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FDZ-Literatur / FDZ Literature

Die FDZ-Literaturdatenbank umfasst neben Datensatzbeschreibungen und Methodenberichten die zahlreichen Forschungsarbeiten, die auf Basis der am FDZ angebotenen Daten entstanden sind. Hier finden Sie aktuell laufende Projekte von FDZ-Nutzenden.
Darüber hinaus stehen die Literaturdatenbank zum IAB-Betriebspanel sowie die Literaturdatenbank zum PASS zur Verfügung.

Apart from dataset descriptions and methodology reports, the FDZ literature database contains numerous research papers written on the basis of the data provided by the FDZ. Here you can find currently ungoing research projects of FDZ users.
In addition, literature databases on the IAB Establishment Panel and the Panel Study Labour Market and Social Security (PASS) are available for research.

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im Aspekt "IAB-Linked-Employer-Employee-Datensatz (LIAB) / Linked Employer-Employee Data from the IAB"
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    Offshoring and job polarisation between firms (2024)

    Egger, Hartmut ; Kreickemeier, Udo; Moser, Christoph; Wrona, Jens;


    Egger, Hartmut, Udo Kreickemeier, Christoph Moser & Jens Wrona (2024): Offshoring and job polarisation between firms. In: Journal of International Economics, Jg. 148. DOI:10.1016/j.jinteco.2024.103892


    "Using linked employer–employee data for Germany, we provide evidence for job polarisation between firms and identify offshoring as an important determinant of these employment changes. To accommodate these findings, we set up a model in which offshoring to a low-wage country can lead to job polarisation in the high-wage country due to a reallocation of labour across firms that differ in productivity and pay wages that are positively linked to their profits. Offshoring is chosen only by the most productive firms, and only for those tasks with the lowest variable offshoring costs. A reduction in those variable costs increases offshoring at the intensive and at the extensive margin. Well in line with our evidence, this causes domestic employment shifts from the newly offshoring firms in the middle of the productivity distribution to firms at the tails of this distribution, paying either very low or very high wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Do outside options drive wage inequalities in retained jobs? Evidence from a natural experiment (2024)

    Lukesch, Veronika; Zwick, Thomas ;


    Lukesch, Veronika & Thomas Zwick (2024): Do outside options drive wage inequalities in retained jobs? Evidence from a natural experiment. In: BJIR, Jg. 62, H. 1, S. 127-153. DOI:10.1111/bjir.12771


    "We provide evidence that suggests that a reduction in outside wage options reduces wage increases in retained jobs. We use the natural experiment of a reform that reduced outside wage options for employees in deregulated crafts occupations in comparison to employees in not reformed crafts occupations. To avoid estimation biases from general reform effects on wages, we concentrate on employees active in crafts occupations who worked for employers in the industry and commerce sectors and exclude employees in the crafts sector. Four years after the reform, the wages of treated employees in deregulated crafts were 5 per cent lower than wages of employees in not reformed occupations (control group). The reform, therefore, led to wage differentiation between comparable employees. The wage effects are concentrated in employers with high general wage increases after the reform and they can be found even at individual employers." (Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Gender Pay Gap in einem Betrieb sinkt mit mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen (2024)

    Sondergeld, Virginia; Wrohlich, Katharina ;


    Sondergeld, Virginia & Katharina Wrohlich (2024): Gender Pay Gap in einem Betrieb sinkt mit mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen. In: DIW-Wochenbericht, Jg. 91, H. 3, S. 38-43. DOI:10.18723/diw_wb:2024-3-3


    "Frauen sind in hohen Führungspositionen privatwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen in Deutschland nach wie vor unterrepräsentiert. In den vergangenen Jahren hat die Politik mehrfach Maßnahmen ergriffen, um den Frauenanteil in Führungspositionen zu erhöhen. Hat ein Betrieb mehr Frauen im Management, kann das positive Wirkungen auf alle Frauen in diesem Betrieb entfalten. Wie die empirischen Analysen in diesem Bericht auf Basis von Linked-Employer-Employee-Daten des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) zeigen, senkt ein höherer Frauenanteil auf der ersten und zweiten Führungsebene den betriebsspezifischen Gender Pay Gap. Statistisch signifikante Effekte durch den Frauenanteil auf der obersten Führungsebene sind allerdings erst ab einem Drittel zu beobachten – derzeit liegt der Frauenanteil dort im Durchschnitt noch deutlich niedriger. Die Unternehmen sollten also ihre Bemühungen, mehr Frauen in hohe Führungspositionen zu befördern, fortsetzen. Dies könnte die ökonomische Ungleichheit zwischen Frauen und Männern auf allen Hierarchieebenen eines Betriebs vermindern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Support on the way to the top? The effects of family-friendly flexible working arrangements in organisations on the promotion of women to management positions - the case of Germany (2024)

    Wanger, Susanne ;


    Wanger, Susanne (2024): Support on the way to the top? The effects of family-friendly flexible working arrangements in organisations on the promotion of women to management positions - the case of Germany. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management online erschienen am 06.05.2024, S. 1-39. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2024.2347637


    "Frauen sind in Führungspositionen noch immer deutlich unterrepräsentiert, auch wenn sie ihren Anteil in den letzten Jahren leicht steigern konnten. Mithilfe signaltheoretischer Argumente untersucht diese Studie, ob familienfreundliche flexible Arbeitsvereinbarungen (FFWAs) in Organisationen dazu beitragen, die interne Beförderung von Frauen in Führungs- oder Führungspositionen zu steigern und so die bestehende geschlechtsspezifische Führungslücke zu verringern. Dieser Effekt wird anhand von Längsschnittdaten für deutsche Arbeitsplätze und Arbeitnehmer untersucht, die 1.631 Unternehmen und 314.201 Arbeitnehmer abdecken, sowie anhand logistischer Regressionsmodelle mit festen Effekten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Einführung von FFWAs die Chancen auf interne Beförderungen in Aufsichts- oder Führungspositionen für Mitarbeiter verbessert, wobei Frauen und Männer gleichermaßen profitieren. Wenn ich jedoch eine breitere Definition verwende, die auch hochqualifizierte Fachkräfte umfasst, kann die Einführung von FFWAs bessere Aufstiegschancen für Frauen bieten. Zweitens erhöhen FFWAs die Wahrscheinlichkeit, in Führungspositionen mit reduzierter Arbeitszeit befördert zu werden, und dieser Effekt ist bei Männern etwas stärker. Drittens wurden überraschenderweise keine signifikanten positiven Auswirkungen von FFWAs auf die Beförderung von Müttern in Führungspositionen festgestellt. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es für Frauen trotz organisatorischer Unterstützung weiterhin schwierig ist, Führungspositionen zu erreichen und gleichzeitig Familie und Beruf zu vereinbaren." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Wanger, Susanne ;
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    Automation, Robots and Wage Inequality in Germany: a decomposition Analysis (2023)

    Brall, Franziska ; Schmid, Ramona ;


    Brall, Franziska & Ramona Schmid (2023): Automation, Robots and Wage Inequality in Germany. A decomposition Analysis. In: Labour, Jg. 37, H. 1, S. 33-95. DOI:10.1111/labr.12236


    "We conduct a decomposition analysis based on recentred influence function (RIF) regressions to disentangle the relative importance of automation and robotization for wage inequality in the manufacturing sector in Germany between 1996 and 2017. Our measure of automation threat combines occupation-specific scores of automation risk with sector-specific robot densities. We find that besides changes in the composition of individual characteristics, structural shifts among different automation threat groups are a non-negligible factor associated with wage inequality between 1996 and 2017. Moreover, the increase in wage dispersion among the different automation threat groups has contributed significantly to higher wage inequality in the 1990s and 2000s." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Wiley) ((en))

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    Entgelttransparenzgesetz erreicht Ziel nicht (2023)

    Brändle, Tobias ; Koch, Andreas;


    Brändle, Tobias & Andreas Koch (2023): Entgelttransparenzgesetz erreicht Ziel nicht. In: Wirtschaftsdienst, Jg. 103, H. 12, S. 842-849. DOI:10.2478/wd-2023-0230


    "Das Entgelttransparenzgesetz soll dazu beitragen, das Gebot des gleichen Entgelts für Frauen und Männer bei gleicher oder gleichwertiger Arbeit durchzusetzen. Nach der zweiten Evaluation wird deutlich, dass dies mit den vorhandenen Instrumenten des Gesetzes nicht erreicht wird. Ohne größere Änderungen bleibt das Gesetz in großen Teilen ineffektiv – bei gleichzeitig substanziellen bürokratischen Auflagen für Betriebe. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt die Ergebnisse der zweiten Evaluation und zeigt auf, in welche Richtung Reformen gehen könnten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Lohnungleichheit zwischen Frauen und Männern: In Betrieben mit Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen ist die Verdienstlücke kleiner (2023)

    Collischon, Matthias ; Zimmermann, Florian ;


    Collischon, Matthias & Florian Zimmermann (2023): Lohnungleichheit zwischen Frauen und Männern: In Betrieben mit Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen ist die Verdienstlücke kleiner. (IAB-Kurzbericht 17/2023), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2317


    "Die Ungleichheit zwischen Frauen und Männern am Arbeitsmarkt ist ein viel beachtetes Thema in der politischen Debatte. In den letzten Jahren richtete sich das Augenmerk der Diskussion verstärkt darauf, welche Rolle Betriebe in diesem Zusammenhang spielen und wie sie zur Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern beitragen können. Die Autoren zeigen in ihrer Studie, dass die Einführung betrieblicher Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Gleichstellung mit einer Verringerung der Verdienstlücke zwischen Frauen und Männern im Betrieb einhergeht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Collischon, Matthias ; Zimmermann, Florian ;
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    The anatomy of labor cost adjustment to demand shocks: Germany and Italy during the Great Recession (2023)

    D'Amuri, Francesco; Smith, Benjamin S.; Lattanzio, Salvatore ;


    D'Amuri, Francesco, Salvatore Lattanzio & Benjamin S. Smith (2023): The anatomy of labor cost adjustment to demand shocks. Germany and Italy during the Great Recession. (Temi di discussione / Banca d'Italia 1411), Rom, 55 S.


    "We shed light on the anatomy of labor cost adjustment in German and Italian manufacturing firms with more than 20 employees, leveraging matched employer employee-balance sheet data and an exogenous demand shifter that exploits the collapse in world trade during the Great Recession. Following a 1 per cent exogenous decrease in sales, the average German firm cuts wage growth by 0.19 per cent, twice as much as its Italian counterpart. The employment adjustment is gradual in both countries but more pronounced in Germany, where, however, firms in sectors hardest hit by the world trade collapse had been increasing employment in the run-up to the Great Recession. These results are not driven by differences in the response of hours per worker, in labor supply conditions, or in firms' exposure to the concurrent negative credit shock. Finally, we find that - in both countries - producer prices were reduced to a similar extent in response to the shock." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The effect of temporary workers and works councils on process innovation (2023)

    Durach, Christian F. ; Wiengarten, Frank ; Pagell, Mark;


    Durach, Christian F., Frank Wiengarten & Mark Pagell (2023): The effect of temporary workers and works councils on process innovation. In: International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Jg. 43, H. 5, S. 781-801. DOI:10.1108/IJOPM-07-2022-0427


    "This study aims to investigate the effects of temporary workers and works councils on process innovations at manufacturing sites. The impact of temporary workers, commonly viewed as a means of operational flexibility and cost savings, on firms’ ability to innovate is underexplored. Works councils represent and help integrate temporary workers, but are often equated with unions, which have been criticized as barriers to innovation, especially in the US. The authors use secondary data collected by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) of the German Federal Employment Agency. Specifically, the authors conduct a series of regression analyses using 11-year panel data covering the period 2009 – 2019 with 11,641 manufacturing site-year observations. The results suggest that the use of temporary workers initially promotes process innovation, but at too high a level, it impairs firms’ ability to innovate. Furthermore, the results suggest that works councils have a positive impact on innovation and dampen the curvilinear effect found with respect to temporary workers. Research has largely focused on the cost and flexibility benefits of temporary workers. The authors analyze the effectiveness of temporary workers in terms of innovativeness. By including works councils, the study also consider the contextual environment in which temporary workers are employed. Finally, the results reject the assumption that works councils have a similar negative impact as unions on innovation; in fact, the authors find the opposite." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald) ((en))

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    Bank Bonus Pay as a Risk Sharing Contract (2023)

    Efing, Matthias; Hau, Harald; Rochet, Jean-Charles; Kampkötter, Patrick ;


    Efing, Matthias, Harald Hau, Patrick Kampkötter & Jean-Charles Rochet (2023): Bank Bonus Pay as a Risk Sharing Contract. In: The Review of Financial Studies, Jg. 36, H. 1, S. 235-280. DOI:10.1093/rfs/hhac030


    "We argue that risk sharing motivates the bankwide structure of bonus pay. In the presence of financial frictions that make external financing costly, the optimal contract between shareholders and employees involves some degree of risk sharing whereby bonus pay partially absorbs negative earnings shocks. Using payroll data for 1.26 million employee-years in all functional divisions of Austrian, German, and Swiss banks, we uncover several empirical patterns in bonus pay that are difficult to rationalize exclusively with incentive theories of bonus pay but that support an important risk sharing motive." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Oxford University Press) ((en))

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    Unlocking exporting: Human Capital, Organizational Innovation, and Digital Technologies (2023)

    Guri, Romina;


    Guri, Romina (2023): Unlocking exporting: Human Capital, Organizational Innovation, and Digital Technologies. Groningen: University of Groningen, 136 S. DOI:10.33612/diss.819479069


    "Exporting is a familiar and yet complex internationalization strategy used by many firms to tap into foreign markets. While prior research has delved into how firms expand abroad and improve their performance by doing so, certain aspects of firms’ export behavior remain still poorly understood. How do firms learn to improve export performance? How do firms learn by exporting beyond productivity and technological innovations? And how do digital technologies facilitate firms to internationalize early and rapidly? This dissertation seeks to provide answers to these questions by going beyond the traditional boundaries of learning that underpin exporting. Chapter 2 distinguishes between learning to start exporting and learning to improve export performance. By drawing from the strategic human capital literature it conceptualizes how prior work experience of employees encompassing both knowledge and skills but also habits and routines shape hiring firms’ export performance. Chapter 3 brings new insights into the learning-by-exporting effects by introducing mechanisms that explain how exporting allows firms to improve the way they organize their activities and introduce organizational innovation while considering domestic market contingencies. Chapter 4 adopts a business model perspective to explore the role of digital technologies for early and rapid internationalization. By conceptualizing digital technologies in terms of value creation, delivery, and capture, this chapter provides new insights into how their different roles enable firms to follow a rapid internationalization path. Overall this dissertation develops several important theoretical insights into the mechanisms that underpin firms’ export behavior." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Essays in Macroeconomic Aspects of Short-Time Work and Innovation (2023)

    Hallmann, Carl; Hanlon, W. Walker; Yavuz, Emre Enes; Rosenberger, Lukas;


    Hallmann, Carl, W. Walker Hanlon, Emre Enes Yavuz & Lukas Rosenberger (2023): Essays in Macroeconomic Aspects of Short-Time Work and Innovation. Evanston, 223 S. DOI:10.21985/n2-db4a-5g83


    "This thesis is comprised of three essays. They focus on the implications of Short-Time Work policies and Innovation for the economy as a whole. In the first chapter, “Short Time Work and the Unemployment Scar,” I investigate the economic effects of short-time work. I assess its welfare effects, who benefits most from it, and whether it is suitable as an automatic stabilizer. For this purpose, I develop a heterogeneous agents model, for which the income process is generated by a job ladder search and matching model. I calibrate the model to match the German labor market around the great recession and estimate key parameters governing the value a worker generates after entering STW using German social security data in combination with a survey on the use of STW. Workers at the peak of their career benefit most strongly, as they stand to lose job and firm specific knowledge, as well as the high wages they negotiated in the past. Chapter two, “Why Britain? The Right Place (in the Technology Space) at the Right Time,” is joint work with W. Walker Hanlon and Lukas Rosenberger. We ask why Britain attained economic leadership during the Industrial Revolution, and argue that Britain possessed an important but underappreciated innovation advantage: British inventors worked in technologies that were more central within the innovation network. We offer a new approach for measuring the innovation network using patent data from Britain and France in the 18th and early 19th century. We show that the network influenced innovation outcomes and then demonstrate that British inventors worked in more central technologies within the innovation network than inventors from France. Then, drawing on recently-developed theoretical tools, we quantify the implications for technology growth rates in Britain compared to France. Our results indicate that the shape of the innovation network, and the location of British inventors within it, can help explain the more rapid technological growth in Britain during the Industrial Revolution. Chapter three, “Invention and Technological Leadership during the Industrial Revolution,” is written jointly with Emre Enes Yavuz and Lukas Rosenberger. It provides the first empirical cross-country evidence on inventive activity during the Industrial Revolution. Idiosyncrasies in the French historic patent law allow us to compare invention rates in Britain and France across sectors based on French patent data from 1791 to 1855. Our key result is a robust, positive association of invention rates in Britain and France at the sectoral level. Furthermore, we provide the first quantitative evidence on technological leadership in invention at the sectoral level." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Women and Leading Positions in Germany: The Role of Promotion Programs for Women (2023)

    Kohaut, Susanne; Möller, Iris ;


    Kohaut, Susanne & Iris Möller (2023): Women and Leading Positions in Germany: The Role of Promotion Programs for Women. In: Management revue, Jg. 34, H. 1, S. 30-52., 2022-08-10. DOI:10.5771/0935-9915-2023-1-30


    "Although women are as well educated as men, they do not reach a proportion in management that reflects their workforce share. Obviously, different actors' policies are required to help promote women to leading positions. This paper addresses the question of whether the introduction and existence of special promotion programs for women impact the probability of reaching a management position. Social role and expectation state theory argue why it is difficult for women to rise to leadership positions. On the organisational level, the "homophily principle" leads to state dependence which is one explanation for the persistence of male leadership. Hence, it is argued that women need special opportunities to demonstrate their skills. Mentoring programs could be one way to support women in their careers. In multi-variate analyses, probit models are estimated to model the influence of promotion programs on the probability of reaching a leading position. The estimations are based on a German linked employer-employee dataset of almost 142,000 women employed in 3,240 establishments. The dataset covers the time from 2008 to 2014 and allows to control for individual and firm-specific variables. The results show that the introduction of women-friendly policies increases the probability of reaching a managerial position, whereas the existence of such programs does not have an impact." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Nomos) ((en))

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    Kohaut, Susanne; Möller, Iris ;
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    Does skill shortage pay off for nursing staff in Germany? Wage premiums for hiring problems, industrial relations, and profitability (2023)

    Kölling, Arnd ;


    Kölling, Arnd (2023): Does skill shortage pay off for nursing staff in Germany? Wage premiums for hiring problems, industrial relations, and profitability. (MPRA paper 116205), München, 32 S.


    "This study investigates the impact of hiring problems, industrial relations at the workplace and profitability on compensation and wage premia for nursing staff in Germany. Based on Mincer-type earnings functions and a large linked-employee dataset, regressions with unobserved individual and firm-specific fixed effects are estimated. The econometric analysis shows that firms with staffing problems pay a wage premium of about 4 to 5% for nurses. However, this only holds for firms that do not have a works council and/or are not profitable. Here, the wage premium for staffing is paid at the expense of previous premiums for co-determination at the workplace or rent sharing. These premiums are significantly reduced or eliminated due to better outside options. Overall, the pay increases for nurses in firms with staffing problems. Nevertheless, this does not apply to all skilled workers in Germany." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    AKM effects for German labour market data 1985-2021 (2023)

    Lochner, Benjamin ; Seth, Stefan; Wolter, Stefanie;


    Lochner, Benjamin, Stefan Seth & Stefanie Wolter (2023): AKM effects for German labour market data 1985-2021. (FDZ-Methodenreport 01/2023 (en)), Nürnberg, 13 S. DOI:10.5164/IAB.FDZM.2301.en.v1


    "Dieser FDZ-Methodenreport beschreibt die Schätzung und Aufbereitung der personen- und betriebsspezifischen Lohneffekte (AKM_8521_v1) und wie diese zu einigen derüber das Forschungsdatenzentrum (FDZ) der Bundesagentur für Arbeit im Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) verfügbaren Datensätze zugespielt werden können. Der Report aktualisiert den Bericht von Bellmann et al. 2020." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Lochner, Benjamin ; Wolter, Stefanie;
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    AKM Effects for German Labour Market Data from 1985 to 2021 (2023)

    Lochner, Benjamin ; Seth, Stefan; Wolter, Stefanie;


    Lochner, Benjamin, Stefanie Wolter & Stefan Seth (2023): AKM Effects for German Labour Market Data from 1985 to 2021. In: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik online erschienen am 11.05.2023, S. 1-7. DOI:10.1515/jbnst-2023-0018


    "This article describes the processing and accessibility of the person and establishment fixed wage effects in German administrative data. These effects have been estimated following the approach of Abowd, J., Kramarz, F., and Margolis, D. (1999. High wage workers and high wage firms. Econometrica 67: 251–333) and Card, D., Heining, J., and Kline, P. (2013. Workplace heterogeneity and the rise of West German wage inequality. Q. J. Econ. 128: 967–1015). They can be linked to most of the available administrative datasets provided by the Research Data Center (FDZ) of the German Federal Employment Agency at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). They are available for different time intervals from 1985 until 2021. These effects have been used in numerous articles that deal with the contributions of workers and establishments to earnings inequality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © De Gruyter) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Lochner, Benjamin ; Wolter, Stefanie;
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    Technological change, training, and within-firm wage inequality in Germany (2023)

    Müller, Christoph ;


    Müller, Christoph (2023): Technological change, training, and within-firm wage inequality in Germany. In: European Sociological Review online erschienen am 19.09.2023, S. 1-14. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcad051


    "Technological change increases the demand for higher skills and fosters wage inequality. Studies on technological change often emphasize the importance of training to adapt workers’ skills to technology use and mitigate inequality. However, we know little about firms’ training activities and their consequences for inequality in the context of technological change. This article investigates, first, whether firms’ decisions to invest in information technology (IT) are associated with skill bias in firms’ training activities, whether this is conditional on the job tasks of workers, and, whether the relationship between IT investments and training activities affects the wage gap within firms. Using linked employer–employee data containing detailed information about investments and training, I show that firms’ IT investments have a large positive effect on the training participation of high-skilled workers. In contrast, the positive effect on low-skilled workers is smaller, short lasting and conditional on workers job tasks. Additional investigations show that the training of high-skilled workers mediates approximately 5 per cent of the effect of IT investments on wage inequality within firms. In the conclusions, I highlight the broader implications of these findings for the effects of technological change for inequality in training opportunities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Oxford University Press) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Müller, Christoph ;
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    Linked-Employer-Employee-Daten des IAB: LIAB-Querschnittmodell 2 (LIAB QM2) 1993-2021 (2023)

    Ruf, Kevin; Schmucker, Alexandra; Seth, Stefan; Umkehrer, Matthias;


    Ruf, Kevin, Alexandra Schmucker, Stefan Seth & Matthias Umkehrer (2023): Linked-Employer-Employee-Daten des IAB: LIAB-Querschnittmodell 2 (LIAB QM2) 1993-2021. (FDZ-Datenreport 09/2023 (de)), Nürnberg, 83 S. DOI:10.5164/IAB.FDZD.2309.de.v1


    "Dieser Datenreport beschreibt das LIAB-Querschnittmodell 2 (LIAB QM2)" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Linked-Employer-Employee-Data of the IAB: LIAB Cross-Sectional Model 2 (LIAB QM2) 1993-2021 (2023)

    Ruf, Kevin; Seth, Stefan; Umkehrer, Matthias; Schmucker, Alexandra;


    Ruf, Kevin, Alexandra Schmucker, Stefan Seth & Matthias Umkehrer (2023): Linked-Employer-Employee-Data of the IAB: LIAB Cross-Sectional Model 2 (LIAB QM2) 1993-2021. (FDZ-Datenreport 09/2023 (en)), Nürnberg, 82 S. DOI:10.5164/IAB.FDZD.2309.en.v1


    "Dieser Datenreport beschreibt das LIAB-Querschnittmodell 2 (LIAB QM2)" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Migration and wage inequality: a detailed analysis for German metropolitan and non-metropolitan regions (2023)

    Schmid, Ramona ;


    Schmid, Ramona (2023): Migration and wage inequality: a detailed analysis for German metropolitan and non-metropolitan regions. In: Review of regional research, Jg. 43, H. 1, S. 147-201. DOI:10.1007/s10037-023-00180-x


    "Diese Studie präsentiert neue Erkenntnisse im Bereich der Löhnlücke zwischen einheimischen und ausländischen Beschäftigten in Deutschland unter Berücksichtigung regionaler Unterschiede zwischen 2000 und 2019. Unter Verwendung von Linked-Employer-Employee-Daten des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung werden unbedingte Quantilsregressionen geschätzt, um den Grad der Integration von ausländischen Beschäftigten im deutschen Arbeitsmarkt auf regionaler Ebene bewerten zu können. Die Ergebnisse der erweiterten Oaxaca-Blinder Zerlegungsmethode erbringen Nachweis über entscheidende Faktoren, die die Lohnlücke entlang der gesamten Verteilung beeinflussen. Ergebnisse werden nicht nur für Westdeutschland als Ganzes präsentiert, sondern es wird zusätzlich zwischen Metropolregionen und ländlichen Regionen unterschieden. Die Unterscheidung zwischen verschiedenen Regionen in Deutschland zeigt, dass im Durchschnitt höhere Lohnlücken in Metropolregionen erkennbar sind mit einem gleichzeitig höheren Anteil an ausländischer Bevölkerung. Zusätzlich ändert sich nicht nur der relative Einfluss bestimmter erklärender Variablen im Laufe der Zeit, sondern auch mögliche Faktoren der Lohnlücke haben unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen an verschiedenen Stellen der Lohnverteilung. Entscheidende Faktoren in diesem Zusammenhang sind der ausgeübte Beruf und die Zugehörigkeit zu einem bestimmten Wirtschaftssektor. Bei der getrennten Beobachtung von Metropolregionen und ländlichen Regionen zeigt sich, dass vor allem Unterschiede in der Bildung zu Lohnlücken in städtischen Regionen führen. Hinsichtlich des Ausmaßes der Lohnlücken zwischen ausländischen und einheimischen Beschäftigten ist in den Jahren nach 2012 eine Trendumkehr zu erkennen, die mit einem Anstieg im Bereich der Medianlöhne verbunden ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer)

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