegende Bericht der Mindestlohnkommission dokumentiert den aktuellen Erkenntnisstand zur Einführung und zu den nachfolgenden Erhöhungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns. Der Berichtszeitraum umfasst schwerpunktmäßig die Jahre 2020 bis 2022." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Vierter Beschluss vom 26.06.2023
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    Die Entwicklung der gesetzlichen Mindestlohnsetzung in der EU und ihre Bedeutung für die Gewerkschaften (2022)

    Adam, Georg;


    Adam, Georg (2022): Die Entwicklung der gesetzlichen Mindestlohnsetzung in der EU und ihre Bedeutung für die Gewerkschaften. In: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Jg. 48, H. 3, S. 365-406.


    "In der Europäischen Union bestehen auf nationaler Ebene sehr unterschiedliche Mindestlohnregime. Dieser Beitrag fokussiert auf den internationalen Vergleich von Mindestlohnregimen, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die Modi der gesetzlichen Festlegung von Mindestlöhnen gelegt wird. Darüber hinaus analysiert der Beitrag – ausgehend vom Konzept der Governance – den wechselseitigen Zusammenhang zwischen der gesetzlichen Mindestlohnsetzung und der Kollektivvertragspolitik. Drittens beleuchtet der Beitrag auf Grundlage des sogenannten Machtressourcenansatzes den Zusammenhang zwischen der Mindestlohnpolitik und den unterschiedlichen Dimensionen gewerkschaftlicher Macht. Insbesondere wird untersucht, unter welchen Bedingungen der gesetzliche Mindestlohn als institutionelle Machtressource der Gewerkschaften fungieren kann." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Minimum Wages and Insurance Within the Firm (2022)

    Adamopoulou, Effrosyni; Rachedi, Omar; Manaresi, Francesco; Yurdagul, Emircan;


    Adamopoulou, Effrosyni, Francesco Manaresi, Omar Rachedi & Emircan Yurdagul (2022): Minimum Wages and Insurance Within the Firm. (CRC TR 224 discussion paper series 326), Bonn, 46 S.


    "Minimum wages alter the allocation of firm-idiosyncratic risk across workers. To establish this result, we focus on Italy, and leverage employer-employee data matched to firm balance sheets and hand-collected wage floors. We find a relatively larger pass-through of firm-specific labor-demand shocks into wages for the workers whose earnings are far from the floors, but who are employed by establishments intensive in minimum-wage workers. We study the welfare implications of this fact using an incomplete-market model. The asymmetric pass-through uncovers a novel channel which tilts the benefits of removing minimum wages toward high-paid employees at the expense of low-wage workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The minimum wage and search effort (2022)

    Adams, Camilla; Sloan, CarlyWill; Meer, Jonathan;


    Adams, Camilla, Jonathan Meer & CarlyWill Sloan (2022): The minimum wage and search effort. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 212. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2022.110288


    "Labor market search-and-matching models posit supply-side responses to minimum wage increases that may lead to improved matches and lessen or even reverse negative employment effects. Using event study analysis of recent minimum wage increases, we find that these changes do not affect the likelihood of searching, but do lead to transitory spikes in search effort by individuals already looking for work. These results are not driven by changes in the composition of searchers, and are concentrated among the groups most likely to be impacted by the minimum wage and in response to larger minimum wage increases." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Minimum Wage and Collective Bargaining Reforms: A Narrative Database for Advance Economies (2022)

    Afonso, António; Jalles, João Tovar ; Venter, Zoe;


    Afonso, António, João Tovar Jalles & Zoe Venter (2022): Minimum Wage and Collective Bargaining Reforms: A Narrative Database for Advance Economies. (CESifo working paper 9692), München, 21 S.


    "This paper presents and describes a new database of major minimum wage and collective bargaining reforms covering 26 advanced economies over the period 1970-2020. The main advantage of this dataset is the precise identification of the nature and date of major reforms, which is valuable in many empirical applications. Based on the dataset, major changes in minimum wages have been more frequent than in collective bargaining in the last decades, and the majority of these were implemented during the 1980s and 1990s. In our empirical application, we find that minimum wage reforms have a medium-run positive impact on labor productivity and they lead to a fall in the unemployment rate. Collective bargaining reforms do not seem to affect either productivity or capital formation but they have a clear medium-term effect on the labor market. Moreover, collective bargaining reforms are more sensitivity to the prevailing business cycle conditions at the time of the reform (vis-à-vis minimum wage reforms)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimum wage increases and eviction risk (2022)

    Agarwal, Sumit; Ambrose, Brent W. ; Diop, Moussa;


    Agarwal, Sumit, Brent W. Ambrose & Moussa Diop (2022): Minimum wage increases and eviction risk. In: Journal of Urban Economics, Jg. 129. DOI:10.1016/j.jue.2021.103421


    "We extend the debate on the benefits to increasing the minimum wage by examining the impact on expenses associated with shelter, a previously unexplored area. Our analysis uses a unique data set that tracks household rental payments. Increases in state minimum wages significantly reduce the incidence of renters defaulting on their lease contracts by 1.7 percentage points over three months, relative to similar renters who did not experience an increase in the minimum wage. This represents 10.6% fewer monthly defaults. However, this effect slowly decreases over time as landlords react to wage increases by increasing rents." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Optimal minimum wages (2022)

    Ahlfeldt, Gabriel; Roth, Duncan ; Seidel, Tobias;


    Ahlfeldt, Gabriel, Duncan Roth & Tobias Seidel (2022): Optimal minimum wages. In: VOX H. 16.02.2022 London, o.Sz., 2022-02-15.


    "Ambitious minimum wages of 60% or more of the national mean wage are currently being debated in many countries. This column discusses the trade-off policymakers face when setting minimum wages. A quantitative spatial general equilibrium model predicts that the welfare-maximising minimum wage is higher than the employment-maximising minimum wage. Beyond 50% of the mean wage, increases in the minimum wage reduce employment at an increasing rate. Therefore, the optimal minimum wage depends on the social welfare function." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Roth, Duncan ;

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    Optimal minimum wages (2022)

    Ahlfeldt, Gabriel; Seidel, Tobias; Roth, Duncan ;


    Ahlfeldt, Gabriel, Duncan Roth & Tobias Seidel (2022): Optimal minimum wages. (CEPR discussion paper 16913), London, 95 S.


    "We develop a quantitative spatial model with heterogeneous firms and a monopsonistic labour market to derive minimum wages that maximize employment or welfare. Quantifying the model for German micro regions, we find that the German minimum wage, set at 48% of the national mean wage, has increased aggregate worker welfare by about 2.1% at the cost or reducing employment by about 0.3%. The welfare-maximizing federal minimum wage, at 60% of the national mean wage, would increase aggregate worker welfare by 4%, but reduce employment by 5.6%. An employment-maximizing regional wage, set at 50\% of the regional mean wage, would achieve a similar aggregate welfare effect and increase employment by 1.1%." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Roth, Duncan ;

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    The heterogeneous regional effects of minimum wages in Poland (2022)

    Albinowski, Maciej; Lewandowski, Piotr ;


    Albinowski, Maciej & Piotr Lewandowski (2022): The heterogeneous regional effects of minimum wages in Poland. In: Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, Jg. 30, H. 2, S. 237-267. DOI:10.1111/ecot.12283


    "We evaluate the impact of large minimum wage hikes on employment and wage growth in Poland between 2004 and 2018. We estimate panel data models utilizing the considerable variation in wage levels, and in minimum wage bites, across 73 Polish NUTS 3 regions. We find that minimum wage hikes had a significant positive effect on wage growth and a significant negative effect on employment growth only in regions of Poland that were in the first tercile of the regional wage distribution in 2007. These effects were moderate in size, and appear to be more relevant for wages. Specifically, if the ratio of minimum wage to average wage had remained constant after 2007, by 2018, the average wages in these regions would have been 3.2% lower, while employment would have been 1.2% higher. In the remaining two-thirds of Polish regions, we find no significant effects of minimum wage hikes on average wages or on employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Der Zusammenhang zwischen Marktlöhnen und Produktivität und die Beschäftigungseffekte von Mindestlöhnen: Eine theoretische Betrachtung zur Erklärung empirischer Ergebnisse (2022)

    Ayaita, Adam ; Klesczewski, Diethelm;


    Ayaita, Adam & Diethelm Klesczewski (2022): Der Zusammenhang zwischen Marktlöhnen und Produktivität und die Beschäftigungseffekte von Mindestlöhnen. Eine theoretische Betrachtung zur Erklärung empirischer Ergebnisse. In: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, Jg. 51, H. 5, S. 30-36. DOI:10.15358/0340-1650-2022-5-30


    "Die Beschäftigungseffekte von Mindestlöhnen sind ein praktisch relevantes Thema der Arbeitsmarktökonomik. Im Gegensatz zu häufigen Erwartungen haben empirische Studien meist nur kleine oder insignifikante negative Beschäftigungseffekte von Mindestlöhnen gefunden. Um diese Befunde zu erklären, nutzen wir ein Arbeitsmarktmodell, das auf der Erkenntnis beruht, dass Marktlöhne selbst in einem kompetitiven Markt systematisch unterhalb der durchschnittlichen Produktivität der Arbeiter liegen können." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Verlag Franz Vahlen )

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    Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf Löhne und Arbeitszeiten: Studie im Auftrag der Mindestlohnkommission : Projektvergabe durch die Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA), Vergabe-Nr. 547 615-Wa-MLK 015 : Endbericht (2022)

    Bachmann, Ronald ; Gonschor, Myrielle; Boockmann, Bernhard; Klauser, Roman; Kalweit, René; Vonnahme, Christina; Laub, Natalie; Rulff, Christian ;


    Bachmann, Ronald, Bernhard Boockmann, Myrielle Gonschor, René Kalweit, Roman Klauser, Natalie Laub, Christian Rulff & Christina Vonnahme (2022): Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf Löhne und Arbeitszeiten. Studie im Auftrag der Mindestlohnkommission : Projektvergabe durch die Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA), Vergabe-Nr. 547 615-Wa-MLK 015 : Endbericht. (RWI-Projektbericht), Essen, 254 S.


    "Die Studie untersuchte die Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf Stunden- und Monatslöhne, Arbeitszeiten und das Arbeitsvolumen sowie die Lohnmobilität für den Zeitraum bis zum Jahr 2019. Dazu wurden zum einen deskriptive Auswertungen zu Löhnen und Arbeitszeiten auf Basis der Verdienststrukturerhebung (VSE) bzw. der Verdiensterhebungen (VE) und des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) durchgeführt. Zum anderen wurden Kausalanalysen zu den Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf Verdienste und Arbeitszeiten anhand des SOEP vorgenommen. Darüber hinaus wurden auf Basis des SOEP Umfang und Ausgestaltung von Nebentätigkeiten sowie die Ausgestaltung von Arbeitszeitregelungen und Arbeitszeiterfassung aufgezeigt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Minimum Wages, Efficiency and Welfare (2022)

    Berger, David W.; Mongey, Simon; Herkenhoff, Kyle F.;


    Berger, David W., Kyle F. Herkenhoff & Simon Mongey (2022): Minimum Wages, Efficiency and Welfare. (NBER working paper 29662), Cambridge, Mass, 84 S. DOI:10.3386/w29662


    "It has long been argued that a minimum wage could alleviate efficiency losses from monopsony power. In a general equilibrium framework that quantitatively replicates results from recent empirical studies, we find higher minimum wages can improve welfare, but most welfare gains stem from redistribution rather than efficiency. Our model features oligopsonistic labor markets with heterogeneous workers and firms and yields analytical expressions that characterize the mechanisms by which minimum wages can improve efficiency, and how these deteriorate at higher minimum wages. We provide a method to separate welfare gains into two channels: efficiency and redistribution. Under both channels and Utilitarian social welfare weights the optimal minimum wage is $15, but alternative weights can rationalize anything from $0 to $31. Under only the efficiency channel, the optimal minimum wage is narrowly around $8, robust to social welfare weights, and generates small welfare gains that recover only 2 percent of the efficiency losses from monopsony power." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Using Distribution Regression Difference-In-Differences to Evaluate the Effects of a Minimum Wage Introduction on the Distribution of Hourly Wages and Hours Worked (2022)

    Biewen, Martin ; Fitzenberger, Bernd ; Rümmele, Marian;


    Biewen, Martin, Bernd Fitzenberger & Marian Rümmele (2022): Using Distribution Regression Difference-In-Differences to Evaluate the Effects of a Minimum Wage Introduction on the Distribution of Hourly Wages and Hours Worked. (IZA discussion paper 15534), Bonn, 54 S.


    "This paper evaluates the effects of the newly introduced German minimum wage on the distribution of hourly wages and hours worked. The study is based on the German Structure of Earnings Survey (GSES), the only large scale data set for Germany that includes information on hourly wages and hours worked. We provide a full distributional analysis based on counterfactual distributions that would have prevailed, had the minimum wage not been introduced. Our results suggest that its introduction almost eliminated wage rates below its threshold and, depending on the specification considered, led to spill-over effects up to 20 percent above it. We show that inequality in hourly wages fell between 2014 and 2018, but that the long-term trend of rising inequality would already have been stopped after 2014 without the minimum wage. We demonstrate that the existence of pre-trends leads to an upward bias for the estimation of the minimum wage effect. We do not find any significant shifts in the distribution of weekly working hours. As a methodological contribution, we provide a transparent treatment of distribution regression difference-in-differences (DR DiD) based on bite measures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Fitzenberger, Bernd ;
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    Die Anhebung des Mindestlohns auf 12 Euro und die Reaktion der Unternehmen: Ergebnisse einer Sonderumfrage in den ifo Konjunkturumfragen (2022)

    Blömer, Maximilian Joseph; Sauer, Stefan; Link, Sebastian;


    Blömer, Maximilian Joseph, Sebastian Link & Stefan Sauer (2022): Die Anhebung des Mindestlohns auf 12 Euro und die Reaktion der Unternehmen. Ergebnisse einer Sonderumfrage in den ifo Konjunkturumfragen. In: Ifo-Schnelldienst, Jg. 75, H. 9, S. 75-79.


    "Der gesetzliche Mindestlohn wird – wie im Koalitionsvertrag der neuen Bundesregierung vereinbart – zum 1. Oktober 2022 in einem großen Schritt auf 12 Euro erhöht. Zur Abschätzung der Auswirkungen dieser Mindestlohnanhebung und der geplanten Reaktionen der Unternehmen wurden im Juni 2022 Sonderfragen in den ifo Konjunkturumfragen gestellt, die von 6 900 Unternehmen beantwortet wurden. Viele deutsche Unternehmen geben an, direkt von der Mindestlohnanhebung im Oktober betroffen zu sein, da sie bisher noch Beschäftigte zu einem geringeren Entgelt entlohnt haben. Diese Betroffenheit konzentriert sich nicht nur auf klassische Niedriglohnsektoren, sondern tritt über alle Sektoren hinweg in unterschiedlicher Intensität auf. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die Mindestlohnerhöhung nur bei wenigen Unternehmen zu Stellenverlusten führt, die sich jedoch hauptsächlich auf diejenigen Unternehmen konzentrieren, die aktuell noch viele Mitarbeitende zu Stundenlöhnen unter 12 Euro beschäftigen. Eine Beschäftigungsanpassung dürfte hingegen häufiger über eine Senkung der durchschnittlichen Arbeitszeit erfolgen. Die Unternehmen erwarten ferner, dass die Kosten der Mindestlohnanhebung durch niedrigere Profitabilität und/oder durch höhere Produktpreise getragen werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Push or Pull? Measuring the labor supply response to the minimum wage using an individual-level panel (2022)

    Boffy-Ramirez, Ernest ;


    Boffy-Ramirez, Ernest (2022): Push or Pull? Measuring the labor supply response to the minimum wage using an individual-level panel. In: Applied Economics, Jg. 54, H. 35, S. 4043-4059. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2021.2020713


    "For individuals in low-wage labour markets, an increase in the minimum wage can theoretically pull them into or push them out of the labour force. If increases raise expected wages beyond reservation wages, marginal individuals could enter the labour force and begin searching for employment. If increases lower expected wages, marginal individuals already in the labour force could exit. Leveraging revised individual identifiers in the U.S. Current Population Survey, this research estimates the contemporaneous effects of minimum wage increases on labour force participation. The use of within-person variation, short individual panels, and flexible controls for time create an empirical strategy that mitigates potential biases from unobserved constant individual-level heterogeneity and time-varying factors. This research finds that minimum wage changes tend to impact the youngest individuals, but there is substantial heterogeneity in responses by age, race/ethnicity, and sex. There is stronger evidence of pull effects amongst young white men and Latinos, and weaker evidence amongst young Black women and older Latinas. Weak evidence of push effects is observed amongst younger white women, younger Latinos, and older Latinas. This research highlights heterogeneous labour force participation responses to further inform our understanding of search behaviour and labour market churn." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Erhöhung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns und Änderungen im Bereich der geringfügigen Beschäftigung: Stellungnahme des IAB zur öffentlichen Anhörung im Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales des Deutschen Bundestags am 16.5.2022 (2022)

    Bossler, Mario ; Bruckmeier, Kerstin ; Wiemers, Jürgen ; Lietzmann, Torsten;


    Bossler, Mario, Kerstin Bruckmeier, Torsten Lietzmann & Jürgen Wiemers (2022): Erhöhung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns und Änderungen im Bereich der geringfügigen Beschäftigung. Stellungnahme des IAB zur öffentlichen Anhörung im Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales des Deutschen Bundestags am 16.5.2022. (IAB-Stellungnahme 05/2022), Nürnberg, 17 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.SN.2205


    "Das IAB hat in der öffentlichen Anhörung im Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales des Deutschen Bundestags am 16.5.2022 seine Stellungnahme zum Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung und zu den Vorschlägen des Abgeordnetenantrags bezüglich der Anpassung des Mindestlohns und der Änderungen bei der geringfügigen Beschäftigung abgegeben. Mit dem Gesetzesentwurf der Bundesregierung soll der gesetzliche Mindestlohn einmalig auf 12 Euro erhöht werden. Ab 2023 soll dann wieder die Mindestlohnkommission mit einem inhaltlich unveränderten gesetzlichen Auftrag über die Entwicklung des Mindestlohns entscheiden. Da in den letzten Jahren eine große Zahl der Beschäftigten noch unterhalb von 12 Euro entlohnt wurde, handelt es sich um einen bedeutenden Eingriff in den Arbeitsmarkt. Damit einhergehend ist mit signifikanten Lohnsteigerungen zu rechnen, wobei offen bleibt, inwiefern sich die zu erwartende Stundenlohnerhöhung auch in den monatlichen Arbeitseinkommen, einer Reduzierung des ALG-II-Bezugs oder in einer reduzierten Armutsgefährdung niederschlägt. Eine Prognose über die Beschäftigungswirkung ist aus heutiger Sicht mit hoher Unsicherheit verbunden. Während die empirische Literatur zur Einführung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns und die neuere makroökonomische Literatur ein durchaus positives Bild über die Wirkungen der Einführung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns 2015 zeichnen, lässt sich daraus keine belastbare Prognose ableiten, u. a. deshalb weil der Anteil der vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Beschäftigten deutlich gegenüber 2015 ansteigen wird. Im Zuge der Anpassung des Mindestlohns auf 12 Euro pro Stunde soll die Entgeltgrenze für Minijobs von derzeit 450 Euro auf 520 Euro angehoben und dynamisiert werden. Die Midijob-Grenze soll von derzeit 1.300 auf 1.600 Euro angehoben werden, um Geringverdienende zu entlasten. Zugleich soll verhindert werden, dass Minijobs als Ersatz für reguläre Arbeitsverhältnisse missbraucht oder zur Teilzeitfalle insbesondere für Frauen werden. Durch die Reform würden Beschäftigungsverhältnisse im unteren Teilzeitbereich und insbesondere geringfügige Beschäftigungsverhältnisse im Vergleich zum Status quo jedoch attraktiver. Mit der Koppelung der Minijob-Grenze an die Entwicklung des Mindestlohns droht eine Stärkung der geringfügigen Beschäftigung und eine Vergrößerung der mit dem Minijob-Arrangement verbundenen Probleme. Auf der Grundlage von Forschungsergebnissen lässt sich eine Reform zum Abbau statt zur Ausweitung der geringfügigen Beschäftigung begründen, da diese Beschäftigungsverhältnisse mit zahlreichen Nachteilen für die Beschäftigten verbunden sind. Eine Neuregelung sollte eher darauf abzielen, dass sich die geringfügige Beschäftigung auf diejenigen konzentriert, für die eine sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung ohnehin vergleichsweise geringe Vorteile bringen würde (wie Schülerinnen und Schüler, Studierende, Rentnerinnen und Rentner)." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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