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Aktivierende Arbeitsmarktpolitik im internationalen Vergleich

"Aktivierung" als zentrales Prinzip der Leistungsgewährung für Langzeitarbeitslose bzw. erwerbsfähige Sozialhilfeempfänger wurde in Deutschland mit der sogenannten "Hartz IV-Reform" eingeführt. Dänemark, Schweden, die Niederlande und Großbritannien haben diesen Schritt bereits früher vollzogen. Dieses Themendossier bietet Literatur zur Ausgestaltung dieser Programme, zu den Zugängen und ihren Effekten auf die Erwerbsintegration und den Abgang aus dem Leistungsbezug.
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    Annual report 2022 / European Network of Public Employment Services (PES) (2023)


    Europäische Kommission. Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration (2023): Annual report 2022 / European Network of Public Employment Services (PES). (Annual report … / European Network of Public Employment Services), Luxembourg, 25 S. DOI:10.2767/54453


    "The 2022 Work Program of the PES Network was designed to be implemented in a challenging context, whereby pre-existing labor market trends have been hastened by the COVID crisis. The actual context proved to be even more demanding. While unemployment remained at record low levels, labor shortages grew across many sectors. PES were furthermore called upon when millions of Ukrainians fled their country, and so far more than 4 million registrations for temporary protection1 have been recorded in the EU. In the wake of a potential recession, PES’ expectations for short term developments in employment and unemployment levels (as measured by the European Labor Market Barometer) have fallen consistently since May, to reach levels comparable to the height of the COVID 19 crisis. Overall, the Network was able to implement more than 20 activities in 2022, including some in addition to those planned, to support PES in helping displaced people from Ukraine." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Public employment services and active labor market policies for transitions. Global Report Part I: Response to mega trends and crises (2023)


    "Drawing on an extensive analysis of secondary literature, numerous country case studies, and the ILO's 2021 survey encompassing 94 public employment services worldwide, this report sheds light on significant insights. The report underscores that the integration of employment services within a comprehensive policy and legal framework, coupled with continuous capacity-building efforts, leads to enhanced effectiveness and long-term sustainability. Moreover, the report emphasizes the importance of synergies and harmonization between employment services, active labor market policies, social protection policies, and systems. It delves into the modernization of public employment services, extending beyond mere digitalization, by advocating for a holistic approach that assists clients in overcoming labor market and other obstacles. The report also advocates for partnerships with other labor market institutions, training organizations, and social protection entities to broaden their reach and impact." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    European Network of Public Employment Services: 2022 PES Capacity Questionnaire Part II: Labour market training for the long-term unemployed: Survey-based Report (2022)

    Anghel, Liliana-Luminita;


    Anghel, Liliana-Luminita (2022): European Network of Public Employment Services: 2022 PES Capacity Questionnaire Part II: Labour market training for the long-term unemployed. Survey-based Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 50 S. DOI:10.2767/07742


    "As part of its 2022 work program, the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES) continues the monitoring of the implementation of the Council Recommendation on the integration of the long term unemployed into the labor market. The report complements the quantitative and qualitative monitoring done by EMCO, and provides input to the EMCO multilateral surveillance. It mainly focuses on PES delivery of labor market training to LTUs to improve their ability to access jobs in the changing labor market. The findings are based on responses to a survey provided by 32 PES in 26 EU member States plus Iceland and Norway. The report shows that PES put a lot of efforts into organizing and delivering the labor market training to LTUs to improve their access to jobs, even in a challenging period due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The report also includes some issues for further consideration when planning and adjusting future training programs for LTUs (for instance related to lack of internet access and IT equipment, low digital skills, poor support networks)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A narrative database of labour market reforms in euro area economies (2022)

    Aumond, Romain; Di Tommaso, Valerio; Rünstler, Gerhard;


    Aumond, Romain, Valerio Di Tommaso & Gerhard Rünstler (2022): A narrative database of labour market reforms in euro area economies. (Working paper series / European Central Bank 2657), Frankfurt am Main, 61 S.


    "We present a quarterly narrative database of important labour market reforms in selected euro area economies in between 1995 and 2018 covering 60 events. We provide legal adoption and implementation dates of major reforms to employment protection legislation and unemployment benefits. Estimates based on local projections find negative short-run effects of liberalising reforms on wages, while the employment effects of reforms differ markedly across age groups and partly depend on the state of the economy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Self-regulation training and job search input: A natural field experiment within an active labor market program (2022)

    Berger, Eva M. ; Schunk, Daniel; Hermes, Henning ; Schmidt, Felix; Koenig, Guenther;


    Berger, Eva M., Henning Hermes, Guenther Koenig, Felix Schmidt & Daniel Schunk (2022): Self-regulation training and job search input: A natural field experiment within an active labor market program. In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Jg. 98. DOI:10.1016/j.socec.2022.101858


    "Evidence suggests that self-regulation abilities play an important role for the job finding success of unemployed persons. We conduct a randomized controlled trial embedded in an established labor market reactivation program to examine the effect of a self-regulation training on job search input of long-term unemployed participants. Our treatment involves teaching a self-regulation strategy based on mental contrasting with implementation intentions. We find that the treatment has a positive effect on the quality of application documents as well as on the probability of participants submitting their documents on time. However, we do not find a significant treatment effect on labor market reintegration. We discuss several reasons for this null finding and conduct further exploratory analyses to learn about heterogeneous treatment effects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    The Unequal Cost of Job Loss across Countries (2022)

    Bertheau, Antoine; Lombardi, Stefano; Saggio, Raffaele; Barceló, Cristina; Gulyas, Andreas ; Acabbi, Edoardo;


    Bertheau, Antoine, Edoardo Acabbi, Cristina Barceló, Andreas Gulyas, Stefano Lombardi & Raffaele Saggio (2022): The Unequal Cost of Job Loss across Countries. (IZA discussion paper 15033), Bonn, 49 S.


    "We document the consequences of losing a job across countries using a harmonized research design. Workers in Denmark and Sweden experience the lowest earnings declines following job displacement, while workers in Italy, Spain, and Portugal experience losses three times as high. French and Austrian workers face earnings losses somewhere in-between. Key to these differences is that Southern European workers are less likely to find employment following displacement. Loss of employer-specific wage premiums accounts for 40% to 95% of within-country wage declines. The use of active labor market policies predicts a significant portion of the cross-country heterogeneity in earnings losses." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The fundamental role of tax systems in the relationship between workfare and inequality in the lower half of the income distribution (2022)

    Binder, Barbara ; Haupt, Andreas ;


    Binder, Barbara & Andreas Haupt (2022): The fundamental role of tax systems in the relationship between workfare and inequality in the lower half of the income distribution. In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 80. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2022.100712


    "In recent decades, many affluent democracies moved from traditional welfare states to workfare systems. Meanwhile, income inequality developed differently across countries, even when they made apparently similar shifts from welfare to workfare. It is a matter of debate why welfare state change had such heterogeneous consequences across countries. This article proposes that different incentives to take up low-wage work set by tax reforms in the wake of welfare-to-workfare transitions alter consequences on inequality in the lower half of the income distribution. To support this argument, we contrast the trends between the U.S. and Germany. The German and U.S. tax systems were used in very different ways to incentivize low-wage work. The U.S. provided strong incentives to take up low-wage, high-hour work through refundable tax credits. They act as in-work subsidies and represent an enormous public income support program. In contrast, in Germany, payroll taxes were reduced for marginal employment. These jobs were intended to serve as a stepping stone to full employment. Germany aimed to reduce barriers to labor market entry, but did not increase subsidies for those working higher hours in low-wage jobs. We hypothesize that the German path led to increased income inequality within the lower half of the income distribution, whereas the large U.S. tax-based subsidies in the U.S. significantly counteracted it. Decompositions of unconditional quantile regressions based on the SOEP and the CPS-ASEC for 1992 and 2014 strongly support these assumptions. Households with no labor market integration lost ground with the workfare reforms in both countries, increasing inequality in the lower half. However, U.S. households that conformed to the new workfare system by taking low-wage jobs received additional after-tax income through tax cuts and credits. This additional income of the beneficiary households increased the percentile values between the 10th and 30th percentiles by about 6 per cent, thus reducing income inequality in the lower half. Germany, on the contrary, lacked such compensatory subsidies for compliant households. Thus, increased take-up of low-wage work was associated with an increase in income inequality in the lower half. We conclude that tax systems are important in understanding why the shift towards workfare was associated with heterogeneous trends in income inequality across countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Altersrenten und sozialer Ausgleich in Deutschland und Österreich – ein Vergleich anhand von Modellrechnungen (2022)

    Blank, Florian ; Türk, Erik;


    Blank, Florian & Erik Türk (2022): Altersrenten und sozialer Ausgleich in Deutschland und Österreich – ein Vergleich anhand von Modellrechnungen. In: Sozialer Fortschritt, Jg. 71, H. 2, S. 139-163. DOI:10.3790/sfo.71.2.139


    "Die Gegenüberstellung der Rentenansprüche für einheitliche, idealtypische Biografien ermöglicht den Vergleich von Unterschieden der Rentensysteme selbst. Die von der OECD erstellten Modellbiografien mit durchgehenden Erwerbsverläufen, abschlagsfreiem Renteneintritt und stabilen Einkommenspositionen bilden den Ausgangspunkt für den Vergleich der Rentenversicherungen Deutschlands und Österreichs. Die Vorgehensweise der OECD wird dargestellt, sofern erforderlich korrigiert, aktualisiert und weiterentwickelt. Zusätzlich werden Arbeitslosigkeit, vorzeitiger Renteneintritt sowie Kindererziehungszeiten berücksichtigt. Durch diese Ergänzungen werden eine höhere Realitätsanbindung erreicht und Elemente des sozialen Ausgleichs einbezogen. Es zeigt sich, dass die österreichische Pensionsversicherung in jeder Konstellation deutlich höhere Leistungen gewährt, die Elemente des sozialen Ausgleichs den Abstand teils vergrößern, teils verringern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Arbeitsmarktnahe Integration von Langzeitarbeitslosen – Zur Relevanz von street-level organizations am Beispiel von Jobcentern in Dänemark und Deutschland (2022)

    Brandl, Sebastian; Braun, Thorsten;


    Brandl, Sebastian & Thorsten Braun (2022): Arbeitsmarktnahe Integration von Langzeitarbeitslosen – Zur Relevanz von street-level organizations am Beispiel von Jobcentern in Dänemark und Deutschland. (Working paper / HdBA, Fachgruppe Soziologie und Arbeitsmarktpolitik 2), Mannheim ; Schwerin, 43 S.


    "Das Working Paper geht der Umsetzung dem in vielen europäischen Ländern feststellbaren Paradigmenwechsel hin zu einer arbeitsmarktnahen Integration insb. von Langzeitarbeitslosen nach. Arbeitsmarktnah meint Integration in geförderte und ungeförderte, weitgehend reguläre Beschäftigungsverhältnisse in privaten Unternehmen, in Verwaltungen und in gemeinnützigen Organisationen. Die Grundlage für das Working Paper bilden je zwei explorative Jobcenterfallstudien in Dänemark und Deutschland. In Erweiterung der street-level bureaucracy-Perspektive von Lipsky wird dabei der Rolle der street-level organizations bei der Implementation der neuen Policy nachgegangen. Gefragt wird unter Fokus auf Berkels ‚organizational context’ nach den strategischen, organisationalen und personellen Überlegungen und Umsetzungsschritten in den Jobcentern. In Dänemark läuft der Paradigmenwechsel auf eine umfassende, nicht friktionslose und nach Jobcenter unterschiedliche Neuausrichtung der Integrationsarbeit von einer sozialfachlichen zu einer Unternehmensorientierung hinaus. In Deutschland wird der Ansatz nur indirekt mittels Förderprogrammen und dem Teilhabechancengesetz und zumeist in Sonderteams umgesetzt. Gleicherweise ist jedoch ein ‚process of policy decentralization’ beobachtbar, der durch eine unterschiedliche ‚professionalization’ der Integrationsarbeit vor Ort ausgefüllt wird. Dabei haben die Entscheidungen des Managements erheblichen Einfluss nicht nur auf die Dienstleistung, sondern rahmen die Ermessensentscheidungen der Integrationsfachkräfte. In einem Fall konnte eine sehr weitgehende Übertragung des organisationalen Ermessensspielraum auf die Integrationsfachkräfte beobachtet werden. Strategien und Erfahrungen sowie Konstellationen und Managementorientierungen in den Jobcentern beeinflussen somit in erheblichem Maße die Umsetzung und Praxis der neuen Policy vor Ort. Mit Brodkin gesprochen bestätigt sich, das street-level organizations durch ihre Managemententscheidungen ‚de facto policymakers’ sind." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Should We Have Automatic Triggers for Unemployment Benefit Duration And How Costly Would They Be? (2022)

    Chodorow-Reich, Gabriel; Ganong, Peter; Gruber, Jonathan;


    Chodorow-Reich, Gabriel, Peter Ganong & Jonathan Gruber (2022): Should We Have Automatic Triggers for Unemployment Benefit Duration And How Costly Would They Be? (NBER working paper 29703), Cambridge, Mass, 8 S. DOI:10.3386/w29703


    "We model automatic trigger policies for unemployment insurance by simulating a weekly panel of individual labor market histories, grouped by state. We reach three conclusions: (i) policies designed to trigger immediately at the onset of a recession result in benefit extensions that occur in less sick labor markets than the historical average for benefit extensions; (ii) the ad hoc extensions in the 2001 and 2007-09 recessions in total cover a similar number of additional weeks as common proposals for automatic triggers, but concentrate coverage more in weaker labor markets; (iii) compared to ex post policy, the cost of common proposals for automatic triggers is close to zero." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Activation: a thematic and conceptual review (2022)

    Clasen, Jochen ; Mascaro, Clara;


    Clasen, Jochen & Clara Mascaro (2022): Activation: a thematic and conceptual review. In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 32, H. 4, S. 484-494. DOI:10.1177/09589287221089477


    "Activation as a social policy topic has been investigated since the late 1990s and continues to be popular in academic analysis and discourse. In this review, we highlight the wide range of research aims and themes covered within relevant publications. We also identify a considerable degree of conceptual inconsistency and ambiguity across the literature. Informed by methodological considerations, we conclude by suggesting a parsimonious root concept of activation which would allow for a more consistent and less ambiguous application within and across different levels of analysis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Losing Prospective Entitlement to Unemployment Benefits. Impact on Educational Attainment (2022)

    Cockx, Bart ; Declercq, Koen ; Dejemeppe, Muriel;


    Cockx, Bart, Koen Declercq & Muriel Dejemeppe (2022): Losing Prospective Entitlement to Unemployment Benefits. Impact on Educational Attainment. (CESifo working paper 9852), München, 30 S.


    "Providing income support to unemployed education-leavers reduces the returns to investments in education because it makes the consequences of unemployment less severe. We evaluate a two-part policy reform in Belgium to study whether conditioning the prospective entitlement to unemployment benefits for education-leavers on age or schooling attainment can affect educational achievements. The results show that the prospect of financial loss in case of unemployment can significantly raise degree completion and reduce dropout in higher education, but not in high school. We argue that the higher prevalence of behavioral biases among lower educated and younger students could explain these contrasting findings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    European Network of Public Employment Services Stakeholder Conference "Jointly addressing labor and skills shortages, preparing for Europe's Future Labor Market" 7-8 April 2022: Synthesis paper (2022)

    Davern, Eamonn; McGrath, John;


    Davern, Eamonn & John McGrath (2022): European Network of Public Employment Services Stakeholder Conference "Jointly addressing labor and skills shortages, preparing for Europe's Future Labor Market" 7-8 April 2022. Synthesis paper. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 24 S. DOI:10.2767/591555


    "The conference converged around three main strategic priorities to address skill shortages and mismatches: (1) enhancing the attractiveness of certain regions, sectors and occupations; (2) assisting people from groups suffering labor market discrimination; (3) enhancing the effectiveness of labor market interventions. Conference participants consistently raised digitalisation as a major challenge and opportunity within the labor market. Different strategies emerged such as customized training and upskilling courses, active participation of employers, personal and individual support programs, innovative and non-traditional arrangements. Lifelong guidance was highlighted as increasingly important, whereby workers need ongoing coaching and guidance. The conference showed how PES are making increasing use of stakeholder partnerships as part of a delivery ecosystem to address labour and skills shortages. Partnerships can bring specialist knowledge to help meet shortages and access untapped potential." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    European Network of Public Employment Services: PES support to recovery: thematic paper (2022)

    Davern, Eamonn;


    Davern, Eamonn (2022): European Network of Public Employment Services: PES support to recovery. Thematic paper. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 22 S. DOI:10.2767/847911


    "This paper provides an overview of the key questions and issues for Public Employment Services in determining how best to assist labour market recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. It draws upon existing promising practices and academic research, as well as the discussions held in a Thematic Review Workshop in the Network on 9-10 November 2021. Member States have introduced a wide range of measures to mitigate the negative impact of COVID-19 on employment. Despite these initiatives the longer-term challenges from structural labor market changes remain. The report highlights that to further succeed, PES need to learn from emergency measures applied during the crisis, identifying those which could be adopted for permanent use, consistently reviewing their institutional strength and corporate resilience. This will require agility with rapid responses to emerging trends, sufficient capacity, appropriate tools, and required competencies to support unemployed people through profound labour market changes. Liaison with partners will become increasingly important and need to be regularly reviewed to identify where new partnerships are needed. PES will need to support improved labor market function through promoting employment in growing sectors of the economy, particularly digital and green jobs, facilitating occupational and geographical mobility, including through training and upskilling, and supporting the agenda for longer working lives." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job Retention Schemes during COVID-19: A Review of Policy Responses (2022)

    Eichhorst, Werner; Rinne, Ulf; Marx, Paul; Brunner, Johannes;


    Eichhorst, Werner, Paul Marx, Ulf Rinne & Johannes Brunner (2022): Job Retention Schemes during COVID-19: A Review of Policy Responses. (IZA policy paper 187), Bonn, 33 S.


    "This policy brief provides an update on job retention policies in a sample of 20 countries representing the main world regions as well as the diverse types of job retention schemes, in particular short-time work, furlough and wage subsidy schemes as they have been implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We show the diversity of these policies as well as the available information about their (re-)design as the pandemic evolved up to the most recent period. The policy brief raises main issues regarding the implementation and adaptation of job retention policies and illustrated this with four case studies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Promoting Youth Employment During COVID-19: A Review of Policy Responses (2022)

    Eichhorst, Werner; Rinne, Ulf; Marx, Paul; Brunner, Johannes;


    Eichhorst, Werner, Paul Marx, Ulf Rinne & Johannes Brunner (2022): Promoting Youth Employment During COVID-19: A Review of Policy Responses. (IZA policy paper 188), Bonn, 32 S.


    "Economic and social disruptions caused by the COVID-19 crisis have particularly affected younger people, and therefore policy should respond with measures, programmes and initiatives targeted at this population group. Next to broader labour market and economic measures, which ultimately also benefit younger people, youth-targeted measures are needed given the specific impacts of the pandemic and resulting challenges. Against this background, this policy brief gives an overview on actual policy responses in the area of youth employment during the COVID-19 crisis in 20 selected countries. If such measures are implemented, they share the common goals of reducing the negative impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on younger workers and avoiding long-term scarring effects. However, the precise nature, extent and scope of such measures substantially differ across countries. Given the fragility and large uncertainty of economic recovery that is still present in early 2022, broader policy support continues to be needed, including specific policy measures targeting youth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    European Network of Public Employment Services: Practitioner toolkit on strengthening PES to improve the labor market outcomes of persons with disabilities (2022)

    Genova, Angela; Davern, Eamonn;


    Genova, Angela & Eamonn Davern (2022): European Network of Public Employment Services: Practitioner toolkit on strengthening PES to improve the labor market outcomes of persons with disabilities. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 54 S. DOI:10.2767/034981


    "This toolkit provides Public Employment Services (PES) with practice-oriented knowledge to improve labor market outcomes for persons with disabilities. This toolkit provides a practical guide, with concrete examples, for how Public Employment Services (PES) can promote the participation of persons with disabilities in the labor market. The accessible toolkit intends to support PES in their role as key agents for the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). It is a deliverable of the European Commission’s new Disability Employment Package - a flagship initiative of the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030, as well as their own ambition to meet the needs of different client groups. The objective of the toolkit is to provide PES with information and advice on strategies and practices to support them in combatting labor market discrimination against persons with disabilities and further their effective labor market participation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Carrots or sticks? A multilevel analysis of active labour market policies and non-standard employment in Europe (2022)

    Haapanala, Henri ;


    Haapanala, Henri (2022): Carrots or sticks? A multilevel analysis of active labour market policies and non-standard employment in Europe. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 56, H. 3, S. 360-377. DOI:10.1111/spol.12770


    "Spending on active labour market policies (ALMPs) has increased across Europe following the 2007 flexicurity strategy which emphasised smooth and rapid transitions from unemployment to work. Despite broad scholarly coverage of the activation turn, the connection between labour market policies and changes in non-standard employment remains unclear. Applying random effects within-between regression analysis, this paper finds that coercive, ‘hard’ ALMP instruments incentivising rapid re-employment with the threat of withdrawing unemployment benefits are associated with higher likelihood of involuntary part-time employment, whereas supportive, ‘soft’ ALMP strategies with a focus on upskilling and public sector occupation are associated with higher voluntary but lower involuntary part-time employment. The results from 25 countries over two decades shed light on the heterogeneous results of past ALMP research which has not adopted a consistent line on the supportive-coercive dichotomy. With European employment policy increasingly applying hard activation instruments to achieve full employment, an unintended consequence might be the expansion of precarious employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Accounting for what and to whom? Accountability tensions in collaborations addressing long-term unemployment (2022)

    Hansen, Magnus Paulsen ; Verhoest, Koen; Downe, James; Hopkins, Cate; Doninck, Dries Van; Triantafillou, Peter ; Boon, Jan; Sarapuu, Külli; Bellò, Benedetta; Stevens, Vidar; Klijn, Erik Hans;


    Hansen, Magnus Paulsen, Peter Triantafillou, Benedetta Bellò, Jan Boon, Dries Van Doninck, James Downe, Cate Hopkins, Erik Hans Klijn, Külli Sarapuu, Vidar Stevens & Koen Verhoest (2022): Accounting for what and to whom? Accountability tensions in collaborations addressing long-term unemployment. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 56, H. 7, S. 1156-1171. DOI:10.1111/spol.12846


    "Across Europe, public employment services are experimenting with more holistic and cross-sector collaborations to tackle the wicked problem of long-term unemployment. These collaborations operate in a context characterised by tensions produced by multiple demands for accountability. Based on case studies of the accountability relations and challenges in five such collaborations in the Netherlands, Belgium (Flanders), Estonia, Scotland and Denmark, we found that: rigorous use of quantifiable measurement regimes made it difficult to attribute salience to important aspects of the progress made by the unemployed citizen; standardised accounts come with the risk of reductionist understandings of the citizen's social circumstances and resources; superficial participation by local politicians resulted in rather weak political accountability and a marked ambiguity of the role of the client as both accountee and accountholder." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Welfare Reform and the Intergenerational Transmission of Dependence (2022)

    Hartley, Robert Paul ; Lamarche, Carlos; Ziliak, James P. ;


    Hartley, Robert Paul, Carlos Lamarche & James P. Ziliak (2022): Welfare Reform and the Intergenerational Transmission of Dependence. In: Journal of Political Economy, Jg. 130, H. 3, S. 523-565. DOI:10.1086/717893


    "We investigate the effect of welfare reform on intergenerational welfare participation, using mother-daughter pairs in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. We find that a mother’s AFDC/TANF participation increased her daughter’s odds of adult participation in that program by roughly 25 percentage points or more, but that welfare reform attenuated this transmission by at least 50 percent. However, there is no diminution of transmission after welfare reform when we consider the wider safety net or other outcomes. Daughters who grew up with mothers on AFDC/TANF were no better off after reform, with substitution toward other welfare programs over generations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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