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Atypische Beschäftigung

Vollzeit, unbefristet und fest angestellt - das typische Normalarbeitsverhältnis ist zwar immer noch die Regel. Doch arbeiten die Erwerbstätigen heute vermehrt auch befristet, in Teilzeit- und Minijobs, in Leiharbeitsverhältnissen oder als Solo-Selbständige. Was sind die Konsequenzen der zunehmenden Bedeutung atypischer Beschäftigungsformen für die Erwerbstätigen, die Arbeitslosen und die Betriebe? Welche Bedeutung haben sie für die sozialen Sicherungssysteme, das Beschäftigungsniveau und die Durchlässigkeit des Arbeitsmarktes? Die IAB-Infoplattform bietet Informationen zum Forschungsstand.

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im Aspekt "befristete Beschäftigung"
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    Pläne der Bundesregierung zur Reform des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes: Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Fraktion der CDU/CSU (Drucksache 20/6164) (2023)


    Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (2023): Pläne der Bundesregierung zur Reform des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes. Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Fraktion der CDU/CSU (Drucksache 20/6164). (Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages. Drucksachen 20/6561 (23.04.2023)), 11 S.


    "Die Bundesregierung antwortet auf die kleine Anfrage der Fraktion der CDU/CSU zu den Plänen der Bundesregierung zur Reform des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVG). Insbesondere die Eckpunkte, Positionierungen und Ziele der Bundesregierung der avisierten Novellierung des WissZeitVG waren den Fragestellenden wichtig." (IAB-Doku)

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    Befristungen bei Neueinstellungen 2021: Stand: 12. Mai 2022 (2022)

    Bossler, Mario ; Küfner, Benjamin ; Kubis, Alexander; Popp, Martin ; Gürtzgen, Nicole;


    Bossler, Mario, Nicole Gürtzgen, Alexander Kubis, Benjamin Küfner & Martin Popp (2022): Befristungen bei Neueinstellungen 2021. Stand: 12. Mai 2022. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Daten und Indikatoren), Nürnberg, 8 S.


    "Die Diskrepanz zwischen dem Anteil befristeter Neueinstellungen und dem Befristungsanteil aller Beschäftigter zeigt, dass befristete Beschäftigungsverhältnisse in nennenswertem Ausmaß in unbefristete Arbeitsverträge umgewandelt werden (Müller et al. 2017: 55). Bedingt durch die COVID19-Pandemie sank 2020 der Anteil an Umwandlungen in unbefristete Beschäftigungsverhältnisse (Hohendanner 2021). Auch der Anteil befristeter Neueinstellungen stieg gegenüber dem Vorjahr 2019 leicht auf 34 Prozent. Aktuell liegt der Anteil mit 32 Prozent im Jahr 2021 nun jedoch wieder fast auf dem Vorkrisen-Niveau. Es bleibt abzuwarten, inwieweit sich der vor der COVID-19-Pandemie beobachtete Trend eines Rückgangs befristeter Neueinstellungen fortsetzt." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Are temporary jobs stepping stones or dead ends? A systematic review of the literature (2022)

    Filomena, Mattia ; Picchio, Matteo ;


    Filomena, Mattia & Matteo Picchio (2022): Are temporary jobs stepping stones or dead ends? A systematic review of the literature. In: International Journal of Manpower, Jg. 43, H. 9, S. 60-74. DOI:10.1108/IJM-02-2022-0064


    "Purpose: This study aims to investigate the heterogeneous results about the impact of temporary jobs on subsequent labour market performances and to provide policymakers with further information on the effects of temporary contracts under particular circumstances. Design/methodology/approach: The authors present a quantitative systematic review on the debate about the “stepping stone vs dead end” hypothesis related to the causal effect of temporary jobs on future labour market performances. Findings: Among 78 observations from 64 articles, 32% support the hypothesis according to which temporary contracts are a port of entry into stable employment positions, 23% report ambiguous or mixed findings and the remaining 45% provide evidence in favour of the dead end hypothesis. The results from meta-regressions suggest that the stepping stone effect is more likely to emerge when self-selectivity issues are dealt with. The studies focussing on temporary work agency jobs and casual/seasonal jobs support more easily the dead end hypothesis. Finally, in more recent years and when the unemployment rate is larger, the dead end hypothesis is more likely to prevail. Originality/value: Although many studies have been published on this issue, to the best of the authors' knowledge, there are no recent analytic economic surveys on the “stepping stone vs dead end” debate. The main contribution of this article is to fill this gap." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    See you soon: fixed-term contracts, unemployment and recalls in Germany - a linked employer–employee Analysis (2022)

    Jost, Oskar ;


    Jost, Oskar (2022): See you soon: fixed-term contracts, unemployment and recalls in Germany - a linked employer–employee Analysis. In: Empirica, Jg. 49, H. 3, S. 601-626., 2022-03-18. DOI:10.1007/s10663-022-09540-1


    "Almost 20% of all male employees in Germany who become unemployed return to their previous employers. Such temporary layoffs and the subsequent recalls are often used by firms to shift their labor costs onto society and the unemployment benefit system, which has led to various legislation aimed at prohibiting or reducing this undesired instrument in Germany. I analyze the interplay between fixed-term contracts, which can be used to undermine legal regulations, and temporary layoffs for men. For this purpose, I use comprehensive administrative data at individual level, complemented by various firm characteristics. My results show that unemployed workers who had previously worked on fixed-term contracts are more often recalled by their previous firms than workers who had permanent contracts. Moreover, older and low-skilled employees as well as migrants are particularly affected by the interplay between fixed-term contracts and temporary layoffs. This is also confirmed for women in an additional robustness analysis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Temporary employment in Europe: stagnating rates and rising risks (2022)

    Latner, Jonathan P. ;


    Latner, Jonathan P. (2022): Temporary employment in Europe: stagnating rates and rising risks. In: European Societies, Jg. 24, H. 4, S. 383-408., 2022-04-29. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2022.2072930


    "There is a perception that temporary employment is rising in Europe but there is little evidence to support this. If one takes the position that temporary employment should be rising due to large structural changes in European labor markets, then stagnating trends represents something of a puzzle. I examine the puzzle by applying a life-course approach to understand the distribution and trends in temporary employment among prime-age workers in 31 European countries. I compare and contrast changes in the temporary employment rate in a single period of time using cross-sectional data from the European Labour Force Survey (LFS), with changes in the risk of experiencing temporary employment in multiple periods of time using longitudinal data from the European Survey of Income and Living Conditions (SILC). Results from cross-sectional data suggest that between 1996 and 2007, the temporary employment rate increased in Europe by 28%, but between 2007 and 2019, there was little change. By contrast, results from panel data suggest that between 2013 and 2019, the risk of experiencing at least one temporary employment contract rose 36%. Over time, the temporary employment rate stagnated, but the temporary employment risk rose. The contribution provides insight into the nature of employment experiences associated with insecurity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Latner, Jonathan P. ;
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    Begging thy coworker – Labor market dualization and the slow-down of wage growth in Europe (2022)

    Lehner, Lukas; Riedl, Aleksandra; Ramskogler, Paul;


    Lehner, Lukas, Paul Ramskogler & Aleksandra Riedl (2022): Begging thy coworker – Labor market dualization and the slow-down of wage growth in Europe. (INET Oxford working paper 2022-04), Oxford, 50 S.


    "Does the structure of labor markets – and the possibility to employ temporary workers – affect aggregate wage growth? After the global financial crisis (GFC) a rich debate had ensued about the reasons for the delayed pick up of wage growth. However, structural labor market aspects remained strangely absent from this discussion. We contribute by incorporating labor market dualization into the standard Phillips curve model to explain wage growth in 30 European countries in the period 2004-2017. We find that the presence of workers with temporary contracts in Europe's labor markets slows down aggregate wage growth due to the competition that temporary workers exert on permanent workers. This competition effect is most pronounced in countries, where trade union density is low. Moreover, we establish that labor market dualization has been at least as important in slowing wage growth since the GFC as unemployment, i.e. the observed flattening of the Phillips curve." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Are men or women more unsettled by fixed-term contracts? Gender differences in affective job insecurity and the role of household context and labour market position (2022)

    Morgenroth, Nicolas; Schels, Brigitte ; Teichler, Nils;


    Morgenroth, Nicolas, Brigitte Schels & Nils Teichler (2022): Are men or women more unsettled by fixed-term contracts? Gender differences in affective job insecurity and the role of household context and labour market position. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 38, H. 4, S. 560-574., 2021-11-15. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcab060


    "This study investigates differences in the causal effect of fixed-term contracts on affective job insecurity by gender and household context in Germany. Research shows that workers in fixed-term employment are more unsettled about their job security than are permanent employees. We contribute to the literature on subjective job insecurity by explicitly modelling the causal effect of fixed-term employment and by examining how women and men differ in this effect. We argue that gender differences in the labour market positions and a gendered division of labour in the household account for gender differences in the subjective vulnerability to fixed-term employment. We apply linear fixed effect probability models based on the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) with a sample of employees aged between 20 and 45 years. Results show that a fixed-term contract doubles the probability of big job worries compared to a permanent contract. Women are substantially more unsettled by fixed-term contracts than men across all household types. These gender differences cannot be explained by unfavourable labour market positions of women. Fixed-term employment thus seems to add to existing gender inequalities on the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Schels, Brigitte ;
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    Temporary employment and poverty persistence: The case of U.K. and Germany (2022)

    Simon, Agathe ;


    Simon, Agathe (2022): Temporary employment and poverty persistence. The case of U.K. and Germany. (French Stata Users' Group Meetings 2022 07), Marseille, 19 S.


    "This presentation aims at providing more insight on the relationship between atypical employment and poverty, with a focus on temporary contract workers. I want to assess to what extent temporary contract workers face higher risk of poverty than standard workers and how factors such as the family structure and the welfare states influence this risk. I study the implication of being under temporary contract on the risk of poverty in a longitudinal perspective in order to investigate further the association between atypical work and poverty not only by contract type and individual characteristics as done in two previous dynamic analyses—Debels (2008) and Amuedo-Dorantes and Serrano-Padial (2010)—but also by the households’ financial situation, the role of the partners’ earnings and benefits, while controlling for feedback effects of contract type and state dependency of poverty as done by Amuedo-Dorantes and Serrano-Padial (2010). In order to do that, I use two large panels for Germany (SOEP) and the U.K. (BHPS-UKHLS). Those panels allow me to cover extended periods: SOEP goes from 1984 to 2017 and the U.K. from 1991 to 2019." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Earnings instability and non-standard employment: cohort-based evidence from the Italian labour market (2022)

    Tomelleri, Alessio ;


    Tomelleri, Alessio (2022): Earnings instability and non-standard employment: cohort-based evidence from the Italian labour market. (FBK-IRVAPP working paper / Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies 2022-02), Trient, 31 S.


    "This paper estimates trends in the transitory and permanent variance of male earnings in Italy using social security data from 1990 to 2016. Cohort-specific earnings variability is compared by the number of non-standard contracts to test the extent to which the increase in income instability is related to labour market deregulation for fixed-term contracts. Results show a relationship between the reforms that liberalised temporary contracts and increasing income instability, mainly affecting younger cohorts. In addition, younger workers exhibit an increase in the variance of permanent earnings as the number of atypical contracts increases. This is related to a decline in long-term mobility and an increase in long-term inequality. Results show that the reforms that liberalised temporary arrangements led to a short-run increase in earnings instability and a long-term increase in inequality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Befristung und partnerschaftliche Zukunftsplanungen junger deutscher Erwachsener in Partnerschaften (2021)

    Baron, Daniel;


    Baron, Daniel (2021): Befristung und partnerschaftliche Zukunftsplanungen junger deutscher Erwachsener in Partnerschaften. In: Soziale Welt, Jg. 72, H. 2, S. 139-171. DOI:10.5771/0038-6073-2021-2-139


    "Eine Vielzahl an Studien untersucht die Auswirkungen befristeter Beschäftigungsverhältnisse auf subjektive Unsicherheiten und Entscheidungen zur Verfestigung von Partnerschaften unter jungen Erwachsenen. Hingegen gibt es für die Bundesrepublik kaum umfassende Befunde zu möglichen Zusammenhängen zwischen der Einbindung in befristete Beschäftigung und Einschätzungen junger erwerbstätiger Erwachsener mit Blick auf die Planbarkeit ihrer partnerschaftlichen Zukunft. Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich dieser Frage auf Basis einer 897 Personen umfassenden Stichprobe bestehend aus jungen abhängig Beschäftigten und in Partnerschaft befindlichen Erwachsenen. Die Befunde weisen auf umso pessimistischere Einschätzungen der partnerschaftlichen Zukunftsplanung hin, je geringer die subjektive Erwerbs- und die subjektive Einkommenssicherheit junger verpartnerter Erwachsener ausfallen. Außerdem zeigen sich signifikant pessimistischere Einschätzungen bei jungen einkommensschwachen Männern als bei jungen einkommensschwachen Frauen. Diese Befunde weisen auf die analytische Relevanz sozialpsychologischer und geschlechtersoziologischer Erklärungsansätze hin, die über familienökonomisch argumentierte Perspektive hinausgehen. Ausgehend von diesen Befunden dürften Ergänzungen arbeitspolitischer Maßnahmen um Strategien zur Befähigung junger Erwachsener im Umgang mit den Konsequenzen befristeter Beschäftigungsverhältnisse aussichtsreicher sein mit Blick auf die Unterstützung ihrer partnerschaftlichen Zukunftsplanungen als vorwiegend auf Re-Regulierung abzielende Strategien." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Befristungen bei Neueinstellungen 2020: Stand: 26. Mai 2020 (2021)

    Bossler, Mario ; Popp, Martin ; Kubis, Alexander; Gürtzgen, Nicole; Küfner, Benjamin ;


    Bossler, Mario, Nicole Gürtzgen, Alexander Kubis, Benjamin Küfner & Martin Popp (2021): Befristungen bei Neueinstellungen 2020. Stand: 26. Mai 2020. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Daten und Indikatoren), Nürnberg, 8 S.


    "Im Rahmen der IAB-Stellenerhebung gaben die Betriebe an, im Jahr 2020 in Deutschland rund 3,9 Mio. sozialversicherungspflichtige Neueinstellungen (ohne Auszubildende und ohne Mini-Jobs) vorgenommen zu haben. Hiervon waren mind. 34 Prozent, also rd. 1,3 Mio. Stellen (zunächst) befristet (Tabelle 1). Die Befristung von Neueinstellungen ermöglicht den Betrieben die Überprüfung der Fähigkeiten von Bewerbern, bevor ein unbefristetes Arbeitsverhältnis eingegangen wird. „Durch die Verwendung von befristeten Arbeitsverträgen kann ein Betrieb ohne langfristige Mittelbindung häufig einen Arbeitsplatz anbieten, der sonst vielleicht nicht bereitgestellt worden wäre. Für die Betriebe haben Befristungen zudem den Vorteil, dass sie (Entlassungs-)Kosten vermeiden können, die im Rahmen des allgemeinen oder tarifvertraglich erweiterten Kündigungsschutzes entstehen könnten“ (Bossler et al. 2017). Zu beachten ist, dass die Befristungsquoten bei Neueinstellungen deutlich oberhalb des Anteils befristeter Beschäftigung an der Gesamtbeschäftigung liegen. Rund 2,4 Millionen Beschäftigte in Deutschland hatten laut IAB-Betriebspanel im Jahr 2020 einen befristeten Arbeitsvertrag. Das entspricht einem Anteil an allen Beschäftigten (ohne Auszubildende) von 6,3 Prozent (Hohendanner 2021). Der Anteil der befristeten Beschäftigung liegt damit wieder auf dem Niveau von 2005." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Social protection of atypical workers during the Covid-19 crisis (2021)

    Bruckmeier, Kerstin ; Konle-Seidl, Regina; d'Andria, Diego ;


    Bruckmeier, Kerstin, Diego d'Andria & Regina Konle-Seidl (2021): Social protection of atypical workers during the Covid-19 crisis. In: IAB-Forum H. 28.05.2021 Nürnberg, o. Sz., 2021-05-27.


    "The Covid-19 crisis acts like a magnifying glass under which already existing problems within countries’ social protection systems become more visible than before. It puts the spotlight on weaknesses, especially the social protection of the atypically employed and the (solo) self-employed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Bruckmeier, Kerstin ; Konle-Seidl, Regina;
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    For the rest of our lives: Flexibility and innovation in Italy (2021)

    Dughera, Stefano; Vittori, Claudia ; Quatraro, Francesco; Ricci, Andrea ;


    Dughera, Stefano, Francesco Quatraro, Andrea Ricci & Claudia Vittori (2021): For the rest of our lives: Flexibility and innovation in Italy. (Working paper series / Dipartimento economia e statistica "Cognetti de Martiis" 2021,15), Torino, 38 S.


    "We study the effect of temporary workers on innovation both theoretically and empirically. First, we develop a model where a representative firm chooses between different types of projects (routine vs innovative) and different types of labor contracts (temporary vs permanent). In doing so, it considers the effect of these different strategies on the workers' incentives to invest in firm-specific skills. Our key finding is that firms offering temporary contracts are less likely to invest in innovative projects, and that this is effect is stronger in industries characterized by a “garage-business” innovation regime. Second, we test our hypotheses using firm-level data on employment composition and patent filing. Consistently with our theoretical predictions, we find that temporary workers are detrimental to innovation, and that this effect is mitigated by the concentration of patent-filing at the industry-level." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Are temporary jobs stepping stones or dead ends?: A meta-analytical review of the literature (2021)

    Filomena, Mattia ; Picchio, Matteo ;


    Filomena, Mattia & Matteo Picchio (2021): Are temporary jobs stepping stones or dead ends? A meta-analytical review of the literature. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 841), Maastricht, 39 S.


    "We present a meta-analysis on the debate about the "stepping stone vs. dead end" hypothesis related to the causal effect of temporary jobs on future labour market performances. We select academic papers published on international peer-reviewed journals from 1990 until 2021. Among 78 observations from 64 articles, 32% support the hypothesis according to which temporary contracts are a port of entry into stable employment positions, 23% report ambiguous or mixed findings, and the remaining 45% provide evidence in favour of the dead end hypothesis. The results from meta-regressions suggest that the stepping stone effect is more likely to emerge when self-selectivity issues are dealt with, especially when using the timing-of-events approach. The studies focusing on temporary work agency jobs and casual/seasonal jobs detect more easily results in favour of the dead end hypothesis. Finally, in more recent years and when the unemployment rate is larger, the dead end hypothesis is more likely to prevail." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    (In)efficient Separations, Firing Costs and Temporary Contracts (2021)

    Gerali, Andrea; Liberati, Danilo; Guglielminetti, Elisa;


    Gerali, Andrea, Elisa Guglielminetti & Danilo Liberati (2021): (In)efficient Separations, Firing Costs and Temporary Contracts. (Temi di discussione / Banca d'Italia 1330), Rom, 49 S.


    "In this paper we study the allocative (in)efficiency of employment protection in relation to firing costs, in a general equilibrium model with labor market frictions. The optimal firing costs depend on the level of unemployment benefits and the degree of centralized wage bargaining, two features of the labor market that induce downward wage rigidity and trigger inefficient employment separations. When restrictions on firing employees with permanent contracts are inefficiently high, the introduction of temporary contracts improves welfare but does not fully restore efficiency. A quantitative analysis for the Italian economy shows that the firing costs before the recent labor market reforms were 30% higher than the optimal level, implying a consumption loss of almost 2% in the steady state. The introduction of fixed-term jobs in the early 2000's closed one fourth of the gap between inefficient and efficient allocation, although it led to higher unemployment rates and turnover." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Befristungen im zweiten Jahr in Folge rückläufig (Serie "Corona-Krise: Folgen für den Arbeitsmarkt") (2021)

    Hohendanner, Christian;


    Hohendanner, Christian (2021): Befristungen im zweiten Jahr in Folge rückläufig (Serie "Corona-Krise: Folgen für den Arbeitsmarkt"). In: IAB-Forum H. 26.04.2021, o. Sz., 2021-04-22.


    "Die Zahl der befristet Beschäftigten sank zwischen 2018 und 2020 von 3,2 auf 2,4 Millionen. Dahinter stehen zwei unterschiedliche Entwicklungen: Im Jahr 2019 wurden noch viele befristet Beschäftigte in ein unbefristetes Beschäftigungsverhältnisübernommen. Im Corona-Jahr 2020 hingegen sackte vor allem die Zahl der Neueinstellungen, auch der befristeten, deutlich ab." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Hohendanner, Christian;
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    Commercial airline pilots' declining professional standing and increasing precarious employment (2021)

    Maxwell, G. A.; Grant, K. ;


    Maxwell, G. A. & K. Grant (2021): Commercial airline pilots' declining professional standing and increasing precarious employment. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 32, H. 7, S. 1486-1508. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2018.1528473


    "With the advent of low-cost employment systems for pilots in commercial airlines, we address two questions: What are experienced UK-based, commercial airline pilots’ perspectives on their current professional standing? What are their perspectives on current precarious employment in commercial airline piloting? Analysis of qualitative data from 28 pilots in commercial, passenger carrying airlines reveals declining professional standing and increasing precarious employment, alongside enduring aspects of professionalism. The corollary is that precarious professional employment is an emerging, pervasive type of low-cost employment system in the studied context. In terms of theoretical implications, our study highlights the need for exactness in understanding the complexities of declining professional standing and increasingly precarious employment. Our analysis offers an exact term, pilot-cariat, to encapsulate contemporary, UK-based and experienced commercial airline pilot employment. Further research may reveal more of what we call cariats in other occupations with responsibility for lives in similarly cost constrained and management agency contexts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Failing young and temporary workers: The impact of Covid-19 on a dual labour market (2021)

    Nunes, Carolina; Tavares, José; Peralta, Susana ; Santos, João Pereira dos; Carvalho, Bruno P. ;


    Nunes, Carolina, Bruno P. Carvalho, João Pereira dos Santos, Susana Peralta & José Tavares (2021): Failing young and temporary workers: The impact of Covid-19 on a dual labour market. In: Covid economics H. 77, S. 100-144.


    "This paper analyses the impact of the pandemic crisis in a dual labour market, using monthly data covering the universe of individuals registered as unemployed in 278 Portuguese municipalities, between March and August 2020. Our event studies document a large causal impact of the pandemic of up to 40 percentage points increases in year-on-year growth rates of the monthly stock of unemployed. We document the asymmetric impact of the crisis by employing triple difference-in-differences. Younger workers, below the age of 35, are between 20% and 25% more likely to be unemployed, vis-à-vis the older than 55. Middle educated individuals are at least 15% more likely to be unemployed when compared to the highly educated ones. There are no differences across genders for transitions into unemployment, but women have lower job placements than men. The effects are exacerbated by the duality of the labour market: an increase of one standard deviation in the municipal share of temporary contracts causes a rise of 11.6% in the number of unemployment registries and magnifies the socio-demographic asymmetries. Our results can be interpreted as a lower bound of the impact of the crisis on the labour market, given the furlough scheme implemented in Portugal." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Measuring precarious employment in the European Working Conditions Survey: psychometric properties and construct validity in Spain (2021)

    Padrosa, Eva ; Belvis, Francesc ; Julià, Mireia ; Benach, Joan ;


    Padrosa, Eva, Francesc Belvis, Joan Benach & Mireia Julià (2021): Measuring precarious employment in the European Working Conditions Survey: psychometric properties and construct validity in Spain. In: Quality & quantity, Jg. 55, H. 2, S. 543-562. DOI:10.1007/s11135-020-01017-2


    "Monitoring precarious employment (PE) is crucial to design and evaluate policies tailored to enhance the quality of employment and to achieve more decent and sustainable labour markets. In that regard, the construction of theory-based multidimensional measurement instruments with data derived from well-established and periodically-conducted surveys stands out as an insightful opportunity to acquire so. Accordingly, this study aims to adapt the Employment Precariousness Scale (EPRES) to the available information in the European Working Conditions Survey VI (EWCS-2015), and to explore the psychometric properties and construct validity of the ensuing instrument, namely EPRES-E, in Spain. 13 items sorted in six dimensions (temporariness, disempowerment, vulnerability, exercise of rights, uncertain working times and wages) shaped the EPRES-E. In a sample of 2442 formal employees residing in Spain, item- and scale-level analyses were performed alongside omega reliability coefficients and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA). The scale exhibited good psychometric properties and reliability (ω = 0.80 for the EPRES-E score and near or above 0.70 for all subscales excepting “exercise of rights”). The factor structure was confirmed by CFA [χ2 (df) = 530.432 (58), p < 0.0001; CFI = 0.964; TLI = 0.951; RMSEA (95% CI) = 0.067 (0.062–0.073); all paths statistically significant]. Acceptability, however, was hampered by the large amount of non-response in the “earnings” variables (20.97%). In sum, the EPRES-E constitutes a promising instrument for the measurement of PE over time in Spain. Further studies should explore its comparability in the rest of the countries included in the EWCS as a first step towards the achievement of a European-wide monitoring system of the phenomenon." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Employers' Willingness to Invest in the Training of Temporary Workers: A Discrete Choice Experiment (2021)

    Poulissen, Davey; de Grip, Andries ; Künn-Nelen, Annemarie ; Fouarge, Didier;


    Poulissen, Davey, Andries de Grip, Didier Fouarge & Annemarie Künn-Nelen (2021): Employers' Willingness to Invest in the Training of Temporary Workers: A Discrete Choice Experiment. (IZA discussion paper 14395), Bonn, 36 S.


    "Various studies have shown that temporary workers participate less in training than those on permanent contracts. Human resources practices are considered to be an important explanation for this difference. We develop a theoretical framework for employers' provision of training that explicitly incorporates the costs and benefits associated with training investments in employees with different types of employment contracts. Our framework not only predicts employers to be less willing to invest in temporary workers due to the shorter time horizon associated with such an investment, but it also provides insights into how this willingness depends on characteristics of the training that are related to the expected costs and benefits of the training investment. A discrete choice experiment is used to empirically test the predictions from our theoretical framework. In line with our theoretical framework, we find that employers are less likely to invest in the training of temporary workers. This particularly holds when temporary workers do not have the prospect of a permanent contract with their current employer. Furthermore, we show that employers' likelihood of investing in temporary workers indeed depends on aspects related to the costs and benefits of training, that is, a financial contribution to the training costs made by employees, a repayment agreement that applies when workers leave the organisation prematurely, and the transferability of the skills being trained. Our findings can be used to increase employers' willingness to invest in temporary workers. However, similar effects are observed when looking at employers' willingness to invest in permanent workers, suggesting that it will be difficult to decrease the gap in employers' willingness to invest between temporary and permanent workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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