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Immer mehr Beschäftigte arbeiten in Deutschland zu Niedriglöhnen. Vor allem junge Menschen sind davon betroffen. Bietet der Niedriglohnsektor eine Chance zum Einstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt oder ist er eine Sackgasse? Die IAB-Infoplattform erschließt Informationen zum Forschungsstand.

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im Aspekt "Politik und Maßnahmen"
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    The effects of minimum wages on employment and Prices - Evidence from the hairdressing sector (2024)

    Kunaschk, Max;


    Kunaschk, Max (2024): The effects of minimum wages on employment and Prices - Evidence from the hairdressing sector. In: Labour Economics online erschienen am 06.04.2024. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2024.102540


    "This paper provides comprehensive evidence on the labor and product market effects of a high-impact minimum wage introduction in the highly competitive hairdressing sector. Using detailed administrative data, I find negligible overall employment effects, even though the minimum wage substantially increased hourly wages. However, sub-group analyses reveal considerable heterogeneity in the estimated employment effects and suggest shifts away from marginal towards regular employment. Analyses of the price effects suggest that the reform increased output prices considerably, implying that consumers largely paid for the minimum wage." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Elsevier) ((en))

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    Kunaschk, Max;
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    Aktuelle Entwicklungen bei der Verteilung der Arbeitseinkommen und Kompetenzen (Podium) (2023)

    Bellmann, Lutz ; Dustmann, Christian; Biewen, Martin ; Fanfani, Bernardo ; Oberfichtner, Michael ; Fitzenberger, Bernd ; Caldwell, Sydnee; Ostermann, Kerstin ; Spitz-Oener, Alexandra; Müller, Steffen;


    Bellmann, Lutz, Christian Dustmann, Martin Biewen, Bernardo Fanfani, Michael Oberfichtner, Bernd Fitzenberger, Sydnee Caldwell, Kerstin Ostermann, Alexandra Spitz-Oener & Steffen Müller; Christian Dustmann, Martin Biewen, Bernardo Fanfani, Michael Oberfichtner, Bernd Fitzenberger, Sydnee Caldwell, Kerstin Ostermann, Alexandra Spitz-Oener & Steffen Müller (sonst. bet. Pers.) (2023): Aktuelle Entwicklungen bei der Verteilung der Arbeitseinkommen und Kompetenzen (Podium). In: IAB-Forum H. 30.10.2023 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20231030.01


    "Zu einem besseren Verständnis der Lohnfindung und Lohnverteilung sowie der beruflichen Qualifikationen beizutragen – das war das Ziel der internationalen Konferenz „Recent Developments in Wage Determination, Distribution, and Job Skills“ am IAB." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Employer Wage Subsidy Caps and Part-Time Work (2023)

    Elvery, Joel A.; Rohlin, Shawn M.; Reynolds, C. Lockwood;


    Elvery, Joel A., C. Lockwood Reynolds & Shawn M. Rohlin (2023): Employer Wage Subsidy Caps and Part-Time Work. In: ILR review, Jg. 76, H. 1, S. 189-209. DOI:10.1177/00197939221102865


    "Using tract-level US Census data and triple-difference estimators, the authors test whether firms increase their use of part-time workers when faced with capped wage subsidies. By limiting the maximum subsidy per worker, such subsidies create incentives for firms to increase the share of their payroll that is eligible for the subsidy by increasing use of part-time or low-wage workers. Results suggest that firms located in federal Empowerment Zones in the United States responded to the program’s capped wage subsidies by expanding their use of part-time workers, particularly in locations where the subsidy cap is likely to bind. Results also show a shift toward hiring lower-skill workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    In-work poverty and family policy in Italy: from a frozen to a thawing landscape? (2023)

    Giuliani, Giovanni Amerigo ; De Luigi, Nicola ;


    Giuliani, Giovanni Amerigo & Nicola De Luigi (2023): In-work poverty and family policy in Italy: from a frozen to a thawing landscape? In: Community, work & family online erschienen am 20.11.2023, S. 1-21. DOI:10.1080/13668803.2023.2282356


    "The article investigates in-work poverty (IWP) in Italy through the lens of family policies. Adopting a longitudinal perspective, the work scrutinizes whether and to what extent the configuration of family policy tools - family allowances, leave and ECEC (Early Childhood Care and Education) - has been effective in contrasting IWP in Italy. Furthermore, it probes whether the Italian family policy has reconfigured over time as a tool for countering IWP. The study shows that family policy can be useful both directly - by providing income support for the most disadvantaged families - and indirectly - by fostering the transition to a dual-earner family model. However, the analysis of the Italian case shows that such positive effects are only potential, and not automatic. In Italy, historically, family policy has been scarcely effective. Nevertheless, in the last few years a pattern of slow change has initiated, and its effectiveness as a device to tackle IWP appears to have increased." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Decent wage floors in Europe: Does the minimum wage directive get it right? (2023)

    Haapanala, Henri ; Marx, Ive ; Parolin, Zachary ;


    Haapanala, Henri, Ive Marx & Zachary Parolin (2023): Decent wage floors in Europe: Does the minimum wage directive get it right? In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 33, H. 4, S. 421-435. DOI:10.1177/09589287231176977


    "The Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages represents a watershed initiative adding substance to the EU’s social dimension. It contains two ambitious objectives: establishing the minimum level of statutory minimum wages at 60% of the gross median wage, and increasing collective bargaining coverage (CBC) to at least 80% of workers. In this article, we assess how statutory minimum wages and collective bargaining coverage are associated with the likelihood of low pay. Using a time series cross-section of EU-SILC for income years 2004–2019, we identify and assess the absolute and relative size of ‘effective wage floors’ for full-time employees in 30 countries. We specify multilevel, random effects within-between regression models to assess the individual and joint associations of SMW and collective bargaining coverage with wage floors. Our results indicate that SMWs and CBC both have distinct roles in establishing the effective wage floor. First, higher collective bargaining coverage is on average associated with a lower share of workers earning below 60% gross median wages. Second, higher SMWs are strongly associated with higher effective wage floors. Third, both collective bargaining coverage and union density are strongly associated with higher wage floors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Regulating low wages: cross-national policy variation and outcomes (2023)

    Pedersen, Siri Hansen; Picot, Georg ;


    Pedersen, Siri Hansen & Georg Picot (2023): Regulating low wages: cross-national policy variation and outcomes. In: Socio-economic review, Jg. 21, H. 4, S. 2093-2116. DOI:10.1093/ser/mwad019


    "This article provides a comparative analysis of three central policies to regulate low wages: statutory minimum wages, state support for collective bargaining and topping up low wages with public transfers (in-work benefits). We map the variation of these policies across 33 OECD countries and analyze the incidence of low-wage employment they are associated with. We find three approaches to regulating low wages. In the first, 'wage scale protection', states put most emphasis on supporting collective bargaining. In the second, 'bare minimum', there is not much else than the statutory minimum wage. In the third, 'state pay', the statutory minimum wage is supplemented by sizeable public financial support for low earners. When analyzing policy outcomes, 'wage scale protection' is associated with least low-wage employment. For 'bare minimum', much depends on the level of the statutory minimum wage. Although 'state pay' props up workers' disposable income, many workers receive low gross pay." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Research note: The persistent risk of in-work poverty following the birth of a first, second, and third child across the life course (2023)

    Struffolino, Emanuela ; Van Winkle, Zachary ;


    Struffolino, Emanuela & Zachary Van Winkle (2023): Research note: The persistent risk of in-work poverty following the birth of a first, second, and third child across the life course. In: Journal of Family Research, Jg. 35, S. 372-392. DOI:10.20377/jfr-910


    "Objective: The association between a first, second, and third childbirth and in-work poverty in the short- and medium-term were assessed across age groups in the US and Germany. Background: Previous research on in-work poverty has concentrated on structural and ascriptive characteristics, while family processes – especially childbirths – received less attention. This gap was filled by adopting a processual life course approach. Method: Longitudinal data from the US and Germany were applied to between-within random effects models to estimate within-individual change in the probability of in-work poverty up to six years following a first, second, and third childbirth across age groups. Results: First, second, and third birth were associated with an immediate increase in the probability of in-work poverty (up to 10 and 5 percentage points in the US and in Germany, respectively). Among US adults aged 30 and younger probabilities increased in the medium term (from 9 to 15 percentage points for a first, 6 to 15 for a second, and 9 to 18 for a third birth), but remained unchanged for older adults in the US and all adults in Germany. Conclusion: There was no recovery in risk of in-work poverty in the medium-term following childbirth in the US and Germany. Increasing the labor market participation of adult household members via more and low-cost childcare options remains crucial. However, higher levels of income support and child benefits may be needed to avoid poverty." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Niedriglohn - Einstieg in Aufstieg (2023)


    Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (2023): Niedriglohn - Einstieg in Aufstieg. (Position / vbw – Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V. Februar 2023), München, 12 S.


    "Trotz vielfältiger Krisen entwickelt sich der Arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland und Bayern weiterhin positiv. Insbesondere mit Blick auf den sich verschärfenden Arbeitskräfte- und Fachkräftemangel müssen alle Arbeitspotenziale ausgeschöpft werden. Um eine Beteiligung möglichst vieler Menschen am Arbeitsleben sicherzustellen, braucht es gerade für Geringqualifizierte und Langzeitarbeitslose eine faire, niederschwellige Chance auf Teilhabe. Ein flexibler Niedriglohnbereich schafft Aufstiegschancen: Ein flexibler Niedriglohnbereich schafft Chancen für einen niedrigschwelligen Einstieg und ist insbesondere für Geringqualifizierte und Langzeitarbeitslose der Weg in eine Erwerbstätigkeit. Arbeitslosigkeit ist das größte Armutsrisiko, Beschäftigung und Bildung sind der Schlüssel zur Armutsvermeidung. Marktgerechte Rahmenbedingungen begleiten den Strukturwandel mit einem Produktivitätszuwachs und schaffen neue Arbeitsplätze. Chance Teilqualifizierung: Neue Chancen für Geringqualifizierte oder Arbeitsuchende: Durch ihren modularen Aufbau bieten Teilqualifizierungen die Möglichkeit, sich auch berufsbegleitend in Teilbereichen der Facharbeitertätigkeit weiterzubilden und das berufliche Einsatzfeld für An- und Ungelernte Stück für Stück zu erweitern. Wer alle Bausteine durchläuft, hat anschließend sogar die Möglichkeit, sich für die externe Facharbeiterprüfung anzumelden. So können insbesondere auch für An- und Ungelernte Teilqualifizierungen eine gute Chance bieten. Niedriglohn – Einstieg in Aufstieg: Unser Positionspapier beleuchtet, welche Chancen der Niedriglohnbereich für Beschäftigte und Unternehmen bietet. Ziel muss stets sein, noch mehr Menschen in Arbeit zu bringen und den Einstieg in den Aufstieg wirkungsvoll und durch passgenaue Weiterqualifizierung zu unterstützen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Inclusive Monetary Policy: How Tight Labor Markets Facilitate Broad-Based Employment Growth (2022)

    Bergman, Nittai K.; Weber, Michael; Matsa, David;


    Bergman, Nittai K., David Matsa & Michael Weber (2022): Inclusive Monetary Policy: How Tight Labor Markets Facilitate Broad-Based Employment Growth. (CESifo working paper 9512), München, 45 S.


    "This paper analyzes the heterogeneous effects of monetary policy on workers with differing levels of labor force attachment. Exploiting variation in labor market tightness across metropolitan areas, we show that the employment of populations with lower labor force attachment—Blacks, high school dropouts, and women—is more responsive to expansionary monetary policy in tighter labor markets. The effect builds up over time and is long lasting. We develop a New Keynesian model with heterogeneous workers that rationalizes these results. The model shows that expansionary monetary shocks lead to larger increases in the employment of less attached workers when the central bank follows an average inflation targeting rule and when the Phillips curve is flatter. These findings suggest that, by tightening labor markets, the Federal Reserve’s recent move from a strict to an average inflation targeting framework especially benefits workers with lower labor force attachment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Berufsabschluss durch Weiterbildung: Zur Wirksamkeit beruflicher Nachqualifizierung (2022)

    Bönke, Timm; Hügle, Dominik; Hammer, Luisa;


    Bönke, Timm, Luisa Hammer & Dominik Hügle (2022): Berufsabschluss durch Weiterbildung. Zur Wirksamkeit beruflicher Nachqualifizierung. Gütersloh, 37 S. DOI:10.11586/2022049


    "Einen Berufsabschluss nachzuholen, zahlt sich aus. Auch wer erst im Alter von über 25 seinen Berufsabschluss macht, verbessert damit seine Berufsperspektiven. Ist es ein erster Berufsabschluss, erhöht sich die Chance auf Beschäftigung und ein höheres Einkommen deutlich – und das sogar langfristig. Ein zweiter Berufsabschluss kann das Einkommen noch weiter verbessern. Bei nachgeholten Berufsabschlüssen handelt es sich nicht notwendigerweise um vollständige Berufsausbildungen. Auch abschlussbezogene Weiterbildungen wie Umschulungen oder Teilqualifikationen führen zu einem Berufsabschluss. Mit jährlich 30.000 bis 50.000 Teilnehmenden ist die Umschulung bei einem Träger die mit Abstand meistbesuchte abschlussorientierte Maßnahme. Teilqualifikationen (TQ) sind eine attraktive Alternative dazu ebenso wie zur klassischen Berufsausbildung. TQ-Module dauern meist nur wenige Monate und sind dadurch deutlich günstiger als beispielsweise die zumeist zweijährigen Umschulungen: Nach unseren Berechnungen aus den Bundes-Durchschnittskostensätzen (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, 2020) und Experteninterviews kostet eine Teilqualifikation je nach Zielberuf und Rahmenbedingungen durchschnittlich 5.000 bis 9.000 Euro pro Teilnehmenden. Für eine Umschulung fallen dagegen im Schnitt 25.000 bis 40.000 Euro an. Trotzdem zeigen die Teilnehmenden der Teilqualifikationen ähnliche Eingliederungsquoten wie die Teilnehmenden der Umschulungen. Aktuelle Fördermöglichkeiten (wie beispielsweise durch das Qualifizierungschancengesetz) ermöglichen derartige Formen der berufsbegleitenden Qualifizierung. Arbeitsentgelte und Kosten der Maßnahmen werden dabei von der Bundesagentur für Arbeit oder dem Jobcenter übernommen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Would Broadening the UI Tax Base Help Low-Income Workers? (2022)

    Duggan, Mark; Johnston, Andrew C.; Guo, Audrey;


    Duggan, Mark, Audrey Guo & Andrew C. Johnston (2022): Would Broadening the UI Tax Base Help Low-Income Workers? (IZA discussion paper 15020), Bonn, 12 S.


    "The tax base for state unemployment insurance (UI) programs varies significantly in the U.S., from a low of $7,000 annually in California to a high of $52,700 in Washington. Previous research has provided surprisingly little guidance to policy makers regarding the tradeoffs associated with this variation. In this paper, we use 37 years of data for all 50 states and Washington, D.C. to estimate the impact of the UI tax base on labor-market outcomes. We find that the low tax base that exists in California and many other states (and the necessarily higher tax rates that accompany these) negatively affects labor market outcomes for part-time and other low-earning workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimum wage and tolerance for inequality (2022)

    Fazio, Andrea ; Reggiani, Tommaso ;


    Fazio, Andrea & Tommaso Reggiani (2022): Minimum wage and tolerance for inequality. (MUNI ECON working paper 2022-07), Brno, 19 S.


    "We suggest that people advocate for equality also because they fear income losses below a given reference point. Stabilizing their baseline income can make workers more tolerant of inequality. We present evidence of this attitude in the UK by exploiting the introduction of the National Minimum Wage (NMW), which institutionally set a baseline pay reducing the risk of income losses for British workers at the bottom of the income distribution. Based on data from the British Household Panel Survey, we show that workers that benefited from the NMW program became relatively more tolerant of inequality and more likely to vote for the Conservative party." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Was halten Geringverdienende vom Mindestlohn?: Eine qualitative Untersuchung im Auftrag des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) (2022)

    Heiden, Marleen von der; Himmelreicher, Ralf;


    Heiden, Marleen von der & Ralf Himmelreicher (2022): Was halten Geringverdienende vom Mindestlohn? Eine qualitative Untersuchung im Auftrag des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP). (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 1158), Berlin, 15 S.


    "Im Zentrum dieses Beitrags steht die Frage, wie Geringverdienende die Einführung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns in Deutschland wahrnehmen. Auf Grundlage einer qualitativen Erhebung mit 31 Befragten im Rahmen von sechs Fokusgruppengesprächen, die im Sommer 2015 durchgeführt wurden, konnten vertiefte Einsichten gewonnen werden. Zunächst zeigte sich, dass Geringverdienende oftmals mit Beschäftigungshemmnissen konfrontiert sind. Häufig und auch kumulativ genannte Einschränkungen waren Krankheiten, die Pflege von Angehörigen, Kindererziehung und ein höheres Alter. Diese führten entweder zu Nichtbeschäftigung oder zu reduzierten wöchentlichen Arbeitszeiten; einige waren lediglich geringfügig beschäftigt. Die Einführung des Mindestlohns wurde als Schritt in die richtige Richtung zur Unterbindung von Lohndumping und mehr Anerkennung der Beschäftigten bezeichnet. Der zum Zeitpunkt der Untersuchung bestehende gesetzliche Mindestlohn von 8,50 Euro wird jedoch als zu gering eingeschätzt, um als gerechter Lohn wahrgenommen zu werden. Leistungen würden nicht anerkannt und finanzielle Bedarfe, etwa für die Miete vor allem in Städten, könnten oftmals nicht abgedeckt werden. Auch bei der Einhaltung und Kontrolle des Mindestlohns wird Verbesserungsbedarf gesehen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Why Do Sectoral Employment Programs Work?: Lessons from WorkAdvance (2022)

    Katz, Lawrence F.; Schaberg, Kelsey; Hendra, Richard; Roth, Jonathan;


    Katz, Lawrence F., Jonathan Roth, Richard Hendra & Kelsey Schaberg (2022): Why Do Sectoral Employment Programs Work? Lessons from WorkAdvance. In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 40, H. S1, S. S249-S291. DOI:10.1086/717932


    "This paper examines the evidence from randomized evaluations of sector-focused training programs that target low-wage workers and combine up-front screening, occupational and soft-skills training, and wraparound services. The programs generate substantial and persistent earnings gains (12%–34%) following training. Theoretical mechanisms for program impacts are explored for the WorkAdvance demonstration. Earnings gains are generated by getting participants into higher-wage jobs in higher-earning industries and occupations, not just by raising employment. Training in transferable and certifiable skills (likely underprovided from poaching concerns) and reductions of employment barriers to high-wage sectors for nontraditional workers appear to play key roles." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Monopsony power and the demand for low-skilled workers (2022)

    Kölling, Arnd ;


    Kölling, Arnd (2022): Monopsony power and the demand for low-skilled workers. In: The Economic and Labour Relations Review, Jg. 33, H. 2, S. 377-395. DOI:10.1177/10353046211042427


    "This study analyses firms’ labour demand when employers have at least some monopsony power. It is argued that without taking into account (quasi-)monopsonistic structures of the labour market, wrong predictions are made about the effects of minimum wages. Using switching fractional panel probit regressions with German establishment data, I find that slightly more than 80% of establishments exercise some degree of monopsony power in their demand for low-skilled workers. The outcome suggests that a 1% increase in payments for low-skilled workers would, in these firms, increase employment for this group by 1.12%, while firms without monopsony power reduce the number of low-skilled, by about 1.63% for the same increase in remuneration. The study can probably also be used to explain the limited employment effects of the introduction of a statutory minimum wage in Germany and thus leads to a better understanding of the labour market for low-skilled workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © SAGE) ((en))

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    The U.S. tax-transfer system and low-income households: Savings, labor supply, and household formation (2022)

    Ortigueira, Salvador; Siassi, Nawid;


    Ortigueira, Salvador & Nawid Siassi (2022): The U.S. tax-transfer system and low-income households: Savings, labor supply, and household formation. In: Review of Economic Dynamics, Jg. 44, S. 184-210. DOI:10.1016/j.red.2021.02.010


    "Eligibility and benefits for anti-poverty income transfers in the U.S. are based on both the means and the household characteristics of applicants, such as their filing status, living arrangement, and marital status. In this paper we develop a dynamic structural model to study the effects of the U.S. tax-transfer system on the decisions of non-college-educated workers with children. In our model workers face uninsurable idiosyncratic risks and make decisions on savings, labor supply, living arrangement, and marital status. We find that the U.S. anti-poverty policy distorts the cohabitation/marriage decision of single mothers, providing incentives to cohabit. We also find quantitatively important effects on savings, and on the labor supply of husbands and wives. Namely, the model yields a U-shaped relationship between the earnings of one spouse and the labor supply of the other spouse, a result that we also find in the data. We show that these U-shaped relationships stem in part from the current design of anti-poverty income programs, and that the introduction of an EITC deduction on the earnings of secondary earners—as proposed in the 21st Century Worker Tax Cut Act—would increase the employment rate of the spouses of workers earning between $15K and $35K, especially of female spouses." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Employment and wage effects of extending collective bargaining agreements: Sectoral collective contracts reduce inequality but may lead to job losses among workers with earnings close to the wage floors (2022)

    Villanueva, Ernesto ; Adamopoulou, Effrosyni;


    Villanueva, Ernesto & Effrosyni Adamopoulou (2022): Employment and wage effects of extending collective bargaining agreements. Sectoral collective contracts reduce inequality but may lead to job losses among workers with earnings close to the wage floors. (IZA world of labor 136), Bonn, 12 S. DOI:10.15185/izawol.136.v2


    "Der Gesamteffekt der Allgemeinverbindlichkeit von Tarifverträgen hängt davon ab, wie viele Arbeitsplätze aufgrund der tariflich geregelten Lohnuntergrenzen und sonstigen Arbeitsbedingungen abgebaut werden. Um die Auswirkungen auf Löhne und Beschäftigung bewerten zu können, müssen Informationen über Tarifverträge mit Längsschnittdaten zu Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmern verknüpft werden. Neue Erkenntnisse der Forschung zeigen, dass negative Effekte meist auf Arbeitnehmer mit Verdiensten in der Nähe der Mindestlöhne beschränkt sind. Öffnungsklauseln und Repräsentativitätserfordernisse können dem entgegenwirken." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Who Does the Earned Income Tax Credit Benefit?: A Monopsony View (2021)

    Farmand, Aida; Davis, Owen;


    Farmand, Aida & Owen Davis (2021): Who Does the Earned Income Tax Credit Benefit? A Monopsony View. (Working paper / Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis 2021-02), New York, NY, 45 S.


    "The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) targets refundable tax credits to low-income workers, incentivizing labor supply and raising the incomes of tens of millions of Americans. One possible consequence of subsidizing low-wage work, however, is to reduce wage growth. A monopsony model of the EITC is developed in order to analyze its impacts on labor market outcomes, which are identified by exploiting variation in state EITC supplements. A first set of results focused on the food service industry find that the EITC increases employment and reduces turnover among young women. Further results suggest that the EITC reduces wages for workers without college degrees. These findings prompt a reconsideration of the redistributive effects of the EITC, particularly for groups like older low-wage workers who face slower wage growth as a result of the policy but do not receive the same level of benefits on average." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Redistribution across Europe: How much and to whom? (2021)

    Hammer, Bernhard; Poli, Silvia De; Christl, Michael ;


    Hammer, Bernhard, Michael Christl & Silvia De Poli (2021): Redistribution across Europe: How much and to whom? (JRC working papers on taxation and structural reforms 2021-14), Seville, 28 S.


    "Governments face a potential trade-off between provision for the growing population in retirement and the support of working-age households with low income. Using EUROMOD-based microdata from 28 countries, we (a) quantify the redistribution to the pensioner and non-pensioner populations, (b) study the position of net beneficiaries in the overall income distribution and (c) analyse how taxes and benefits affect the working-age population with low income. Our results provide novel insights into the distributive role of tax-benefit systems across Europe. Interestingly, a strong overall redistribution between households is associated with generous pensions for a portion of the retirees but negatively related to support for low-income households." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Minimum Income Standard and equivalisation: reassessing relative costs of singles and couples and of adults and children (2021)

    Hirsch, Donald ; Math, Antoine; Padley, Matt; Pereirinha, José; Pereira, Elvira ; Thornton, Robert; Concialdi, Pierre;


    Hirsch, Donald, Pierre Concialdi, Antoine Math, Matt Padley, Elvira Pereira, José Pereirinha & Robert Thornton (2021): The Minimum Income Standard and equivalisation. Reassessing relative costs of singles and couples and of adults and children. In: Journal of Social Policy, Jg. 50, H. 1, S. 148-167. DOI:10.1017/S0047279419001004


    "Equivalence scales, used to compare incomes across household types, strongly influence which households have low reported income, affecting public policy priorities. Yet they draw on abstract, often dated evidence and arbitrary judgements, and on comparisons across the income distribution rather than focusing on minimum requirements. Budget standards provide more tangible comparisons of the minimum required by different household types. The Minimum Income Standard (MIS) method, now established in several countries, applies a common methodological framework for compiling budgets, based on public deliberations. This article draws for the first time on results across countries. In all of the four countries examined, it identifies an under-estimation by the OECD scale of the relative cost of children compared to adults, and, in three of the four, an under-estimation of the cost of singles compared to couples. This more systematically corroborates previous, dispersed evidence, and helps explain which specific expenditure categories influence these results. These results have high policy relevance, showing greater proportions of low income households to contain children than standard income distribution data. While no single equivalence scale can be universally accurate, making use of evidence based directly on benchmarks such as MIS can help inform public priorities in tackling low income." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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