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Soziale Netzwerke und Arbeitsmarkt

Bei der Personalsuche und der Suche nach freien Arbeitsplätzen werden von Betrieben und Arbeitsuchenden auch soziale Netzwerke genutzt. Darunter sind nicht nur die persönlichen Beziehungen über Verwandte und den Freundeskreis etc. zu verstehen, sondern auch "technisch vermittelte" Kontakte über Facebook, Xing etc. Soziale Netzwerke liefern oftmals Informationen über den Betrieb bzw. die Person, die über herkömmliche Rekrutierungs- und Suchkanäle (z.B. Stellenanzeige, Bewerbungsunterlagen) nicht oder nur schwer zugänglich sind.
In der Infoplattform ist die aktuelle wissenschaftliche Literatur zur Bedeutung und zum Nutzen sozialer Netzwerke bei der Personal- und Arbeitsplatzsuche zusammengestellt.

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    Soziale Netzwerke Langzeitarbeitsloser und die Aufnahme einer Erwerbstätigkeit (2019)

    Krug, Gerhard ; Trappmann, Mark ; Wolf, Christof ;


    Krug, Gerhard, Christof Wolf & Mark Trappmann (2019): Soziale Netzwerke Langzeitarbeitsloser und die Aufnahme einer Erwerbstätigkeit. In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 48, H. 5-6, S. 349-365., 2019-10-15. DOI:10.1515/zfsoz-2019-0025


    "Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, ob die sozialen Netzwerke von Arbeitslosen deren Chancen zur Aufnahme einer Erwerbstätigkeit positiv beeinflussen. Ausgehend von in der aktuellen Literatur diskutierten Wirkmechanismen werden mehrere Hypothesen zu unterschiedlichen Aspekten des Netzwerks aufgestellt. Es wird angenommen, dass Arbeitslose umso eher in Arbeit kommen, je größer der Umfang ihrer (starken und schwachen) sozialen Beziehungen ist, je mehr Kontakt zu Erwerbstätigen sie haben und je mehr Ressourcen ihr Netzwerk enthält. Auf Basis des Panels 'Arbeitsmarkt und soziale Sicherung' mit dem Schwerpunktmodul zu sozialem Kapital werden diese Hypothesen anhand einer Fixed-Effects Panelregression getestet. Wird für alle zeitkonstanten sowie für einschlägige zeitvariante Variablen kontrolliert, erweisen sich schwache Beziehungen, gemessen als aktive Mitgliedschaften in freiwilligen Vereinigungen, sowie der Umfang nicht unmittelbar auf die Stellensuche bezogener sozialer Ressourcen als bedeutsam für die Arbeitsmarktchancen. Der Beitrag endet mit einer Diskussion dieser Befunde." (Autorenreferat, © De Gruyter)

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    Krug, Gerhard ; Trappmann, Mark ;
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    Informal job search through social networks and vacancy creation (2019)

    Merlino, Luca Paolo ;


    Merlino, Luca Paolo (2019): Informal job search through social networks and vacancy creation. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 178, H. May, S. 82-85. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2019.03.006


    "In this paper I study the interaction between firms' decisions to open vacancies and workers' investment in social networks to find jobs. The transmission of information in the network generates positive search externalities so that in equilibrium vacancy creation and socialization are strategic complements. Despite this, there is a unique interior stable equilibrium." (Author's abstract, © 2019 Elsevier) ((en))

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    The strong, the weak and the meaningful: Do friends or acquaintances help us get "any" job, or "meaningful" work? (2019)

    Patulny, Roger ; Gamia, Gaby; Feng, Zhuqin; Peterie, Michelle ; Marston, Greg;


    Patulny, Roger, Gaby Gamia, Zhuqin Feng, Michelle Peterie & Greg Marston (2019): The strong, the weak and the meaningful: Do friends or acquaintances help us get "any" job, or "meaningful" work? In: The International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Jg. 39, H. 5/6, S. 376-394. DOI:10.1108/IJSSP-11-2018-0193


    "Governments increasingly promote employment through social networks (whether via formal job networks or informal personal networks). However, they rarely account for how weak-tie 'bridging' networks and strong-tie 'bonding' networks differentially affect employment outcomes. Given criticism that (usually weak-tie bridging-focussed) formal job networks are overly focussed on finding entry-level (i.e. any) jobs, it is imperative to understand the impact of strong and weak ties on securing work with good conditions, or of meaning to the worker. Such links are poorly understood in the present literature. The paper aims to discuss this issue." (Autorenreferat, © Emerald Group)

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    Social isolation as stigma-management: Explaining long-term unemployed people's 'failure' to network (2019)

    Peterie, Michelle ; Patulny, Roger ; Ramia, Gaby ; Marston, Greg;


    Peterie, Michelle, Gaby Ramia, Greg Marston & Roger Patulny (2019): Social isolation as stigma-management: Explaining long-term unemployed people's 'failure' to network. In: Sociology, Jg. 53, H. 6, S. 1043-1060. DOI:10.1177/0038038519856813


    "Social networks play an important role in helping people find employment, yet extant studies have argued that unemployed 'job-seekers' rarely engage in 'networking' behaviours. Previous explanations of this inactivity have typically focused on individual factors such as personality, knowledge and attitude, or suggested that isolation occurs because individuals lose access to the latent benefits of employment. Social stigma has been obscured in these debates, even as they have perpetuated stereotypes regarding individual responsibility for unemployment and the inherent value of paid work. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 80 unemployed Australians, this article argues that stigma-related shame is an important factor in networking decisions. First, it demonstrates that stigma is ubiquitous in the lives of the unemployed. Second, it identifies withdrawal from social networks and disassociation from 'the unemployed' as two key strategies that unemployed people use to manage stigma-related shame, and shows how these strategies reduce networking activities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do social networks mitigate stigma effects from long-term unemployment? (2019)

    Rebien, Martina;


    Rebien, Martina (2019): Do social networks mitigate stigma effects from long-term unemployment? (IAB-Discussion Paper 16/2019), Nürnberg, 22 S.


    "Die Suche nach einer neuen Arbeit, bzw. nach neuen Mitarbeitern von betrieblicher Seite zeichnet sich durch einige Besonderheiten aus, wenn es um die Gruppe der Langzeitarbeitslosen geht. Aufgrund eines starken Stigmas das sich aus der Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit ergibt, erleben diese Personen besondere Schwierigkeiten einen neuen Job zu finden. Dieses Stigma beinhaltet unter anderem negative Annahmen über das Vorhandensein der notwendigen formalen Qualifikation, von Arbeitserfahrung, Belastbarkeit oder auch der Arbeitsmotivation. Des Weiteren kann eine lang andauernde Arbeitslosigkeit zu sozialer Isolation führen, da sich soziale Kontakte wahrscheinlicher zwischen Menschen mit gleichem Erwerbsstatus bilden und Kontakte in die Arbeitswelt dadurch verloren gehen. Allerdings sollten gerade Langzeitarbeitslose von der Empfehlung über soziale Kontakte profitieren können, da diese Empfehlungen die Negativeffekte von Stigmata möglicherweise reduzieren können. Anhand von repräsentativen Betriebsdaten der IAB-Stellenerhebung aus den Jahren 2016 und 2018, wird in diesem Papier untersucht, wie Betriebe die arbeitsrelevanten Eigenschaften und Fähigkeiten Langzeitarbeitsloser einschätzen und ob diese Personen davon profitieren, wenn Betriebe für ihre Suche nach neuen Mitarbeitern ihre sozialen Kontakte nutzen. Neben einer großen Zahl betriebsspezifischer Charakteristika, enthält die Befragung auch detaillierte Informationen zum Verlauf von Rekrutierungsprozessen. So wird erfragt ob ein Betrieb Bewerbungen von Langzeitarbeitslosen erhalten hat, ob er Langzeitarbeitslose zum Vorstellungsgespräch eingeladen hat und ob eine langzeitarbeitslose Person eingestellt wurde. Für jeden dieser Schritte ist es möglich zu identifizieren, ob der Betrieb soziale Kontakte für die Suche nach einem Bewerber verwendet hat. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Betriebe über die Nutzung sozialer Kontakte weniger Bewerbungen von Langzeitarbeitslosen erhalten. Ist dies jedoch der Fall, so erhöhen sich die Chancen Langzeitarbeitsloser eingeladen und auch eingestellt zu werden. Entsprechend kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass soziale Kontakte ein hilfreicher Weg für Langzeitarbeitslose sein können einen neuen Job zu finden. Bisher scheitert dies jedoch vor allem daran, dass diesen Personen diese hilfreichen Kontakte fehlen um den ersten Schritt zu tun und eine Bewerbung zu schicken." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Employers' search: are employee referrals effective? (2019)

    Rebien, Martina;


    Rebien, Martina (2019): Employers' search: are employee referrals effective? In: Economics Bulletin, Jg. 39, H. 4, S. 2499-2506., 2019-10-13.


    "This is the first study that utilizes the unplanned delay in recruitment to identify the effectiveness of employee referrals in firms' recruiting processes. I find that the use of referrals reduces the probability of delays in recruitment and the duration of the delay in the case that the firm chooses a small number of parallel search strategies. Therefore, employee referrals do have a beneficial effect on the recruiting process if they are used solely or in addition to very few other search strategies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Social and spatial networks in labour markets (2019)

    Topa, Giorgio;


    Topa, Giorgio (2019): Social and spatial networks in labour markets. In: Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Jg. 35, H. 4, S. 722-745. DOI:10.1093/oxrep/grz019


    "Social connections and referrals are ubiquitous in the labour market, both on the job-seeker side and on the employer side. This article reviews recent developments in the study of referrals, highlighting what we have learned regarding the use and impact of referrals on various labour market outcomes and pointing out the increasingly nuanced picture we are gaining on the effects of referrals. It then discusses directions for future research, emphasizing the importance of using newly available data (and combinations of datasets) and of making tighter connections with the burgeoning macro-labour research that is based on a search and matching framework. Finally, it evaluates the role of referrals from the point of view of policy-makers, discussing their social welfare implications and ways in which they could be explicitly incorporated into various labour market policies. The importance of tighter collaboration between policy-makers, researchers, employers and practitioners is stressed, to conduct more rigorous experimentation and evaluation of potential referral-based policies and programmes." (Author's Abstract, IAB-Doku)

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    Can job search assistance improve the labour market integration of refugees? evidence from a field experiment (2018)

    Battisti, Michele ; Laurentsyeva, Nadzeya; Giesing, Yvonne;


    Battisti, Michele, Yvonne Giesing & Nadzeya Laurentsyeva (2018): Can job search assistance improve the labour market integration of refugees? evidence from a field experiment. (CESifo working paper 7292), München, 31 S.


    "We conducted a field experiment to evaluate the impact of job-search assistance on the employment of recently arrived refugees in Germany. The treatment group received jobmatching support: an NGO identified suitable vacancies and sent the refugees' CVs to employers. Results of follow-up phone surveys show a positive and significant treatment effect of 13 percentage points on employment after twelve months. These effects are concentrated among low-educated refugees and those facing uncertainty about their residence status. These individuals might not search effectively, lack access to alternative support programmes, and may be disregarded by employers due to perceived higher hiring costs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Networks and migrants' intended destination (2018)

    Bertoli, Simone ; Ruyssen, Ilse ;


    Bertoli, Simone & Ilse Ruyssen (2018): Networks and migrants' intended destination. In: Journal of economic geography, Jg. 18, H. 4, S. 705-728. DOI:10.1093/jeg/lby012


    "Social networks are known to influence migration decisions, but connections between individuals remain usually unobserved. Surveys conducted by Gallup in 147 countries provide information on migration intentions and on distance-one connections in each destination. The distribution of distance-one connections mirrors the one of migrant stocks, and intentions are informative about actual decisions. The estimation of origin-specific conditional logit models reveals that distance-one connections can alter the ranking of most pairs of destinations. We test the validity of the distributional assumptions that underlie identification and perform extensive robustness checks, thus mitigating the concerns about the threats to identification posed by unobservables." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Macroeconomic conditions and well-being: do social interactions matter? (2018)

    Colombo, Emilio; Rotondi, Valentina; Stanca, Luca;


    Colombo, Emilio, Valentina Rotondi & Luca Stanca (2018): Macroeconomic conditions and well-being: do social interactions matter? In: Applied Economics, Jg. 50, H. 28, S. 3029-3038. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2017.1414935


    "We investigate the role played by social interactions in the transmission of the effects of macroeconomic conditions on well-being. Using survey data for a representative sample of Italian individuals, we find that social interactions play a dual role. On the one hand, the well-being of people who spend more time with their friends or go out more often is less sensitive to macroeconomic fluctuations. On the other hand, social interactions are negatively affected by worsening macroeconomic conditions, thus playing a relevant role in the transmission of macroeconomic shocks to subjective well-being. More specifically, the negative impact of downturns on the frequency of going out and active participation in associations significantly contributes to the adverse effects of recessions on satisfaction with life and with individual life domains." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Non-kin ties as a source of support in Europe: understanding the role of cultural context (2018)

    Conkova, Nina; Fokkema, Tineke; Dykstra, Pearl A.;


    Conkova, Nina, Tineke Fokkema & Pearl A. Dykstra (2018): Non-kin ties as a source of support in Europe. Understanding the role of cultural context. In: European Societies, Jg. 20, H. 1, S. 131-156. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2017.1405058


    "The 'crowding-out' and the 'decline of the family' hypotheses are the fundamental theoretical notions underlying the literature on cross-country differences in informal support. In this study, we expand upon these notions to develop and test the premise that cultural context shapes European's views about an often overlooked source of support: non-kin. We carefully conceptualise cultural context as individualistic values and familialistic norms. Employing multilevel multinomial models and European Quality of Life Survey data from 27 countries, we confirm the importance of decomposing the broader notion of culture by demonstrating that contexts with both less pronounced individualistic values and less pronounced familialistic norms are conducive to non-kin rather than kin or professional help. Moreover, unlike prior work, which suggested the existence of a north/west-south/east divide in support patterns, our findings show nuanced cross-national differences in the importance of non-kin ties as a source of advice and help when looking for a job. We find some of the highest levels of non-kin reliance in countries in southern and eastern Europe, and in northern and western Europe more generally. We conclude by proposing ways in which future research can advance our understanding of the role of context in shaping support patterns." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market and social integration of Eastern European migrants in Scotland and Portugal (2018)

    Dickey, Heather ; Drinkwater, Stephen ; Shubin, Sergei;


    Dickey, Heather, Stephen Drinkwater & Sergei Shubin (2018): Labour market and social integration of Eastern European migrants in Scotland and Portugal. In: Environment and planning. A, Economy and space, Jg. 50, H. 6, S. 1250-1268. DOI:10.1177/0308518X18781086


    "This article investigates the factors influencing the labour market performance and social integration of Eastern European migrants in two regions within Scotland and Portugal. Given the potential links between these outcomes, measures of labour market success and integration into the host community are examined from a multi-dimensional perspective, including by modelling these jointly within a statistical framework. The main findings indicate the importance of a range of factors for labour market and social integration, which change with time and cannot be limited to any definable set of goals. In particular, proficiency in the host country's language plays a key role in obtaining a highly paid job and social integration, but not for the probability of employment. Further, maintaining family links and cultural identity often outweigh the importance of being integrated into host communities. Other human capital factors, especially whether the job matches skills and qualifications, strongly influence some labour market outcomes, whilst migrant network variables are important for integration more widely. Focus on the immediate earnings and having a job tends to be prioritised over career progression, which can lead to better integration. Drawing on the insights from economics and human geography, this paper stresses that these findings hold both in the separate and joint modelling approaches. The effect of the influences is also found to be generally similar in Scotland and Portugal. However, some significant differences are detected between the host communities with regards to the impact of previous migration and friendship on social integration and age on employment." (Author's abstract, © 2018 a Pion publication) ((en))

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    Schneller Internetzugang hilft Arbeitslosen bei der Jobsuche (2018)

    Diegmann, André ; Gürtzgen, Nicole; Berg, Gerard J. van den; Pohlan, Laura ;


    Diegmann, André, Nicole Gürtzgen, Laura Pohlan & Gerard J. van den Berg (2018): Schneller Internetzugang hilft Arbeitslosen bei der Jobsuche. In: IAB-Forum H. 13.12.2018, o. Sz., 2018-12-04.


    "Das Internet als Massenmedium hat die Art und Weise, wie Arbeitgeber und Arbeitsuchende zusammenfinden, entscheidend verändert. Eine aktuelle Studie zeigt, dass ein schneller Internetzugang in den ersten Jahren der Verbreitung des Breitbandinternets die Erfolgschancen der Jobsuche von Arbeitslosen in Deutschland verbessert hat." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    How do refugees use their social capital for successful labor market integration? An exploratory analysis in Germany (2018)

    Gericke, Dina; Löwe, Jil; Deller, Jürgen; Burmeister, Anne; Pundt, Leena;


    Gericke, Dina, Anne Burmeister, Jil Löwe, Jürgen Deller & Leena Pundt (2018): How do refugees use their social capital for successful labor market integration? An exploratory analysis in Germany. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 105, S. 46-61. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2017.12.002


    "Using Germany as an example, this qualitative study explores how refugees use their social capital within and outside organizations to enter their host countries' labor market. Following a grounded theory approach, we interviewed 36 Syrian refugees who had already secured employment in Germany. We aim to provide in-depth information regarding the available types, uses, and benefits of social capital with regard to their access and integration into the labor market. We found that refugees have access to different types of social capital and that these types can offer different forms of support to refugees during the labor market integration process. In addition, we identify subtle differences in the kinds of support offered through vertical and horizontal bonding and bridging social capital. More specifically, we found that vertical bridging social capital is a valuable source for securing adequate employment, whereas horizontal bonding social capital and independent job-searching methods may more often lead to low-skilled work or underemployment. Our findings provide new insights into how different forms of social capital can facilitate labor market integration of refugees at different stages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2018 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Social network formation and labor market inequality (2018)

    Horvath, Gergely; Zhang, Rui;


    Horvath, Gergely & Rui Zhang (2018): Social network formation and labor market inequality. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 166, H. May, S. 45-49. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2018.01.026


    "We study how differences in interpersonal skills lead to inequality among workers when social connections are endogenously formed and workers find jobs through their contacts. We show that the equilibrium network structure is very unequal in terms of links and access to jobs. The equilibrium network is not socially optimal because workers impose negative externality on each other by forming more links. The degree of inequality is larger in the equilibrium than what would be socially optimal. In the equilibrium, high-skilled individuals overinvest in networking while low-skilled individuals underinvest, which enlarges the impact of differences in interpersonal skills. The degree of inequality is largest when job availability is moderate." (Author's abstract, © 2018 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Figurationsprozesse der Einwanderungsgesellschaft: Zum Wandel der Beziehungen zwischen Alteingesessenen und Migranten in deutschen Städten (2018)

    Hüttermann, Jörg;


    Hüttermann, Jörg (2018): Figurationsprozesse der Einwanderungsgesellschaft. Zum Wandel der Beziehungen zwischen Alteingesessenen und Migranten in deutschen Städten. (Urban studies), Bielefeld: Transcript, 356 S.


    "Seit den 1960er Jahren haben sich die Beziehungen zwischen Alteingesessenen und Zugewanderten in Deutschland grundlegend gewandelt - und mit ihnen die Gesellschaft. Mittels ethnographischer Analysen führt Jörg Hüttermann diesen Prozess der Figuration auf alltägliche Interaktionen zurück, die nur auf den ersten Blick unbedeutend erscheinen. Indem sie die in unterschiedlichen Kontexten wirkenden Interaktionsdynamiken freilegt und ein Verlaufsmuster des Figurationswandels herausarbeitet, ermöglicht es die stadtsoziologische Studie, den urbanen Alltag mit anderen Augen zu sehen." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)

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    Haben höher Gebildete mehr Sozialkapital?: Ungleichheit im Zugang zu sozialen Netzwerkressourcen (2018)

    Jusri, Regina; Kleinert, Corinna ;


    Jusri, Regina & Corinna Kleinert (2018): Haben höher Gebildete mehr Sozialkapital? Ungleichheit im Zugang zu sozialen Netzwerkressourcen. In: Sozialer Fortschritt, Jg. 67, H. 4, S. 249-268. DOI:10.3790/sfo.67.4.249


    "Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, ob Sozialkapital eine Bildungsrendite darstellt und betrachtet den Einfluss verschiedener Aspekte von Bildung auf Ausmaß, Qualität und Heterogenität sozialer Netzwerkressourcen. Auf Basis der Erwachsenenkohorte des Nationalen Bildungspanels (NEPS-SC6) werden logistische und lineare Regressionsmodelle berechnet und für mögliche Mediatoren von Bildung auf Sozialkapital kontrolliert. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass nicht nur der Bildungsabschluss und die Bildungsdauer, sondern auch die Anzahl besuchter Bildungsstationen und die verbalen Fähigkeiten in einem positiven Zusammenhang mit Ausmaß und Zusammensetzung sozialer Netzwerkressourcen stehen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Social networks and the labour market mismatch (2018)

    Kalfa, Eleni; Piracha, Matloob ;


    Kalfa, Eleni & Matloob Piracha (2018): Social networks and the labour market mismatch. In: Journal of population economics, Jg. 31, H. 3, S. 877-914. DOI:10.1007/s00148-017-0677-5


    "This paper assesses the extent to which social contacts and ethnic concentration affect the education-occupation mismatch of natives and immigrants. Using Australian panel data and employing a dynamic random effects probit model, we show that social capital exacerbates the incidence of over-education, particularly for females. Furthermore, for the foreign born, ethnic concentration significantly increases the incidence of over-education. Using an Alternative Index, we also show that social participation, friends and support and ethnic concentration are the main contributors in generating a mismatch, while reciprocity and trust does not seem to have any effect on over-education for both, immigrants and natives. Finally, we show that social networks are more beneficial for the relatively better educated." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Factors determining the social participation of older adults: a comparison between Japan and Korea using EASS 2012 (2018)

    Katagiri, Keiko ; Kim, Ju-Hyun;


    Katagiri, Keiko & Ju-Hyun Kim (2018): Factors determining the social participation of older adults. A comparison between Japan and Korea using EASS 2012. In: PLoS one, Jg. 13, H. 4, S. 1-15. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0194703


    "Aims: Japan and Korea are the world's most aged and most rapidly aging nations. They both have low fertility rates, thereby intensifying the importance of social structures to aid a large, dependent population of older adults. Common strategies involve improving their social participation, which enhances their physical and mental health, so they are supporting society rather than being supported. Since the social participation rates in both countries are not as high as those of Western countries, it is critical to shed light on the factors related to social participation of the elderly.
    Methods: A secondary analyses were performed using Japanese and Korean data from the 2012 East Asia Social Survey (EASS), which includes nationally representative samples through random sampling. The analyses only include data from those 65 and older (Japan: N = 683, Korea: N = 362).
    Results: Social participation is classified into four types: 1) no affiliation; 2) inactive participation; 3) active recreational; and 4) active social. The Japanese respondents had a higher participation rate than Koreans, but more Japanese were inactive. Though the rates of active participations were similar in both countries. Multinomial logistic regressions were conducted to examine the related factors among the four types of social participation. Basic attributes (e.g., living alone) and other factors (e.g., network size) were included as independent variables. The results show that larger non-family networks were linked with increased social participation in both societies. Men were more vulnerable to engaging in no social activities and at a higher risk of social isolation in both countries. One difference between the two nations is that among the Japanese, people with higher social orientations engage in more active social type participation.
    Conclusion: This study reveals that non-kin social networks are important for social participation in Japan and Korea." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Social inequalities and occupational stratification: Methods and concepts in the analysis of social distance (2018)

    Lambert, Paul; Griffiths, Dave;


    Lambert, Paul & Dave Griffiths (2018): Social inequalities and occupational stratification. Methods and concepts in the analysis of social distance. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 384 S. DOI:10.1057/978-1-137-02253-0


    "This book explores how structures of social inequality are linked to the social connections that people hold. The authors focus upon occupational inequalities where they see, for example, that the typical friendship patterns of people from one occupation are often very different to those of people from another.
    Social Inequalities and Occupational Stratification leverages empirical data about differences in social connections to chart structures of social distance and social inequality. Several of its chapters provide coverage of the long-standing CAMSIS project and its approach to analysing social interaction patterns in terms of a single dimension related to social inequality. Lambert and Griffiths also explore different ways that statistical methods and tools of social network analysis can be used to study the relationship between social distance and social stratification." (Publisher information, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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