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Frauen in Führungspositionen

Frauen in Führungspositionen sind trotz gleichwertiger Qualifikationen im Vergleich zu Männern unterrepräsentiert. Als Ursache werden "unsichtbare Barrieren" angenommen, die Frauen daran hindern, in Hierarchien aufzusteigen ("glass ceiling"-Phänomen). Die Infoplattform "Frauen in Führungspositionen" reflektiert die wissenschaftliche und politische Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Thema.

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im Aspekt "Führungskräftestudien"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Women directors, board attendance, and corporate financial performance (2024)

    Joecks, Jasmin ; Pull, Kerstin ; Scharfenkamp, Katrin;


    Joecks, Jasmin, Kerstin Pull & Katrin Scharfenkamp (2024): Women directors, board attendance, and corporate financial performance. In: Corporate Governance, Jg. 32, H. 2, S. 205-227. DOI:10.1111/corg.12525


    "Using insights from an in-depth qualitative interview study, we propose an input-process-output model where the link between women directors (input) and corporate financial performance (output) is mediated by board attendance and where board attendance serves as a proxy of several intermediate but latent board processes. Further, we dig deeper into the nonlinearities of female boardroom representation by analyzing in how far the postulated mediation depends on the number of women in the boardroom. Analyzing quantitative data from German supervisory boards over an 11-year period, we find the link between women directors and corporate financial performance to be partially mediated by board attendance, and we find the mediation to depend on whether there is more than just one “token” woman in the boardroom. When there is only one woman in the boardroom, her presence is positively linked to board attendance, but the higher board attendance does not to translate into a better corporate financial performance. Our study contributes to theory, by inductively enriching our understanding of how and when women directors and corporate financial performance are linked. Our study encourages firms to appoint more than one woman to the boardroom to profit from an enhanced board attendance that will then also translate into a better corporate financial performance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Board gender diversity and the cost of equity: What difference does gender quota legislation make? (2024)

    Sarang, Aitzaz Ahsan Alias ; Aubert, Nicolas; Hollandts, Xavier;


    Sarang, Aitzaz Ahsan Alias, Nicolas Aubert & Xavier Hollandts (2024): Board gender diversity and the cost of equity: What difference does gender quota legislation make? In: International Journal of Finance and Economics, Jg. 29, H. 2, S. 2193-2213. DOI:10.1002/ijfe.2774


    "This study examines the relationship between women directors and the cost of equity (COE). Investigating the French firm's sample, we find a significant negative effect of women directors on the COE. Our results also document that the effect of women directors on reducing the COE is significant for firms that have a critical mass of at least four women directors. Using the difference-in-difference (DID) and propensity score matching (PSM) approach, we find that the relationship between female directors and lower equity costs is significant for the period following the Copé–Zimmermann gender quota law. The results show that women directors' presence on corporate boards is also supported by economic reasons. The study provides implications in relation to the Copé–Zimmermann law in France." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Frauenanteil in Vorständen großer Unternehmen gestiegen, meist bleibt es aber bei höchstens einer Frau. (2024)

    Sondergeld, Virginia; Kirsch, Anja; Wrohlich, Katharina ;


    Sondergeld, Virginia, Katharina Wrohlich & Anja Kirsch (2024): Frauenanteil in Vorständen großer Unternehmen gestiegen, meist bleibt es aber bei höchstens einer Frau. In: DIW-Wochenbericht H. 3, S. 26-36. DOI:10.18723/diw_wb:2024-3-2


    "Im Managerinnen-Barometer des DIW Berlin werden seit dem Jahr 2006 die Frauenanteile in Vorständen und Geschäftsführungen (nachfolgend Vorstände) sowie in Aufsichts-, Verwaltungs- und Beiräten sowie Kuratorien (nachfolgend Aufsichtsräte) der größten Unternehmen in Deutschland dokumentiert. Zudem wird dargestellt, wie viele Frauen als Vorsitzende eines Vorstands beziehungsweise als Vorstandssprecherinnen (nachfolgend Vorstandsvorsitzende) sowie als Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende tätig sind. Diese Frauenanteile werden in diesem Bericht für die 200 – gemessen am Umsatz – größten Unternehmen in Deutschland,info für alle DAX-Unternehmen, alle Unternehmen mit Bundesbeteiligunginfo sowie für die 100 – gemessen an der Bilanzsumme – größten Bankeninfo und – nach Beitragseinnahmen – 60 größten Versicherungeninfo erfasst. Weiterhin werden die Frauenanteile in Vorständen und Aufsichtsräten auch gesondert für die von der Geschlechterquote für Aufsichtsräte sowie die von der Mindestbeteiligung für Vorstände betroffenen Unternehmeninfo berichtet. Zusammen genommen enthält das DIW Managerinnen-Barometer somit Informationen zu mehr als 500 Unternehmen in Deutschland. Die hier veröffentlichten Zahlen wurden vom 15. bis zum 27. November 2023 recherchiert. Die Angaben beruhen auf den Selbstdarstellungen der Unternehmen im Internet, den Geschäftsberichten des Jahres 2022, dem Beteiligungsbericht des Bundes für das Jahr 2022, dem Bundesanzeiger sowie auf Anfragen des DIW Berlin bei den Unternehmen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Female Leadership and Workplace Climate (2023)

    Alan, Sule; Sutter, Matthias; Kaba, Mustafa; Corekcioglu, Gozde;


    Alan, Sule, Gozde Corekcioglu, Mustafa Kaba & Matthias Sutter (2023): Female Leadership and Workplace Climate. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16383), Bonn, 48 S.


    "Using data from over 2,000 professionals in 24 large corporations, we show that female leaders shape the relational culture in the workplace dierently than male leaders. Males form homophilic professional ties under male leadership, but female leadership disrupts this pattern, creating a less segregated workplace. Female leaders are more likely to establish professional support links with their subordinates. Under female leadership, female employees are less likely to quit their jobs but no more likely to get promoted. Our results suggest that increasing female presence in leadership positions may be an effective way to mitigate toxic relational culture in the workplace." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Einsam an der Spitze: Unternehmen holen Frauen in die Vorstände, aber in der Regel nur eine (2023)

    Ankersen, Wiebke; Strünck, Meret von; Berg, Christian; Schibel, Lucie;


    (2023): Einsam an der Spitze: Unternehmen holen Frauen in die Vorstände, aber in der Regel nur eine. (AllBright Bericht September 2023), Berlin, 16 S.


    "Langsam, aber sicher geht es voran mit dem Frauenanteil in den Vorständen: um mehr als 3 Prozentpunkte ist der Anteil seit September 2022 gewachsen, der zweitgrößte Zuwachs im Verlauf eines Jahres überhaupt. Und endlich – wenn auch wirklich spät – ist der Punkt erreicht, an dem es weniger rein männliche Vorstände gibt als gemischte. Von der alten Norm (im Vorstand gibt es nur Männer) bewegen sich die Unternehmen hin zu einer neuen Norm: in jeden Vorstand gehört eine Frau. Und zwar genau eine. Das ist ein bedenkliches Verständnis, bei dem wir es nicht belassen sollten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Frauen finden - Unternehmen setzen auf Headhunter, um mehr Vielfalt in die Vorstände zu bringen (2023)

    Ankersen, Wiebke; Berg, Christian; Schibel, Lucie; Strünck, Meret von;


    (2023): Frauen finden - Unternehmen setzen auf Headhunter, um mehr Vielfalt in die Vorstände zu bringen. (AllBright Bericht), Berlin, 12 S.


    "Der Kampf um die besten Köpfe für die deutschen Unternehmensführungen ist in vollem Gange. Das gilt besonders für weibliche Top-Führungskräfte, die dort noch immer stark unterrepräsentiert sind. Wer nicht genug Managerinnen im eigenen Unternehmen gefördert hat, versucht, über Headhunter Frauen bei der Konkurrenz zu finden: 63 Prozent der heutigen weiblichen Vorstandsmitglieder in DAX, MDAX und SDAX haben nicht im eigenen Unternehmen Karriere gemacht, sondern wurden extern für den Vorstand oder die Ebene darunter rekrutiert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Insights about the barriers to achieve gender equality in the decision-making roles and power positions (2023)

    Bahadori, Negar;


    Bahadori, Negar (2023): Insights about the barriers to achieve gender equality in the decision-making roles and power positions. (DiSSE working papers / Dipartimento di scienze sociali ed economiche, Sapienza Università di Roma 2023,06), 17 S.


    "Despite significant advancements in recent years, numerous barriers hinder the full participation and representation of women in higher influential domains. To effectively address the disparities and foster more inclusive and equitable societies, this article presents a literature review, examining the barriers that impede gender equality in decision-making roles and power positions. By shedding light on the complex dynamics and systemic challenges, it aims to contribute to the design of effective strategies for dismantling gender disparities. To investigate why women, struggle to fully advance along the corporate ladder, this study explores the contributing factors to gender inequality in the labor market at three levels: micro, meso, and macro level. Additionally, the article leverages the Varieties of Capitalism framework proposed by Hall and Soskice (2001) to gain insights at a macro level into how gender inequalities in the workplace are shaped and to understand the positioning of Italy within the international context while emphasizing the importance of empirical research to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Understanding the real-world experiences of individuals and organizations working towards gender equality is essential for developing effective strategies to overcome these obstacles and promote equitable representation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Erhebung zum Frauenanteil in Leitungspositionen an deutschen Bibliotheken (2023)

    Bartlewski, Julia;


    Bartlewski, Julia (2023): Erhebung zum Frauenanteil in Leitungspositionen an deutschen Bibliotheken. In: LIBREAS. Library ideas, Jg. 43, S. 1-39. DOI:10.18452/27071


    "Geschlechterverhältnisse auf dem Arbeitsmarkt sind Gegenstand zahlreicher Debatten und im Zuge eines sozialen Wandels in das kollektive Bewusstsein gerückt. Der Arbeitsbereich „Bibliothek“ ist ein frauendominiertes Feld mit einem Frauenanteil von über 74 %. Interessanterweise liegen jedoch keine aktuellen umfassenden statistischen Auswertungen über Frauen in Leitungspositionen an deutschen Bibliotheken vor. Vor dem Hintergrund der Leitfrage, wie hoch der Anteil von Frauen in der obersten Hierarchieebene an deutschen Bibliotheken ist, präsentiert der vorliegende Artikel die Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Erhebung. Diese werden in einen theoretischen Kontext eingebettet, in dem Forschungsaspekte aus verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, wie der Geschlechter- oder Organisationsforschung, vorangestellt werden. Dieser Beitrag beruht auf einer Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 am Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Discrimination in Evaluation Criteria: The Role of Beliefs versus Outcomes (2023)

    Erkal, Nisvan; Gangadharan, Lata; Koh, Boon Han;


    Erkal, Nisvan, Lata Gangadharan & Boon Han Koh (2023): Discrimination in Evaluation Criteria: The Role of Beliefs versus Outcomes. (Department of Economics discussion papers / University of Exeter, Business School 2023,16), Exeter, 32 S.


    "Using incentivized experiments, we investigate whether different criteria are used in evaluating male and female leaders when outcomes are determined by unobservable choices and luck. Evaluators form beliefs about leaders' choices and make discretionary payments. We find that while payments to male leaders are determined by both outcomes and evaluators' beliefs, those to female leaders are determined by outcomes only. We label this new source of gender bias as the gender criteria gap. Our findings imply that high outcomes are necessary for women to get bonuses, but men can receive bonuses for low outcomes as long as evaluators hold them in high regard." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does a gender pay gap exist on executive boards? An empirical multilevel analysis of executive board compensation in German listed companies (2023)

    Handschumacher-Knors, Franziska ;


    Handschumacher-Knors, Franziska (2023): Does a gender pay gap exist on executive boards? An empirical multilevel analysis of executive board compensation in German listed companies. In: Journal of business economics, Jg. 93, H. 3, S. 325-357. DOI:10.1007/s11573-022-01107-7


    "Using a three-stage multilevel model, this paper investigates whether the compensation of female and male members of top management teams differs systematically. For this, the payment and the determinants of compensation of approximately 600 executive board members of German DAX, MDAX, and SDAX companies in the years 2016–2019 were analysed. The differences in remuneration are theoretically founded at the company level by agency theory and at the individual level by human capital theory. The empirical results show that women receive lower compensation than men on average throughout the period under review. However, these differences in pay are especially attributable to the fact that women serve on average for a shorter period on the executive board and rarely hold the CEO position. There is also evidence that executive compensation depends directly on individual attributes (length of service on and position in the board) and company-specific characteristics (firm size and performance) that differ systematically between men and women, but gender determines compensation only indirectly through these factors. The study also confirms that women are still underrepresented on executive boards. With these results, this paper contributes to corporate governance research in the context of the dualistic board system and encourages the discussion about women in leadership positions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Are Women Less Effective Leaders than Men? Evidence from Experiments Using Coordination Games (2023)

    Heursen, Lea; Weber, Roberto; Ranehill, Eva;


    Heursen, Lea, Eva Ranehill & Roberto Weber (2023): Are Women Less Effective Leaders than Men? Evidence from Experiments Using Coordination Games. (Discussion paper / Rationality & Competition, CCR TRR 190 472), München ; Berlin, 46 S.


    "We study whether one reason behind female underrepresentation in leadership is that female leaders are less effective at coordinating followers' actions. Two experiments using coordination games investigate whether female leaders are less successful than males in persuading followers to coordinate on efficient equilibria. In these settings, successful coordination hinges on higher-order beliefs about the leader's capacity to convince followers to pursue desired actions, making beliefs that women are less effective leaders potentially self-confirming. We find no evidence that such bias impacts actual leadership performance, precisely estimating the absence of a gender leadership gap. We further show that this result is surprising given experts' priors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Männer sind in Führungspositionen weiterhin in der Überzahl (Interview mit Susanne Kohaut und Iris Möller) (2023)

    Keitel, Christiane; Kohaut, Susanne; Möller, Iris ;


    Keitel, Christiane; Susanne Kohaut & Iris Möller (interviewte Person) (2023): Männer sind in Führungspositionen weiterhin in der Überzahl (Interview mit Susanne Kohaut und Iris Möller). In: IAB-Forum H. 12.12.2023 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20231212.01


    "Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass Frauen insbesondere bezüglich Qualifikation und Erwerbstätigkeit stetig aufholen. Doch gilt das auch für ihren Anteil an Führungspositionen? Susanne Kohaut und Iris Möller gehen dieser Frage seit vielen Jahren nach. Anlässlich der Veröffentlichung ihres aktuellen IAB-Kurzberichts zu diesem Thema hat die Forumsredaktion bei ihnen nachgefragt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The gender gap among top business executives (2023)

    Keller, Wolfgang; Molina, Teresa ; Olney, William W.;


    Keller, Wolfgang, Teresa Molina & William W. Olney (2023): The gender gap among top business executives. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Jg. 211, S. 270-286. DOI:10.1016/j.jebo.2023.04.017


    "This paper examines gender differences among top US business executives using a large executive-employer matched data set spanning the last quarter century. Female executives make up 6% of the sample and exhibit more labor market churning – both higher entry and higher exit rates. Unconditionally, women earn 26% less than men, which decreases to 8% once executive characteristics, firm characteristics, and in particular job title are accounted for. We find that female executives are disproportionately represented in firms with more temporal flexibility and female-friendly corporate cultures, but this does not explain the gender pay gap. Rather, corporate culture is correlated with gender pay gaps within firms; specifically the within-firm gender pay gap is significantly smaller at female-friendly firms." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Führungspositionen in Deutschland 2022: Frauen bleiben nach wie vor unterrepräsentiert (2023)

    Kohaut, Susanne; Möller, Iris ;


    Kohaut, Susanne & Iris Möller (2023): Führungspositionen in Deutschland 2022: Frauen bleiben nach wie vor unterrepräsentiert. (IAB-Kurzbericht 22/2023), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2322


    "In der Betriebsbefragung IAB-Betriebspanel wird in regelmäßigen Abständen die Zahl von Führungskräften auf der obersten und – soweit vorhanden – der zweiten Führungsebene sowie die Zahl der Frauen und Männer in Führungspositionen erhoben. Auf den Führungsetagen der privatwirtschaftlichen Betriebe bleiben Frauen nach wie vor deutlich unterrepräsentiert, trotz verschiedener Gesetzesinitiativen der letzten Jahre. Der Anteil von Frauen auf der ersten Führungsebene ist unverändert niedrig; ihr Anteil auf der zweiten Führungsebene hat sich seit 2016 nicht mehr erhöht. Im Vergleich zu 2014 bieten inzwischen mehr Betriebe die Möglichkeit, Führungspositionen mit reduzierter Arbeitszeit auszuüben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Kohaut, Susanne; Möller, Iris ;
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    Women's management in local government: The effects of substantive representation on welfare service efficiency (2023)

    Martínez-Córdoba, Pedro-José; García-Sánchez, Isabel-María; Benito, Bernardino ;


    Martínez-Córdoba, Pedro-José, Bernardino Benito & Isabel-María García-Sánchez (2023): Women's management in local government: The effects of substantive representation on welfare service efficiency. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 57, H. 3, S. 272-286. DOI:10.1111/spol.12853


    "Spanish legislation on gender quotas in electoral candidate lists implies the effective incorporation of women into politics. This measure has created interest in the impact of this law on public service management (substantive representation), especially welfare services. This is due to the influence these services have on work-life balance. Hence, the objective of this research is to determine the impact of women politicians on the efficiency of municipal welfare services. We estimate efficiency levels in public social service management using non-parametric techniques over the last three local government legislatures in Spain. We then use truncated regression models to estimate the impact of women's substantive representation on these efficiency levels. The results confirm that more women in local government and female leadership in the opposition result in better levels of efficiency through reduced spending. In contrast, female leadership in the government and many women in the opposition reduce efficiency by supporting spending without increasing welfare services." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Women as leaders in male-dominated sectors: A bifocal analysis of gendered organizational practices (2023)

    O'Brien, Wendy; Apostolopoulos, Vasso; Hanlon, Clare;


    O'Brien, Wendy, Clare Hanlon & Vasso Apostolopoulos (2023): Women as leaders in male-dominated sectors: A bifocal analysis of gendered organizational practices. In: Gender, work & organization, Jg. 30, H. 6, S. 1867-1884. DOI:10.1111/gwao.13019


    "Women in male‐dominated sectors face significant challenges to progress their leadership aspirations. While organizations have activated policies and practices that ostensibly assist women to progress, they still face entrenched gendered practices and cultures that create ongoing obstacles. In this paper, we examine the gendered social practices from insights of 15 women leaders in Australia as they attempt to advance their careers. In particular, on formal policies, informal practices, narratives and social interactions, and informal patterns of unconscious bias and merit, they negotiate in three male‐dominated sectors: Trades, Sport, and Surgery. The findings indicate a disconnect between policies and their application. Women were conflicted about the importance of quotas, and often felt unable to access flexible work arrangements upon returning to work after parental leave. Career pathways were often unclear, and women felt a lack of support from their organization, particularly when they attempted to navigate dominant masculine cultures. Drawing on these findings, we argue that executive leaders are central to changing the systemic sexism and discrimination in organizations that persist in male‐dominated sectors. To create organizational changes necessary for women to step into leadership roles, we propose four target areas: create accessible and visible career pathways, provide networking support, activate mentoring opportunities, and address unconscious bias." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Gender diversity in senior management and firm productivity: Evidence from nine OECD countries (2023)

    Oecd, ;


    (2023): Gender diversity in senior management and firm productivity: Evidence from nine OECD countries. (OECD productivity working papers 34), Paris, 29 S. DOI:10.1787/58ad664a-en


    "This paper investigates the link between gender diversity in senior management and firm-level productivity. For this purpose, it constructs a novel cross-country dataset with information on firms' senior management group and other firm characteristics, covering both publicly listed and unlisted firms in manufacturing and non-financial market services across nine OECD countries. The main result from the analysis is that productivity gains from increasing gender diversity in senior management are highest among firms with low initial diversity. Increasing the female share to the sample average of 20% in firms with initially lower shares would increase aggregate productivity by around 0.6%. This suggests that improving women's access to senior management positions matters not only for equity but could yield significant productivity gains." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Welcome on Board? Appointment Dynamics of Women as Directors (2023)

    Schoonjans, Eline; Hottenrott, Hanna; Buchwald, Achim;


    Schoonjans, Eline, Hanna Hottenrott & Achim Buchwald (2023): Welcome on Board? Appointment Dynamics of Women as Directors. (ZEW discussion paper 23-005), Mannheim, 50 S.


    "Increasing the participation of women in top-level corporate boards is high on the agenda of policymakers. Yet, we know little about director appointment dynamics and the drivers and impediments of women appointments. This study builds on organizational and group-level behavior theories and empirically investigates how ex-ante board structures and gender-specific board dynamics impact the representation of women on corporate boards. We study boards of listed firms in Europe between 2002 and 2019 and find a declining appointment probability for every additional woman, i.e. the share of women already on the board negatively predicts the likelihood of additional women appointments. Further, we find evidence of a replacement effect, i.e. the likelihood of a woman being appointed as director is significantly larger when a woman, compared to when a man, leaves the board. We do not find spillover effects from non-executive to executive boards. These results are robust to econometric model specifications that address potential endogeneity concerns using matching and instrumental variables. Our results confirm that board director appointments are gender specific and suggest that demand-side factors such as explicit and implicit norms drive women appointments up to a certain threshold." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Why Female Employees Do Not Earn More under a Female Manager: A Mixed-Method Study (2023)

    Van Hek, Margriet; Lippe, Tanja van der;


    Van Hek, Margriet & Tanja van der Lippe (2023): Why Female Employees Do Not Earn More under a Female Manager: A Mixed-Method Study. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 6, S. 1462-1479. DOI:10.1177/09500170221083971


    "Previous studies found contradictory results on whether women benefit in terms of earnings from having a female manager. This mixed-method study draws on survey data from the Netherlands to determine whether female employees have higher wages if they work under a female manager and combines these with data from interviews with Dutch female managers to interpret and contextualize its findings. The survey data show that having a female manager does not affect the wages of female (or male) employees in the Netherlands. The interviews revealed different ways in which managers can improve outcomes for female employees and suggest several reasons as to why some female managers experience a lack of motivation to enhance female employees’ earnings. This detailed focus on mechanisms that underlie female managers position to act as ‘cogs in the machine’ emphasizes the importance of incorporating context and looking at outcomes other than earnings in future research." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Siebte Jährliche Information der Bundesregierung über die Entwicklung des Frauen- und Männeranteils an Führungsebenen und in Gremien der Privatwirtschaft und des öffentlichen Dienst (2023)


    Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (2023): Siebte Jährliche Information der Bundesregierung über die Entwicklung des Frauen- und Männeranteils an Führungsebenen und in Gremien der Privatwirtschaft und des öffentlichen Dienst. (... jährliche Information der Bundesregierung über die Entwicklung des Frauen- und Männeranteils an Führungsebenen und in Gremien der Privatwirtschaft und des öffentlichen Dienstes 7), Berlin, 237 S.


    "Die Bundesregierung hat am 13. Dezember die "Siebte Jährliche Information der Bundesregierung über die Entwicklung des Frauenanteils an Führungsebenen und in Gremien der Privatwirtschaft und des öffentlichen Dienstes sowie der Unternehmen mit unmittelbarer Mehrheitsbeteiligung des Bundes" beschlossen. Der Bericht wurde gemeinsam von der Bundesministerin für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend und dem Bundesminister der Justiz vorgelegt und zeigt einen kontinuierlichen Anstieg des Frauenanteils in Führungspositionen in allen genannten Bereichen. Der Bericht enthält detaillierte Daten zur Entwicklung des Frauenanteils in verschiedenen Sektoren, einschließlich der Privatwirtschaft, des öffentlichen Dienstes, der Bundesunternehmen und der Sozialversicherungen. Besonders auffällig ist der hohe Anteil an Unternehmen, die für den Frauenanteil auf Vorstandsebene die Zielgröße Null festgelegt und veröffentlicht haben. Trotz dieser Herausforderung zeigt der Bericht, dass der Frauenanteil in Führungspositionen insgesamt steigt und dass Maßnahmen wie das Führen in Teilzeit zu einem Kulturwandel beitragen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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