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Immer mehr Beschäftigte arbeiten in Deutschland zu Niedriglöhnen. Vor allem junge Menschen sind davon betroffen. Bietet der Niedriglohnsektor eine Chance zum Einstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt oder ist er eine Sackgasse? Die IAB-Infoplattform erschließt Informationen zum Forschungsstand.

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im Aspekt "Japan"
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    WSI-Mindestlohnbericht 2012: schwache Mindestlohnentwicklung unter staatlicher Austeritätspolitik (2012)

    Schulten, Thorsten;


    Schulten, Thorsten (2012): WSI-Mindestlohnbericht 2012. Schwache Mindestlohnentwicklung unter staatlicher Austeritätspolitik. In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 65, H. 2, S. 124-130. DOI:10.5771/0342-300X-2012-2-124


    "Der WSI-Mindestlohnbericht 2012 gibt einen aktuellen Überblick über die gegenwärtige Mindestlohnpolitik in Europa und ausgewählten außereuropäischen Staaten. Unter Auswertung der WSI-Mindestlohndatenbank werden neueste Daten zur Höhe und Entwicklung gesetzlicher Mindestlöhne präsentiert. Im Jahr 2011 wurden die Mindestlöhne in der Regel nur geringfügig angehoben oder sogar gänzlich eingefroren. In den meisten europäischen Ländern erlitten die Mindestlohnbezieher zum Teil deutliche Reallohnverluste. Im Rahmen des aktuellen Krisenmanagements in der Europäischen Union wurde die Mindestlohnpolitik zum Bestandteil einer allgemeinen Austeritätspolitik." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Minimum wages and employment in Japan (2011)

    Abe, Yukiko;


    Abe, Yukiko (2011): Minimum wages and employment in Japan. In: Japan labor review, Jg. 8, H. 2, S. 42-54.


    "This paper surveys issues associated with the minimum wage and its economic impacts in Japan. First, I discuss how the minimum wage is discussed in recent political debates. Next, I explain economic factors surrounding the Japanese labor market that are related to the minimum wage: specifically, I take up the issues of globalization and 'mismatch' (i.e., a labor shortage exists in some industries and/or occupations and, at the same time, there is unemployment). Then, I provide an overview of facts regarding the minimum wage for the past two decades. Finally, I critically review recent empirical studies that examine the employment effects of the minimum wage (Tachibanaki and Urakawa 2007; Kambayashi, Kawaguchi, and Yamada 2009)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The minimum wage system in Japan: in light of circumstances in the United States and Europe (2011)

    Ohashi, Isao;


    Ohashi, Isao (2011): The minimum wage system in Japan. In light of circumstances in the United States and Europe. In: Japan labor review, Jg. 8, H. 2, S. 4-23.


    "This paper aims to provide an overview of the history of the minimum wage system in Japan and to explore why it is in its current state and how it should change in the future, in light of the state of minimum wages in the United States and Europe and the relevant debates that are ongoing in those areas. Specifically, I will make a cross-country comparison of the mechanisms whereby the minimum wage is set, explain how the differences in these mechanisms affect the level and trends of minimum wages, and shed light on the weaknesses of the foundations of theoretical modeln designed to verify the positive effects of a minimum wage increase on employment. This research is intended to help achieve a better understanding of the significance to Japan's labor market of the government initiative to considerably raise the minimum wage following the amendment of the Minimum Wages Act, and to examine how the minimum wage system in Japan should develop in the future, while taking account of the state of minimum wage systems in the United States and Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Analysis of the determinants of minimum wages in Japan (2011)

    Tamada, Keiko;


    Tamada, Keiko (2011): Analysis of the determinants of minimum wages in Japan. In: Japan labor review, Jg. 8, H. 2, S. 24-41.


    "This paper overviews Japan's minimum wage system and examines the determinants of 'guideline increases (meyasu-gaku),' which are the increases in minimum wages recommended by the central council, and the actual minimum wage increases set by the regional councils. In Japan, minimum wages are deliberated upon mainly by advisory councils. The central council recommends the guideline increases and the regional councils set the actual increases. Our analysis found that the guideline increases are positively affected by the wage growth rates. Comments by public interest at meetings of the central council have suggested that their decisions on the guideline increases are influenced by the wage growth rate, and our estimation results also support the hypothesis that the guideline increases are positively affected by the wage growth rate. Because the council comprises workers represented by union officials, we examined the possible Impact of the unionization rate on the guideline increases. We found that the guideline increase is not affected by the unionization rate. Our analysis indicated that the actual minimum wage increases are set close to the guideline increases. We also found that the actual increase is positively affected by the active job openings-to-applicants ratio. As with the guideline increases, however, our analysis showed that the actual increase is not affected by the unionization rate. In addition, we found that in 2007 and 2008, when the guideline increases were determined in light of the debates conducted by the Roundtable to Promote Strategy to Enhance Growth Potential (seicho-ryoku sokoage senryaku suisin entaku kaigi) which set a policy direction toward minimum wage increases, the actual increases were larger than those in other years." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A new departure in the Japanese minimum wage legislation (2009)

    Nakakubo, Hiroya;


    Nakakubo, Hiroya (2009): A new departure in the Japanese minimum wage legislation. In: Japan labor review, Jg. 6, H. 2, S. 22-38.


    "The Minimum Wages Act underwent a major revision in 2007 as the issue of the working poor heightened public interest in the theme. The revision streamlined the entire minimum wage system, placing the regional minimum wages established by the prefectures clearly at the core. It also required that the amounts of these minimum wages be consistent with public assistance policies. Under the revised act, the new regional minimum wages were set and entered effect in each prefecture from autumn 2008. This article explores the significance of this new minimum wage legislation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The working poor, borderline poor, and developments in public assistance reform (2008)

    Komamura, Kohei;


    Komamura, Kohei (2008): The working poor, borderline poor, and developments in public assistance reform. In: Japan labor review, Jg. 5, H. 4, S. 67-94.


    "The paper is a study by a leading expert on social security policy. Although the concept of the working poor has yet to be clearly defined in Japan, estimates show that the proportion of working households that are on or below the minimum income level provided for by the public assistance system but that are not receiving public assistance has increased from 2.80% in 1985 to 5.46% in 1999. It is also evident that the proportion of working poor households in younger age groups has increased rapidly. The proportion of working households aged under 65 on or below the minimum income level providied for by the public assistance system that are on public assistance is less than 4%, indicating that the moral hazard presented by the public assistance system is not of a level that should be considered problematic. Also described are recent developments concerning reform of the public assistance system." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The rise of poverty in Japan: The emergence of the working poor (2008)

    Sekine, Yuki;


    Sekine, Yuki (2008): The rise of poverty in Japan: The emergence of the working poor. In: Japan labor review, Jg. 5, H. 4, S. 49-66.


    "The paper summarizes the causes of contemporary poverty and the state of measures to combat poverty from the perspective of law. In this paper, contemporary poverty is ascribed mainly to the increasing instability and loss of employment, the malfunctioning of the public assistance system, the homeless, single mother households, and deep levels of debt. Regarding public assistance, there is considerable regional variation in the assistance rate, and the opposing views of central and local government concerning the reasons for this are summarized. The employment insurance system, public assistance system, measures to assist the self-reliance of the homeless, and the minimum wage system are identified as serving to combat poverty, and the recent state of these institutions is summarized." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Trends in poverty among low-income workers in Japan since the nineties (2008)

    Tachibanaki, Toshiaki; Urakawa, Kunio ;


    Tachibanaki, Toshiaki & Kunio Urakawa (2008): Trends in poverty among low-income workers in Japan since the nineties. In: Japan labor review, Jg. 5, H. 4, S. 21-47.


    "The paper is a statistical analysis of the state of poverty in Japan since the 1990s. After reviewing various methods of measuring poverty, the authors calculate indices of relative poverty based on data from Shotoku saibunpai chosa (Income Redistribution Surveys). Based on this, they show that the degree of relative poverty at the household level has been on the increase in Japan since the 1990s, and that this has been due to a large increase in poverty among single-person households of working age as well as among single older-person households. The poverty rate among fatherless households is also found to be exceedingly high. A breakdown by employment status of head of household reveals that the poverty rates among households headed by 'persons without employment' and by 'workers on contracts of less than one year' are high, and the authors observe that the issues of unemployment and non-regular workers have emerged as new poverty issues in Japan." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitslosigkeit und Lohnspreizung: Empirische Befunde zur Arbeitsmarktsituation gering Qualifizierter in Deutschland (2007)

    Rukwid, Ralf;


    Rukwid, Ralf (2007): Arbeitslosigkeit und Lohnspreizung: Empirische Befunde zur Arbeitsmarktsituation gering Qualifizierter in Deutschland. (Schriftenreihe des Promotionsschwerpunkts Globalisierung und Beschäftigung 24), Hohenheim, 52 S.


    "In den Industriestaaten stehen die weniger qualifizierten Arbeitskräfte derzeit unter einem erheblichen Anpassungsdruck. Die Nachfragestruktur auf dem Arbeitsmarkt hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten zuungunsten der formal Ungelernten verschoben, wobei als die Hauptursachen dieser Entwicklung die Globalisierung sowie ein qualifikationsverzerrter technischer Fortschritt gelten. Ziel des Diskussionspapiers ist eine detaillierte Analyse der Arbeitsmarktsituation gering Qualifizierter in Deutschland. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich die Beschäftigungschancen für Erwerbspersonen ohne abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung seit Mitte der 1970er Jahre systematisch und gegenüber den höher Qualifizierten überproportional verschlechtert haben. Dabei übertrifft die aktuelle gruppenspezifische Arbeitslosenquote der Ungelernten in Deutschland diejenige fast aller anderen OECD-Staaten. Dies wird häufig als Beleg für eine im Ländervergleich außerordentliche Problemlage gewertet und mit inflexiblen Lohnstrukturen in direkten Zusammenhang gebracht. Der Beitrag soll mit Hilfe einer empirischen Analyse von deutschen, amerikanischen und britischen Lohndaten auf Basis des Cross National Equivalent File (CNEF) Aufschlüsse über den tatsächlichen Grad der Flexibilität der deutschen Lohnstruktur geben. Hierbei werden landesspezifische Entwicklungstendenzen bei der Lohnverteilung beschrieben und der jeweilige Umfang an Lohnspreizung geschätzt. Zudem wird mittels Berechnung von Subgruppendisparitäten und der Durchführung von Dekompositionsverfahren der Zusammenhang zwischen Lohnungleichheit und formaler Qualifikation untersucht. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Analyseergebnisse sowie alternativer Studien erfolgt schließlich eine Einordnung der verschiedenen Politikansätze zur Verbesserung der Beschäftigungssituation gering Qualifizierter. Im Mittelpunkt der wirtschaftspolitischen Diskussion in Deutschland stehen neben Qualifizierungsstrategien vor allem Vorschläge einer stärkeren Lohndifferenzierung speziell im unteren Einkommensbereich. Eine simple monokausale Beziehung zwischen Lohnspreizung und der Intensität der Beschäftigungsprobleme gering qualifizierter Arbeitskräfte lässt sich anhand der in dem Beitrag präsentierten empirischen Befunde allerdings nicht nachweisen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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