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Gender und Arbeitsmarkt

Die IAB-Infoplattform "Gender und Arbeitsmarkt" bietet wissenschaftliche und politiknahe Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und Männern, Müttern und Vätern, Berufsrückkehrenden, Betreuung/Pflege und Arbeitsteilung in der Familie, Work-Life-Management, Determinanten der Erwerbsbeteiligung, geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede, familien- und steuerpolitische Regelungen sowie Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Frauen und Männer.

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im Aspekt "Finnland"
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    A welfare state paradox: state interventions and women's employment opportunities in 22 countries (2006)

    Mandel, Hadas; Semyonov, Moshe ;


    Mandel, Hadas & Moshe Semyonov (2006): A welfare state paradox. State interventions and women's employment opportunities in 22 countries. In: American Journal of Sociology, Jg. 111, H. 6, S. 1910-1949.


    "This study explores the role played by the welfare state in affecting women's labor force participation and occupational achievement. Using data from 22 industrialized countries, the authors examine the consequences of state interventions for both women's employment patterns and gender inequality in occupational attainment. The findings reveal a twofold effect: developed welfare states facilitate women's access into the labor force but not into powerful and desirable positions. Specifically, nations characterized by progressive and developed welfare policies and by a large public service sector tend to have high levels of female labor force participation, along with a high concentration of women in female-typed occupations and low female representation in managerial occupations. The findings provide insights into the social mechanisms underlying the relations between welfare states' benefits to working mothers and women's participation and achievements in the labor market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Type of education and the gender wage gap (2006)

    Napari, Sami;


    Napari, Sami (2006): Type of education and the gender wage gap. (Helsinki Center of Economic Research. Discussion paper 128), Helsinki, 43 S.


    "This paper investigates the role of university majors in explaining the gender wage gap. Using data from the Confederation of Finnish Industries, significant gender differences in majors among whitecollars are found. These differences in education account for 36.8 % of the gender wage gap among young whitecollars with a bachelor level degree after controlling for age, year, gender, region, industry and firm size. The corresponding number for young whitecollars with a master level degree is 30.4 %. There are no considerable differences in the effects of majors between new entrants and whitecollars having more work experience. Furthermore, similarity of results between OLS and fixed effects estimations implies that the effect of university majors is unlikely to reflect unobserved heterogeneity. Finally, women's gains from equalizing educational distributions do not depend in significant way on the price structures used. In conclusion, the findings in this paper strongly support the idea that steering women toward maledominated majors would significantly reduce the observed gender inequality in wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender differences in transitions from unemployment: micro evidence from Finland (2006)

    Ollikainen, Virve;


    Ollikainen, Virve (2006): Gender differences in transitions from unemployment. Micro evidence from Finland. In: Labour, Jg. 20, H. 1, S. 159-198. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9914.2006.00337.x


    "This paper examines gender differences in labour market transitions in Finland. The empirical analysis carried out using multinomial logit model is based on a 1996 sample of unemployed people. The results indicate that female labour market position is inferior to male and that female labour market outcomes are more responsive to family-related background characteristics. Previous unemployment is observed to be particularly scarring on male labour market position. According to the results education improves female labour market position significantly. Higher education diminishes gender differences in the labour market and is therefore a particularly equalizing factor." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    What can conservative welfare states learn from the Nordic experience?: transitions between family work and employment from a comparative perspective (2005)

    Leitner, Andrea; Wroblewski, Angela;


    Leitner, Andrea & Angela Wroblewski (2005): What can conservative welfare states learn from the Nordic experience? Transitions between family work and employment from a comparative perspective. (TLM.NET working paper 2005-09), Amsterdam, 17 S.


    "Increasing the labour market participation of women is one of the main goals of the European Employment Policy. The development of the last years shows that many countries have been successful on their way to integrate women into the labour market. But the linking between employment and family patterns has strengthened the problem of declining fertility rates. However, the experience in northern countries like Denmark and Finland shows, that high female employment does not necessarily have to lead to a decline in birth rates. Policies promoting the reconciliation of work and family serve not just gender equality but also a positive demographic development. The presentation is based on the results of a just finished research project on factors influencing female labour market participation in Denmark, Finland, Germany and Austria.1 In the paper we compare the four countries concerning their parental leave schemes and ask how they fulfil the criteria to support good transitions between family work and the labour market. Another criteria we study is gender equity. The comparison between the Nordic countries and the conservative countries shows aspects where reforms in conservative welfare states could start." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Reconciliation of work and private life: a comparative review of thirty European countries (2005)

    Plantenga, Janneke; Remery, Chantal ;


    Plantenga, Janneke & Chantal Remery (2005): Reconciliation of work and private life. A comparative review of thirty European countries. Brüssel, 96 S.


    Der Bericht gibt einen Überblick über die verschiedenen politischen Ansätze zur Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit und Familie in 30 europäischen Ländern. Er informiert über die aktuelle Politik bezüglich Kinderbetreuung, Urlaubsregelungen, flexible Arbeitsarrangements und andere auf die Vereinbarkeit abzielende Ansätze, wie etwa die finanzielle Unterstützung berufstätiger Eltern. Nationale, öffentliche Strategien werden ebenso betrachtet wie Regelungen auf Branchen- oder Firmenebene. Neben den 25 EU-Mitgliedstaaten werden drei EWR-Länder (Island, Norwegen und Liechtenstein) sowie zwei Beitrittskandidaten (Bulgarien und Rumänien) in den internationalen Vergleich einbezogen. Es zeigt sich, dass es innerhalb Europas erhebliche Unterschiede zwischen Art und Umfang der politischen Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie gibt. Jedes Land hat seine eigene, einzigartige Kombination aus Kinderbetreuung, Urlaubsregelungen, flexiblen Arbeitszeiten und finanzieller Förderung. Insbesondere bei der Kinderbetreuung für die jüngsten Kinder scheint es Engpässe zu geben, wobei dieser Bedarf jedoch hier und da durch Elternurlaub bzw. informelle Arrangements gedeckt wird. Elternurlaub wirkt sich jedoch nicht immer zugunsten der Geschlechtergleichstellung aus. Zur Förderung der gleichmäßigeren Inanspruchnahme der Urlaubsansprüche oder anderer flexible Arbeitszeitregelungen spielt die Gestaltung dieser Regelungen eine zenrale Rolle. Diesbezüglich wird es als wichtig betrachtet, eine Segmentierung der Arbeitsmärkte zu vermeiden, indem auch bei Teilzeitarbeitsverhältnissen oder flexibler Beschäftigung für volle soziale Absicherung, Training und Beförderung gesorgt wird. Es wird für ein stärkeres Engagement der Arbeitgeber in Sachen Geschlechtergleichstellung plädiert. Die optimale Aufteilung der Zuständigkeiten zwischen Staat, Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber ist jedoch schwierig, da die tatsächlichen Kosten der zur Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie getroffenen Maßnahmen unter Umständen - durch Lohnkürzungen und/oder geringere Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten - auf die Arbeitnehmer abgewälzt werden können. Wahrscheinlich werden die negativen Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitnehmer minimal gehalten, wenn die Arbeitgeber nur eine geringe Rolle spielen und die meisten Kosten kollektiv getragen werden. (IAB)

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    Babies and bosses: reconciling work and family life. Volume 4: Canada, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom (2005)


    "Finding a suitable work/family life balance is a challenge that all parents face. Many parents and children in Canada, Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom are happy with their existing work and care outcomes. However, many others feel seriously constrained in one way or another, and their personal well-being suffers as a consequence. Some people would like to have children, but do not see how they could square that major commitment with their current employment situation. Other parents are happy with the number of children in the family, but would like to work more, either to find a greater sense of self-fulfilment, or to increase family income, or both. Yet others are happy with their family situation, but may wish to work different or reduced hours to spend more time with their children. They often do not do so because they cannot afford a pay cut or because they do not want to put their career prospects at risk. If parents cannot achieve their desired work/family life balance, not only is their welfare lower but economic development is also curtailed through reduced labour supply by parents. A reduction of birth rates has obvious implications for future labour supply as well as the financial sustainability of social protection systems. As parenting is also crucial to child development, and thus the shape of future societies, policy makers have many reasons to help parents find a better work/family balance. This study covers Canada (in particular the province of Quebec), Finland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. It considers how a wide range of policies, including tax/benefit policies, childcare policy, and employment and workplace practices help determine parental labour market outcomes and may impinge on family formation. This volume also includes some options for policy reform towards a better reconciliation of work and family commitments in the four countries in question." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender and the labour market: econometric evidence of obstacles to achieving gender equality (2000)

    Gustafsson, Siv S.; Jepsen, Maria; Joshi, Heather; Meulders, Daniele E.; Joy, Lois; Battu, Harminder; Killingsworth, Mark; Cifre, Concha Salvador; Lilja, Reija; Dale-Olsen, Harald; Maruani, Margaret; Dekker, Ronals; Meulders, Daniele E.; Freeman, Richard B. ; Muffels, Ruud; Gustafsson, Silv S.; Oaxaca, Ronald L.; Barth, Erling ; Peronaci, Romana; Clement, David; Seaman, Paul T.; Fernandez, Amadeo Fuenmayor; Sloane, Peter J.; Witzels, Cecile; Smith, Nina ; Davies, Hugh; Sofer, Catherine; Büchel, Felix; Stancanelli, Elena; Gupta, Nabanita Datta; Terraz, Isabelle;


    Gustafsson, Siv S. & Daniele E. Meulders (Hrsg.) (2000): Gender and the labour market. Econometric evidence of obstacles to achieving gender equality. (Applied econometrics association), Basingstoke: Macmillan, 336 S.


    "The purpose of Gender and the Labour Market is to analyze the remaining obstacles in achieving gender equality. The first chapters present different aspects of the gender earnings gap. Different counteries are studied and special emphasis is made on particular sectors and occupations. The next chapters deal with the postponement of first birth by educated women, the non-cooperative behavior in time use, gender differences in job and working mobility, transitions between employment status, discriminations contained in tax systems and poverty rates of single parent households." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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