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Migration und Integration

Bei dem Thema Einwanderung nach Deutschland gilt es auch die Bedingungen einer gelingenden Integration von Zugewanderten in Gesellschaft, Bildung und Arbeit zu untersuchen. Die Arbeitsmarktforschung beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die Integration in das Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystem, der Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt sowie die Bedingungen der sozialen Teilhabe und kulturellen Integration verbessert werden können.

Aktuelle Studien zeigen zudem, dass Deutschland angesichts seiner demographischen Herausforderungen dringend auf Zuwanderung angewiesen ist. Inwiefern kann Zuwanderung der Schrumpfung und Alterung des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials entgegenwirken? Welche Entwicklungen in der nationalen und europäischen Einwanderungspolitik begünstigen die Einwanderung von Erwerbspersonen und Fachkräften? Die hier zusammengestellte Literatur bietet einen aktuellen und umfassenden Überblick über den Themenkomplex Migration und Integration.

Literatur zum Thema Flucht und Asyl finden Sie in unserer IAB-Infoplattform Fluchtmigrantinnen und -migranten - Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt.

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im Aspekt "Unternehmensgründungen durch Migranten"
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    Contrasts and similarities in economic performance of migrant entrepreneurs (2014)

    Sahin, Mediha; Nijkamp, Peter ; Suzuki, Soushi;


    Sahin, Mediha, Peter Nijkamp & Soushi Suzuki (2014): Contrasts and similarities in economic performance of migrant entrepreneurs. In: IZA journal of migration, Jg. 3, S. 1-21. DOI:10.1186/2193-9039-3-7


    "In recent years, migrant entrepreneurs have come to occupy a prominent place in the SME sector in many cities in developed countries, with varying degrees of success. The concept of migrant entrepreneurship suggests a homogeneous set of actors, but it remains to be seen whether differences in cultural and ethnic backgrounds, in education, in age and gender, and in motivational profiles lead to contrasting business outcomes. The present paper aims to identify and compare differences in the economic performance of individual migrant business firms on the basis of a quantitative assessment of the drivers of their efficiency profiles. In this context, we will address in particular the drivers and barriers for the heterogeneous business strategies of specific classes of migrant entrepreneurs. After the use of a multivariate statistical analysis, a modern operational approach - originating from organizational theory - that aims to make a comparative study of quantitative efficiency differences between individual decision-making units (DMUs), viz. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is employed. DEA is used here to assess relative performance differences between distinct categories of migrant entrepreneurs in the city of Amsterdam. A wealth of relevant data has been collected by systematic, personally-supervised interviews and questionnaires, and these contain a variety of efficiency-oriented indicators, on both the input and the output side. Several additional analyses - using multivariate cross-analysis methods - are also carried out to test the robustness of our findings by, inter alia, investigating the influence of specific socio-cultural ethnic groups, levels of education, first-and second-generation migrants, and age. Finally, the paper offers some lessons on entrepreneurship strategies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Being an entrepreneur: emergence and structuring of two immigrant entrepreneur groups (2014)

    Storti, Luca;


    Storti, Luca (2014): Being an entrepreneur: emergence and structuring of two immigrant entrepreneur groups. In: Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Jg. 26, H. 7-8, S. 521-545. DOI:10.1080/08985626.2014.959067


    "The paper aims to analyse the mechanisms whereby immigrant entrepreneurship emerges and develops. In this connection, we argue that studies of immigrant entrepreneurship can benefit from deeper dialogue with economic sociology. With the idea of mixed embeddedness as our starting point, we advocate an analytical framework of immigrant entrepreneurship that traces the interconnections between the approaches of new economic sociology, political economy and neo-institutionalism from the perspective of mechanism-based explanation. This framework is then applied to a qualitative case study conducted on two microimmigrant entrepreneur groups: the Italian ice-cream parlour owners and pizzeria owners in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, selected inasmuch as they represent polar forms of immigrant entrepreneurship. In this perspective, empirical findings show detailed differences between the two groups. For pizzeria owners, entrepreneurial transition is the result of a short-term project; the actors are part of small networks, do business in predominantly local markets and are mainly shaped by mimetic isomorphism. By contrast, the ice-cream parlour owners script more consistent entrepreneurial paths, belong to more highly articulated networks, show specific aspects of economic transnationalism and structure themselves by a predominately normative process." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ethnic capital and self-employment: a spatially autoregressive network approach (2014)

    Wang, Xingang; Maani, Sholeh A.;


    Wang, Xingang & Sholeh A. Maani (2014): Ethnic capital and self-employment. A spatially autoregressive network approach. In: IZA journal of migration, Jg. 3, S. 1-24. DOI:10.1186/s40176-014-0018-3


    "Immigrants experience substantial disadvantages in employment in the host country. 'Ethnic capital' (e.g. the ethnic network) is argued to provide a niche for immigrants. Previous international studies adopt either ethnic concentration or language as proxy for immigrants' network in host country. In this paper we introduce a new 'spatial autoregressive network approach' to construct a dynamic network variable from micro-data to capture the effects of social and resource networks for immigrants. This approach allows each individual's self-employment decision to be geographically and ethnically correlated with that of other individuals. We further show that there are three advantages of this approach: it captures a more accurate effect of networks; it provides a better estimation of the impact of other socio-economic variables on self-employment; and it provides a better data fit. The empirical findings of this study strongly suggest that ethnic capital plays a vital role in relation to immigrants' self-employment decisions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Die fehlenden Unternehmer: Politiken für ein integrationsförderndes Unternehmertum in Europa (2014)


    "Entwicklung von Unternehmertum ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die Verwirklichung eines intelligenten, nachhaltigen und integrativen Wachstums. Es ist auch ein Mittel, um auf neue wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen zu reagieren, Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen und die soziale und finanzielle Ausgrenzung zu kämpfen. Die Auswirkungen der globalen Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise erfordern, Unternehmertum und selbstständiger Erwerbstätigkeit eine stärkere Rolle in der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Entwicklungspolitik zu geben.
    Dieses Buch sammelt und fasst Informationen und Daten über unternehmerische Aktivitäten in Europa zusammen, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf Menschen, die dem größten Risiko von sozialer Ausgrenzung ausgesetzt sind. Zu diesen Gruppen gehören junge Menschen, ältere Menschen, Frauen, ethnische Minderheiten und Migranten, Menschen mit Behinderungen und Arbeitslose." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The persistence of self-employment across borders: new evidence on legal immigrants to the United States (2013)

    Akee, Randall K.Q.; Tatsiramos, Konstantinos; Jaeger, David A.;


    Akee, Randall K.Q., David A. Jaeger & Konstantinos Tatsiramos (2013): The persistence of self-employment across borders. New evidence on legal immigrants to the United States. In: Economics Bulletin, Jg. 33, H. 1, S. 126-137.


    "Using recently-available data from the New Immigrant Survey, we find that previous self-employment experience in an immigrant's country of origin is an important determinant of self-employment status in the U.S., increasing the probability of being self-employed by about 7 percent relative to an unconditional self-employment probability of about 10 percent. This effect is statistically significant and quantitatively important, being equivalent to at least 7 years of U.S.-based education. Our results improve on the previous literature by measuring home-country self-employment directly rather than relying on proxy measures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Systematic review of immigrant entrepreneurship literature: previous findings and ways forward (2013)

    Aliaga-Isla, Rocío; Rialp, Alex;


    Aliaga-Isla, Rocío & Alex Rialp (2013): Systematic review of immigrant entrepreneurship literature. Previous findings and ways forward. In: Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Jg. 25, H. 9-10, S. 819-844. DOI:10.1080/08985626.2013.845694


    "Immigrant entrepreneurship is an important socio-economic phenomenon today. Many studies have been developed in academic arenas of different disciplines. This paper aims to present a systematic review of academic literature related to immigrant entrepreneurship. In doing so, two questions are addressed: what has been done in international immigrant entrepreneurship research? And what are the trends that marked this phenomenon in research arenas? For this purpose, 45 articles published in academic journals are examined based on their (a) objectives, (b) theoretical frameworks and (c) methodologies. This paper provides evidence that most papers on immigrant entrepreneurship have focused on the reality of the USA, followed by Europe and Oceania. Furthermore, the review has identified the individual level of analysis and the deductive perspective as a common trend. There is a shortage in theory-building and qualitative studies in this field of knowledge. On the basis of the review, several gaps in the literature are identified that need to be filled in future research in order to enlarge the scientific knowledge on immigrant entrepreneurship." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ethnic origin, local labour markets and self-employment in Sweden: a multilevel approach (2013)

    Andersson, Lina; Shukur, Ghazi; Hussain, Shakir; Hammarstedt, Mats;


    Andersson, Lina, Mats Hammarstedt, Shakir Hussain & Ghazi Shukur (2013): Ethnic origin, local labour markets and self-employment in Sweden. A multilevel approach. In: The annals of regional science, Jg. 50, H. 3, S. 885-910. DOI:10.1007/s00168-012-0525-1


    "We investigate the importance of ethnic origin and local labour markets conditions for self-employment propensities in Sweden. In line with previous research, we find differences in the self-employment rate between different immigrant groups as well as between different immigrant cohorts. We use a multilevel regression approach in order to quantify the role of ethnic background, point of time for immigration and local market conditions in order to further understand differences in self-employment rates between different ethnic groups. We arrive at the following: The self-employment decision is to a major extent guided by factors unobservable in register data. Such factors might be, that is, individual entrepreneurial ability and access to financial capital. The individual's ethnic background and point of time for immigration play a smaller role for the self-employment decision but are more important than local labour market conditions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migration, risk attitudes, and entrepreneurship: evidence from a representative immigrant survey (2013)

    Batista, Catia; Umblijs, Janis;


    Batista, Catia & Janis Umblijs (2013): Migration, risk attitudes, and entrepreneurship. Evidence from a representative immigrant survey. (IZA discussion paper 7781), Bonn, 41 S.


    "Do more risk loving migrants opt for self-employment? This is a question especially relevant for policymakers designing selective immigration policies in countries of destination. In order to provide a rigorous answer to it, we use a novel vignette-adjusted measure of risk preferences in the domain of work to investigate the link between risk aversion and entrepreneurship in migrant communities. Using a representative household survey of the migrant population in the Greater Dublin Area, we find a significant negative relationship between risk aversion and entrepreneurship. In addition, our results show that the use of vignettes improves the significance of the results, as they correct for differential item functioning (where respondents interpret the self-evaluation scale in different ways) between entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs, and corrects for variation in the use of self-evaluation scales between migrants from different countries of origin." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migration, risk attitudes, and entrepreneurship: evidence from a representative immigrant survey (2013)

    Batista, Catia; Umblijs, Janis;


    Batista, Catia & Janis Umblijs (2013): Migration, risk attitudes, and entrepreneurship. Evidence from a representative immigrant survey. (CReAM discussion paper 2013,25), London, 40 S.


    "Do more risk loving migrants opt for self-employment? This is a question especially relevant for policymakers designing selective immigration policies in countries of destination. In order to provide a rigorous answer to it, we use a novel vignette-adjusted measure of risk preferences in the domain of work to investigate the link between risk aversion and entrepreneurship in migrant communities. Using a representative household survey of the migrant population in the Greater Dublin Area, we find a significant negative relationship between risk aversion and entrepreneurship. In addition, our results show that the use of vignettes improves the significance of the results, as they correct for differential item functioning (where respondents interpret the self-evaluation scale in different ways) between entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs, and corrects for variation in the use of self-evaluation scales between migrants from different countries of origin." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrant entrepreneurship on the move: a longitudinal analysis of first- and second-generation immigrant entrepreneurship in the Netherlands (2013)

    Beckers, Pascal; Blumberg, Boris F.;


    Beckers, Pascal & Boris F. Blumberg (2013): Immigrant entrepreneurship on the move. A longitudinal analysis of first- and second-generation immigrant entrepreneurship in the Netherlands. In: Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Jg. 25, H. 7/8, S. 654-691. DOI:10.1080/08985626.2013.808270


    "Second-generation immigrants starting businesses in industries not traditionally associated with immigrants have inspired a new line of research on migrant entrepreneurship. New entrepreneurs are expected to profit from better economic prospects arising from the relatively high levels of human capital available to them and improved integration into society compared to their parents' generation. So far, it is unclear whether these expectations have been met owing to a lack of reliable data on immigrants in general and immigrant entrepreneurs in particular. This paper uses newly available data from Statistics Netherlands (1999-2004) to compare the differences between the business success of second- and first-generation immigrant entrepreneurs. The data enable us to compare these intergenerational differences for each of five major non-Western groups of immigrants in the Netherlands and contrast them with developments among native entrepreneurs from both inter-temporal and longitudinal perspectives. Contrary to expectations, the higher levels of sociocultural integration of second-generation immigrants do not necessarily lead to better business prospects. The differences between the major ethnic groups of immigrants are noteworthy, as are those with non-immigrant entrepreneurs. While high levels of human capital and social integration foster entrepreneurial success, they are no guarantee of good business prospects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    "Global Entrepreneurship Monitor" 2012: Unternehmensgründungen durch Migranten (2013)

    Brixy, Udo ; Sternberg, Rolf ; Vorderwülbecke, Arne;


    Brixy, Udo, Rolf Sternberg & Arne Vorderwülbecke (2013): "Global Entrepreneurship Monitor" 2012: Unternehmensgründungen durch Migranten. (IAB-Kurzbericht 25/2013), Nürnberg, 7 S.


    "Migranten sind nicht nur als abhängig Beschäftigte ein Potenzial am Arbeitsmarkt. Auch mit eigenen Unternehmensgründungen leisten sie einen wichtigen Beitrag zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung in Deutschland. Nach aktuellen Analysen sind es vor allem männliche Zuwanderer aus westlichen Industrienationen, die sich häufiger als Einheimische selbstständig machen. Ebenso gründen Personen mit Hochschulabschluss - Migranten wie Einheimische - öfter als andere. Das zeigen Ergebnisse aus dem Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), ein internationales Forschungskonsortium, dessen Ziel es ist, Gründungsaktivitäten im Zeitverlauf international zu untersuchen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Brixy, Udo ;
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    Innovative Ansätze in der Beratung von Migrantinnen und Migranten mit Gründungsambitionen: Potenziale aus der akademischen Gründungslehre nutzen (2013)

    Di Bella, Jessica;


    Di Bella, Jessica (2013): Innovative Ansätze in der Beratung von Migrantinnen und Migranten mit Gründungsambitionen. Potenziale aus der akademischen Gründungslehre nutzen. (WISO direkt), Bonn, 4 S.


    "Obwohl die Zahl der ethnischen Gründerinnen und Gründer im Vergleich zu Einheimischen seit Jahren überproportional ansteigt, scheinen die etablierten Angebote der öffentlichen Gründungsförderung nach wie vor kaum auf die 'neuen Selbstständigen' ausgerichtet zu sein. Dabei kommen in der akademischen Gründungslehre an deutschen Universitäten und Hochschulen bereits seit mehreren Jahren neuartige Formate, Instrumente und Methoden zum Einsatz, welche das Potenzial bergen, auch der Gründungsberatung in Kammern, städtischen und staatlichen Einrichtungen neue Horizonte zu eröffnen und Personen mit (und ohne) Zuwanderungsgeschichte effektiver bei einem erfolgreichen Start in die Selbstständigkeit zu unterstützen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Immigration and entrepreneurship (2013)

    Fairlie, Robert W.; Lofstrom, Magnus;


    Fairlie, Robert W. & Magnus Lofstrom (2013): Immigration and entrepreneurship. (IZA discussion paper 7669), Bonn, 56 S.


    "Immigrants are widely perceived as being highly entrepreneurial and important for economic growth and innovation. This is reflected in immigration policies and many developed countries have created special visas and entry requirements in an attempt to attract immigrant entrepreneurs. Not surprisingly, a large body of research on immigrant entrepreneurship has developed over the years. In this chapter we provide an overview of the economics literature with respect to some of the most fundamental immigrant entrepreneurship issues as well as the empirical methods and data used. The main themes we address are immigrant entrepreneurs' contributions to the economy, entrepreneurship differences across groups and group differences in entrepreneurial success." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Transnationales ethnisches Unternehmertum: das Fallbeispiel türkischstämmiger Unternehmer in Duisburg-Marxloh (2013)

    Fürst, Ariana; Balke, Jan;


    Fürst, Ariana & Jan Balke (2013): Transnationales ethnisches Unternehmertum. Das Fallbeispiel türkischstämmiger Unternehmer in Duisburg-Marxloh. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung, Jg. 71, H. 3, S. 247-259. DOI:10.1007/s13147-013-0233-z


    "Transnationales ethnisches Unternehmertum gewinnt im Rahmen der aktuellen Debatte um transnationale Migration als neues Forschungsfeld der Migrations- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung zunehmend an Bedeutung. Im Gegensatz zur bereits viel diskutierten 'klassischen' ethnischen Ökonomie zeichnen sich transnationale ethnische Unternehmer durch ihre Integration in grenzübergreifende Produktions- und Vertriebsnetzwerke und Formen transnationaler Lebens- und Geschäftsführung aus. Der Beitrag zeigt auf der Grundlage einer explorativen Untersuchung über transnationale türkischstämmige Unternehmer in Duisburg-Marxloh, dass verschiedene Formen transnationalen ethnischen Unternehmertums im Hinblick auf akteursspezifische und strukturelle Merkmale sowie die Intensität transnationaler ökonomischer Aktivität existieren und diskutiert die Bedeutung des transnationalen ethnischen Unternehmertums für die lokale Ökonomie und die Stadtteilentwicklung. Es können drei 'Generationen' transnationalen ethnischen Unternehmertums sowie drei Intensitätsformen transnationaler ökonomischer Aktivität identifiziert werden. Die transnationalen ethnischen Unternehmer leisten einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Stabilisierung des Stadtteils und können Aufwertungsprozesse im Hinblick auf die baulich-räumliche Gestaltung und Imageentwicklung des Stadtteils in Gang setzen. Gleichzeitig scheint die Vernetzung der transnationalen ethnischen Unternehmer untereinander als auch deren Integration in Stadtentwicklungsstrategien und institutionelle Maßnahmen gering ausgeprägt. Es wird deutlich, dass transnationales ethnisches Unternehmertum als strategisches Potenzial der Stadtentwicklung bislang nicht ausgeschöpft wird und weiterer Forschungs- und Handlungsbedarf besteht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Quality spirals and vicious circles among children of immigrant entrepreneurs: how immigrant entrepreneurs' resources are remoulded by the second generation (2013)

    Gudmundsson, Gestur;


    Gudmundsson, Gestur (2013): Quality spirals and vicious circles among children of immigrant entrepreneurs. How immigrant entrepreneurs' resources are remoulded by the second generation. In: Young. Nordic Journal of Youth Research, Jg. 21, H. 2, S. 173-191. DOI:10.1177/1103308813477466


    "This article investigates educational aspirations and attainments among children of immigrant entrepreneurs in the food business. It reports some of the results of the European research project Ethnogeneration, which conducted biographical, problem- centred interviews with 101 families in five European cities. The overarching research question of the project addresses the consequences of self-employment for the well-being of the second generation. This article examines the sub-question concerning the relation between educational trajectories of second generation immigrants and their upbringing in the immigrant families running food businesses. An inductive analysis of the interviews reveals that this relation can be both 'virtuous' and 'vicious' and identifies elements and mechanisms that contribute to both outcomes and to a couple of mixtures. The analysis evokes theoretical explanation, involving mainly theories of situated learning, social capital, cultural capital and transmission/transformation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Bosses of their own: are the children of immigrants more likely to be self-employed than their parents? (2013)

    Hou, Feng; Abada, Teresa; Lu, Yuqian;


    Hou, Feng, Teresa Abada & Yuqian Lu (2013): Bosses of their own. Are the children of immigrants more likely to be self-employed than their parents? In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 39, H. 8, S. 1319-1335. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2013.778154


    "Using a generational cohort method, this paper compares the self-employment rates of immigrant parents and their children when they were in the same age range of 25 to 44. The focus is on three questions: (1) Are the children of immigrants more or less likely to be self-employed than their parents? (2) Are the children of immigrants more or less likely to be self-employed than the children of Canadian-born parents? (3) Is the generational change from immigrant parents to their children in the self-employment rate different to that from Canadian-born parents to their children? The results show that Canadian-born male children of immigrants had a lower self-employment rate than their fathers. The decline in the self-employment rate was not unique from immigrant fathers to second-generation men. It was also observed from Canadian-born parents to their children. For both groups, the decline was related to changes in life-course events -- longer schooling, fewer marriages and fewer children. Similar to the difference among their fathers, the second-generation men had a higher self-employment rate than the third-and-higher-generation men. Among women, the self-employment rate increased from immigrant mothers to their daughters and from Canadian-born mothers to their daughters." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    U.S. high-skilled immigration, innovation, and entrepreneurship: empirical approaches and evidence (2013)

    Kerr, William R.;


    Kerr, William R. (2013): U.S. high-skilled immigration, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Empirical approaches and evidence. (NBER working paper 19377), Cambridge, Mass., 28 S. DOI:10.3386/w19377


    "High-skilled immigrants are a very important component of U.S. innovation and entrepreneurship. Immigrants account for roughly a quarter of U.S. workers in these fields, and they have a similar contribution in terms of output measures like patents or firm starts. This contribution has been rapidly growing over the last three decades. In terms of quality, the average skilled immigrant appears to be better trained to work in these fields, but conditional on educational attainment of comparable quality to natives. The exception to this is that immigrants have a disproportionate impact among the very highest achievers (e.g., Nobel Prize winners). Studies regarding the impact of immigrants on natives tend to find limited consequences in the short-run, while the results in the long-run are more varied and much less certain. Immigrants in the United States aid business and technology exchanges with their home countries, but the overall effect that the migration has on the home country remains unclear. We know very little about return migration of workers engaged in innovation and entrepreneurship, except that it is rapidly growing in importance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrant Entrepreneurship: Good Practice europäischer Städte im Vergleich (2013)

    Kohlbacher, Josef;


    Kohlbacher, Josef (2013): Immigrant Entrepreneurship. Good Practice europäischer Städte im Vergleich. (AMS-Info 237/238), Wien, 7 S.


    "Die Frage nach der Bedeutung der städtischen Ebene für Integrationsprozesse wird zunehmend wichtiger, denn Zuwanderung von innerhalb der Europäischen Union, aber auch aus Drittstaaten konzentriert sich in Europa vornehmlich auf die großen Metropolen sowie die Mittelstädte. Von Immigration gehen zahlreiche Impulse für Arbeitsmarkt und Wirtschaft aus, sie stellt gleichzeitig aber auch integrationspolitische Herausforderungen an politische Entscheidungsträger. Die europäischen Städte sind gefordert, eine adäquate kommunale Integrationspolitik zu implementieren und damit Eingliederungsprozesse zu fördern. Welche Schwerpunkte sie im für die städtischen Wirtschaftssysteme zunehmend wichtigeren ökonomischen Sektor von 'Immigrant Entrepreneurship' setzen und welche konkreten Maßnahmen sie dabei entwickeln, möchte der folgende Beitrag am Beispiel ausgewählter Städte, die am Netzwerk CLIP partizipieren, aufzeigen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Does self-employment increase the economic well-being of low-skilled workers? (2013)

    Lofstrom, Magnus;


    Lofstrom, Magnus (2013): Does self-employment increase the economic well-being of low-skilled workers? In: Small business economics, Jg. 40, H. 4, S. 933-952. DOI:10.1007/s11187-011-9402-z


    "Low-skilled workers do not fare well in today's skill intensive economy and their opportunities continue to diminish. Utilizing data from the survey of income and program participation, this paper provides an analysis of the economic returns to business ownership among low-skilled workers and addresses the essential question of whether self-employment is a good option for low-skilled individuals that policymakers might consider encouraging. The analysis reveals substantial differences in the role of self-employment among low-skilled workers across gender and nativity - women and immigrants are shown to be of particular importance from both the perspectives of trends and policy relevance. We find that, although the returns to low-skilled self-employment among men is higher than among women, the analysis shows that wage/salary employment is a more financially rewarding option for most low-skilled workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Cultural diversity, innovation, and entrepreneurship: firm-level evidence from London (2013)

    Nathan, Max ; Lee, Neil ;


    Nathan, Max & Neil Lee (2013): Cultural diversity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Firm-level evidence from London. In: Economic geography, Jg. 89, H. 4, S. 367-394. DOI:10.1111/ecge.12016


    "A growing body of research is making links between diversity and the economic performance of cities and regions. Most of the underlying mechanisms take place within firms, but only a handful of organization-level studies have been conducted. We contribute to this underexplored literature by using a unique sample of 7,600 firms to investigate links among cultural diversity, innovation, entrepreneurship, and sales strategies in London businesses between 2005 and 2007. London is one of the world's major cities, with a rich cultural diversity that is widely seen as a social and economic asset. Our data allowed us to distinguish owner/partner and wider workforce characteristics, identify migrant/minority-headed firms, and differentiate firms along multiple dimensions. The results, which are robust to most challenges, suggest a small but significant 'diversity bonus' for all types of London firms. First, companies with diverse management are more likely to introduce new product innovations than are those with homogeneous 'top teams.' Second, diversity is particularly important for reaching international markets and serving London's cosmopolitan population. Third, migrant status has positive links to entrepreneurship. Overall, the results provide some support for claims that diversity is an economic asset, as well as a social benefit." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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