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Atypische Beschäftigung

Vollzeit, unbefristet und fest angestellt - das typische Normalarbeitsverhältnis ist zwar immer noch die Regel. Doch arbeiten die Erwerbstätigen heute vermehrt auch befristet, in Teilzeit- und Minijobs, in Leiharbeitsverhältnissen oder als Solo-Selbständige. Was sind die Konsequenzen der zunehmenden Bedeutung atypischer Beschäftigungsformen für die Erwerbstätigen, die Arbeitslosen und die Betriebe? Welche Bedeutung haben sie für die sozialen Sicherungssysteme, das Beschäftigungsniveau und die Durchlässigkeit des Arbeitsmarktes? Die IAB-Infoplattform bietet Informationen zum Forschungsstand.

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    Stepping Stone or Trap? Contextualising Precarity as a Sector and Age Phenomenon in the Greek Labour Market (2023)

    Parsanoglou, Dimitris ; Symeonaki, Maria ; Stamatopoulou, Glykeria;


    Parsanoglou, Dimitris, Glykeria Stamatopoulou & Maria Symeonaki (2023): Stepping Stone or Trap? Contextualising Precarity as a Sector and Age Phenomenon in the Greek Labour Market. In: Young. Nordic Journal of Youth Research, Jg. 31, H. 2, S. 161-184. DOI:10.1177/11033088221139391


    "Precarity has been consolidated as a central concept in theoretical and political discussions around labour market(s) and labour relations and conditions. Moreover, it has strongly been linked with specific sociodemographic groups, prominently with youth. Both theory and empirical evidence have suggested that precarity functions as a necessary step towards integration in the labour market, as a kind of indispensable rite of passage to labour adulthood. Nevertheless, despite its resonance, precarity remains a fuzzy buzzword that needs to be further problematized and evidenced. Focusing on a specific case study, that of Greece, we try to unfold a two-fold approach: to define and measure precarious forms of labour at the level/scale of the labour market as a whole and to detect and disentangle the role of age in specific sectors of economic activity where precarious labour is more prominent than in others." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Wage Differences between Atypical and Standard Workers in European Countries: Moving beyond Average Effects (2022)

    Westhoff, Leonie ;


    Westhoff, Leonie (2022): Wage Differences between Atypical and Standard Workers in European Countries: Moving beyond Average Effects. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 38, H. 5, S. 770-784. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcac015


    "This article provides a detailed picture of wage differences between atypical and standard workers across the wage distribution. It compares two distinct types of atypical employment, part-time and temporary employment, and examines seven European countries. Using 2016 EU-SILC data, the article presents quantile regression estimates of wage gaps associated with atypical employment across the wage distribution. The results show that wage patterns associated with different types of atypical employment are diverse and complex. Temporary employment is associated with significant wage penalties that decrease but largely remain significant towards the upper end of the wage distribution. In contrast, wage differences between part-time and full-time workers are smaller and range from part-time penalties at lower deciles of the wage distribution to non-significant differences or premiums at the top. These results suggest that different mechanisms may drive wage differences associated with different types of atypical employment. In particular, the article highlights the role of occupation in affecting atypical workers’ labour market position and, consequently, wages relative to standard workers. Overall, the significant heterogeneity in atypical employment and its wage consequences calls into question the usefulness of the concept as a unifying category for research." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Atypical work and unemployment protection in Europe (2021)

    Xavier Jara, H.; Tumino, Alberto;


    Xavier Jara, H. & Alberto Tumino (2021): Atypical work and unemployment protection in Europe. In: Journal of Common Market Studies, Jg. 59, H. 3, S. 535-555. DOI:10.1111/jcms.13099


    "This paper evaluates the degree of income protection the tax-benefit system provides to atypical workers in the event of unemployment. Our approach relies on simulating transitions from employment to unemployment for the entire workforce in EU member states to compare household financial circumstances before and after the transition. Our results show that coverage rates of unemployment insurance are low among atypical workers, who are also more exposed to the risk of poverty, both while in work and in unemployment. Low work intensity employees are characterized by high net replacement rates. However, this is due to the major role played by market incomes of other household members. Finally, we show that in countries where self-employed workers are not eligible for unemployment insurance benefits, extending the eligibility to this group of workers would increase their replacement rates and make them less likely to fall into poverty in the event of unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Disclosing 'masked employees' in Europe: job control, job demands and job outcomes of 'dependent self-employed workers' (2020)

    Millán, Ana; Millán, José María; Caçador-Rodrigues, Leonel;


    Millán, Ana, José María Millán & Leonel Caçador-Rodrigues (2020): Disclosing 'masked employees' in Europe: job control, job demands and job outcomes of 'dependent self-employed workers'. In: Small business economics, Jg. 55, H. 2, S. 461-474. DOI:10.1007/s11187-019-00245-7


    "In this study, we examine whether job control, job demands and job outcomes of 'dependent self-employed workers', i.e. the workers in this particular grey zone between employment and self-employment, are more similar to those of the self-employed or paid employed. To this end, we use microdata drawn from the 2010 wave of the European Working Conditions Survey for 34 European countries. First, we develop and validate a psychometrically sound multidimensional scale for these 3 key constructs by conducting both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Then, multilevel (hierarchical) linear regressions are used to test the validity of our hypotheses. Our results suggest that these hybrid work relationships are endowed with the least favourable attributes of both groups: lower job control than self-employed workers, higher job demands than paid employees and, overall, worse job outcomes than both." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    The dynamism of the new economy: Non-standard employment and access to social security in EU-28 (2019)

    Avlijaš, Sonja;


    Avlijaš, Sonja (2019): The dynamism of the new economy: Non-standard employment and access to social security in EU-28. (LEQS – LSE 'Europe in Question' Discussion Paper Series 141), London, 76 S.


    "This paper examines the prevalence of non-standard workers in EU-28, rules for accessing social security, and these workers' risk of not being able to access it. It focuses on temporary and part-time workers, and the self-employed, and offers a particularly detailed analysis of their access to unemployment benefits. It focuses on eligibility, adequacy (net income replacement rates) and identifies those workers which are at the greatest risk of either not receiving benefits or receiving low benefits. It offers a special overview of foreign non-standard workers, who may be particularly vulnerable due to the absence of citizenship in the host country. The paper also analyses access to maternity and sickness benefits for these three groups of workers, as well as their access to pensions. Its key contribution is in bringing together the different dimensions of disadvantage that non-standard workers face vis-à-vis access to social protection. This allows us to comprehensively assess the adaptation of national social security systems across EU-28 to the changing world of work over the past 10 years. The paper shows that there is a lot of variation between the Member States, both in the structure of their social security systems, as well as the prevalence of non-standard work. Most notably, the paper concludes that: i) access to unemployment benefits is the most challenging component of welfare state provision for people in non-standard employment; ii) policy reforms vis-à-vis access to social benefits have improved the status of non-standard workers in several countries, while they have worsened it in others, particularly in Bulgaria, Ireland and Latvia; iii) some Eastern European countries can offer lessons to other Member States due to their experiences with labour market challenges during transition and the subsequent adaptations of their social security systems to greater labour market flexibility. The paper also implies that a country's policy towards nonstandard work" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Part-time employment as a way to increase women's employment: (Where) does it work? (2019)

    Barbieri, Paolo ; Cutuli, Giorgio ; Scherer, Stefani ; Guetto, Raffaele ;


    Barbieri, Paolo, Giorgio Cutuli, Raffaele Guetto & Stefani Scherer (2019): Part-time employment as a way to increase women's employment: (Where) does it work? In: International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Jg. 60, H. 4, S. 249-268. DOI:10.1177/0020715219849463


    "Part-time employment has repeatedly been proposed as a solution for integrating women into the labor market; however, empirical evidence supporting a causal link is mixed. In this text, we investigate the extent to which increasing part-time employment is a valid means of augmenting women's labor market participation. We pay particular attention to the institutional context and the related characteristics of part-time employment in European countries to test the conditions under which this solution is a viable option. The results reveal that part-time employment may strengthen female employment in Continental Europe and especially in Southern Europe, where an increase in part-time employment - even if it is demand-side driven - leads to greater employment participation among women. We also discuss some policy implications and trade-offs: Although part-time work can lead to higher numbers of employed women, it does so at the cost of increasing gendered labor market segregation. We analyze data from the European Labor Force Survey (EU-LFS) 1992 - 2011 for 19 countries and 188 regions and exploit regional variation over time while controlling for time-constant regional characteristics, time-varying regional labor market features, and (time-varying) confounding factors at the national level." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The structural determinants of the labor share in Europe (2019)

    Dimova, Dilyana;


    Dimova, Dilyana (2019): The structural determinants of the labor share in Europe. (IMF working paper 2019,67), Washington, DC, 41 S.


    "The labor share in Europe has been on a downward trend. This paper finds that the decline is concentrated in manufacture and among low- to mid-skilled workers. The shifting nature of employment away from full-time jobs and a rollback of employment protection, unemployment benefits and unemployment benefits have been the main contributors. Technology and globalization hurt sectors where jobs are routinizable but helped others that require specialized skills. High-skilled professionals gained labor share driven by productivity aided by flexible work environments, while low- and mid-skilled workers lost labor share owing to globalization and the erosion of labor market safety nets." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Temporary employment at labour market entry in Europe: labour market dualism, transitions to secure employment and upward mobility (2019)

    Passaretta, Giampiero ; Wolbers, Maarten H. J.;


    Passaretta, Giampiero & Maarten H. J. Wolbers (2019): Temporary employment at labour market entry in Europe. Labour market dualism, transitions to secure employment and upward mobility. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, Jg. 40, H. 2, S. 382-408. DOI:10.1177/0143831X16652946


    "This article focuses on school-leavers who enter employment with a temporary contract in the European context, and examines their probabilities to shift to standard employment or unemployment, and their chances of occupational mobility afterwards. The authors argue that two institutional dimensions of insider - outsider segmentation drive the career progression after a flexible entry: the gap between the regulation of permanent and temporary contracts and the degree of unionization. The analyses show that a disproportionate protection of permanent compared to temporary contracts increases the probability of remaining on a fixed-term contract, whereas the degree of unionization slightly decreases the chance of moving to jobs with higher or lower socio-economic status. Finally, a shift to permanent employment after a fixed-term entry is more often associated with occupational upward mobility in strongly rather than weakly unionized labour markets." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    'Going under-employed': Industrial and regional effects, specialization and part-time work across recession-hit Southern European Union regions (2018)

    Gialis, Stelios ; Gourzis, Kostas; Underthun, Anders;


    Gialis, Stelios, Kostas Gourzis & Anders Underthun (2018): 'Going under-employed': Industrial and regional effects, specialization and part-time work across recession-hit Southern European Union regions. In: European Urban and Regional Studies, Jg. 25, H. 3, S. 300-319. DOI:10.1177/0969776417713054


    "The paper explores the regional dimensions of under-employment by analysing the uneven dispersion of part-time jobs in Greece. It understands under-employment as an integral dimension of contemporary flexible labour trends, triggered by devaluation and expanding amid crisis, although in diverse geographical and sectoral terms. It follows a methodology that comparatively analyses statistical data, relevant secondary sources and previous case studies, before moving to a theoretical contextualization of the findings. Based on this framework, NUTS-II level total employment and part-time work data are analysed through location quotients, and a new embellishment of shift-share analysis is implemented for 2005 - 2008 and 2009 - 2012 across nine sectors. The findings reveal four distinct, although porous, patterns of under-employment that are distinguished according to different regional productive specializations and the impact of structural or regional effects. The reasons why some regional economies, such as the tourist ones, were more resistant to employment losses, and at the same time the most keen on expanding part-time work, are scrutinized. Concluding, three deeper causal mechanisms, namely productive-technological, organizational and institutional, that determine the under-employment patterns revealed, are discussed and contrasted to relevant literature findings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Modern working life: A blurring of the boundaries between secondary and primary labour markets? (2017)

    Dekker, Fabian; Veen, Romke van der;


    Dekker, Fabian & Romke van der Veen (2017): Modern working life: A blurring of the boundaries between secondary and primary labour markets? In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, Jg. 38, H. 2, S. 256-270. DOI:10.1177/0143831X14563946


    "Today, there is a widespread suggestion that permanent workers are increasingly subject to precarious working conditions. Due to international competition and declining union density, job qualities of permanent workers are assumed to be under strain. According to proponents of a democratization of risk rationale, low job qualities that were traditionally attached to secondary labour markets are transferred to workers in primary segments of the labour market. In this study, the authors test this theoretical rationale among workers in 11 Western European economies, using two waves of the European Working Conditions Survey. The results do not confirm a democratization of labour market risk. Lower job qualities are highly associated with flexible employment contracts and highlight a clear gap between insiders and outsiders." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do firms demand temporary workers when they face workload fluctuation?: cross-country firm-level evidence (2017)

    Dräger, Vanessa; Marx, Paul;


    Dräger, Vanessa & Paul Marx (2017): Do firms demand temporary workers when they face workload fluctuation? Cross-country firm-level evidence. In: ILR review, Jg. 70, H. 4, S. 942-975. DOI:10.1177/0019793916687718


    "The growth of temporary employment is one of the most important transformations of labor markets in the past decades. Theoretically, firms' exposure to short-term workload fluctuations is a major determinant of employing temporary workers when employment protection for permanent workers is high. The authors investigate this relationship empirically with establishment-level data in a broad comparative framework. They create two novel data sets by merging 1) data on 18,500 European firms with 2) measures of labor-market institutions for 20 countries. Results show that fluctuations increase the probability of hiring temporary workers by 8 percentage points in countries with strict employment protection laws. No such effect is observed in countries with weaker employment protections. Results are robust to subgroups, subsamples, and alternative estimation strategies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Die Rolle befristeter Beschäftigung in Europa (2016)

    Bachmann, Ronald ; Bredtmann, Julia;


    Bachmann, Ronald & Julia Bredtmann (2016): Die Rolle befristeter Beschäftigung in Europa. In: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Jg. 65, H. 3, S. 270-298. DOI:10.1515/zfwp-2016-0017


    "Befristete Verträge werden in vielen Ländern der Europäischen Union als Instrument, Arbeitsmärkte flexibel zu gestalten, eingesetzt. Ein internationaler Vergleich zeigt, dass die befristete Beschäftigung nur bedingt die Durchlässigkeit der Arbeitsmärkte unterstützt. Zwar erleichtert sie teilweise den Arbeitsmarktzugang, führt aber auch zu instabilen Beschäftigungsverhältnissen und segmentierten Arbeitsmärkten, die mit einer geringen Sprungbrettfunktion der befristeten Beschäftigung einhergehen. Um nachhaltige Beschäftigung zu schaffen, erscheinen Reformen des Kündigungsschutzes, die Übergange in reguläre Jobs erleichtern, sowie Investitionen in Aus- und Weiterbildung als sinnvolle Alternativen" (Autorenreferat, © De Gruyter)

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    Parenthood, child care, and nonstandard work schedules in Europe (2016)

    Bünning, Mareike ; Pollmann-Schult, Matthias ;


    Bünning, Mareike & Matthias Pollmann-Schult (2016): Parenthood, child care, and nonstandard work schedules in Europe. In: European Societies, Jg. 18, H. 4, S. 295-314. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2016.1153698


    "An increasing proportion of the European labor force works in the evening, at night or on weekends. Because nonstandard work schedules are associated with a number of negative outcomes for families and children, parents may seek to avoid such schedules. However, for parents with insufficient access to formal child care, working nonstandard hours or days may be an adaptive strategy used to manage child-care needs. It enables 'split-shift' parenting, where parents work alternate schedules, allowing one of the two to be at home looking after the children. This study examines the prevalence of nonstandard work schedules among parents and nonparents in 22 European countries. Specifically, we ask whether the provision of formal child care influences the extent to which parents of preschool-aged children work nonstandard schedules. Using data from the European Social Survey and multilevel models, we find evidence that the availability of formal child care reduces nonstandard work among parents. This indicates that access to formal child care enables parents to work standard schedules. To the extent that nonstandard work schedules are negatively associated with child wellbeing, access to formal child care protects children from the adverse effects of their parents' evening and night work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Antinomies of flexibilization and atypical employment in Mediterranean Europe: Greek, Italian and Spanish regions during the crisis (2016)

    Gialis, Stelios ; Leontidou, Lila;


    Gialis, Stelios & Lila Leontidou (2016): Antinomies of flexibilization and atypical employment in Mediterranean Europe. Greek, Italian and Spanish regions during the crisis. In: European Urban and Regional Studies, Jg. 23, H. 4, S. 716-733. DOI:10.1177/0969776414538983


    "Until recently, Mediterranean countries were called on by European Union officials to provide for a 'less-rigid' regulatory framework, in order to enhance 'flexicurity'. This paper critically examines post-2008 flexibilization trends by focusing on Spanish, Italian and Greek regions. Starting from a contextualization of atypical employment and security, it then moves in a twofold direction; firstly, it presents the Flexible Contractual Arrangements and Active Labour Market Policies composite indicators, calculated for the NUTS-II regions of 12 member states for 2008 and 2011. These indicators reveal the changing ranking, especially of the Greek regions, towards higher labour market flexibility and relatively low levels of employability security; secondly, it focuses on the changing forms of atypical labour in the six regions that host the capital and the most important port city of Greece, Italy and Spain, respectively, by offering data on the expansion of flexible arrangements therein. The uneven flexibilization trends found in the study regions are seen as an outcome of the interaction between the general devaluation trends, different backgrounds and regionally specific patterns of labour market adjustment, while employment is found to be neither 'rigid' nor 'flexicure'. The paper concludes with some remarks on the relation between post-2008 dismantling of local labour regimes, restructuring and flexicurity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Hanging in, but only just: part-time employment and in-work poverty throughout the crisis (2016)

    Horemans, Jeroen; Nolan, Brian ; Marx, Ive ;


    Horemans, Jeroen, Ive Marx & Brian Nolan (2016): Hanging in, but only just. Part-time employment and in-work poverty throughout the crisis. In: IZA journal of European Labor Studies, Jg. 5, S. 1-19. DOI:10.1186/s40174-016-0053-6


    "The crisis has deepened pre-existing concerns regarding low-wage and non-standard employment. Countries where unemployment increased most strongly during the crisis period also saw part-time employment increasing, particularly involuntary part-time work. With involuntary part-time workers, as a particular group of underemployed, facing especially high poverty rates, this was accompanied by an increase, on average, in the poverty risk associated with working part-time. However, this was not reflected in a marked increase in the overall in-work poverty rate because full-time work remains dominant and its poverty risk did not change markedly. The household context is of the essence when considering policy implications." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The structure of the permanent job wage premium: evidence from Europe (2016)

    Kahn, Lawrence M. ;


    Kahn, Lawrence M. (2016): The structure of the permanent job wage premium. Evidence from Europe. In: Industrial relations, Jg. 55, H. 1, S. 149-178. DOI:10.1111/irel.12129


    "Using longitudinal data on individuals from the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) for thirteen countries during 1995-2001, I investigate the wage premium for permanent jobs relative to temporary jobs. The countries are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom. I find that among men the wage premium for a permanent vs. temporary job is lower for older workers and native born workers; for women, the permanent job wage premium is lower for older workers and those with longer job tenure. Moreover, there is some evidence that among immigrant men, the permanent job premium is especially high for those who migrated from outside the European Union. These findings all suggest that the gain to promotion into permanent jobs is indeed higher for those with less experience in the domestic labor market. In contrast to the effects for the young and immigrants, the permanent job pay premium is slightly smaller on average for women than for men, even though on average women have less experience in the labor market than men do. It is possible that women even in permanent jobs are in segregated labor markets. But as noted, among women, the permanent job wage premium is higher for the young and those with less current tenure, suggesting that even in the female labor market, employers pay attention to experience differences." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Temporary agency work, migration and the crisis in Greece: labour market segmentation intensified (2016)

    Maroukis, Thanos;


    Maroukis, Thanos (2016): Temporary agency work, migration and the crisis in Greece. Labour market segmentation intensified. In: Transfer, Jg. 22, H. 2, S. 179-192. DOI:10.1177/1024258916634620


    "This article focuses on the under-researched temporary agency employment in Greece. It shows that the development of the temporary employment agency sector has gone hand in hand with the flow of undocumented and exploitable migrant labour in Greece over the past 25 years, reflecting the segmentation of the Greek labour market along ethnic lines. Using empirical research evidence on the operation of temporary employment agencies in the Greek hospitality and health care sectors, the article highlights the precarious or even illicit nature of agency employment in a context in which labour outsourcing and flexible employment are promoted by policy-makers. Last but not least, it suggests that the segmented landscape of the Greek labour market has become more complex during the economic crisis, with more and more Greeks drawn to agency-mediated precarious employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Dualization or liberalization?: Investigating precarious work in eight European countries (2016)

    Prosser, Thomas;


    Prosser, Thomas (2016): Dualization or liberalization? Investigating precarious work in eight European countries. In: Work, employment and society, Jg. 30, H. 6, S. 949-965. DOI:10.1177/0950017015609036


    "A recent upsurge in the incidence of precarious work in Europe necessitates fresh examination of the origins of this trend. On the basis of field research in eight European countries and with reference to theories of liberalization and dualization, the factors that drive precarious work in discrete European labour markets are thus investigated. It is discovered that, while a structural-demographic factor such as non-compliance with labour law is a notable progenitor of precarious work, the deregulatory strategies of public authorities are particularly significant drivers. In conclusion it is asserted that although the theory of dualization helps explain developments in conservative-corporatist countries, in Anglophone and Mediterranean countries liberalization theory is generally more apposite. Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries emerge as a hybrid case." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsqualität von Teilzeit- und Vollzeitbeschäftigten: Beschäftigungsregime im Vergleich (2015)

    Fritz, Martin;


    Fritz, Martin (2015): Arbeitsqualität von Teilzeit- und Vollzeitbeschäftigten. Beschäftigungsregime im Vergleich. (GESIS papers 2015,11), Mannheim, 35 S.


    "Teilzeitarbeit ist seit Jahren die häufigste atypische Beschäftigungsform in Europa. Vor dem Hintergrund sozialpolitischer Debatten zur Vereinbarkeit von Arbeit und Familie, Geschlechtergleichstellung und Arbeitszeitreduzierung ist ein weiterer Anstieg von Teilzeitarbeit zu erwarten. Doch wie ist es tatsächlich um die Arbeitsqualität von Teilzeitbeschäftigung bestellt? Unter welchen Umständen sind in Teilzeit Erwerbstätige zufrieden mit ihren Arbeitsbedingungen? Welche Unterschiede gibt es dabei zwischen den untersuchten Ländern?
    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit diesen Fragen aus empirischer und Länder vergleichender Perspektive. Als theoretische Grundlage dient ein mehrdimensionales Konzept der Arbeitsqualität, welches die Aspekte Arbeitszeit, Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie, Arbeitsplatzsicherheit, Einkommen, sowie Autonomie und Vielfalt im Job umfasst. Indem diese als evaluativ-relationales Konzept (Hauff & Kirchner 2013) operationalisiert werden, d.h. die Diskrepanzen zwischen den wahrgenommenen und präferierten Arbeitsbedingungen in den Blick zu nehmen, liegt der Fokus auf einem Verständnis von Arbeitsqualität als etwas, was aus dem Zusammenspiel zwischen den Wünschen der Beschäftigten und den tatsächlichen Arbeitsbedingungen entsteht." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Flexiblework and immigration in Europe (2015)

    Raess, Damian; Burgoon, Brian;


    Raess, Damian & Brian Burgoon (2015): Flexiblework and immigration in Europe. In: BJIR, Jg. 53, H. 1, S. 94-111. DOI:10.1111/bjir.12022


    "Immigration has risen substantially in many European economies, with farreaching if still uncertain implications for labour markets and industrial relations. This article investigates such implications, focusing on employment flexibility, involving both 'external flexibility' (fixed-term or temporary agency and/or involuntary part-time work) and 'internal flexibility' (overtime and/or balancing-time accounts). The article identifies reasons why immigration should generally increase the incidence of such flexibility, and why external flexibility should rise more than internal flexibility. The article supports these claims using a dataset of establishments in 16 European countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Are temporary workers discriminated against?: evidence from Europe (2012)

    Comi, Simona; Grasseni, Mara;


    Comi, Simona & Mara Grasseni (2012): Are temporary workers discriminated against? Evidence from Europe. In: The Manchester School, Jg. 80, H. 1, S. 28-50. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9957.2011.02231.x


    "We analyse the wage gap between temporary and permanent jobs in nine European countries using a semiparametric approach and evaluate the wage gap across the entire wage distribution. We show that in some countries the fixed-term wage gap decreases as higher quantiles are considered, and that having a fixed-term contract penalizes more workers located at the bottom of the earnings distribution. We find also that workers with the same characteristics as temporary workers would receive higher wages if they worked on permanent contracts in almost all the countries considered, and that this finding is stable across the entire wage distribution." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The European world of temporary employment (2012)

    Lancker, Wim Van;


    Lancker, Wim Van (2012): The European world of temporary employment. In: European Societies, Jg. 14, H. 1, S. 83-111. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2011.638082


    "Departing from growing concerns about in-work poverty and the proliferation of flexible employment, we investigate the association between temporary employment and poverty in a European comparative perspective. In doing so, we focus specifically on possible gender dimensions, because some are concerned that the impact of flexible employment on income security will be different for men and women and that gender inequality will increase. By means of a logistic multilevel model, we analyse recent EU-SILC data for 24 European countries. The results show that the temporarily employed have a higher poverty risk vis-à-vis permanent workers, mainly caused by lower wages. However, the risk factors to become working poor are similar. The poorly educated, young workers and those living in a single earner household with dependent children have an increased probability to live in poverty, whether they are employed on temporary or permanent basis. Differences between European welfare regimes demonstrate that policy constellations influence the magnitude of these risk factors. Counter-intuitively, temporary working women have a lower poverty risk than their male counterparts. They are better protected because they are more often secondary earners in a dual earning household, while men are more often primary earners. This article advances knowledge on the linkages between temporary employment, economic insecurity and gender differences in European welfare states." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Union responses to the rise of precarious youth employment in Greece (2011)

    Kretsos, Lefteris;


    Kretsos, Lefteris (2011): Union responses to the rise of precarious youth employment in Greece. In: Industrial Relations Journal, Jg. 42, H. 5, S. 453-472. DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2338.2011.00634.x


    "The ways unions have responded so far to the emergence of precarious employment among young people in Greece are critically analysed in this article. The analysis considers that traditional forms of regulation and union representation are not effective in protecting young workers from the risk of vulnerability at work. It further makes the case for a radical strategic reorientation of the Greek trade unions placing greater emphasis on organising and attracting young precarious workers through more appropriate representation structures and engagement strategies at the workplace level." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Dimensions of atypical forms of employment in Thessaloniki, Greece (2008)

    Gialis, Stelios ; Karnavou, Eleutheria;


    Gialis, Stelios & Eleutheria Karnavou (2008): Dimensions of atypical forms of employment in Thessaloniki, Greece. In: International journal of urban and regional research, Jg. 32, H. 4, S. 882-902. DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2427.2008.00813.x


    "Post-Fordist reconstitutions in economy and society are positively related with the expansion of atypical employment. This article argues that many of the claims that an increase in atypical forms promotes less rigid labour markets rely on narrow readings of official statistics and also underestimate different local labour realities. Drawing upon case studies in Thessaloniki's Labour Inspectorates and industrial enterprises, it highlights the fact that Greek labour markets, which are already flexible enough, have been rearranged to accommodate new use patterns for atypical forms, both traditional and modern. A controversially expanding trend towards part-time and temporary work and non-agricultural self-employment is discussed. This trend is traced to trades, sectors, industries and firms that have developed distinct patterns in the exploitation of atypical employment within the context of locally constituted social and regulatory practices that interact with globalized capital accumulation procedures. The expansion of atypical employment is examined along two interpretative lines, the one focusing on the effect of recent reforms on small industrial enterprises, the other analysing post-Fordist, flexible socio-spatial restructurings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Les "quasi-salariés" en Grèce: un statut atypique et hybride (2003)

    Athanassouli, Kyriaki;


    Athanassouli, Kyriaki (2003): Les "quasi-salariés" en Grèce. Un statut atypique et hybride. In: Formation Emploi H. 81, S. 5-21.


    "Die beruflichen Eingliederungsprozesse sowie die Stabilisierungsperspektiven der Beschäftigungsituationen von Ingenieuren in Griechenland legen nahe, die spezifischen Formen der Flexibilität und der Organisation des Arbeitsmarktes zu hinterfragen. So können anhand der Auswertung einer Erhebung, die mit allen Diplomingenieuren (mit Diplomabschluss und mehr) der Athener Ingenieur-Hochschule durchgeführt wurde, die spezifischen Beschäftigungsformen hinsichtlich beruflicher Eingliederung sowie beruflicher Mobilität auf dem griechischen Arbeitsmarkt ausgemacht werden. Dabei lässt sich eine hybride Beschäftigungskategorie erkennen, die an der Grenze zwischen Selbständigem und Arbeitnehmer angesiedelt ist. Es handelt sich dabei um einen absolut einzigartigen und spezifischen Status innerhalb der EU." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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