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Immer mehr Beschäftigte arbeiten in Deutschland zu Niedriglöhnen. Vor allem junge Menschen sind davon betroffen. Bietet der Niedriglohnsektor eine Chance zum Einstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt oder ist er eine Sackgasse? Die IAB-Infoplattform erschließt Informationen zum Forschungsstand.

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im Aspekt "Alleinerziehende"
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    Arm trotz Arbeit (2014)


    (2014): Arm trotz Arbeit. In: Frauenrat H. 1, S. 1-34.


    "Arm trotz Arbeit, das erleben immer mehr Menschen in Deutschland. Von der eigenen Arbeit leben zu können ist inzwischen fast zu einem Privileg geworden. Es geht nicht um Luxus, sondern um die Existenzgrundlage in einem reichen Land. Der Beitrag 'Über die Runden kommen' zeigt, wie es ganz unterschiedliche Frauen in ganz verschiedenen Berufen und Lebenssituationen trifft. Zwar sinken die Arbeitslosenzahlen, doch nehmen die prekären Beschäftigungsverhältnisse in Deutschland zu, wie der Beitrag 'Das Märchen vom Jobwunder' beschreibt. 'Warenverräumerinnen' stocken im Minijob für fünf Euro die Stunde die Regale in Supermärkten auf; Floristinnen verdienen selbst tariflich weniger als das; Zeitungszustellerinnen kommen, wenn sie flott arbeiten, auf drei Euro. Das sind nur einige Beispiele aus dem Niedriglohnsektor. Einen gesetzlichen Mindestlohn gibt es noch nicht, und selbst ein Vollzeitjob garantiert heute keine eigenständige Existenz mehr. Besonders Frauen sind prekären Arbeitsverhältnissen ausgesetzt, und zwar in den unterschiedlichsten Berufssparten. Da wird immer mehr (Schein-)Selbständigkeit gefördert und gefordert, und das Risiko trägt die 'Unternehmerin'; gesetzliche Regelungen aus Angestelltenverhältnissen greifen nicht mehr. Selbständige Frauen tragen dabei noch höhere Risiken als Männer: weil sie schwanger werden können, Kinder erziehen oder Angehörige pflegen. Es fehlen die sozialen Errungenschaften wie Mutterschutz, bezahlter Urlaub und Bezahlung im Krankheitsfalle, ein arbeitsfreies Wochenende, der Feierabend, Sorglosigkeit und Familienzeit. Eine existenzsichernde Rente kann nicht mehr erwirtschaftet werden, wie der Beitrag 'Ein Gespenst kehrt zurück' nachvollzieht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The Earned Income Tax Credit, health, and happiness (2013)

    Boyd-Swan, Casey; Ifcher, John; Herbst, Chris M.; Zarghamee, Homa;


    Boyd-Swan, Casey, Chris M. Herbst, John Ifcher & Homa Zarghamee (2013): The Earned Income Tax Credit, health, and happiness. (IZA discussion paper 7261), Bonn, 41 S.


    "This paper contributes to the small but growing literature evaluating the health effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). In particular, we use data from the National Survey of Families and Households to study the impact of the 1990 federal EITC expansion on several outcomes related to mental health and subjective well-being. The identification strategy relies on a difference-in-differences framework to estimate intent-to-treat effects for the post-reform period. Our results suggest that the 1990 EITC reform generated sizeable health benefits for low-skilled mothers. Such women experienced lower depression symptomatology, an increase in self-reported happiness, and improved self-efficacy relative to their childless counterparts. Consistent with previous work, we find that married mothers captured most of the health benefits, with unmarried mothers' health changing very little following the 1990 EITC reform." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Aufstocker im SGB II: Steinig und lang - der Weg aus dem Leistungsbezug (2013)

    Bruckmeier, Kerstin ; Eggs, Johannes; Himsel, Carina; Walwei, Ulrich ; Trappmann, Mark ;


    Bruckmeier, Kerstin, Johannes Eggs, Carina Himsel, Mark Trappmann & Ulrich Walwei (2013): Aufstocker im SGB II: Steinig und lang - der Weg aus dem Leistungsbezug. (IAB-Kurzbericht 14/2013), Nürnberg, 8 S.


    "Trotz der europäischen Schuldenkrise ist der deutsche Arbeitsmarkt bis zuletzt stabil geblieben. Die Erwerbstätigkeit legt immer noch zu und der Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit hält sich in engen Grenzen. Mit der deutlich verbesserten Arbeitsmarktlage hat auch die Zahl der Personen abgenommen, die Leistungen der Grundsicherung beziehen. Trotzdem gibt es viele Menschen, die gleichzeitig Erwerbseinkommen und Transferleistungen erhalten, die sogenannten Aufstocker. Hier wird untersucht, warum es für sie schwer ist, den Leistungsbezug zu beenden, und wo es Ansatzpunkte gibt, die Aufstockern einen Ausstieg aus der Grundsicherung erleichtern können." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Employment, hours of work and the optimal taxation of low income families (2012)

    Blundell, Richard ; Shephard, Andrew;


    Blundell, Richard & Andrew Shephard (2012): Employment, hours of work and the optimal taxation of low income families. In: The Review of Economic Studies, Jg. 79, H. 2, S. 481-510. DOI:10.1093/restud/rdr034


    "The optimal design of low-income support is examined using a structural labour supply model. The approach incorporates unobserved heterogeneity, fixed costs of work, childcare costs and the detailed non-convexities of the tax and transfer system. The analysis considers purely Pareto improving reforms and also optimal design under social welfare functions with different degrees of inequality aversion. We explore the gains from tagging and also examine the case for the use of hours-contingent payments. Using the tax schedule for lone parents in the U.K. as our policy environment, the results point to a reformed non-linear tax schedule with tax credits only optimal for low earners. The results also suggest a welfare improving role for tagging according to child age and for hours-contingent payments, although the case for the latter is mitigated when hours cannot be monitored or recorded accurately by the tax authorities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Time-limited in-work benefits in the UK: a review of recent evidence (2012)

    Chowdry, Haroon;


    Chowdry, Haroon (2012): Time-limited in-work benefits in the UK. A review of recent evidence. In: National Institute Economic Review, Jg. 219, H. 1, S. R53-R64. DOI:10.1177/002795011221900106


    "This paper reviews three UK-based welfare-to-work programmes featuring time-limited financial incentives to leave out-of-work benefits for employment. The policies considered are (i) the Employment Retention and Advancement demonstration, aimed at lone parents and the long-term unemployed; (ii) In-Work Credit, aimed at lone parents on welfare; (iii) Pathways to Work, aimed at recipients of incapacity benefits. I illustrate the difficulties in extrapolating from specific findings to general policy-relevant conclusions. Finally, I depict the challenge facing evaluators in future and point to the directions in which evaluation will need to develop if it is to contribute more fully to policy-relevant evaluation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The 1993 EITC expansion and low-skilled single mothers' welfare use decision (2012)

    Chyi, Hau;


    Chyi, Hau (2012): The 1993 EITC expansion and low-skilled single mothers' welfare use decision. In: Applied Economics, Jg. 44, H. 13, S. 1717-1736. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2011.554372


    "Previous studies on low-skilled single mothers focus generally either on the binary welfare use or work decision. However, work among welfare participants has increased steadily since the mid-1990s. This study estimates the role of the 1993 Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) expansion on the decline of welfare caseloads using a bivariate probit model. Using monthly Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) information, I find that the 1993 EITC expansion has at least the same effect on reducing welfare use as the welfare reform initiatives. Moreover, the elasticity estimates indicate that single mothers, especially those who were not employed and dependent solely on welfare before the expansion, were the most responsive to the policy initiatives. Finally, the increase in work among welfare participants is due to the relative ineffectiveness of the policies in reducing the net population of those who are on welfare and work simultaneously." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration und sozioökonomische Situation von Alleinerziehenden: ein empirischer Vergleich: Deutschland, Frankreich, Schweden, Vereinigtes Königreich. Forschungsbericht im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales (2012)

    Jaehrling, Karen; Kalina, Thorsten; Erlinghagen, Marcel; Mümken, Sarah; Schwarzkopf, Manuela; Mesaros, Leila;


    Jaehrling, Karen, Marcel Erlinghagen, Thorsten Kalina, Sarah Mümken, Leila Mesaros & Manuela Schwarzkopf (2012): Arbeitsmarktintegration und sozioökonomische Situation von Alleinerziehenden. Ein empirischer Vergleich: Deutschland, Frankreich, Schweden, Vereinigtes Königreich. Forschungsbericht im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales. (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales. Forschungsbericht Arbeitsmarkt 420), 265 S.


    Diese Bestandsaufnahme steht unter der Leitfragestellung, inwieweit die Lebensform 'alleinerziehend' im Ländervergleich nach wie vor mit unterschiedlichen Teilhabechancen im Vergleich zu anderen Lebensformen verbunden ist. Für die Untersuchung wurden die Europäische Arbeitskräfteerhebung (EU-LFS) und die Statistik der Europäischen Union über Einkommen und Lebensbedingungen (EU-SILC) ausgewertet. Im Einzelnen analysiert werden die Erwerbsbeteiligung, die materielle Situation sowie die Lebenssituation (Deprivation, Gesundheitszustand) von Alleinerziehenden. Weiterhin wird der Einfluss nationaler institutioneller und kultureller Faktoren untersucht. Für alle vier Länder wird eine steigende Erwerbsbeteiligung von Alleinerziehenden im Zeitverlauf konstatiert, was vor allem auf arbeitsmarktpolitische Reformen und veränderte Geschlechterregime zurückgeführt wird. Trotzdem sind Alleinerziehende gegenüber Müttern in Paar-Haushalten stärker von Armut bedroht. (IAB)

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    The impact of a time-limited, targeted in-work benefit in the medium-term: an evaluation of In Work Credit (2012)

    Mike Brewer, Mike; Browne, James; Chowdry, Haroon; Crawford, Claire;


    Mike Brewer, Mike, James Browne, Haroon Chowdry & Claire Crawford (2012): The impact of a time-limited, targeted in-work benefit in the medium-term: an evaluation of In Work Credit. (ISER working paper 2012-04), Colchester, 41 S.


    "Conventional in-work benefits (IWB) are means-tested, open to all workers with sufficiently low income, and usually paid without a time-limit. This paper evaluates an IWB with an alternative design that was aimed at lone parents in the UK and piloted in one third of the country, and that featured a time-limit, and was paid conditional on previous receipt of welfare. It increased flows off welfare and into work, and these positive effects did not diminish when recipients reached the 12 month time-limit for receiving the supplement. Job retention of recipients was good, but this cannot be attributed to the IWB." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Time binds: US antipoverty policies, poverty, and the well-being of single mothers (2011)

    Albelda, Randy;


    Albelda, Randy (2011): Time binds: US antipoverty policies, poverty, and the well-being of single mothers. In: Feminist economics, Jg. 17, H. 4, S. 189-214. DOI:10.1080/13545701.2011.602355


    "Many US antipoverty programs and measures assume mothers have little, intermittent, or no employment and therefore have sufficient time to care for children, perform household tasks, and apply for and maintain eligibility for these programs. Employment-promotion policies directed toward low-income mothers since the late 1980s have successfully increased their time in the labor force. However, low wages and insufficient employer-based benefits often leave employed single mothers with inadequate material resources to support families and less time to care for their children. The lack of consideration given to the value of poor women's time in both the administration and benefit levels of antipoverty government support, as well as the measures used to calculate poverty, place more binds on poor and low-income mothers' time. Ignoring these binds causes researchers and policymakers to overestimate single mothers' well-being and reduces the effectiveness of the policies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Anatomy of welfare reform evaluation: announcement and implementation effects (2011)

    Blundell, Richard ; Klaauw, Wilbert van der; Francesconi, Marco;


    Blundell, Richard, Marco Francesconi & Wilbert van der Klaauw (2011): Anatomy of welfare reform evaluation. Announcement and implementation effects. (IZA discussion paper 6050), Bonn, 60 S.


    "This paper formulates a simple model of female labor force decisions which embeds an in-work benefit reform and explicitly allows for announcement and implementation effects. We explore several mechanisms through which women can respond to the announcement of a reform that increases in-work benefits, including sources of intertemporal substitution, human capital accumulation, and labor market frictions. Using the model's insights and information of the precise timing of the announcement and implementation of a major UK in-work benefit reform, we estimate its effects on single mothers' behavior. We find important announcement effects on employment decisions. We show that this finding is consistent with the presence of short-run frictions in the labor market. Evaluations of this reform which ignore such effects produce impact effect estimates that are biased downwards by 15 to 35 percent." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employment, hours of work and the optimal taxation of low income families (2011)

    Blundell, Richard ; Shephard, Andrew;


    Blundell, Richard & Andrew Shephard (2011): Employment, hours of work and the optimal taxation of low income families. (IZA discussion paper 5745), Bonn, 48 S.


    "The optimal design of low income support is examined using a structural labour supply model. The approach incorporates unobserved heterogeneity, fixed costs of work, childcare costs and the detailed non-convexities of the tax and transfer system. The analysis considers purely Pareto improving reforms and also optimal design under social welfare functions with different degrees of inequality aversion. We explore the gains from tagging and also examine the case for the use of hours-contingent payments. Using the tax schedule for lone parents in the UK as our policy environment, the results point to a reformed non-linear tax schedule with tax credits only optimal for low earners. The results also suggest a welfare improving role for tagging according to child age and for hours-contingent payments, although the case for the latter is mitigated when hours cannot be monitored or recorded accurately by the tax authorities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Helping more parents move into work: an evaluation of the extension of New Deal Plus for Lone Parents and In Work Credit. Final report (2011)

    Griffiths, Rita;


    Griffiths, Rita (2011): Helping more parents move into work. An evaluation of the extension of New Deal Plus for Lone Parents and In Work Credit. Final report. (Department for Work and Pensions. Research report 732), London, 136 S.


    "This report presents findings from the second and final phase of a two part qualitative evaluation of a series of Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) policy measures targeted at lone and couple parents, which aimed to increase parental employment as well as reduce child poverty.
    The aim of the evaluation overall was to explore whether the measures offered an adequate package of support to parents, in London and non-London New Deal Plus for Lone Parents (ND+fLP) pilot areas, and if the measures, either collectively or singly, encouraged them to enter and sustain work.
    This final phase of the research aimed to follow up issues raised in the first phase of the research (and published in a separate accompanying report). It examined the effects of In Work Credit (IWC) and other policy measures on parents' work-related decision making and behaviours, looking in particular at whether the measures encouraged and supported work entry, work retention and work progression. A related area of investigation explored how parents were able to balance work and childcare.
    The research consisted of 66 face-to-face interviews with parents in two case study areas in the spring and summer of 2010 - 43 couple parents and 23 lone parents. Sixteen of the couple parents had been interviewed in the first phase of the research. Face-to-face and telephone interviews were also held with Jobcentre Plus staff in the two case study areas." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Assessing the impact of a wage subsidy for single parents on social assistance (2011)

    Lacroix, Guy ; Brouillette, Dany;


    Lacroix, Guy & Dany Brouillette (2011): Assessing the impact of a wage subsidy for single parents on social assistance. In: Canadian Journal of Economics, Jg. 44, H. 4, S. 1195-1221. DOI:10.1111/j.1540-5982.2011.01672.x


    "This paper studies the impact of a wage subsidy program aimed at long-term social assistance recipients in Quebec. The program closely mimics the Self-Sufficiency Project and was implemented for a trial period of one year in 2002. We focus on the labour market transitions of the targeted population starting one year before the implementation of the program and until the end of 2005. Our results show that the duration of spells off social assistance increased, while the duration of social assistance spells decreased slightly. The response to the program varies considerably with both observed and unobserved characteristics." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Working poor: Trotz Einkommen kein Auskommen: Trend- und Strukturanalysen für Österreich im europäischen Kontext (2011)

    Verwiebe, Roland ; Fritsch, Nina-Sophie ;


    Verwiebe, Roland & Nina-Sophie Fritsch (2011): Working poor: Trotz Einkommen kein Auskommen. Trend- und Strukturanalysen für Österreich im europäischen Kontext. In: SWS-Rundschau, Jg. 51, H. 1, S. 5-23.


    "Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema working poor - Armut trotz Erwerbstätigkeit. Dazu werden in einem ersten Schritt aktuelle Entwicklungen für Österreich im Kontext europäischer Trends betrachtet. Dabei wird der Frage nachgegangen, welchen Stellenwert Unterschiede in den wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Rahmenbedingungen für die Ausprägung von working poor haben. In einem zweiten Schritt werden detaillierte empirische Analysen der Lebenssituation von in Armut lebenden Erwerbstätigen in Österreich vorgestellt. Die entsprechenden Berechnungen beruhen auf den EU-SILC-Daten für die Jahre 2004 bis 2008. Unsere Befunde zeigen, dass Frauen, AlleinerzieherInnen und kinderreiche Familien, aber auch Beschäftigte in der Landwirtschaft und in personenbezogenen Dienstleistungen von Armut trotz Erwerbstätigkeit besonders betroffen sind. Darüber hinaus zeigt unsere Studie, dass die Armutsrisiken innerhalb des Untersuchungszeitraums für diese Personengruppen deutlich zunehmen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Analyse des Arbeitsmarktes für Alleinerziehende 2009 (2010)

    Grimm, Christoph; Renner, Konrad;


    (2010): Analyse des Arbeitsmarktes für Alleinerziehende 2009. (Analytikreport der Statistik), Nürnberg, 52 S.


    Der Analytikreport beschreibt die Situation von Alleinerziehenden am Arbeitsmarkt hinsichtlich Bevölkerungsdaten, Beteiligung am Erwerbsleben, Stellenangebote, Arbeitslosigkeit, Grundsicherung und Arbeitsmarktpolitik. (IAB)

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    How effective are different approaches aiming to increase employment retention and advancement?: final impacts for twelve models. The Employment Retention and Advancement Project (2010)

    Hendra, Richard; Williams, Sonya; Martinson, Karin; Lundquist, Erika; Dillman, Keri-Nicole; Hill, Aaron; Hamilton, Gayle; Wavelet, Melissa;


    Hendra, Richard, Keri-Nicole Dillman, Gayle Hamilton, Erika Lundquist, Karin Martinson & Melissa Wavelet (2010): How effective are different approaches aiming to increase employment retention and advancement? Final impacts for twelve models. The Employment Retention and Advancement Project. Washington, D.C., 540 S.


    "Research completed since the 1980s has yielded substantial knowledge about how to help welfare recipients and other low-income individuals prepare for and find jobs. Many participants in these successful job preparation and placement programs, however, ended up in unstable, low-paying jobs, and little was known about how to effectively help them keep employment and advance in their jobs. The national Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) project sought to fill this knowledge gap, by examining over a dozen innovative and diverse employment retention and advancement models developed by states and localities for different target groups, to determine whether effective strategies could be identified.
    Using a random assignment research design, the ERA project tested the effectiveness of programs that attempted to promote steady work and career advancement for current and former welfare recipients and other low-wage workers, most of whom were single mothers. The programs -- generally supported by existing public funding, not special demonstration grants -- reflected state and local choices regarding target populations, goals, ways of providing services, and staffing. The ERA project is being conducted by MDRC, under contract to the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, with additional funding from the U.S. Department of Labor. This report presents the final effectiveness findings, or impacts, for 12 of the 16 ERA programs, and it also summarizes how the 12 programs were implemented and individuals' levels of participation in program services." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Grundsicherung und Geschlecht: gleichstellungspolitische Befunde zu den Wirkungen von Hartz IV (2010)

    Jaehrling, Karen; Schmidt, Tanja; Dittmar, Vera; Schwarzkopf, Manuela; Schierhorn, Karen; Graf, Julia; Rudolph, Clarissa; Betzelt, Sigrid; Scheele, Alexandra ; Knuth, Matthias; Brussig, Martin; Hieming, Bettina; Booth, Melanie; Jaehrling, Karen; Worthmann, Georg; Karl, Ute;


    Jaehrling, Karen & Clarissa Rudolph (Hrsg.) (2010): Grundsicherung und Geschlecht. Gleichstellungspolitische Befunde zu den Wirkungen von Hartz IV. (Arbeit - Demokratie - Geschlecht 13), Münster: Verl. Westfälisches Dampfboot, 248 S.


    "Die Änderungen, die durch die Zusammenlegung von Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfe zum SGB II erfolgten, sind vielfältig. Nach fünf Jahren 'Hartz IV' und einer Reihe von Studien und Evaluationen zur Umsetzung des SGB II in die Praxis können erste Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse dieser Neu-Konzeption der Arbeitsmarktpolitik zusammengeführt werden. Dabei wird sichtbar, dass die Bewertung der Ergebnisse aufgrund von ambivalenten Folgen und Wirkungen insbesondere aus gleichstellungspolitischer Perspektive eine besondere Herausforderung darstellt, der in der vorliegenden Publikation eingehend nachgegangen wird. Fluchtpunkt der Analyse ist die Perspektive einer geschlechtergerechten und geschlechterdemokratischen Gesellschaft, deren Verwirklichung sicherlich mehr als nur einer Integration von Gleichstellungsaspekten bzw. eines Gender Mainstreaming bedarf." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Armut von Erwerbstätigen im europäischen Vergleich: Erwerbseinkommen und Umverteilung (2010)

    Lohmann, Henning;


    Lohmann, Henning (2010): Armut von Erwerbstätigen im europäischen Vergleich: Erwerbseinkommen und Umverteilung. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Jg. 62, H. 1, S. 1-30. DOI:10.1007/s11577-010-0093-2


    "In Europa bestehen deutliche Unterschiede im Ausmaß und in der Struktur von Armut von Erwerbstätigen. Die Untersuchung analysiert in einem Vergleich von 20 Ländern, inwieweit dies auf die unterschiedliche Ausgestaltung der institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen eines jeweiligen Landes zurückzuführen ist. Die Analysen basieren auf Mikrodaten aus der EU-Statistik zu Einkommen und Lebensbedingungen (EU-SILC) des Jahres 2006 und Makrodaten aus unterschiedlichen Quellen. Es werden mehrere Stufen des Einkommensverteilungsprozesses betrachtet. Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Frage, ob das persönliche Erwerbseinkommen einer Person ausreichend ist, um Armut zu vermeiden. In weiteren Schritten werden der Haushaltskontext (Bedarf und weitere Erwerbseinkommen) und der Einfluss staatlicher Umverteilung (Steuern und Transfers) mitberücksichtigt. Nur in dieser umfassenden Perspektive ist es möglich zu klären, inwieweit Armut von Erwerbstätigen vor allem am Arbeitsmarkt entsteht oder auf andere Faktoren zurückzuführen ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Paths to advancement for single parents: the Employment Retention and Advancement Project (2010)

    Miller, Cynthia; Deitch, Victoria; Hill, Aaron;


    Miller, Cynthia, Victoria Deitch & Aaron Hill (2010): Paths to advancement for single parents. The Employment Retention and Advancement Project. New York, NY, 84 S.


    "Between 2000 and 2003, the Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) project identified and implemented a diverse set of innovative models designed to promote employment stability and wage or earnings progression among low-income individuals, mostly current or former welfare recipients. While the main objective of ERA was to test a range of program approaches, the data collected as part of the evaluation provide an important opportunity to look in depth at the work experiences over a three-year period of the more than 27,000 single parents targeted by the programs. As single parents - most of whom were current or former welfare recipients - many of them faced considerable barriers to work and advancement.
    This report augments the ERA project's experimental findings by examining the work, education, and training experiences of single parents targeted by the programs studied. Specifically, these analyses identify the single parents in the study who advanced, and it compares their experiences with the experiences of parents who did not advance. Although the analyses are descriptive only and cannot be used to identify the exact causes of advancement, examining the characteristics of single parents who advance and the pathways by which they do so can inform the design of the next generation of retention and advancement programs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Can altering the structure of financial support payments aid work retention amongst lone parents?: qualitative evaluation of the In Work Retention Pilot (2010)

    Ray, Kathryn; Bertram, Christine; Davidson, Rosemary; Durante, Lucia;


    Ray, Kathryn, Christine Bertram, Rosemary Davidson & Lucia Durante (2010): Can altering the structure of financial support payments aid work retention amongst lone parents? Qualitative evaluation of the In Work Retention Pilot. (Great Britain, Department of Work and Pensions. Research report 708), London, 104 S.


    "Wage supplementations in the form of temporary 'in-work credits' have been introduced in recent years for a number of claimant groups entering work, to encourage enhanced work entry and retention rates. For lone parents, the In Work Credit was piloted from April 2004 and then rolled out nationally in April 2008. It is a wage supplement paid at £40 a week (£60 in London) for 12 months to eligible lone parents moving in to work. From July 2008 to June 2010, a variant on this, the In Work Retention Pilot (IWRP), was trialled in two Jobcentre Plus districts. The IWRP was intended to test the effectiveness of using In Work Credit payments as an aid to job retention and progression, by changing the payment structure of the credits and offering additional advisory support on retention and advancement.
    This report presents findings from a qualitative evaluation of the IWRP, examining the delivery of the pilot and the views of lone parents and Jobcentre Plus staff on: the distinctive IWRP payment structure; the retention and progression challenges facing lone parents and the support received; and whether and how the IWRP made a difference to work behaviour and decisions. The study is based on interviews, focus groups and observations with Jobcentre Plus delivery staff and participating lone parents." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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