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Immer mehr Beschäftigte arbeiten in Deutschland zu Niedriglöhnen. Vor allem junge Menschen sind davon betroffen. Bietet der Niedriglohnsektor eine Chance zum Einstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt oder ist er eine Sackgasse? Die IAB-Infoplattform erschließt Informationen zum Forschungsstand.

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im Aspekt "Frauen"
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    Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf Geschlechterungleichheiten bei Arbeitszeiten und Verdiensten (2023)

    Ohlert, Clemens ;


    Ohlert, Clemens (2023): Auswirkungen des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns auf Geschlechterungleichheiten bei Arbeitszeiten und Verdiensten. In: Soziale Welt, Jg. 74, H. 4, S. 562-588. DOI:10.5771/0038-6073-2023-4-562


    "Der Aufsatz geht der Frage nach, ob die Einführung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns zu einer Reduzierung von Geschlechterungleichheiten nicht nur bei Stundenlöhnen, sondern auch bei Arbeitszeiten und monatlichen Verdiensten beigetragen hat. Anhand der Verdienststrukturerhebung 2014 und der Verdiensterhebung 2015 wurden ein Panel-Datensatz generiert und Differenz-in-Differenzen-Analysen auf der Betriebsebene durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine bis zu 3,6 Prozentpunkte stärkere Reduzierung des durchschnittlichen Gender Pay Gap der Stundenlöhne in vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Betrieben als in nicht betroffenen Betrieben. Die Stundenlohneffekte des Mindestlohns auf Frauen und Männer im Niedriglohnbereich fielen jedoch gleich hoch aus. Zudem ergäbe sich keine Verringerung des Gender Pay Gap durch den Mindestlohn, wenn Frauen und Männer gleich auf Vollzeit-, Teilzeit- und geringfügige Beschäftigung verteilt wären. Der Gender Time Gap verringerte sich in vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Betrieben im Durchschnitt um rund 2,4 Prozentpunkte und für Beschäftigte im Niedriglohnbereich um rund 3,9 Prozentpunkte stärker als in nicht betroffenen Betrieben. Durch den Mindestlohn kam es zu einer deutlichen Verringerung des durchschnittlichen Gender Earnings Gap der monatlichen Bruttoverdienste. Dieser reduzierte sich in vom Mindestlohn betroffenen Betrieben bei Betrachtung aller Beschäftigten um bis zu 6,1 Prozentpunkte und bei Niedriglohnbeschäftigten um bis zu 4,6 Prozentpunkte stärker als in nicht betroffenen Betrieben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gender and race differences in pathways out of in-work poverty in the US (2021)

    Struffolino, Emanuela ; Van Winkle, Zachary ;


    Struffolino, Emanuela & Zachary Van Winkle (2021): Gender and race differences in pathways out of in-work poverty in the US. In: Social science research, Jg. 99. DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2021.102585

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    Stepping-stone or dead end: To what extent does part-time employment enable progression out of low pay for male and female employees in the UK? (2020)

    Nightingale, Madeline ;


    Nightingale, Madeline (2020): Stepping-stone or dead end: To what extent does part-time employment enable progression out of low pay for male and female employees in the UK? In: Journal of social policy, Jg. 49, H. 1, S. 41-59. DOI:10.1017/S0047279419000205


    "Using data from Understanding Society and the British Household Panel Survey, this article explores the relationship between working part-time and progression out of low pay for male and female employees using a discrete-time event history model. The results show that working part-time relative to full-time decreases the likelihood of progression out of low pay, defined as earning below two-thirds of the median hourly wage. However, part-time workers who transition to full-time employment experience similar rates of progression to full-time workers. This casts doubt on the idea that part-time workers have lower progression rates because they have lower abilities or work motivation and reinforces the need to address the quality of part-time jobs in the UK labour market. The negative effect of working part-time is greater for men than for women, although women are more at risk of becoming trapped in low pay in the sense that they tend to work part-time for longer periods of time, particularly if they have children. Factors such as childcare policy and Universal Credit (UC) incentivise part-time employment for certain groups, although in the right labour market conditions UC may encourage some part-time workers to increase their working hours." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Entlastung gesucht: Gute Politik für Frauen mit geringem Einkommen (2019)

    Bolz, Caroline; Grimm, Robert; Wolfs, Laura; Schoen, Alexandra; Zindler, Armgard;


    Bolz, Caroline, Robert Grimm, Alexandra Schoen, Laura Wolfs & Armgard Zindler (2019): Entlastung gesucht. Gute Politik für Frauen mit geringem Einkommen. Bonn, 31 S.


    "Was kann die Politik tun, um Frauen mit geringem Einkommen zu entlasten? Die Autor_innen dieser Studie haben Frauen, die weniger als das mittlere bedarfsgewichtete Nettoeinkommen in Deutschland zur Verfügung haben, nach ihren Lebensrealitäten und wie diese verbessert werden könnten, befragt. Auf dieser Grundlage gibt die Studie klare Handlungsempfehlungen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Individual and household in-work poverty in Europe: understanding the role of labor market characteristics (2019)

    Filandri, Marianna ; Struffolino, Emanuela ;


    Filandri, Marianna & Emanuela Struffolino (2019): Individual and household in-work poverty in Europe. Understanding the role of labor market characteristics. In: European Societies, Jg. 21, H. 1, S. 130-157. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2018.1536800


    "The article presents an analysis of the association between labor market characteristics related to female employment and the prevalence of in-work poverty. We compare two relative measures of in-work poverty: The individual definition refers to workers whose salary is below 60% of the median, while the household-level definition refers to individuals whose household income is below 60% of the median. Microdata from the 2014 EU-SILC survey and macrodata on involuntary part-time employment and female labor market participation are used to perform a multilevel analysis on 31 European countries. The results show a positive relationship between involuntary part-time work and in-work poverty according to the household definition. Female labor market participation is positively associated with the individual definition and negatively with the household one. However, after controlling for the level of within-country income inequality, only the effect of the female employment rate remains positive and significant for the individual in-work. These results shed light on the multifaceted role of labor market characteristics related to female employment and their implications for policy. We argue that the promotion of female participation should be combined with explicit measures to reduce the disadvantageous position of women in the labor market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Der Niedriglohnsektor in Deutschland ist größer als bislang angenommen (2019)

    Grabka, Markus M. ; Schröder, Carsten ;


    Grabka, Markus M. & Carsten Schröder (2019): Der Niedriglohnsektor in Deutschland ist größer als bislang angenommen. In: DIW-Wochenbericht, Jg. 86, H. 14, S. 249-257. DOI:10.18723/diw_wb:2019-14-3


    "Die Zahl der abhängig Beschäftigten in Deutschland ist seit der Finanzkrise um mehr als vier Millionen gestiegen. Ein Teil dieses Beschäftigungsaufbaus fand im Niedriglohnsektor statt. Analysen auf Basis von Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels, die erstmalig ausreichend Details über Nebentätigkeiten liefern, zeigen, dass es im Jahr 2017 über neun Millionen Beschäftigungsverhältnisse mit einem Lohn unterhalb der Niedriglohnschwelle gab, was einem Anteil von rund einem Viertel aller Beschäftigungsverhältnisse entspricht. Frauen, junge Erwachsene und Ostdeutsche erhalten besonders häufig Niedriglöhne. Da der allgemeine Mindestlohn unter der Niedriglohnschwelle lag, hat seine Einführung im Jahr 2015 den Anteil der Niedriglohnbeschäftigten nicht gesenkt, obwohl die Löhne im unteren Segment deutlich gestiegen sind. Die Mobilität in der Lohnverteilung hat sich seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre kaum verändert: Etwa zwei Drittel der Niedriglohnbeschäftigten verharren mittelfristig in ihrer Lohngruppe. Um den Niedriglohnsektor einzudämmen, sind Reformen bei den Minijobs, sowie Anstrengungen bei der Qualifikation und eine offensivere Lohnpolitik gefragt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    She works hard for the money: tackling low pay in sectors dominated by women – evidence from health and social care (2019)

    Müller, Torsten;


    Müller, Torsten (2019): She works hard for the money: tackling low pay in sectors dominated by women – evidence from health and social care. (European Trade Union Institute. Working paper 2019,11), Brüssel, 27 S.


    "The author is very grateful to Lena Hipp from the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) for her contributions to this report; beyond compiling, processing and analysing the statistical data in chapter two, her expertise and insight into the subject were invaluable. This report benefits greatly from the input from trade union experts; the author thanks the trade union representatives from across Europe who replied to the questionnaire. A special thank you goes to Maria Hansson from Kommunal in Sweden, Kim Øst-Jacobsen from FOA in Denmark, Jorma Peussa from JHL in Finland and to Alexa Wolfstädter from Ver.di in Germany for the time they took for more in-depth interviews. Finally, this report would not have been possible without the unwavering support of Richard Pond from EPSU throughout the process of researching and writing this report." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The impact of in-work benefits on female labor supply and income distribution in Spain (2017)

    Ayala, Luis ; Paniagua, Milagros;


    Ayala, Luis & Milagros Paniagua (2017): The impact of in-work benefits on female labor supply and income distribution in Spain. (EUROMOD working paper 2017,17), Colchester: EUROMOD at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, 36 S.


    "In-work benefits (IWBs) have become very common transfer programs that seek to meet both efficiency and equity targets. An expanding literature has assessed the effects of these policies on income distribution and labor supply showing important implications for female labor participation. In this paper, we estimate the distributional and behavioral impacts of a simulated IWB in Spain based on the replacement of the existing working mother tax credit (WMTC) using as a reference the US Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). We simulate the effects of the proposed scheme using EUROMOD and a discrete choice model of labor supply. Our results show that the enhancement of the proposed IWB would have significant and positive effects both in terms of female labor participation and inequality and poverty reduction. The introduction of this IWB would generate a substantial increase in labor participation at the extensive margin and a non-negligible reduction at the intensive margin." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Niedriglohnbeschäftigung 2013: Stagnation auf hohem Niveau (2015)

    Kalina, Thorsten; Weinkopf, Claudia;


    Kalina, Thorsten & Claudia Weinkopf (2015): Niedriglohnbeschäftigung 2013. Stagnation auf hohem Niveau. (IAQ-Report 2015-03), Duisburg, 17 S. DOI:10.17185/duepublico/45723


    "Im Jahr 2013 arbeiteten in Deutschland 24,4% aller abhängig Beschäftigten für einen Stundenlohn unterhalb der Niedriglohnschwelle von 9,30 EURO pro Stunde. Damit hat sich der Anteil der Niedriglohnbeschäftigten gegenüber 2012 kaum verringert.
    Im Durchschnitt erzielten die rund 8,1 Millionen gering bezahlten Beschäftigten einen Stundenlohn von 6,72 EURO und lagen damit deutlich unter der Niedriglohnschwelle.
    Ein besonders hohes Risiko geringer Stundenlöhne hatten im Jahr 2013 Minijobber/innen, unter 25-Jährige, gering Qualifizierte sowie befristet Beschäftigte.
    Gleichwohl haben mehr als drei Viertel der Niedriglohnbeschäftigten in Deutschland eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung oder einen akademischen Abschluss.
    Von Stundenlöhnen unter 8,50 EURO waren im Jahr 2013 18,9% der abhängig Beschäftigten betroffen. Anders als in einigen anderen Studien angenommen, hat sich dieser Anteil gegenüber 2012 nicht verringert.
    Besonders hoch war der Anteil von Beschäftigten mit einem Stundenlohn von weniger als 8,50 EURO im Gastgewerbe, in der Landwirtschaft und im Handel." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    "They see us as machines:" the experience of recent immigrant women in the low wage informal labor sector (2015)

    Panikkar, Bindu; Hyatt, Raymond R.; Gute, David M.; Brugge, Doug;


    Panikkar, Bindu, Doug Brugge, David M. Gute & Raymond R. Hyatt (2015): "They see us as machines:" the experience of recent immigrant women in the low wage informal labor sector. In: PLoS one, Jg. 10, H. 11, S. 1-18. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0142686


    "This study explores the organization of work and occupational health risk as elicited from recently immigrated women (n = 8) who have been in the US for less than three years and employed in informal work sectors such as cleaning and factory work in the greater Boston area in Massachusetts. Additional interviews (n = 8) with Community Key Informants with knowledge of this sector and representatives of temporary employment agencies in the area provides further context to the interviews conducted with recent immigrant women. These results were also compared with our immigrant occupational health survey, a large project that spawned this study. Responses from the study participants suggest health outcomes consistent with being a day-laborer scholarship, new immigrant women are especially at higher risk within these low wage informal work sectors. A difference in health experiences based on ethnicity and occupation was also observed. Low skilled temporary jobs are fashioned around meeting the job performance expectations of the employer; the worker's needs are hardly addressed, resulting in low work standards, little worker protection and poor health outcomes. The rising prevalence of non-standard employment or informal labor sector requires that policies or labor market legislation be revised to meet the needs presented by these marginalized workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unpredictable work timing in retail jobs: implications for employee work-life conflict (2014)

    Henly, Julia R.; Lambert, Susan J. ;


    Henly, Julia R. & Susan J. Lambert (2014): Unpredictable work timing in retail jobs. Implications for employee work-life conflict. In: ILR review, Jg. 67, H. 3, S. 986-1016. DOI:10.1177/0019793914537458


    "Unpredictability is a distinctive dimension of working time that has been examined primarily in the context of unplanned overtime and in male-dominated occupations. The authors assess the extent to which female employees in low-skilled retail jobs whose work schedules are unpredictable report greater work -- life conflict than do their counterparts with more predictable work schedules and whether employee input into work schedules reduces work -- life conflict. Data include measures from employee surveys and firm records for a sample of hourly female workers employed across 21 stores of a U.S. women's apparel retailer. Results demonstrate that, independent of other dimensions of nonstandard work hours, unpredictability is positively associated with three outcomes: general work -- life conflict, time-based conflict, and strain-based conflict as measured by perceived employee stress. Employee input into work schedules is negatively related to these outcomes. Little evidence was found that schedule input moderates the association between unpredictable working time and work -- life conflict." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arm trotz Arbeit (2014)


    (2014): Arm trotz Arbeit. In: Frauenrat H. 1, S. 1-34.


    "Arm trotz Arbeit, das erleben immer mehr Menschen in Deutschland. Von der eigenen Arbeit leben zu können ist inzwischen fast zu einem Privileg geworden. Es geht nicht um Luxus, sondern um die Existenzgrundlage in einem reichen Land. Der Beitrag 'Über die Runden kommen' zeigt, wie es ganz unterschiedliche Frauen in ganz verschiedenen Berufen und Lebenssituationen trifft. Zwar sinken die Arbeitslosenzahlen, doch nehmen die prekären Beschäftigungsverhältnisse in Deutschland zu, wie der Beitrag 'Das Märchen vom Jobwunder' beschreibt. 'Warenverräumerinnen' stocken im Minijob für fünf Euro die Stunde die Regale in Supermärkten auf; Floristinnen verdienen selbst tariflich weniger als das; Zeitungszustellerinnen kommen, wenn sie flott arbeiten, auf drei Euro. Das sind nur einige Beispiele aus dem Niedriglohnsektor. Einen gesetzlichen Mindestlohn gibt es noch nicht, und selbst ein Vollzeitjob garantiert heute keine eigenständige Existenz mehr. Besonders Frauen sind prekären Arbeitsverhältnissen ausgesetzt, und zwar in den unterschiedlichsten Berufssparten. Da wird immer mehr (Schein-)Selbständigkeit gefördert und gefordert, und das Risiko trägt die 'Unternehmerin'; gesetzliche Regelungen aus Angestelltenverhältnissen greifen nicht mehr. Selbständige Frauen tragen dabei noch höhere Risiken als Männer: weil sie schwanger werden können, Kinder erziehen oder Angehörige pflegen. Es fehlen die sozialen Errungenschaften wie Mutterschutz, bezahlter Urlaub und Bezahlung im Krankheitsfalle, ein arbeitsfreies Wochenende, der Feierabend, Sorglosigkeit und Familienzeit. Eine existenzsichernde Rente kann nicht mehr erwirtschaftet werden, wie der Beitrag 'Ein Gespenst kehrt zurück' nachvollzieht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The politics of the new welfare state (2013)

    Bonoli, Giuliano ; Natali, David; Häusermann, Silja; Hemerijck, Anton; Clegg, Daniel; Jenson, Jane; Davidsson, Johan B.; Keune, Maarten; Emmenegger, Patrick ; Naumann, Ingela; Clasen, Jochen ; Palier, Bruno; Ebbinghaus, Bernhard ; Crouch, Colin; Ferrera, Maurizio;


    Häusermann, Silja, Anton Hemerijck, Daniel Clegg, Jane Jenson, Johan B. Davidsson, Maarten Keune, Patrick Emmenegger, Ingela Naumann, Jochen Clasen, Bruno Palier, Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Colin Crouch & Maurizio Ferrera (2013): The politics of the new welfare state. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 316 S.


    "Since the early 1990s, European welfare states have undergone substantial changes, in terms of objectives, areas of intervention, and instruments. Traditional programmes, such as old age pensions have been curtailed throughout the continent, while new functions have been taken up. At present, welfare states are expected to help non-working people back into employment, to complement work income for the working poor, to reconcile work and family life, to promote gender equality, to support child development, and to provide social services for an ageing society. The welfare settlement that is emerging at the beginning of the 21st century is nonetheless very different in terms of functions and instruments from the one inherited from the last century. This book seeks to offer a better understanding of the new welfare settlement, and to analyze the factors that have shaped the recent transformation." (Publisher information, IAB-Doku) ((en))
    Giuliano Bonoli, David Natali: The Politics of the 'New' Welfare States: Analysing Reforms in Western Europe (3-17);
    Jane Jenson: A New Politics for the Social Investment Perspective: Objectives, Instruments, and Areas of Intervention in Welfare Regimes (21-44);
    Colin Crouch, Maarten Keune: The Governance of Economic Uncertainty: Beyond the 'New Social Risks' Analysis (45-67);
    Anton Hemerijck: Stress-testing the New Welfare State (68-90);
    Giuliano Bonoll: Blame Avoidance and Credit Claiming Revisited (93-110);
    Silja Häusermann: The Politics of Old and New Social Policies (111-132);
    Jochen Clasen, Daniel Clegg: Adapting Labour Market Policy to a Transformed Employment Structure: The Politics of 'Triple Integration' (135-157);
    Ingela Naumann: Childcare Politics in the 'New' Welfare State: Class, Religion, and Gender in the Shaping of Political Agendas (158-181);
    Bernhard Ebbinghaus: Europe's Transformations Towards a Renewed Pension System (182-205);
    Johan B. Davidsson, Patrick Emmenegger: Insider-Outsider Dynamics and the Reform of Job Security Legislation (206-229);
    Bruno Palier: Tuming Vice into Vice: How Bismarckian Welfare States have Gone from Unsustainability to Dualization (233-255);
    Maurizio Ferrera: The New Spatial Politics of Welfare in the EU (256-283);
    Giuliano Bonoli, David Natali: Multidimensional Transformations in the Early 21st Century Welfare States (287-306).

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    The Earned Income Tax Credit, health, and happiness (2013)

    Boyd-Swan, Casey; Ifcher, John; Herbst, Chris M.; Zarghamee, Homa;


    Boyd-Swan, Casey, Chris M. Herbst, John Ifcher & Homa Zarghamee (2013): The Earned Income Tax Credit, health, and happiness. (IZA discussion paper 7261), Bonn, 41 S.


    "This paper contributes to the small but growing literature evaluating the health effects of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). In particular, we use data from the National Survey of Families and Households to study the impact of the 1990 federal EITC expansion on several outcomes related to mental health and subjective well-being. The identification strategy relies on a difference-in-differences framework to estimate intent-to-treat effects for the post-reform period. Our results suggest that the 1990 EITC reform generated sizeable health benefits for low-skilled mothers. Such women experienced lower depression symptomatology, an increase in self-reported happiness, and improved self-efficacy relative to their childless counterparts. Consistent with previous work, we find that married mothers captured most of the health benefits, with unmarried mothers' health changing very little following the 1990 EITC reform." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Can income support for part-time workers serve as a stepping-stone to regular jobs? An application to young long-term unemployed women (2013)

    Cockx, Bart ; Robin, Stéphane; Goebel, Christian;


    Cockx, Bart, Christian Goebel & Stéphane Robin (2013): Can income support for part-time workers serve as a stepping-stone to regular jobs? An application to young long-term unemployed women. In: Empirical economics, Jg. 44, H. 1, S. 189-229. DOI:10.1007/s00181-010-0357-8


    "This article investigates whether income support for low-paid part-time workers in Belgium increases the transition from unemployment to non-subsidised, 'regular' employment. Our analysis uses a sample of long-term unemployed young women. Observing their labour market histories from 1998 to 2001, we implement the 'timing of events' method to identify the treatment effect. Our results suggest that participation in the policy has a significantly positive effect on the transition to regular employment. Participation reduced the survivor rate in unemployment by 27% points 1 year after the start of the programme. The time spent in the programme did not affect the transition to regular employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employment, hours of work and the optimal taxation of low income families (2012)

    Blundell, Richard ; Shephard, Andrew;


    Blundell, Richard & Andrew Shephard (2012): Employment, hours of work and the optimal taxation of low income families. In: The Review of Economic Studies, Jg. 79, H. 2, S. 481-510. DOI:10.1093/restud/rdr034


    "The optimal design of low-income support is examined using a structural labour supply model. The approach incorporates unobserved heterogeneity, fixed costs of work, childcare costs and the detailed non-convexities of the tax and transfer system. The analysis considers purely Pareto improving reforms and also optimal design under social welfare functions with different degrees of inequality aversion. We explore the gains from tagging and also examine the case for the use of hours-contingent payments. Using the tax schedule for lone parents in the U.K. as our policy environment, the results point to a reformed non-linear tax schedule with tax credits only optimal for low earners. The results also suggest a welfare improving role for tagging according to child age and for hours-contingent payments, although the case for the latter is mitigated when hours cannot be monitored or recorded accurately by the tax authorities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimum wages and female labor supply in Germany (2012)

    Bredemeier, Christian; Juessen, Falko;


    Bredemeier, Christian & Falko Juessen (2012): Minimum wages and female labor supply in Germany. (IZA discussion paper 6892), Bonn, 32 S.


    "In Germany, there is a vivid political debate on introducing a general statutory minimum wage. In this paper, we study the effects of minimum wages on labor supply using a structural household model where we distinguish between married and single households. In the model, labor supply of married women reacts positively and relatively strongly to minimum wages which we model as a wage subsidy as proposed in the German political debate. By contrast, other population subgroups show ambiguous reactions. An empirical analysis for Germany shows that minimum wages would affect total labor supply only weakly. Yet, in our baseline experiments, average labor supply of married women increases by 3-5%, whereas hours supplied by married female recipients of the minimum wage may increase by up to 28%. Further, we find that costs of a subsidized minimum wage increase sharply in its level while its effects on labor supply level out." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Time-limited in-work benefits in the UK: a review of recent evidence (2012)

    Chowdry, Haroon;


    Chowdry, Haroon (2012): Time-limited in-work benefits in the UK. A review of recent evidence. In: National Institute Economic Review, Jg. 219, H. 1, S. R53-R64. DOI:10.1177/002795011221900106


    "This paper reviews three UK-based welfare-to-work programmes featuring time-limited financial incentives to leave out-of-work benefits for employment. The policies considered are (i) the Employment Retention and Advancement demonstration, aimed at lone parents and the long-term unemployed; (ii) In-Work Credit, aimed at lone parents on welfare; (iii) Pathways to Work, aimed at recipients of incapacity benefits. I illustrate the difficulties in extrapolating from specific findings to general policy-relevant conclusions. Finally, I depict the challenge facing evaluators in future and point to the directions in which evaluation will need to develop if it is to contribute more fully to policy-relevant evaluation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The 1993 EITC expansion and low-skilled single mothers' welfare use decision (2012)

    Chyi, Hau;


    Chyi, Hau (2012): The 1993 EITC expansion and low-skilled single mothers' welfare use decision. In: Applied Economics, Jg. 44, H. 13, S. 1717-1736. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2011.554372


    "Previous studies on low-skilled single mothers focus generally either on the binary welfare use or work decision. However, work among welfare participants has increased steadily since the mid-1990s. This study estimates the role of the 1993 Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) expansion on the decline of welfare caseloads using a bivariate probit model. Using monthly Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) information, I find that the 1993 EITC expansion has at least the same effect on reducing welfare use as the welfare reform initiatives. Moreover, the elasticity estimates indicate that single mothers, especially those who were not employed and dependent solely on welfare before the expansion, were the most responsive to the policy initiatives. Finally, the increase in work among welfare participants is due to the relative ineffectiveness of the policies in reducing the net population of those who are on welfare and work simultaneously." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration und sozioökonomische Situation von Alleinerziehenden: ein empirischer Vergleich: Deutschland, Frankreich, Schweden, Vereinigtes Königreich. Forschungsbericht im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales (2012)

    Jaehrling, Karen; Kalina, Thorsten; Erlinghagen, Marcel; Mümken, Sarah; Schwarzkopf, Manuela; Mesaros, Leila;


    Jaehrling, Karen, Marcel Erlinghagen, Thorsten Kalina, Sarah Mümken, Leila Mesaros & Manuela Schwarzkopf (2012): Arbeitsmarktintegration und sozioökonomische Situation von Alleinerziehenden. Ein empirischer Vergleich: Deutschland, Frankreich, Schweden, Vereinigtes Königreich. Forschungsbericht im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales. (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales. Forschungsbericht Arbeitsmarkt 420), 265 S.


    Diese Bestandsaufnahme steht unter der Leitfragestellung, inwieweit die Lebensform 'alleinerziehend' im Ländervergleich nach wie vor mit unterschiedlichen Teilhabechancen im Vergleich zu anderen Lebensformen verbunden ist. Für die Untersuchung wurden die Europäische Arbeitskräfteerhebung (EU-LFS) und die Statistik der Europäischen Union über Einkommen und Lebensbedingungen (EU-SILC) ausgewertet. Im Einzelnen analysiert werden die Erwerbsbeteiligung, die materielle Situation sowie die Lebenssituation (Deprivation, Gesundheitszustand) von Alleinerziehenden. Weiterhin wird der Einfluss nationaler institutioneller und kultureller Faktoren untersucht. Für alle vier Länder wird eine steigende Erwerbsbeteiligung von Alleinerziehenden im Zeitverlauf konstatiert, was vor allem auf arbeitsmarktpolitische Reformen und veränderte Geschlechterregime zurückgeführt wird. Trotzdem sind Alleinerziehende gegenüber Müttern in Paar-Haushalten stärker von Armut bedroht. (IAB)

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